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Why is it that my mind is dreamy and hunky ?
But im feeling like im ugly & chunky
I think im the cutest & most ruthless
But thruth is im nothing
I think im the best and the rest are all lame
But thruth is im in last place in the game
This taste im tasting has me slowing my pace
Im okay with my face but am i seeing something not there
Oh well i dont care if im nothing you like
Im happy with my life and my beautiful mind
Mia Kendrick Jan 2016
Why do I love you..
You- your mind is beautiful
You- your heart is true to thruth

You- thruth- see it please
Not out of pain or hurt
But from the heart

I've loved you
I've hurt for you
I've lost you

Why do I love you
Why does a women love unconditionally

She sees the beauty in a soul
She loves the heart beat
She is blinded
alex loya May 2014
I never wanna tell u
What I really wanna say
I'm just here too help u no need to runaway
My words are my best friends
That I won't ever chase
Wont beg for attention dont need u too stay

If you dont want
Break up that bond
Got it all wrong now u wake up all gone ..
Nothing is permanent
Just take my word for it
You'll be returning quick thinkin you learned new tricks
Not here to disappoint u but I have no choice
Notice destruction you cannot avoid
Lost in the noise flanted my voice
Traded my toys for songs I enjoyed
No one will help u until ur heart stops
Wat ever u know prove ur heart is on top
Ignoring the news while my art hopes for props showed u the thruth and u started too pause
Look at the view like a portrait that's rare
Looking at u becuz ur unware
Too late for mistakes no need too compare
Living day by day fully prepared
I'm not here too force
I just wanna help
Get lost in the course I keep hurting myself
Mission abort give it too someone else
Lying in court Dont know how I felt
This is what happens when your way too passive

Notice the damage no need 2 panic
Took off the bandage locked in the attic
Just like an addict look how I had it
On Automatic till it fell off a cliff
Last cigarette
Before hell gets dim
Hilighted the meaning
Gave u full emphasis
Lucidly dreaming
Dont need too remenis
Super nintendo sega genesis
When I was younger I couldn't picture this
Random world in tabu why keep
Locking eyes
One bite 2 her lip just too start up the ride ...
Joe Allay Jul 2011
Walking through the dark clouds of emptiness,
I gazed upon the stars in the sky
High up in the air, when my life was drifted away,
Far away from this world of sorrow
To the place I've never known.

There I saw a women in tears,
With her knees on the floor
And her hair hanging down her shoulder.
Her eyes filled with pain and the fear inside,
The agony from her face,
The fear from her weak body,
The cry from her heart,which were never heard.
The blood she shed, were all dried
Which were never felt.

Not knowing what my heart bleed for,
I face myself to the mirror.
Nothing more do I saw
Then the emptiness out of me,
The thirst for what was not known.
A knight with a broken soul.
An angel in dispair.
The lies behind the thruth.
Faith that were trounce
Eroded by the seasons of life.
The fear which were never known.
The strength which betrayed the mind.

I heard a drop of water from a distant
When i drift my mind off the soul.
Nearer when I face
Fainting, do the sound gets.
My eyes were folded from the light to gain.
The weakness I hate,
Are now my strength to acquiant me which were never known.
I cut of my sight to gain the light.
But the dops were still apart, waiting for a life to hold them.
The love that were departed
Were only what my hate cries for.

Then my soul was given back to me.
savs Oct 2017
nat king cole
once told me
what love meant for him
in one of his songs

and for so long
i believed his words,
without knowing
how mistaken i was

he only taught me
how love felt
when it was as new
as a blooming flower

why would mr. cole
hide such an important thing
as the inevitable pain?

so here i am
to show you what love
really means:

"l" is for the way you lose yourself
in your lover's eyes
and, later,
how you lose your grin
when he goes away

"o" is for over,
beacause the end will come,
sooner or later

"v" is very very beautiful when it starts,
but very very sad when it is dead

and finally, "e" is even more scarier
when your realize
you fell for the one
who would somehow
break your heart

nathaniel, you were a big fat liar,
i don't care if you wanted to protect me
from the tragic thruth,
but i will always adore your song
almost as much as i adore the fool
who made me understand l.o.v.e
Deiny Moretta Nov 2018
A few moons have passed since then...long and cold nights.
 And when your memories come by knocking at my door, I let you in to savor you once more, so you can go quietly, without wreaking havoc inside of me. 
If I don’t, I will be tormented, and you might think I still keep you here deep inside.
Thruth  is, sometimes you come in and I can taste you, others, I don’t even notice that you have come.

Aubree Brianne Aug 2014
Resourceful in all of the waysthat you are
the context of your words, the way that they glide
through my veins and crawl up to my skin
and out to the pores to where you can see
I get scared with the way that your eyes can control my body
and the way you use your words so well
how am I supposed to know thruth from false?
Squire Jul 2015
Deep within her soul, She seeks for something, every day of her life.

All she can find is emptiness in her weak soul, everything is not what it seems, everything is not what it was

Her cold heart, searches for love that was promised, but her terrible experiencing made her think love is hell  

She knows her thruth, & All she can say is farewell
byron Johnson jr Aug 2020
The point of view
Is that it is pointed at you
of which your perspective is askewed
They will point to their point of view
demand that you start anew
Muddy the waters till it looks like a stew
murky and obtuse
gory and smelling of refuse
Lacking scenery the perfect image of destitute.
No refuge just excuse
one right after another
Soon all the words come together
Musty dusty and covered in leather
it all changes right before your eyes
now it looks right because your thruth started to die
now your whole life is just a big ole lie
That is the whole point of this
Your point of view
Is pointed at you
Now they are all the same
Your point of view is a point of view
It just isn't the same
fake is all you see.

An honest friend is hard to find.
Someone good hearted
with a pure mind.
So many faces
Doing their “task”.
Everyone wearing some kind of mask.
Hiding their thruth self
from theirselves
Insecurity laying underneath the shell.
Being fake starts in the mind.
Anything genuine nowadays
Is hard to find.

Shell ✨🐚
Gidgette Feb 2017
I may see yellow,
Where you see red
Am I less than you?
Are you alive
Whilst I'm dead?
My thruth is my own,
As is yours
We all see it differently
When we look through other doors
Truth can never Be singular
We all see as we will
Would you lay it upon me
To pay your truths Bill?
While the sky moves for you
Perhaps for me, it's still
And maybe my "never land"
For you, is real
For Light House. My friend. :) with all "my truth" I would NEVER wish to offend. I simply offer a thought.
Harry Gione Aug 2020
A mouth that lies
Is a mouth unwise
And turns around
And pokes fun at my insides
And breaks my soul
And it bleeds out whole
So the thruth I withhold
Remains the thruth untold...
emrys May 2018
"is it better to speak or die?"
to speak.
tell the thruth
lay it out there.

i pride myself on being someone honest
someone who says what she thinks
and feels what she feels,

i wish i chose to die
because i'm a paradox
someone who says she's honest
yet keeps most of herself locked away
hidden, too scared to talk
too close to touch.

in the never ending battle between
speaking or dying
being corageous or a coward
i die
i'm a coward
how i wish i wasn't a coward
Satsih Verma Mar 2018
You walk into a trap.
The self-search must start
after the accident in hearth.
The fire has failed―
to ignite the thruth.

No more questions would
come. The shrine will receive
all the answers.

The system wants to know
what went wrong to
identify the protégé of crisis?

You know mimosa. It behaves
like a sensitive person. Touch it and
its leaflets fold together like
greetings and bend down asking
to exit.

The violence erupts. A god has no say.

— The End —