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Jacey Scheffel Jul 2014
"it's going to be your fault" she said.
"what?" I replied.
"your predestined choice of forced molestation,
that wish you don't comply."

"what you wear is not good,
the amount of all the skin.
one man might get the urge to look and then pull you in.
the slit in your back,
it gives skin no place to hide.  
it will make him think,
'mm, she must be mine'.
your skirt is very short,
it will surly pull him in.
and he'll say these truthful statements,
while he does his deeds.
you need to think about your clothes
or you'll be begging on your knees."

as I stand there drowning,
in her morbid a words.
the thought came into my head
and then I got the urge.

I said right back,
"you say I must be asking for it?
if it happens, it's my fault.
his natural state is predator,
and his instinct is assault.
you say, my outfit speaks more than my words.
and you're surley right.
I wore these clothes because its hot,
I will stay comfortable through the night.
but not to them,
they think it gives them the right.
the right to say foul words.
'hey ****', 'that ***', 'i bet you could get *****'
these slurs of great disgust,
you say are mistakened for flirting.
once he sees some skin, you say
he'll no longer have a choice.
once he sees what he wants
he'll surley make his point.
now, don't tell me not to get *****
or to avoid a man.
tell the men to control their urges than to let it control them."
Amy Holmes Oct 2012
This time he said there might be
Hurricanes inside of me
But surley there's too much of planet earth
Left for me to see
He's the only one
Who doesn't underestimate me
Lack of interest
In the lives
Of the wealthy
Sends me to my room
What to do
When there's life
Inside of you
Maybe I'll get drunk
And you can get drunk too
And we'll lay under my ceiling
Try to figure out the meaning
Of life and death
And everything

And the thrill
I have the will
You have the way with words
You know exactly what you want to say
But I still have to learn
There's nothing I want more
Than to tell you how I feel
But sometimes I get
That I'm not real
And if reality is fake
Then we'd better hold on tight
For our sanity's sake
I don't know my left and right
Or what to give and how to take
Which hearts to mend
And which to break
Should I let these people hear the music that I make?

Cause the music that I make
It's the simplest part of me
Would you show the world your ***** naked body?
Although I'm not ashamed
Sometimes I still worry
That it's all a lie
But I still try
And the weight I carry
It's heavy now
I'm sinking down
To a box
Inside a box
I'll secure the key
You can throw away the locks
I may never feel the need
To tell myself to stop
Time is ticking by
But I'm not noticing the clock

If X marks the spot
You can draw it on my heart
Cause sometimes I feel
I need something
To help it make a start
Taking blood from my veins
Relieve the pain
Then send it off
Again away
To my body
Numb and cold
I always do as I am told
Cept when I do
As I do next
Rip my heart out
From my chest
Extract the passion
From my head
And with this
In peace
I rest.
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2014
Surely I am dreaming
about heart left in the theater of your ardent idolizing.
Surely I am dreaming
about your strands enveloping my cheek.
Surely I am dreaming
about day in impetuous snowstorms spent in your arms.
Surely I am dreaming
about rush of events that take place only in movies.
Surely I am dreaming
about body panting into oblivion of worldly pleasures.
Surely I am dreaming
about face flushed from compliments of lover.
Surely I am dreaming
about hectic rush to your awaiting hands.
Surely I am dreaming
about red roses protruding from corners of your sensitive hands.
Surely I am dreaming
about heat of caresses in boiling blood.
Surely I am dreaming
about book of poems about our first love.
Surely I am dreaming
about you dancing in the withered leaves.
Surely I am dreaming
about sighs at beauty of carnality.
Surely I am dreaming
about sensitive whispers of desires of melancholy hearts into ear .

Surely I am dreaming
because I did not send a telegram entitled "Looking for love".
Surely I am dreaming
because loneliness can not disappear like stone in water.
Surely I am dreaming
because the best dreams come in the morning.
Surely I am dreaming
because it is so difficult to find warmth of someone else's hand.
Surely I am dreaming
because thoughts gallops as steeds in the forest of wilderness.
Surely I am dreaming
because dawns wake me up in supplication for more and more of you.
Surely I am dreaming
because kingdom of your eyes staring at me can not last forever.
Surely I am dreaming
because I am senseless from blizzard of evening events.
Surely I am dreaming
because you can not find love in a café or bar.
Surely I am dreaming
because I departed a long time ago from the distant land of fulfilled wishes.
Surely I am dreaming
because flowers are handed to uncommon women.
Surely I am dreaming
because hidden secrets are revealed only to beloved.
Surley I am dreaming
because I did not have  eyes half-closed in pleasure before.
Surely I am dreaming.
Kay Anderson Aug 2018
Sorry losers and haters but my IQ is one of the highest
Somehow I dont quite believe that but I am pretty biased
See I think you're a ***** Donald Trump I really do
Because what intelligent person would think the following is true
Muslims should be denied entry into the great United States
Surley by doing this you will go down in history as one of the greats?
Or by telling transgenders they can't serve in the forces
And doctors should be punished by administering abortions
How's that great big wall of yours currently going?
Have the Mexicans offered to pay for it or are you still not knowing?
Now I have to say I think your face is one big publicity stunt
So I'm just going to go ahead and be brutally blunt
Donald Trump I think your a
I will be waiting for you,
even when all ages gathered and gone,
even when time tarries not.
When moment flies in race.
When seasons run and all are lost in pursuing,
i will surley wait for you.
Even if it takes the rest of my days.
Even if it takes the rest of my life.
I will wait for you.
No matter how long,
as long as u be mine,
even when no attention is given,
when all at self-will lost.
I will wait for you,
i will wait for you,
i wll wait for you.
This i promise you.
I will wait for you.
Asa D Bruss Oct 2014
In fields where roses fade as finite flowers should
He watches from his mountain; mindfully morose.
Full of sound and fury; sad and surley.
As if made of wood.
He moveth not as a man might move
rather he gather a stretch of wind
and with it work a while, that he may prove.
He is free and clear, he has not sinned.
Yet lost to in trepidation
and filled for five years or more
he is. The child of every nation,
being but a borrower among the poor.
Carry no comforts nor glee
while whistling workers are whimpering;
their pain, an ease to see.
The game is paved with suffering
and always played so thoughtlessly.
Luke 10
Why are our minds so filled
With worthless useless thoughts
Things that have no worth
Things we should think not

Why can we not focus
On what is good and kind and right
Think on thoughts that edify
And escape the dark thoughts of night

The things we let into our mind
An image a word a sound
Are sown as seed and planted there
Growing till only those thoughts abound

Be ever mindful of the crop
That in your mind you grow
For what it is we think
Over time we shall surley sow
Michael Parish Oct 2013
will the swamp sink my own troubles again.
I saw a frog hop to find another city.
Where he could remain who he should of been.
His career is to live with flies.
Of course  he doesnt mind.
If only icould be a frog.
Id be sattisfied living in a bog.
No matterwhere I go ill stay the same.
Like a frog who lillies around hopping for change.
Maybe I should learn the beauty in the swamp.
Then I will surley know where I belong.
Happiness wasnt made out of new rivers.
Its hidden in the marshes where I grew up.
Simplicity is like pond.
Be proud of where your from.
A tadpole becomes a frog.
And builds his life out of what he wants.
His confinement is only where he lives.
When he grows leggs hell know about the world.
And try to move away from boredom.
Carol Huizinga Mar 2010
As a child I thought they stole
The true essence of my soul
I walked without innocence
Listening in vain for my penance
Searching I journeyed to and fro
To realize I had no great place to go
I wandered through my emotions
Which sent my life in locomotion
Not being quite able to see
The beauty that was within me
People would tell me I was a gift
My mind blocking it I would go stiff
Surley if they could see the past
The love for me would never last
Not once did I see my own light
I was way too caught up in my own fight
One wretching hurt sent me stopping
I finally seen all my own mocking
Sick and depressed my heart was crushed
I wanted dearly to become a drunken lush
I was tired of carrying this extra person
A deep look inside sent me cursing
Nobody on this earth can take away
The God soul given to me that day
Still as innocent as freshly first birthed
When I crossed this threshold to earth
I did allow my emotions to take it all on
When it was their burden for the wrongs
Being grateful not resentful towards them
I finally saw I was a beautiful shinning gem
Daily I learn this human suit I am to wear
Has no bearing on the soul I have to bare
With my angels we keep it locked and stored
I see the reflections now on my own accord
What the world thinks of me or this poem
It has no bearing on how I am going home
The voice whispers innocence within my mind
Beauty and grace is my angel soul intertwined
Channeling spirits from above where I belong
Speaking this truth I will forever stand strong
This battle of emotions never happening again
For now I see I am a true princess within
Carol Huizinga 2009
poopoo Aug 2019
Crude brown-plaster'd brick walls
Layed without proper solder or
Mold or mud or water
A pit of curdled old-heavy blood
And sinewous joint hinge-pins
Of hard goliath, giant's muscles
Heads seemingly shrunken
But blimped to a surley saturated to an
greater-than original size
Their skin peeled off long ago
Bones meaten'd down and scaled-up
The center of this gore-pit
their hellish home
Butcher paper and amish quilts
Thrown in to produce
A dense coagulate
Fine milk-colored, powdered substrate
Bone-meal and motor oil
Plasma and marrow
Genteel feathers
From a bird that poisoned
The creek-water of a now-lost
But powerful mexican tribe
Jigger meal from a child's feet
And an old mans
In Afrika
The skin dead and leather'd
The insides rap't of those terrible
world's tiniest insects
Macro-scale germs, most toxic fleas
Coca-Cola boiled down
Into a solid black ichorous
Malleable glucose material

And the umbilical chords
Of Two hundred fifty
New borns
Steamed and broken down
To a mushy substance
With a feathered appearance

To the tactility of even the most calloused and rough

Whether human

or proto-, pseudo- or neo-
hyper- and pre-

The seeds of a million poppies
Cowardly, feverishly tossed into this

Horrid ***
Milewed down into a fine
Addition to the general rot, of this
Yet another putrid addition
The ***** from the second stomach
Of a calcified pterodactylus
And a dragon's mouth below the drain
In the center of this certain,
Gross sess pool
Lies a carv-ed Dragon's skull
To catch this sacred druel
Made out of greenheart
Black ironwood
And for the teeth, obsidion and
Caspian tiger bone
Together spliced and mal-formulated
To create a most
Septic funnel
All if it drains and
Gurgles down

Into a forged
Made in ancient, archaic
Olden times
But for this very abjectly
Evil trial
And he throws the switch!
The gurgle wrought
By this very motion of the level,
The level thrown by most
white un-sunned
Wizard-Warlock hand
It travels down into the vial
Mixing through emerald-hoses
With arsenic
And tainted possum spit--
--infused with cud
From cows thatnot
Even Cherised, prideful
India would permit!
And so a mustard-seeded gas
Also thrown into the mix
Clashes, bonds with
Stupid fluids

Made from the umbilical plugs of anencephalic and

Profound Down-syndrome
Stolen'd infants

As their bones rake and smash through
The grinder that eats ANYthing
It goes down a rifled fluted core
Of Balsa-wood
God permits!!

Hole in the witches den
From which spells are NOW born
To take the world
In a sanguine
Magick-whirl wind!
glenn martin May 2015
a wanting body survives in a dream never forgotten
to be real   alive a correct being who survives
the daily life of  aquatints knowing what each person thinks of ya
learning to use it against them or is that love and friends
building your life in society a world to rule the other wanna be
using all of my senses the music  the art  the books my bike
baseball swimming exercise vs none
making my being be modern sports car oceans mountains all
leading the pack living all the illusion
coming back to reality stronger in the face of
lifes  journey  alive means more then love to me
burning energy the thrill of being all
win by paying  the bills letters of certificates completed
now free to contemplate the freedom of life
I write these words to glorify the nature of being
white self contained bill payer no debts on people to collect
against me slept in my car for 10 years to avoid reality
I strode thru life surley  posture ***** breathing complete breaths
knowing a being with in me cosmic consciousness
the collected consciousness of humans
believing life is real good
my heart runs over onto my sleeves dripping the  blood
onto humanity the beggar pleading to be held up
for being alive alone in self contained writings
my years have left all
I have known in caskets or cremated in flames
I am happy to know the dreams of a boy
lived in a man a survivor in the calamity
of time a jest is not within me
the reality of life is ever lasting know this life again
the body is alive radiating goose bumps prevail
to tell the living from the dying
a society out grown yet the life remains
in love tears of memory
the great ocean full each wave
a remembrance of bounty
in love of life....   gjmars 5/30/15
Michael Parish Oct 2013
My love seaps out like rising chimney smoke.
I fill the air with all my burning logs,
And make the cats and dogs smell like autmn.
will you sustain my never ending flames?
Or do I die with out a chance in hell.
What could I do with out your oxygen.
Id surley burn out and never live again.
Can you decide before I meet my fate.
Its getting cold and Im starting  to burn out.
Why dont you think my purpose isnt strong.
Know this:
It wasnt the fire that kept you warm all winter long.
Living longer everyday
In my dreams you'll surley stay
The things I'll say in every way
Will keep you guessing day by day
Day by day these trails will grow
And as they grow they'll surely show
Show the one you truly know
Then show that one you'll never go
Go with me this one last time
And on this try we’ll be just fine  
To find the things we’ve lost before
But just for now we will endure
Until the open water and sandy shores
Are all we know forever more
Waitherero Aug 2015
Alone at last
Alone at last

What was the point?
What did I gain?

The people I met
The words I said
The things I did
The thoghts I shared
The time I spent

What was the point?
I do not know, for I am surley lost

I must find me, myself and I again.
kirk Nov 2021
Poor old Uncle Ben, looks like you have been fired
Get off our product packaging, your no longer required
Years of service would suggest, that you were once admired
But loyalty no longer counts, when your status has expired

Once you we're respected, and you didn't have to brag
I don't know why your suddenly, classed as a red flag?
They want to erase history, but their voices need a gag
A disrespect for microwaves, and rice boiled in the bag

Society no longer wants you, that much is surley proved
Do black lives really matter, when it's black that's being removed?
It doesn't make things better, and there's nothing that's improved
You can't substitute your ignorance, in the hope the world gets soothed

Why has he been targeted, why is it so precise?
Uncle Ben has been removed, from long and whole grain rice
Seventy years no way a slave, now he has paid the price
You have no thoughts, you've followed suit, you've taken bad advice

Your face must be offensive, cos they've played the racist card
This is the reason your now banned, and why you have barred
Paddy fields have felt your pain, they've taken the news hard
But it's not just blacks and foreigners, that's emotionally scarred

It doesn't matter what you change, or if old relatives discarded
He'll still be known as "Uncle Ben", he's too highly regarded
Whoever thought of this idea, they must be quite *******
Do you think your being diverse, when the public are bombarded?

Where is your proof or evidence, that the futures more inclusive?
It's not so stereotypical, when that club is non exclusive
You prattle on like pensioners, but your uncle's now illusive
How hypocritical can you be, when nothings that conclusive

Don't cause community divide, don't move things out of sight
Why do you exile darker skins, it simply is not right
Maybe it's your nature, and it's you that's not too bright
I wouldn't out of irony, ship them to the Isle of White

I fail to see the difference, with your product interference
Why are people in minority, scheduled for a massive clearance?
Perhaps you have a dislike, and you love race disappearance
The trouble is your arguments, have no sense of coherence

Who's next on the agenda, Who suffers the next chop?
Can I expect a range of goods, absent from the shop?
I hope "Aunt Bessie" won't succumb, to names that you will drop
Manhandled of her dumplings prove, that this madness should stop

Lunacy is on the rise, with the things that you endorse
Is "Meena" safe from tyranny, will you stop her at the sauce?
Or will korma be victorious, without the use of deadly force
With senseless attitudes of today, we'll find out in due course

I think that in all honesty, you've taking things too far
Even Disney's lost its faith, in Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah
"Uncle Remus" can no longer, wish upon a star
Despite the fact they said it makes, no difference who you are?

Your excuses are not valid, so I couldn't give two hoots
Footwear is getting tighter, cos your too big for your boots
I wouldn't be at all surprised, if you dispose of "Levi Roots"
No more music on your food, and there's no real substitutes

Scapegoats come in many forms, through all our uphill slogs
To save us getting in a jam, they ditched the golly wogs
It started many moons ago, with the grinding of lifes cogs
But it wasn't worth the effort, now we've gone to the dogs

Who thought of "Ben's Original", that name is just the worst
It's quite clear that "Uncle Ben", simply got there first
Originality isn't something, that is planned and then rehearsed
Your led away like mindless sheep, and your obviously cohorst

There's nothing wrong with Uncles, or a packet that shows faces
Especially when they depict, a span of different races
I'll only purchase Uncle Ben's, with intact ethnic traces
We don't want contradictory claims, with "Original" as their bases

I think I'll switch to bachelors, or even shops own brand
Cos I can't stand the way you treat, the ethnics of our land
Why drown yourself In petulance, why try to get things banned?
Your attitude just goes to show, that you are underhand

You didn't mind old Ben's face, when you raked in the cash
It seems to me your acting dumb, and being far to rash
Why is "Uncle " so offensive, and the cause if rice backlash?
Your suffering from vindictiveness, and a sense of being brash

Jars of cooking sauces, now have something they all lack
The distinguished face of a man, who happens to be black!
He is a childhood icon, and he should be brought right back
And never mind the unaoriginal, with "Original" on the pack

Don't rip away the legacy, of a man from way back when
Actions taken do more harm, more now than they did then
Take my advice just leave things be, and don't mention it again
Cos I don't think it's very fare, on poor old Uncle Ben
Following the news concerning the change of "Uncle Ben's" to "Ben's Original" I thought I would share my views and as you will see I strongly disagree with the change. I believe it's more offensive by the removel of things that have been in place for years or decades, history should be preserved and embraced not erased. Uncle Ben is a national icon and should be treated as such instead of trying to erase him from existence altogether, attitudes such as this have gone to far and everytime they remove a statue or a word that's suddenly offensive or in this case a face from a packet or product it only draws more attention to something that wasn't even thought about before the complaints started to roll in but once one complaint is received the band waggon is truly on the road full of all the snowflakes and it's about time they all melted
Brielle O'Brien Feb 2014
The amount of time and love I spent on you
Has surley been wasted
And it angers me so
I could have used that love more wisely
Maybe on myself
thair is many guys,
many girls too,
but still,
its you,

i looked far and wide,
to find the one, to be my bride,
your the one,
to shower me with pride,

i've found an angel,
a princess too,
a true work of heaven,
my one true love,
surley, for you
my first poem on HelloPoetry,

i know its bad, im not the best at poetry
i'm not sure what to call it
Haylin Dec 2018
Sorry losers and haters but my IQ is one of the highest
Somehow I dont quite believe that but I am pretty biased
See I think you're a ***** Donald Trump I really do
Because what intelligent person would think the following is true
Muslims should be denied entry into the great United States
Surley by doing this you will go down in history as one of the greats?
Or by telling transgenders they can't serve in the forces
And doctors should be punished by administering abortions
How's that great big wall of yours currently going?
Have the Mexicans offered to pay for it or are you still not knowing?
Now I have to say I think your face is one big publicity stunt
So I'm just going to go ahead and be brutally blunt
Donald Trump I think your a
Matthew Mckeown Apr 2018
The blood red wine of
seeping into marigold
sheets of desire

political fires,
in need of quelling

a kingdom broiling over
in anticipation

of a life barging in quickly

one night of passion
the melding of lives

a royal heir needs
to come into the fold

or heads will surley roll
Zane schlatter Sep 2015
Im lost in my mind,
Where do I go,
What do I do?
Trying to find my higher being,
Begging to help me escape this enslavement,
Slowly, bust surley waking up.
Universe Poems Oct 2020
Deep in the enchanted forest
Thee was on the pathway to see
Toadstools, roundhouses, and witches waiting with sweet treats for he
Captivated by all he could see,
away from the bleak conventional streets
that be, along the enchanted path,
staying away from the streets of
Conventional wrath, ensuring the magical path, would fill his pockets with treats that
could only surley last, away from the streets of MASKS, and false treats,
set to fail all people connected to these streets
So follow the path
Where the symbol is sure to stay, and last
Far longer than any conventional street
You may see or pass.

© 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney
Universe Poems Oct 2020
Cloudydaze leaves you in a haze, feeling surley amazed, kiss, and treats
down the line
Maybe a lay, i am not telling, let's delay, just watch, and play, Cloudydaze will lay you out anyday, flat as a pancake, for sure you'll pay

Skylar Sophisticated sweet as pie, careful she has a right hook, that will knock out your eye

AP in charge of the Manor that be, drinks for all, punch not pie, at the Manor door, don't be late, or say goodbye, charging on the gallant horse, bye my of course not pie!

Universe Poems will rhyme away, using her dance to fight all day, rhyming away, dancing out high kicks, that will kick out,
whatever the ****** mix

Superhero Poet team, filled with busting self esteem, that will write, and make you dream, or wish you were part, of this Halloween team ☺😈😂

Happy Halloween to all the Superhero Poets on Hello Poetry 😈😇

© 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney
Universe Poems Oct 2021
Cloudydaze leaves you in a haze, feeling surley amazed, kiss, and treats
down the line
Maybe a lay, i am not telling, let's delay, just watch, and play, Cloudydaze will lay you out anyday, flat as a pancake, for sure you'll pay

Skylar Sophisticated sweet as pie, careful she has a right hook, that will knock out your eye

AP in charge of the Manor that be, drinks for all, punch not pie, at the Manor door, don't be late, or say goodbye, charging on the gallant horse, bye my of course not pie!

Universe Poems will rhyme away, using her dance to fight all day, rhyming away, dancing out high kicks, that will kick out,
whatever the ****** mix

Superhero Poet team, filled with busting self esteem, that will write, and make you dream, or wish you were part, of this Halloween team ☺😈😂
October 2020
Universe Poems Oct 2020
Long, and drawn are the days,
quick to turn into a haze,
leaving you feeling surley amazed.


- Carol Natasha Diviney

© 2020
Universe Poems Oct 2020
The pine cone see's
while knowing
Is fully showing.
Filling our cones
With pure love knowing
Our symbol
Of this is surley showing.

© 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney

— The End —