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Xan Abyss Oct 2014
I never asked to be ugly
dunno why it made me so hard to like
My own peers
they killed me
while our adult supervision got high.
I had no friends when I went away
to the place mom told me
I had to go stay,
"It's a happy place," I remember she said,
"Called Camp Crystal Lake."
Sounded nice
enough at the time.
Crystal Lake. A family fave.
Nowadays, when you hear the name
You don't think of a sunshiney place
full of laughter and happy children
You think of misfortune
you think of my face
and if you think of visiting,
You better not stay
For more than a day,
Or the children will play
on your grave.
This is my home
and I'd rather be alone,
With the dead animals
and my mother's bones.
A small homage to Jason Voorhees.
Jared Bogolea Nov 2016
i know that in this big, bad world
the only person who can save us
from us
is ourselves.

but wouldn't it be nice to have
a knight in shining armor
rescuing you from
drinking that entire bottle of liquid fire

wouldn't it be nice to have
a crusader coming to you
preventing you from
swallowing that towering pile of pills

wouldn't it be nice to have
a warm sunshiney, kiss
telling you everything
will be o k a y
before snorting that last line

in the end
the destruction of ourselves
only comes from

but my, oh my
wouldn't it be nice
to have a hero
other than yourself.
just feeling a little more somber today about stuff. haven't written in so long but i just sat down and this came to me. feels good. i feel better.
fire in her eyes Dec 2014
Golf cart rides and
Watermelon rinds and
A driveway kiss and
Sunshiney bliss and
Catching grapes in your mouth
A1A, heading south
Bare feet
Eyes meet
Doing cartwheels on the beach
Singing to the radio,
Solo cups
Tangled up
Building fires by the sea
Forever, him and me
Being sunshiney just isn't my thing
if it smiles too much I want it to leave
I live in the darkness, I like to hear it sing
but other than that I have a knife up my sleeve

I want to cut down all that's not dark
***** you sun, give me the moon
I want to bask under the stars in a lonely park
I wont tell you anything soon..

Just leave me alone, i'm coping just fine
don't talk about my heart, I know what to do
I mean, after all, it is MINE
I don't need any input from people like you
Sarah Johnson Apr 2015
four of hearts and he whispers
"the best is yet to come"
Well, snap out of it.
think of sunshiney days on the Oval,
think of nights spent in your bed
think of blue skies
and smoke by the bridge

kissing on the couch,
heartbreak and PBR
this one hurt
Taylor Ann Dec 2018
I am not roses and champagne
Or birds on a sunshiney morning
I am not high heels and pretty dresses and bright colors
I am not the girl with a positive comeback to every little thing in life
I am not the person who you can look at in the early morning hours and find sleeping like an angel in your arms as you caress my cheek in the early sunlight

I am strong and independent
I am determined
I may not be champagne and rose
But I am steel and whiskey
I am as strong as steel and can take some of the strongest heat
I am whiskey because you'll remember my exact tones and hints even after I am long gone
I am the woman with an optimistic yet realistic comeback for things that happen in your life
I am vans and leggings because, ****, I have places to go a hell of a lot faster than heels can take me
I am most likely stealing the covers at night and if you wake me up before 8am you will get the worst version of myself
I am muted earth tones with hints of sunflower yellows
I am steel
I am not roses and champagne or a bird chirping on a Sunday morning.
W Oct 2014
The way the harsh light bounces off your skin makes me think your face is electric. Soft pores and sunshine fleshtones. Almost like your face is the sun, and you are the son of the sun. The Son of the Sun. The Son of Man. On the wall, the clock ticks loudly. Ticking is just another word for stabbing. Looking across the room, I can see the angry, inflamed air. It has pus and blood. It's gaping. I draw a shallow breath and taste saltiness. You draw a breath and taste nougat. When you do, I can't help but look at your teeth. Your pearlywhites. Vanilla gelato. Sweet and good to eat. Were we ever friends? Could we be? A smile sneaks its way in at the corner of your mouth, and your foot begins to tap. I can't tell whether the ticking is making the noise anymore, or your foot.

Twelve years from now, you walk down the street with your son on your shoulders and your wife at your side. While you and your boy eat Baby Ruths, she snaps a picture. In it, the nougaty center is clearly visible. It looks like your skin. Sunshiney and soft and not salty at all.
gr Oct 2018
i love to listen attentively
to all of your adventuring plans.
the ones where you
do the unthinkable;
reach the unreachable.

becoming close to you
has brought something new:
a brightness or a happiness—
something cheery and sunshiney.

i can’t say anything yet;
it’s all under the wrong circumstances.
if i say something now,
i risk losing you.

this is brand new.
this is so good.
i don’t want to give it all up,
as self-centered it may seem.
but i feel guilty for keeping
the realest of my feelings inside.

what do i say?
what do i do?
how do i act natural
when all i want
is you?

— The End —