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Euphrosyne Mar 2020
For every step we take
For every move we make
The feelings that sorround us
We always feel that we are Godsent

Under the beautiful skies
As I look into your eyes
We dance through the night
Only you can suffice

Even though there's so much many reason
Just not to be your partner,
But we always fall the same on one season
And that's the only answer I want to hear.

The song has been done
But my love we're not yet gone
I thought I was sleeping
Because it feels like I was dreaming.

This dance was all along true
There's no reason to get the blue
You lit me up, changed my hue
And now I can finally say I love you.
Kathleen M Mar 2015
Chunks of brain litter the ground
Thoughts and dreams settle on the water like oil
Swirling and colliding in the night air
The sky breathes a great sigh
The land shivers cold
I stand where the sand meets the sea
A creature perched on my tongue
Side to side leaning preparing to soar out across the endless black above and below
I step into the inky waters, my legs disappearing beneath the surface
Wading out into calm waters that drop off to unknown depths
What swims below
Would they turn me away if I went sinking down
If I tried to become part of that dark world, untouched by human hands
Would I glow from the inside
If I sank down would my internal smouldering light the way
Would I be welcome with the squid and the murk
Would those quiet unmarred creatures sorround and keep me
Would the large eyes and many limbs understand the depths I must reach
Would they bring me down and help bury me in the silt at the bottom
Would they sweep the fine particles across me
Covering and comforting my restless skin
Would the dark and the stillness there bring the calm I crave
Would I be put to rest
Would I find peace
Faeza Kazim Feb 2015
When sorrows sorround you,
When things depress you,
When you are unable to express your emotions,
When you are forced to supress your passion,
When you keep failing everytime,
When you can't fight the hardships of life,
When you start hating everything,
When you end up thinking suicidal things,
Those moments when you feel helpless,
And you begin to act way too careless,
Then comes the time to fight,
Hold your breath tight,
Bring that smile on your lips,
Not for me,not for you,but for those who care about you.
Never give up.
I miss the ocean of your eyes
The warmth of your hands in mine
The sweet taste of your lips
The radiating sunshine of your smile
The silky trails of your skin
The way your arms so perfectly sorround me
The melodic sound of your heartbeat
Lulling me into peaceful sleep
Where have you gone?
You seem to appear only in my dreams 
I look up at the sky and wonder
Are you seeing the same star?
Are you thinking of me?
Emotions run through
I am longing for your presence
The scent of your arrival
Please return to me
I miss you
Writen in collaboration with a great friend, George Arias
Noura Feb 2021
Tintswalo Oct 2013
Make me dear Father who you want me to be
Break all the ties of evil that bind me
Sorround me with thy love
And may thy Spirit guide me all the way

Make me O lord who u want me to be
Take away this wicked heart
Give me a new one fresh from heaven
May your love tie me all the way

Make me O Lord who you want me to be
Holy and acceptable in your eyes
May I be found blameless without spots
May your grace cover me all the way

Make me O Lord who you want me to be
I approach thy throne of grace
Seeking perfection in thy eyes
May your peace be found in me always

Make me O lord who u want me to be
Break the chains of *******
Tangling this heart of mine
May your kindness shower me all the way

Make me O Carpenter of old
Lead me O Gentle sherperd
Mold me O creator
I want to be like Christ
Cyrel Villanueva Apr 2014
Behind those colors
Is a heart that sorrowfully cries
Behind those talkative mouth
Is the pain she can’t scream and shout,
Behind those happy go lucky faces
Are the doubts that sorround her empty spaces.

She’s living in darkness
But no one sees her heartaches
She smile as if there’s no problem
Even deep inside she don’t know how to handle
Her heart is in deep pain
Her life is drowned by the rain
Her smile is already a vain
Yet everybody thinks she’s just insane

When will people see her tears?
Tears that kept in her eyes for so many years
When will people feel her pain?
Her true happiness is so hard to gain.
One Pusumane Sep 2014
I dont wake up with intentions to ruin ur day or break the promises that i made. I wake up with intentions to be that bit of happiness in a bad day that you are having. I can go only that far, because thats how far you let me into your world, thats how far "this" goes.

These big wallls that sorround you are made of concrete that i cant break down, barriers that make me look like the bad person. I only push you to your limits because I want to see you explode, see you break down so that atleast you would let me in to help you pick up the pieces.

I am not a fragment of your past that keeps on appearing into your new future, stop treating me like i wont understand because whats the point of me playing all my cards while you have stacks hidden up your sleeve? Its a long shot but for "this' to work, you have to take it.
David P Carroll Aug 2017
As I love you sweetheart you love me
Forever in my arms your shall be
your heart inside mine your the love I
Truly needed in life as my wish
Comes true I'm certainly in life with you your gental touch on my face
Your beautiful prett smile your passionate unique love drives me crazy for your love
My heart inside yours your heart inside mine
I promise sweetheart to love you forever until the end of my time
without you I cannot understand true love without you inside my heart I'm lost without true love
my love for you is unbreakable
Jesus Christ sent me you two love
my heart beats only for you it beats for you every day in life
I would give up my own life to save yours
sorround your heart with forever true love
From my heart
to prove to you I truly love you
Our Lord picked you for us to share
Our love
he whispered two me love you forever until its my time to die
he blessed me to love you
so its never to late in life
Forever I'll be your man forever
I'll love you until the end of time.
Love together
DAVID Apr 2018
Love the touch of
Your body, beating
Under mine

How your eyes scream
An ****** song, of
Love and ligth

Petal by petal, one by
One kissed and

In your soul, im
United to you, in
An awakening

Beware of the darks
Looking to ruin your

And feeding of it
Triying to make you
Sleep again

In one nigth your essence
Enter me, mi ligth became

And complete you
As a woman, fertil,
Desired every hour, every
Minute, every second

The feeling of you complete
Shinning of placer, cuddles
Mi nigths

You are wath was not asked
A treasure of fate, mi
Placer to drink of you

Kissing your body, and
Loving it violently, with
Strength and devotion

While your eyes, scream
of desire, and passion

Your soul shines, under
Mi claws of cat, and with your
scent, now in heat.

Sensual echoes of your
skin, covering mine,
vibrating between the blind

Awakened soul, vibrating
In peace, you became free

Guard our ligth, because
Is only ours, and mind those

Of your devoted heart ,
now i live there, mi ligth
Nest between your
fertil *******, the loved

And the fertil touch, of
Your body became
everithyng, in just
one nigth

Youre everithyng,
The ligth and peace
In front of darkness
and the storm

Pore by pore, your skin
Is adored, your heart and  
Desires, goes with me, as part
of mi ligth

And in your adored thighs,
The path to my truth

Poems are more personal than
a letter,  cause youre evoqued
Even more, your eyes and the ligth of your body, of your soul

In mi feline claws, youre
the goddess, that holds
the leeche, calming me, and if neccesarie give me peace

Beyond desire, cause thats slavery,
Wath you provoque, in me, makes
appears the ligth

In search of evoquing ligth, you
The MUDRA sacred femmale, are
Loved and respected.

And in your arms, and by
your side, peace comes, and
we became one

You have to lose some to win some and  finding That, giving us peace,
that moment In witch youre life,
ligth, and truth, loved truth

Between your eyes of honey,
And in your hair, theres a part
Of me

Youre that scream, and
The soft whiesper  in the
Lovers ears

  inside of me, as a union,
And in that union, and  in this
eyes, theres a DIVINE image, as the peak Moment, in witch peace sorround you, and you became part of another person, youre the complete, loved, satisfied, fertil and free.
Not finished, like love, poetry is a work in progress, and a way to say, youre a very, very thinked person, beautiful friend.
Gianna Jan 2019
You think yourself to death,
and your soul does not rest in the long nigth ahead of you.
Every single mistake you made seems to be heavier than expected. They seem to have a life of their own, two arms and two legs. They wear your face and tell you how to be nice, judging every step you take.

You hurt yourself until the sight of blood breaks the spell. You scratch your skin until you're back to being yourself, leaving the home you built for when the storm punches back, alone.

You burn yourself in lack of air. The heavy smell of burning flash is your worst nightmare, but you cannot control your mind, so you have to hold on to what's real and pray for redemption.

Days pass without mercy. Self harming becomes your way to survive through the week, since you start feeling numb.  You start getting getting used to the smell,the broken walls that sorround you, the alternative universe you're living in.

At some point. everything becomes amazingly clear, however, when you see the sunlight for the first time after days, weeks or months of pure darkness, the sun sets and you go back to being the strange person you know the most...

— The End —