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yasmine Jan 2015
and since forever
i thought i was actually going to be okay
i actually thought i had gotten over you

but then i heard my name escape your lips
and your eyes follow the shape of my body
and everything that i felt the minute before
crumbled to the floor
and i was back in this misery
Jan 2015 · 2.6k
yasmine Jan 2015
in your darkest times
you reach for the bottle
running from your problems
drinking the night away
along with those memories

but darling
just one drunk night
repeats after another
and you will fall into the habit
and lose yourself
Jan 2015 · 877
little lady,
yasmine Jan 2015
this world can be so cold
ugly and mean for a girl like you
your fresh eyes don't see what
all they've expected as a young girl

but think about the sun that shone
down on you in the morning
think about the boy you have laying
next to you as happy as can be

think your way to a happy world
you're a fresh girl with a fresh mind
a girl who's time is not too late to be
Jan 2015 · 2.0k
my boy
yasmine Jan 2015
a year ago
i merely knew your name

a friend of friends
but nothing more

who would've thought that
you would pick me
and i would pick you
I never expected this.
Jan 2015 · 987
you are -
yasmine Jan 2015
you are
the words
that flow from my mind

you are
the shine
that fills in my eyes

you are
the inspiration of all i do
and i really think
i love you
A bit sappy.
Jan 2015 · 1.9k
broken trust by men
yasmine Jan 2015
because please tell me how i am supposed to trust with all i've heard,
trust with the words you spoke of
turning bodies into jokes and filling my ears with words that have nothing more than an intention of being evil,
laughing and talking words of some of my own insecurities

please tell me how i am supposed to trust when all the men i have ever had to deal with have turned their backs,
physical abuse or emotional
smacking me in the face with their hand or their words,
regretting me and pushing me off,
acting as though i was nothing but an ugly girl or just a needy little fool begging for their love

change my mind and please prove to me that not all men with leave me crying a countless number of tears,
countless hours of me too hurt to get up and move from the spot they left me laying at,
reminiscing on the words they spoke to me;
their daughter or their ex

i am wounded by a number of men
and you scream to me to trust you,
you scream to me that you would never ever do anything to hurt me,
even when we part,
you want me to trust you
and i cannot find myself to it

because darling,
if you try to trust one after another
and they all seem to break it the same,
how can you find yourself to trust again?
Jan 2015 · 614
Thinking of You
yasmine Jan 2015
"He kissed my lips
I taste your mouth
He pulled me in
I was disgusted with myself"
Jan 2015 · 964
things you must know
yasmine Jan 2015
things you must know
about me if you want to be in a relationship with me
i second guess myself a lot
my insecurities win me over
and i am totally emotional
but also
i can drive you crazy in all the right ways
i will do all i can please you
and i will love you through everything
Jan 2015 · 290
yasmine Jan 2015
you're asleep
and i think
im finally
coming to
realize how
much i
actually like
Jan 2015 · 1.6k
I'll talk to you later
yasmine Jan 2015
Will you really?
I will be waiting here for days.
Countless hours waiting for your text.
Just waiting for you to fulfill your words.
But I've learned a few times ago that boys don't always mean what they say and that your words are not all that promising.
I've learned that you can't always take these words to heart or hope for something good to come from them because people sometimes lie to save another from a heart break.
And people sometimes lie to save themselves a heart break.
Push away the feelings and act like you don't care if they fulfill those words, when all you really wish is for them to stop saying it if they don't really mean it.
Dec 2014 · 552
(not mine)
yasmine Dec 2014
“I keep telling myself maybe we were too young, like meeting at 15 years old wasn’t old enough for you to keep me around. I guess we both had a lot of living left to do like new people to meet, other people to ‘love’ and new places to see. But as the days turn into months and months will eventually turn into years do you go looking for me in others, do you do things that we used to do, just so i cross your mind on purpose? When you are 18 and realize you can make your own decisions, without your high school friends that you don’t see anymore or when your parents finally get off your back, will you look me up on some social media site and realize I look different like my hair is shorter and I dyed it blonde, will you look at my smile and realize I don’t smile the way I used to smile when we were young and in love, will you notice little changes that only you and I would notice? Do you ever think of your future and hope somehow someday we will meet again, the same way we met that first time when we were both 15 and never felt love like this before… I know for sure that days turned into months and even when they turn into years my love for you will never die, until I do. But even when I’m six feet under your voice will still remain in my ears and your touch is all my skin will feel and your face is all my eyes will see, but at least I won’t be able to feel the aching pain in my heart every time I hear your name or when someone asks me about my first love.”
I've always thought this and here it ******* is put into words. Hit me hard.
Dec 2014 · 382
yasmine Dec 2014
she drank too much
couldnt even walk
eyes blurred
but she managed to
make her way
down to the fence
broken down
like all their memories
touched waters
and her blood ran cold
Dec 2014 · 686
finding myself in you
yasmine Dec 2014
she is counting on you to
turn her cold body warm
take the hair from her face
as she throws up blood
from not eating, just drinking

she is counting on you to
bring the happiness back
make her feel loved
to pull her out of the hole

she is finding herself in you
begging you to pull her out
bring the sunlight and laughter
help her out of this depression
Dec 2014 · 533
yasmine Dec 2014

not by the school
not by the "terrible bullies of highschool"
but by the people of my own blood
the people who raised me

and people preach about school
but what about home
Dec 2014 · 323
my sister
yasmine Dec 2014
i handled you leaving better than i thought i would
but it's been a month
and im getting bad again
you're not here
and i know it wasn't fully your choice
but i miss you
i see your face and i choke up
you're hundreds of miles away
and i need you to come home
my first birthday without you is upcoming
Dec 2014 · 920
yasmine Dec 2014
play with my hair
not my heart
Dec 2014 · 338
yasmine Dec 2014
i get addicted easily
i'll get addicted to smoke
or alcohol, food also
i get addicted to people too
so i'm sorry if i distance
myself from you
i don't want to get addicted to
the way you rub your eyes
when you're stressed
or the way you pull me in
by my shoulder
i don't want to get addicted to
the way you love me
i don't wanna get addicted to you
Nov 2014 · 1.7k
learning to love myself
yasmine Nov 2014
i am trying to be okay
with the way my hair falls
into place all over
and how my voice gets
really small when i talk to
new people
i am trying to be okay
with how i cannot please
everyone to their liking
and how i stumble over my
words in public
and how my hands shake when
i don't know what to do

i am trying to be okay with myself
and who i am
but i am learning
and this is a journey
i am learning to love myself
because i am the only one who
will be there when i lay in bed
to rest
and how can i rest peacefully
when i have the voices in my
mind criticizing me for every
flaw i have made
so this is going to stop
because im on a journey to
love myself
Nov 2014 · 408
yasmine Nov 2014
our lips met
mine taken by surprise
The Killers playing background
while you slowly reached up my shirt

"It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this..."

from lips meeting
to your tongue running down my neck
down to my chest
pushed me down and held my face
breath shortening and moans escaping while your hands worked your way to my body

pushing you up
and straddling down on you
I've never been so close to someone
our bodies hot and drenched in sweat
it may be cold outside but I'm hot for you
this is kinda bad, sorry. 11.24
Nov 2014 · 325
yasmine Nov 2014
we're all either
falling in love
or falling
out of it
Nov 2014 · 438
November 7th, 1:30am
yasmine Nov 2014
1:30 in the morning
on a school night,
we walked with wet feet
thru the chilly air
touching but not
so close that i could smell you
feel your thigh against mine
3:00 in the morning,
and i had to go home
it wasn't until i smelled
that familiar scent
and it wasn't until your strong arms
held me close
that i realized i missed you
Nov 2014 · 588
i want your heart
yasmine Nov 2014
thin pink lips
and dark brown eyes
strong back
and strong features

i want your arms
wrapped around me
i want your heart
to be all mine

sweet words
and loving gazes
heart felt letters
and random gifts

i want your love
and your loving shares
i want your heart
to be all mine
Nov 2014 · 341
yasmine Nov 2014
here the
cold comes
dark days
Oct 2014 · 821
yasmine Oct 2014
I never really knew what pain was like until I woke up mid-sleep and had a longing feeling for you, or when I have a dream about you and I wake up to see you're not there. I never really knew what it was like to miss someone until our fingertips stopped finding each other's warmth and our bodies didn't connect or fall together anymore. And I didn't know what it was like to love or be loved, until your eyes searched for mine in a crowded room or our thoughts connected by the way our eyes met.
I hate what you do to me.
Sep 2014 · 293
if you ever
yasmine Sep 2014
if you ever see me again
please don't torture me
with those eyes full of curiosity
because those eyes are a
cause of my emotions

if you ever talk to me again
please don't say kind words
nor harsh words
because those words can toy
with my emotions

if you ever love me again
please don't tell me
you see,
that love is a cause of my
aching heart and repeating
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
i miss you.
yasmine Sep 2014
i miss you so **** much. i dont think you even understand.
Aug 2014 · 293
yasmine Aug 2014
“All my friends tell me how toxic the memory of you is. I know it’s toxic, I drink to forget you. My liver has given up on me and I still can’t stop drinking, because for the time that i’m feeling the burn of the ***** down my throat I can’t feel the pain of my broken heart.”
Not mine. I just love this.
Aug 2014 · 638
yasmine Aug 2014
i still remember the numbing
and the wandering hands
Walking with the remains of cigarette smoke on my clothes and down my throat
Walking when dawn was just breaking through
i left, walking with new memories freshly placed in my mind
Memories of dizziness
barely able to walk down the stairs
Dizziness forming from the numbing, bitter alcohol
Laughs surrounding me while i take my first shots
Talking about the ****** drinker,
and her ****** reactions
Aug 2014 · 662
yasmine Aug 2014
hands shaking
and lips trembling
i crave your hips on mine
push into me
and satisfy my lust
your wet lips meet my body
leaving marks
purple and blue
you don't hesitate to claim me yours

my turn too satisfy
my warm tongue meets your neck
leave little trails down your chest
to your hips
all the way down
i will start from bottom to top
form my mouth around you
spread my warmth to your body
won't stop till we're both shaking

push me down and take charge
pin me against the wall
come into me and press against me
lay me on the bed
lick me
move your tongue fast
allow my nails to scratch your back
dig into you
my moans encourage you to go more
driving me insane
making me shake uncontrollably

i pull you up hard
and take all of you in me
matching your thrusts
going as fast as we can
as hard as we can
thrusting our hips
drenched and heated
we melt into each other
Jul 2014 · 447
learning through life
yasmine Jul 2014
as we grow throughout life
we see through many eyes
from the oblivious to the wise

we learn to see through the lies
and learn that nothing is forever
no words can keep things together
we learn that people will say things
and not mean it
that pinkies don't always keep promises

through our eyes we see
the evil in others
the deceiving
we see our worlds being torn apart
right under our shoes
we see others tearing us apart
ripping our souls to shreds
for no reason

we will see some beauty
of the stars in the night
the beauty in a person showing
kindness and love
we will see the beauty
in people's words

we will feel the warmth of somes love
and the hatred of others
the lust of our lovers
the connection of our sisters

through our bodies we will learn
throughout time
that nothing stays the same
and that soon enough
everything will change
but we must learn
Jul 2014 · 1.9k
yasmine Jul 2014
We're on a
that never stops
going round

We're on a
Roller Coaster
that never stops
it's ups and downs

We're on a
Ferris Wheel
that never stops

We're on a
ride full of problems
that never
gets solved
Jul 2014 · 401
yasmine Jul 2014
with my
messy hair
and your
on me
and not
on you
i remember
that we had
the greatest
ever known
Jul 2014 · 294
know it
yasmine Jul 2014
we'll try this
but it won't work
this is igniting a wood
drenched in gasoline
this is suicide
it's no good
we both know it
Jul 2014 · 3.0k
yasmine Jul 2014
"oh how beautiful
purple to pink"
everyone thinks
except me
because my favorite time
is right before dawn
the darkest time
Jun 2014 · 377
who are you
yasmine Jun 2014
blank walls
and empty thoughts
the shadow falling in the back

no one knows who she is
and they can't ask
because she doesn't know
who she is anymore either
Jun 2014 · 325
yasmine Jun 2014
Although you want it to,
our love does not mix.
Your love is water
and mine, oil.
Jun 2014 · 686
yasmine Jun 2014
my love,
dance around the candles
allowing the flicks of fire to be your partners

sway your hips back and forth
following the rhythm of the flickering fire
allow yourself to be the main dancer in this play of fire

i'll watch from the front row
your beauty illuminating in this restless light
Jun 2014 · 665
quality vs. quantity
yasmine Jun 2014
I write for quality
rather than quantity.
May 2014 · 1.4k
yasmine May 2014
I wish you were like alcohol
and I could just detox* *you from my body.
May 2014 · 321
yasmine May 2014
Once you grow up,
You're trapped.
It's best to stay young
and oblivious.
May 2014 · 516
6 word poem: Youth
yasmine May 2014
We're so
and vulnerable.
May 2014 · 2.4k
Goodbye Loyalty
yasmine May 2014
I feel myself giving up

there is a difference this time
this time
no one can save me
no one can stop me

im just done
im done with the sadness, the depression, the aching
im tired of waking up to this familiar aching feeling

im tired of getting hurt
im tired of pushing people away
but i can't help it anymore
its the way I've grown to be

I just want to be left alone all the time
I feel like when im alone,
no one can hurt me

so this is my goodbye
im saying goodbye to the only things that were ever loyal to me
goodbye Sadness
goodbye Pain
goodbye Aching

you have overdosed me
my body can't take it anymore
so this is the end
this is my goodbye
May 2014 · 363
yasmine May 2014
To everyone we are the clothes we wear,
The ****** expressions we show.
We are who we hang out with.
People will judge you from the surface
They don't care to know what's inside,
As long as it shows,
It's who you are.

They don't bother to ask who you are, inside
They don't bother to know your story
To them,
You're the happy, weird girl, the "good-one", the innocent.
To your walls,
You're the girl who cried herself to sleep every night,
The girl who hurts herself and the innocent objects around her
You are the depressed, unlovable reject.

The walls are the only ones who really know who you are
They're the only ones that really witnessed the horrific scenes at night
They're the only ones that know your late night secrets
They're the only ones there for you on those sleepless nights.

No one knows what you wear on your skin
They see your clothes, and don't care to undress you, and figure you out
They don't know that, on your skin, you carry seeping alcohol, scars, pain, smoke

They don't know your skin.
May 2014 · 564
4/5- 3am
yasmine May 2014
Misty air,
Hushed laughter,
Adrenaline rushing.

That night,
I realized who I wanted to be;
What made me happy.

Silenced chime,
Creaky door handle,
His shadow.

I ran,
I ran as fast as my feet would allow on the mushy ground.
I ran from the haunting life.

She stayed close,
Ran with me.
She ran with me,
Away from my life.

Soon enough,
He caught up.
Our source of freedom,
He came from behind.

Wet feeting smacking the road,
We walked to his old red pick-up.
My first time seeing freedom.

My first time,
Doing what I wanted.

No one could control me,
Not even my parents.
I didn't allow it.
I didn't allow their leash to hold me from what I wanted.

Starting engine,
I realized who I wanted to be.
I realized who I was.

I wasn't their innocent little girl.
I couldn't be what they wanted.
I couldn't do what they wanted.

I realized,
I was an adrenaline ******,
A free-spirited girl,

I couldn't be,
The quiet,
Innocent girl.

So that night,
I allowed him to take me away.
Take away my leash,
The invisible force holding me back.

That night,
I became who I wanted to be.
May 2014 · 1.0k
Seven Days
yasmine May 2014
I tried,
I tried so hard.
Thumbs hovering over the unwritten words,
I tried so hard to resist texting you.
I tried so hard to not be the first one,
To not be the one giving all the effort.

Day One,
Friends don't have to text everyday.

Day Two,
Self esteem goes down,
You're let down.

Suddenly it's Day Four,
You keep on a painted smile.
You act like you're fine.
You actually think you may get through this.

Day Seven,
The day everything sets in.
You didn't pass the test,
You couldn't.
You broke down.
You relapsed.

It's when Day Seven comes around that you realize you weren't,
Happy enough,
Strong enough,
Funny enough,
Cute enough,

Good enough.

So you sit there,
Under running water,
You wish you could drown.
You silently cry,
Hoping no one will hear your escaping sobs.

It's Day Seven when you realize,
They're fine without you.

It's Day Seven when you realize,
You can't be fixed.
Apr 2014 · 780
yasmine Apr 2014
I should've* put on a fake smile.
I should've pushed through it all.
I should've acted happy.

Maybe then, I wouldn't have lost you.
Maybe then, I wouldn't have drowned myself in alcohol that night.
Maybe then, I wouldn't be dead inside.

I recall once upon a time, when you held me, you said you loved me.
I remember sharing laughs and smiles, making memories.
Now, you're making new memories, sharing love.
Not even eleven days later.

Maybe, you didn't love me.
And maybe, I was just an object that had no meaning, just a title.

— The End —