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 Sep 2014 wordynerd
Towela Kams
I felt low, down and ashamed
The real description of my pain
My troubles were enough to run me insane
The mind-twisting happenings were no funny game

The pressure and tension came everyday
The loyalty to God still remained the same
The zeal for more of Him surely came
I was built everyday, by my confession of the Father's reign

I heard the angel of God call my name
Redeem me, heal me from my inner pain
For this very good reason he came
To help me get up on my feet again

I listened to what He had to say
Absorbed as words slowly came
I began to understand His way
Listened as he recited my name

"Don't give up, my friend
Not after all the efforts you've spent
The Heavenly Father has seen you repent
Be grateful for the misery has come to an end

The blessing of tranquillity, to you I bestow
My God the Father, shall save you from sorrow
The time has come for you to reap what you have sown
Your humble heart enabled spiritual growth

You've proven to be obedient,
listened when you were told
Instructions have been sent,
For there's much more to unfold
He bought you at a price, for your life you sold.
Your submission has earned you eternal gold"

Excitement lit my face as I heard the angel explain
His visit was to bring a remarkable change
This life I live was never the same
The wonderful works of God.. were worth more than any fame!
This is from my heart; the inner part of my heart where Christ dwells.
 Sep 2014 wordynerd
Rachel Olivia
Strong music lilts over foggy hills
A bird flies overhead, it's tune being shrill
And with these words my heart seems to fill;
"This is your home. Your ancient home."

A tall, mighty castle rises over the moors
And a strong ocean's waves on the rocks are torn
Somehow, I know here my heart was born;
"This is your home. Your ancient home."

Strong Celtic music floats over the trees
A dancing in my heart just wants to be free
I whisper as I look at the tossing seas;
"This is my home. My ancient home."
My heritage is Sweedish, Scottish, English, and Irish. I've always felt close to those countries, their traditions, and music in my heart.
 Sep 2014 wordynerd
 Sep 2014 wordynerd
If you're home is where you're heart is, I'm not at home yet.
Positively made <3
 Sep 2014 wordynerd
Just Melz
I didn't know what to say
I was too shy to speak
The moment that I saw you
You made my knees go weak

I know you couldn't help it
But you were barely able to breathe
I love the way you held me
Like you never wanted me to leave

I'm so happy I got to hold you
And see the look on your face
I'm so happy I got to kiss you
And touch you all over the place

I can't wait to do it all over again
Never know what could be in store
But with every breath I take
*I can't help but want you more
Heaven was needing a hero
So the angels took you home
Heaven was needing a hero
So you had to leave me alone
Heaven was needing a hero
So the maker called your phone
But why did heaven need my hero
Why must I be alone
I still needed my hero
Now I feel like I have no home
I wish I still had my hero
Just one more call on the phone
(heaven needed my hero so the Angels never felt alone)
My grandfather took me from my mom when he found out she was abusing me mentally,physically, and selling me for her drugs he is the reason im alive he's my hero
 Sep 2014 wordynerd
Romeo, Romeo, you ain't my Prince Charming
Time to wake up, time to stop dreaming
I was too blindly in love, that I just couldn't see
That Romeo, my dear, you never loved me.
Deceived and betrayed, my heart is in two
Feeling like it's always the day of April's Fool
So dear sweet Romeo, just watch me crash and burn
Besides, I know you think that it's none of your concern.
Romeo, Romeo, didn't you know I loved you?
Didn't you know I'd do most anything for you?
Now dear Romeo, it's too late, I'm gone.
It's been long, but now, my heart must move on.
 Sep 2014 wordynerd
i'm the girl who tares herself apart
because she tries to find something she's missing

i'm the girl who is scared of her own mind
because i don't know how to control it

i'm the girl who used to cry herself to sleep
because i didn't know how to be "good enough"

i'm the girl who has a secret that will change everything

i'm the girl who gets stronger every fall

i'm the girl who makes jokes about things i really don't think are funny

i'm the girl who doesn't know what love feels like
but can give it to whoever needs it

i'm the girl who's more than an age

i'm more then what you think of me
It's strange how someone can change your life
Especially when your heart has been torn with a knife

You try to forget all your sorrow and pain
But in actual life it sticks like a stain

Trust isn't always a very easy subject
But in times like this, I must object

When it comes to trust from me
Then no one but you it will be

I am your friend and forever will be
If you promise to always remember me

I met you as a stranger
I got to know you as a friend
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