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 May 2021 emmie
Love is Evol
 May 2021 emmie
Love (down)

I love you
And you will never hear me say
That I don't
I know
We are meant to be
I can't believe that you think
You're not beautiful
I'm sorry but
You are mine
You can never say that
I'm lying

Evol (up)
Reverse poems are great my doods
 May 2021 emmie
A Cry For Quiet
 May 2021 emmie
The moment someone knows me
The moment someone sees
I exist
I am present
I am back to being me

And so I go where noone knows me
To where I'm openly not seen
To not exist for a few hours
Is such a blessing
Not to be
The January Lasts

It's not about non-existence. It's about getting away from the self without reset. It's about being... Refreshed. And we all do that differently.
 May 2021 emmie
Lucas Ennis
 May 2021 emmie
Lucas Ennis
It feels like my wrists are burning
Blood is dripping down my arms
My head keeps screaming
I shouldn't of self-harmed.
My mom is going to be mad.
She's going to hit me again.
Give me another bruise.
Now my scars have some friends.
Just wash off the blood.
Dry off with the towel.
Wrap up your arms.
Go back to your personal bubble.
Isolate yourself for another week little girl.
Take you medicine.
And jump off the hill.
Just a little vent cause I feel icky.
 May 2021 emmie
 May 2021 emmie
So many poems
and stories
have gone unwritten
due to fear of not being good enough
 May 2021 emmie
 May 2021 emmie
My sleep isn’t silent
I go down screaming

Because I’m one breath away from
One whisper away from

My sleep is quiet
So I fill it with shrieks
Just to make sure
I am alive
 May 2021 emmie
i've got shades

to me

you've got shades

to you

still we're

the same black

created from

different hues
 May 2021 emmie
And here we are
the end.

Five years running
and nothing to show

except the slowed
platonic love

and tired

and an absence
of what once was

Except you don't know
do you

know that I'm
leaving us

know that I'm

into wondering
if I'm behind in

experiencing people

I feel I'm at a loss
with you

because we met each other
too soon

and now I'm just pointed bones

and you are the sun

and I'm greedy
for still wanting a piece of you

But I am burnt

The End.
I didn't think I'd write this kind of poem about you.
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