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Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2023
Who used to stay up late talking?
You were drunk and had no one else to listen

Love the invisible fishing line that hooked me directly through my gills even still to this day

You caught me without using a single piece of bait
Written 4-29-20
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2023
Be the most amazing person that you can be
Who you've always tried to be like
You can inch towards goals little by little
Moving forward like wheels on a bike
Encouraging all the ways I know how
Sure it's not what energy you need
Sorry you feel pressured or pushed
I just cannot help but want you to succeed
It ***** when you want what's best for someone but they don't want that themselves
Amanda Kay Burke Oct 2023
Live as if flying
Good things are coming your way
Goals within your grasp
Taking an optimistic approach for once
Amanda Kay Burke Oct 2023
Heavy hangs the head
Crown created with cement
Fragile face fades
Heavy is the head who wears the crown...
Amanda Kay Burke Oct 2023
Someone told me once
"You need to grow up"
It's as kids that we have all the fun...
Forever a child at heart
Amanda Kay Burke Oct 2023
It's special when I am with you

Special because you are there with me
Not because something is done to make our time together different than when I am with anyone else

To put simply
Each moment with you is a moment worth remembering
Written sometime in 2020
  Oct 2023 Amanda Kay Burke
wes parham
Never did I try to guess,
Or ever pretend to know,
The places you would retreat to,
The places I could never go.

Silent, you would disappear,
And, silent, you'd return.
No questions asked, no trust betrayed,
I simply had to learn.

It never was… personal.
It never was… yours to tell.
It never was…  my place to ask,
It never was, but it’s just as well.

It never passed from between our lips,
Or a friendly, reassuring touch.
“And that's ok”, you told me once.  
“Don’t  be afraid”,  “You worry too much”.

Never did I fault your wishes,
And my loyalty was never a whim.
I never doubted your kind heart,
And never did I falter, my friend.
I fed this one to Suno and it's kind of fun.  I'm not a fan of generative AI music or art, but it's fascinating just to hear the words put to a chance melody and rhythm.

I’m not 100% sure of the exact story here.  I like to explore connections and the uncertainties that can plague them.  It’s kind of, initially, about the speaker learning when it would be necessary to do nothing when instinct might insist otherwise.  Learning to be quiet when you want, very sorely, to speak.   And, of course, full evergreen disclosure:  As most creative endeavors, it is stuffed about the edges with some Grade “A” crispy-fried *******.  mmm, tasty.
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