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pat pakla Jun 2012
Fatima Latima**

I had wished I had no gift of sight
That the worst I could endure is hear you speak
And not snapshot the footfall of your gradation

You may not be a thief
Nor ****, daughter of the dayspring
But definitely my heart you stole

I speak of the daughter of Arabia  
Aesthetically, she rocks
The queen of the pilgrim sands
And aeonian desert stones

Beyond the hijab
Artistically knead with consummate craft
Like the relics of Mecca
Blest by the prophet’s bones
The blessed

I see torches
Beaming with intelligence
Within those mascaras
Exquisitely trimmed and vibrant
A lulu class botany

She fixes a searching gaze
As she saunters close
And the stride and tread
Beats a drum entrancing
Soothed in her solacing spell
I give in, to her lullaby

She halts her perambulation
Stands magniloquent and stupefy
Like some pop diva magazine pose
Or Victorian secret shot
A tactical derangement of her gluteals
As she rests her palm in its cleft
I feel contractions, my dartos muscles

The blew of summertime
Gently beats her exceptional form
Her belt submerge her thigh crevice
Cleft by the sundered rift of fleshy fat
Built by the dainties and delicacies
Seasoned by the finest Arabian chef
As her silken dress slithers and gowns
Under the breeze bulging and blooming
Like a rose blossom or sunflower fore

As she bends down
To assuage the burlesque
The sun specula lilts her sensational
Her smile apologetic bids me stillness
I am caught staring
Guzzling down her scent and
Feasting on empty imaginations
Of What If that accentuate the mind and
Speed a hormone
And I pray I sin no more
Next time we meet and I see her again

For I am but a writer
Learning to use my pen and paper
And hope you but forgive
My linguistic impotence
When I make my confession
Employing too plain a language
When I say thus;

Her smile is classical
Her walk magical
Her beauty celestial
Her stride sensational
Her religion ethical
Her character spotless
And that leaves me breathless

And forgive if I step on broken toe
And try speak of the unspoken
Her ****** is sacred
Her being a type that dresses up
In the milliards of brutes dressing down
And shamelessly style it fashion

I must see a priest
One confession I ought to utter
And even vociferate abroad
For once I had fallen in love
With an Arabian Beautie
A ****** of Mecca.
In Yucatan, the Maya sonneteers
Of the Caribbean amphitheatre,
In spite of hawk and falcon, green toucan
And jay, still to the night-bird made their plea,
As if raspberry tanagers in palms,
High up in orange air, were barbarous.
But Crispin was too destitute to find
In any commonplace the sought-for aid.
He was a man made vivid by the sea,
A man come out of luminous traversing,
Much trumpeted, made desperately clear,
Fresh from discoveries of tidal skies,
To whom oracular rockings gave no rest.
Into a savage color he went on.

How greatly had he grown in his demesne,
This auditor of insects! He that saw
The stride of vanishing autumn in a park
By way of decorous melancholy; he
That wrote his couplet yearly to the spring,
As dissertation of profound delight,
Stopping, on voyage, in a land of snakes,
Found his vicissitudes had much enlarged
His apprehension, made him intricate
In moody rucks, and difficult and strange
In all desires, his destitution's mark.
He was in this as other freemen are,
Sonorous nutshells rattling inwardly.
His violence was for aggrandizement
And not for stupor, such as music makes
For sleepers halfway waking. He perceived
That coolness for his heat came suddenly,
And only, in the fables that he scrawled
With his own quill, in its indigenous dew,
Of an aesthetic tough, diverse, untamed,
Incredible to prudes, the mint of dirt,
Green barbarism turning paradigm.
Crispin foresaw a curious promenade
Or, nobler, sensed an elemental fate,
And elemental potencies and pangs,
And beautiful barenesses as yet unseen,
Making the most of savagery of palms,
Of moonlight on the thick, cadaverous bloom
That yuccas breed, and of the panther's tread.
The fabulous and its intrinsic verse
Came like two spirits parlaying, adorned
In radiance from the Atlantic coign,
For Crispin and his quill to catechize.
But they came parlaying of such an earth,
So thick with sides and jagged lops of green,
So intertwined with serpent-kin encoiled
Among the purple tufts, the scarlet crowns,
Scenting the jungle in their refuges,
So streaked with yellow, blue and green and red
In beak and bud and fruity gobbet-skins,
That earth was like a jostling festival
Of seeds grown fat, too juicily opulent,
Expanding in the gold's maternal warmth.
So much for that. The affectionate emigrant found
A new reality in parrot-squawks.
Yet let that trifle pass. Now, as this odd
Discoverer walked through the harbor streets
Inspecting the cabildo, the facade
Of the cathedral, making notes, he heard
A rumbling, west of Mexico, it seemed,
Approaching like a gasconade of drums.
The white cabildo darkened, the facade,
As sullen as the sky, was swallowed up
In swift, successive shadows, dolefully.
The rumbling broadened as it fell. The wind,
Tempestuous clarion, with heavy cry,
Came bluntly thundering, more terrible
Than the revenge of music on bassoons.
Gesticulating lightning, mystical,
Made pallid flitter. Crispin, here, took flight.
An annotator has his scruples, too.
He knelt in the cathedral with the rest,
This connoisseur of elemental fate,
Aware of exquisite thought. The storm was one
Of many proclamations of the kind,
Proclaiming something harsher than he learned
From hearing signboards whimper in cold nights
Or seeing the midsummer artifice
Of heat upon his pane. This was the span
Of force, the quintessential fact, the note
Of Vulcan, that a valet seeks to own,
The thing that makes him envious in phrase.

And while the torrent on the roof still droned
He felt the Andean breath. His mind was free
And more than free, elate, intent, profound
And studious of a self possessing him,
That was not in him in the crusty town
From which he sailed. Beyond him, westward, lay
The mountainous ridges, purple balustrades,
In which the thunder, lapsing in its clap,
Let down gigantic quavers of its voice,
For Crispin to vociferate again.
J Christmas Aug 2011
I shall love diners after Death
                 Famished from a million mile trek
                           Soft dances, whimsical, flowing
                                    All in time and in step
                                             Effervescent  in its antiquity
          Light penetrates the vociferate soul
                    A blinding silhouette Reveals the true physique
                             casting no shadows
                                  back, at last, back to the harmony &
                                 surrealism of our sacrarium, our home
                                   no more hours to waste away
                            nothing to signifying  
                                            night from day
                 no need to search for words to convey
                  As we began we return just as we should
                   our recrudescence revivifies our sainthood
                                            with No judgment charged upon us
                                         with no reward for the good
                                     neither condemned are the noxious
                                 immoral nor the many many absurd
               For those deleterious malignant calamities
                    must remain incarcerated on Earth
                              from whence it came
                               As we Return once again
                                         soul cleansed in beatific death
                                                The physical abandoned with sin
                        The dead left unknown,
un birthed
Shut in
John Deryck Christmas copyright 2011
My presence in LDC was an obligation to find fortune and it was kindled and ready to swim as a Law Don amidst the professional predecessors in the matter. Whoever looked at me while I sloped down to the centre stood assured that I was going to trade my money for knowledge.
Like success is a calculated design, I dedicated my time from the day the magic ink from the secretary dropped on my paper in approval of my contract with the geniuses. Soon I set my goals as I got engaged with big brains that kept tickling my brains with knowledge and in no time my thinking capacity had multiplied faster than a virus in my head.
This was not a joking matter as some ambassadors to the centre retired before executing their duties due to the un friendly terms that were expressed, while others switched to Airplane  mode to ignore all terminologies’ that would likely  trespass to the head to block their understanding.
In this issue, I had to act big headed and consent to all, and if possible download a knowledge converter to store all the necessary data. Much as I germinated from law ignorance and sprouted courageously, I was terribly affected when I set foot to apply my wisdom to the justice defaulters in the hungry world. My shock was that most people looked like justice stores but where rather pregnant with lies which left me cringing, and this too has greatly caused miscarriage of justice in the society. How can you convince me to let them rest peacefully on earth, that would be disrespecting the knowledge that the centre has acquitted me with.
I beg on your pardon, haven’t I got a right to vociferate about this? I didn’t jump from a filling basin to watch injustice take precedence; and I wouldn’t stand drowning my ambitions of freeing many minds from their crippled negative thoughts that nothing is going to be better.  Thus set your eyes to seeing positivity yet to come. It’s better to believe than disbelieve, in so doing we bring all to a realm of positivity. Of course, don’t expect me to swear an affidavit to confirm that but though am more than willing to become an Onus to those that **** and defile justice in day light.
“Know the law” wasn’t quoted for history but to diagonise those who smuggle injustices and inequalities into our society. It’s a generation of thinkers although some people are still locked up, far from the truth with the while defaulters stand with a defence of insanity. Mind whoever that ignorance of law is not a defence; we have to undress society of its evils to qualify ourselves to be called children of justice. It begins with the legal brains but cuts across all sectors with common intensions. In all capacities quarter, half or fully baked with knowledge and understanding we ought to light one another’s candle, not to set bush on fire and selling off the innocent souls.
Am a preacher of justice, a justice centred mind, preaching to heads of undefined demeanour.  If 1 is a position and one by one makes a bundle, then what’s your position in justice?
A naked mind can’t achieve anything.  Just like we all work for a better tomorrow and not to live as vagabonds in this world, therefore don’t smile back if you’re not ready to take the precautions to send the devil back to hell.  As a merchant of justice, I bow for all great country men who have endlessly stood firm and fought to protect the house of justice.
J Christmas Jan 2010
I shall love diners after Death Famished from a million mile             trek
            Soft dances, whimsical, flowing
       All in time and In step   Effervescent  in its antiquity
   Light penetrates the vociferate soul
                                                            ­        A blinding silhouette Reveals the true physique
                             casting no shadows
         back, at last, back to the harmony &.                                                 surrealism of our sacrarium, our home
no more hours to waste away
                             nothing to signifying  
    night from day                                    no need to search for  words to convey
                  As we began                                     we return                                               just as we should
                   our recrudescence revivifies our sainthood
     with No judgment charged upon us
               with no reward for Good                          neither condemned are the noxious
               immoral nor the many many absurd
                                                                  For those deleterious malignant calamities must remain incarcerated on Earth
                              from whence it came
                   As we Return once again
               soul cleansed in beatific death
                                                           ­      The physical abandoned with sin
*Copyright John D. Christmas @2011
berniiie Jul 2015
For every emotion songs have already been written:
poetries and sonnets,
angry beats and ****** ballads.
My more positive, happier self is an extra-terrestrial being
from galaxies far away:
No cutting off fins from sharks. Unlike lizards’ tails
fins don’t grow back.
Love. Respect.
No ceramic idols lining the windows
their empty gazes crawling up your spine.
No empty promises. No magic cures for baldness.
Phones on mute during class. Eat sensibly.
Take a breather – life is not a race
to the finish line. Have cleaner washrooms.
Less unwanted criticisms. Less trance.
Love thy country.
Pin-striped shorts
from M&S; Stronger will.
No slitting wrists or overdoses. Suspend disbelief.
No secret candy stashes. Do your laundry without being told.
Omit racism, misanthropy. Wilted flowers by the windowsill.
No secret phone calls in the middle of the night.
Who are you afraid of? Almost and nearly don’t count.
Come home.
Forgive favorite band for disappointing album.
Be kinder to puppies.
Brood, not rant. Skulk, not stalk.
Get my name right.
Don’t drink and drive.
There are no gays, no lesbians, only
people with feelings.
Fight, not flight.
Have more 24-hour pizza places.
Avoid politicians, traitors, lawyers.
No throwing around words like vociferance,
vociferate, vociferous.
Accept fate – don’t be a martyr;
One day everything fades
so hold on to
all your post-it memory
until every star

turns to dust.
NR Pim Jul 2016
Years had elapsed
My love did’t change

I find myself,
Over cried.

Tonight is a dark night
Here within the garden of the deceased-
In this place where wounded spirits who have lost their sanity
Are banned from the world outside,
Here in this desolate place where nobody sees the light of day.
I am alone where the walls are barren and
The floors have yellowed-
***** stained and tiles are cracked-
I stare at the ceiling through a curtain of tears falling from bloodshot eyes-
Moribund, I cannot escape past memories of merciless abuse which are colliding with
Recollections of profound neglect buried in the depths of a graveyard of despair-
As in a scene from a tragic film, I have become the infamous star,
I hear the wall clock outside steadily ticking
Rhythmically in time with hellions screaming from inside the fortress of my mind-
My emaciated body is robed in a sallow gown and
I can feel serpents twisted about my calves constricting.
This is a dark night-
This is a dark night where I have lost my grasp on veracity-
This is a dark night where I have been separated from the outside world-
This is the garden of the deceased, where
Phantasmal gravestones surround my dissolving soul-
My mind is in a wretched state and my thoughts are bellowing lunacy-
My cries for help have been silenced.
My worm infested brain is decaying-
I can only hear above the screaming stillness
The ticking of the wall clock outside, and
Threatening voices emanating from inside of my mind-
Putrid scents of rotting corpses infiltrate this cell and
I vociferate madness as the dirges that echo about my mind attempt to deafen me-
Neither moonlight nor sunlight can penetrate this windowless chamber-
Within this garden of the deceased where my spirit has just perished-
This is a dark night and I have been banned from the world outside-
In a desperate search for relief my outstretched arms attempt
To reach towards heaven as I can feel
My dissolving spirit sinking through the cracks in the decrepit linoleum tiles below-
I believe I can hear angels singing ‘Abide with me’ mourning the death of my soul-
The wall clock outside ticks on and on as I have lost my battle with fate-
I have become a lone cadaver buried here in the garden of the deceased-
This is a dark night where time has unobtrusively slipped away.

Claudia Krizay
Have you seen the breeze?
Underneath the mountain tops?
Resting with my eyes closed shut,
Tasting watery raindrops.
Meeting the gaze of a song bird flying.
Shay Jan 2016
The simple whisper of the word "commitment"
can make men and women run in an instant
without one look back at the broken pieces they've left,
you were no different and so my heart became your theft.

You repeatedly vociferate that you're not ready to settle down; not ready to grow up,
but in my heart I know you're lying to my face close up.
I know you'd settle if you found the ideal inamorata tomorrow,
but I'll never be "the one" for you so I will leave now and drown in sorrow.
Ayesha Nadeem Jul 2018
A colourful candy bar,
Giving her warm fuzzies,

An angelic face,
experiencing a heaven sent,

A devilish face nearby with a malicious grin,
Ribboning lust in his heart,

Stepping towards a room full of toys,
Winning the child with petrol soaked perks,

**** of the door clicked,
Curtains being dropped,

The laughters altered to screams,
As a new leaf is turned,

Rapacious hold on the wrists,
Making the angel to vociferate,

Filthy hands and animalism,
Staining an innocent soul,

Carnal thirst being satisfied,
By victimising a child by libido,

Walls of the room tainted with a secret,
Childhood squirming in the corner,

Star shell wishes turning into coal,
Angels mourning,

Dolls gulping their tears,
Teddy bear covering his eyes with dismay,

A bruised piece of flesh and blood,
Stabbed from pain,

Butterfly peeking from a window,
Loses the colours of its wings,

The earth trembles terrifically,
As the sky detaches a star ! ⭐️

~ Ayesha Nadeem
Every single day I came to know about a child being treated brutally to fulfill ones filthy desires.My heart cries out whenever I see a child being sexually abused.
This poem is written to express the pain of a victim and to raise my voice against child abuse.
MS Lim May 2016
Be thankful
shout for joy
hate, deride
or despise

vs you

be grateful
are taking
into their reckoning

must be
an important guy
or why else

and vituperate
the more
do so
the higher

moment of triumph

've caused
sleepless nights
even shame
and discontent

to see
falling down

look away
are silent
and not a word
nor care to reply
or explain
in so doing
more uneasy
endless pain

the truth is
are not to blame
who stoke the fire
and it's burning

too soon
can't take
the strain

in anxiety unabated

in despair
throw their hands
in the air
give up

have conquered
stand and
* the world is never free from ill-will and schadenfreude but there are some good and kind people around but sadly their number is small and shrinking fast.  In a materialistic and competitive world,  greed grows like weeds and is hard to eradicate. Its 'they' vs you.
A day to offer franchise
As well as vociferate about
your maker.

A day to smile and clean our robs
dress to the fullest
and forget yesterday

A day to prosper as the sunny day
brightens our thinking
families together and husbands home
children off school and mother's
serving care to all in her presence

A day for the house of the lord to shine
with believers
all voices combined to sing Alleluia
Genesis rested him in such a day
And so we rest our troubles to him

A day that smells extraordinary
looks more beautiful than any other
breeze so calm with the
atmosphere sounding peacefully

A day that seems perfect to rest a soul!
The melding , waxing Moon ...
Coyote's vociferate for her favor in April
Katydids bathe in nocturnal blessings
Tree frogs sing the same sad tunes ,
cry for the pleasing call of Cicadas in the month of June ..
Copyright March 31 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Delirium Jul 2017
Thunder pealed from heavens above
and the clouds a canopy drew,
the drenched trees vigorously swayed
as stronger, the gusty winds grew.

Rage, rage, O storm, blow away
the sorrows and her grieves
bring order through chaos,
as Gaia, in her anguish heaves.

Vent your dolour, unleash your fury
upon prodigal, profligate humanity,
that, the Earth's chastity has sullied,
Besmirched it with utter profanity.

Let your whistling winds vociferate
her plight; thunders, her wrath dispense
let your soothing raindrops nourish
the ailing Earth back to convalescence.
For aeons, humans have exploited the Earth's resources relentlessly in selfish persuits. Perhaps, storms are the manifestation of mother Earth's utter disgust towards humanity for this absolute blasphemy.

Mythological reference : Gaia: In Greek mythology, Gaia or Gaea is the goddess of creation, a personification of mother Earth.
Allan Mzyece Sep 2018
Atte laste, lordynges feeble to avarice and swich cursednesse,
I would like to admit that I sacrificed the gang of the thirteen witches of emotions to baphomet,
I be clear your criticism gave birth to my theriomorphism,
Inshallah fail quench my hunger I be but a Tiger,
Laying in the same bed along side insomnia,
What form of religious madness is this?
Get on your knees, let me teach you theomania!
"Our father, our lord: who art in heaven leave us forsaken because our ***** are shaking to the devil's songs"
How hard is it to confess your own wrongs?
"repaint yourselves like chameleons"
God says "no matter where you hide, I will see you and I will **** you,
Because you have reached boundaries I can no longer tolerate!
Stop muttering prayers! But instead vociferate!
Alle and some,  I am misunderstood for being evil
But this cardiacal imprinted in the walls of my heart a vernicle,
But I remain an oracle smoking tobacco in a tortoise shell,
Well, I honestly think the spiritual fathers should practice what they preach,
Because if I were to take off their vizards, you would surely all see some wizards,
But I won't reveal them because the cycle gets insidious,
Who know that I could be theriomorphous and treacherous?
So may I prosper behind the pulpit as I vormit the communion,
Meditating to goetic demons while preaching a morning sermon,
What form of monstrosity is this?
Excuse me priest but you mimic the devil and not Jesus Crist,
Heard rumour have spread around town
That "Alan's not an Angel" is a warlock
Well definitely!
I am certainly Con Fuoco!
Prince Gerald Jan 2018
i walk across the tight rope,
not looking down as i sway,
for i know,
that the show will end,
if i ever look away,

i can see my goal,
its clear to me,
that it's no different.
than those who keep quiet,
and those who are vociferate.

because in the end we are all walking this tight rope.
hoping every day we don't fall,

or maybe you're someone who doesn't want to stay,
who want's to sway,
every day,
you carry this burden

walking across the tight rope.

you carry it all on the weight of your shoulders and you feel your legs about to break from underneath you.

but you're still here.
you stayed.

shouldn't that count for something?
anything at all?

keep walking this tight rope.
trust me, it's better than the fall.

because if you fell from the tight rope,
than those around you would sway,
as the ropes balance began to displace,
since you've fallen away.

there's a balance.

just keep walking the tight rope.
and continue walking the slippery *****.

Because it's not how fast you get there that makes you special.
It's how many people you can amaze with your talent.
And if you can't walk tight ropes then try juggling.
It's okay if you find yourself struggling.

Tight ropes aren't easy.
Neither is living life.

But we keep going despite,
always thinking twice.

So keep walking the tight rope, do it for me friend.
And one day you'll see it, you'll make it to end.
keep going no matter what.
Ryan O'Leary May 2023
.        Vociferate

  Say what you   ink

don’t blotch or smudge

or smear or blemish

after committing your

pen to paper, anger

  can’t be censored

      rage can't be

    tempered, pain

can’t be punctuated

      but scars are


     because they

      never erase.
Keren May 2016
I held my pen so tight.
I squeeze my mind till it bleeds.
I emptied my heart.
I freed myself from pain.

I want to shout.
     I want to hurt others' feelings.
            I want to vociferate.
                  I want you to notice me.
Dr Peter Lim Jun 2018
This is our world
Sturm und Drang
confusion and unrest proliferate
reason is hung

ideologies divide
vain and rhetorical debate
the leaders are at odds and they vociferate
right decisions are seldom made

the cleavage of poor and rich
nations their own interests covetously seek
summits are ambiguous and deceptive
promises are unfulfilled and outcome is bleak

history's dark lessons loom and repeat
glory is ephemeral and mankind is weak
foundations were built to be demolished
dark ages return and civilisation falls from its peak.
Sora Nov 2024
You bellow my appellation,
unworthy soul
you vociferate
my worthlessness.

Your cries echo
with ignorance,
lamenting my alleged
and ineptitude,
my perpetual failure.

Yet, I shall Pivot,
standing resolute,
a smile
gracing my visage
as I regard you
and declare,

'One day,
I shall bask in Prominence

One day,
shall be mine.
shall accompany me,

I Will be Industrious and
Honor Will Adorn Me

I will Ascend
Far beyond your reach,
and you will remain oblivious
in the depths
of your own despair,
until you glimpse my face
from an exalted realm,

a perspective
forever unattainable
to you.
Optimism is not a challenging endeavor; it flows naturally from one's disposition. The true arduous task lies in embracing and applying the knowledge that has been bestowed upon you.
Dr Peter Lim Aug 2019
They don't articulate
    they vociferate!
I vociferate,
This sesquipedalia,
To the high welkin.

— The End —