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Kelley A Vinal Mar 2016
Solarium seashells trickle
Down the mountain brook
Through the java fern
Dancing with the salmon
And the freshwater eel
Gently coming together
Like a liquid windchime
How lovely could this be?
Not much more
Than it is
Anais Vionet Nov 2023
It was the summer of 2014, I was just about to turn 13, spending June of summer vacation with my Grandmère, in Paris. Tonight we’re at a fundraising benefit for African relief (it’s always something). It was a coveted ticket, I was told, because Keira Knightley and Rita Ora were there - somewhere. It was being held at an empire-styled museum-estate in Paris, once owned by Josephine Bonaparte.

The rooms were ornate in the extreme, with dark, woodland, panoramic wall murals, large, finicky-looking furniture, heavy, with gold encrusted - everything. It made the small, dark rooms and tight passageways seem foreboding and claustrophobic.

A boy named Théo was my ‘date’ for the evening (NOT my idea). When my Grandmère was a girl, back when hoop skirts were the fashion and F. Scott Fitzgerald was just sharpening his pencils, a girl didn’t attend a function without a date. Théo was in my grade at school, but he was a couple of inches shorter than me, and his voice seemed different every time he talked. He was a surprise; I don’t even know how she found him.

As we snaked through the main house to the solarium, in a parade of otherwise middle aged, formally dressed guests, the dim hallway squeezed us down to a single-file line. Théo kept trying to take my hand, in the darkness, like he’s scared or something. “Stop that!” I warned him.

Then I saw a mirror - ‘Oh!’ I thought in surprise, stopping dead in the hallway to check my hair, straighten my dress, and pose for my imagination. I became aware Théo was talking, again - he always was - saying, “You're wa wa wa,” or something. Call me a casual and indifferent listener.

“Were you talking to me” I asked, “or just making words up?” He looked exasperated - why?
“You're blocking the way,” he said, anxiously, in a squeaky voice, the way he said it made me think he’d said it before.
He gently took my arm to move me along and I wobbled in my high-heels, I wasn’t very good with heels yet. “Easy,” I cautioned him, my arms briefly flailing.

“You know,” I said defensively,“ someone PUT that mirror there.. probably Napoleon or Josephine - they WANTED people to stop there.” Men are so illogical, it’s a wonder they survive.

As we finally entered the solarium, there was a jazz trio playing ‘C’est si bon’ (Arm in arm), what else? I said, “I’m starving.” A long table along a blue-glass wall featured desserts and champagne. My stomach growled.
I looked around, there was nothing for it - action must be taken - and Théo was useless.
“Want to go get something to eat? I asked him.
He lit up as if awakened, “McDonalds?” he asked. Our conversations were in French, naturally. His joy probably meant his parents didn’t like him eating there (American cuisine! = junk food).
“Bien sûr,” (of course) I said, grinning.

I found my Grandmère in a cluster of elegantly dressed patrons - and there was Keira Knightley - gorgeous, in a dress like she wore in that ‘pirate’ movie - she movie-star glittered, otherworldly.
“I’m starving,” I informed Grandmère, “we’re going to get something to eat,” I turned to show her Théo’s delighted face - he was her idea, after all.
“I was hoping to introduce you…” she started.
“Please!” I asked, bouncing up and down on my toes with some urgency, taking her hand.
“Very well,” she said, sighing, after a moment.

I turned away, wrestling my too-large iPhone-6-plus from my sparkly party clutch.
“Hey Siri, Call Charles,” I commanded. A moment later Charles picked up.
“McDonalds, Champs-Élysées,” I said, as Théo grinned, rubbing his hands in glee. “We’re in the solarium,” I added.
“Eyes on,” Charles said, indicating that he had me in sight.
daxike Mar 2013
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C Aug 2011
The cold metal grate calms her, as supple flesh conforms
into the crenellated ridge of many miniature rectangles.
With widening eyes focusing so goes her mind into spasms of elastic thought.
Unleashed imagination simulates the mass of steel and
plastic encapsulating her in a headlong tumbling orbit.
She lingers lonely as the space station spins.
Another 55 word short.
Kaylana Brown Jun 2013
I'm just sitting here
Staring at the starry sky
Just thinking for a moment
What a beautiful night is this

I'm still sitting here
Feel so excited at the moon
So bright, in the night sky
What a beautiful night is this

Then I thought
This life is really beautiful
But it wasn't really beautiful
Before I meet you...

You're more beautiful
Than a shiny star...
You're more beautiful
Than a bright moon...
You're beautiful
Than everything...

And I can't lie about it...
You're more beautiful than everything...

Even though we're separated away
I can not stop thinking about you...
Even though you're not here right now
I always feel you're so close to me...
That's all because...
You're the most beautiful thing in my life...
Alyson Lie Jun 2015
When my sister played Clair de Lune
I’d go into her room and sit on the floor
with my ear to the side of the piano
so close that the sound would fill my mind
with the image of the long, coiled strings
vibrating, glowing golden in the darkened box.

I could hear my sister’s feet dampening
and undampening the pedals, muting the
strings, then letting them ring, resonating,
one note overlaying another, could hear
the creak of her piano stool and smell the
smell of wood dust, like old sheet music,
and my ear would pulse, almost hurting
from the sound of the hammers striking steel.

And I would begin to imagine things,
different things each time:
my aunt in a blue flowered house dress
standing in her kitchen holding a jar
of homemade pickles, her thin white hair
always in tight pin curls.

Or I’d be alone, in a long, softly lit hallway,
the walls covered with wainscotting and
lavender striped wall paper yellowing
near the ceiling. At the far end of the hallway,
a solarium, and beyond that a balcony
glimmering in sunlight.

Or I’d be in a field with small, white flowers
bowing with the weeds rhythmically
and sensing that I was
loved by someone.

And it would be that my sister’s
fingers were pounding deep into
my chest, and always, always
by the end of the piece
I’d ask her to play it one more time.
Oli Mortham Sep 2014
For the first time,
Stricken by thirst
…And blind…
A young girl emerged from a dark captivity
And stumbled headlong into the jaws of a rich and rapturous city
CONSUMED by light.
A light as opulent as the gold which it acted to illuminate:
A policy of the “Great” warden, Ciro...
Whose callous mandate stated that no trees should be allowed to grow
Within the walls of the region.
With all the forests torn, it freed him
To covet his plundered wealth without stealth's covering eyelid,
So that every jewel and sculpted idol
Glittered with the unrelenting reflected fire of the Sun,
Like ornamental flames bedizening some roofless civic solarium.
Blades of heat rumbled in the sand,
And invaded the young girl's consciousness with suffocating hands...
...And, as she slowly ebbed into a syncope,
A faded groan edged in single beats about her:
It was the laboured breath
Of a lonely spinster,
Aged, yet walking wearily
Towards the waterside
To drink, and rinse her clothes -
Her only cooling comforts
In these days which closed
Her journey between life and death.
…A moment passed in a silent rest,
Familiar darkness wound around the young girl's waking eyes,
But what she felt was different:
In brief abatement, the heat lay held aside,
And, in its place, an umbra coolly shrouded her predicament.
Its caster, standing arms akimbo, was a curious young boy,
And to him no greater joy came than from the task of answers sought;
‘Always asking,’ once taught his father
‘Is both the fuel and mastery of thought.’
So, with this in mind, he asked her:
‘Why are you lying furled and frightened across the ground?’
On hearing this sound,
She lightly unclasped
The fabric of her uncertain whisper:
‘I’m afraid I may have lost my way…’
And, through the blackness of her personal void, it fell…
To twist,
And whirl,
And fade…
‘Well…look around.’
The boy insisted,
Catching that ambivalent cascade in motion;
The opposing palm of his reply
Held outstretched and shimmering against the shadow-flow.
  He calmly posed the notion
That, so her way could again be found,
She should picture a searching arm
Linking the wayward loop of her location
To those famous, sparkling landmarks
That mapped each inch inside those gates
With which that desert metropolis was bound.
The girl reached out, with spoken fingers…
The worded tips cracked and broken by doubt…
And twelve years of dreaded bleakness
Spent chained down under the clenched fists
Which were bolted on
To stand gravely upon
The wrists of her lingering incarcerators:
‘Thank you,
For being kind…
And for the guide with which you try to help me…
But…I fear…I cannot use it…
For…in truth…
I cannot see.’
Part 1 of 3
One soul speaks through all beings. Do you feel your breath this instant? Listen to your gut. So much for laughter that never hurts.
Maybe that's true if only for less than a minute.
But prisons have rhythmic fences. And sentences are full of repetitive dissonance.
Listen to inflections upon inflections of assonant elements.

Permanent renegades find solace in their bank accounts.
Routine check-ups in tenements are redundant.
As are our abundant landlords.
Saddled with debt, sandwiched between apartments and developments.
It's a cantankerous day in the city.
Our feet are fired up. Like living in an aquarium.
A solarium is a serpent's ideal apartment.
Kindness is always humble.
So I stumbled into your arms and found my retirement package.
Robin Carretti May 2018
Please me_
(In) the- in -crowd
You lose me
(Out) the- out
out with

Don't ugly
goose me
No pretty, please
me  so deceiving
Whole entire
City is leaving

Hot fun summer in the city
A curse like a bad omen such a pity

Face me
Stan the evil
To the ugliest
Fight at the
Grecian slam

Huncheback of
Notre Dame
The Pompeii fire
Ugly ducking tamed

Fizz Roz
Heading towards
The Planetarium
Pretty tragic
Ending up in a

Twin of topaz
The Solarium Jazz

Going to Saratoga
Song Sara Smiles
But travels all the way

To Minnesota
So drained Rotto
At the Polaris Mall
Christopher Columbus
Clockwork on a bus
Oh! Ohio red roaster
Never pretty at the
Bull's eye Rodeo
Rodeo drive

Devil and Domino

Virgo meeting Hugo
The Pluto Bull
of lotto

Gina eating
Italian Alfredo
Mudpack stinks
Frank and Dino
Sammy the
Rat pack

Baking soda

Doing Yoga
Please without
the pretty
Bo ditty
Feeling gitty
Not to be flattered
So bloated
Role Gotta give
Beauty beast wider
On Fox Five
Harley Quinn rider

Life is a ***** not
a beach diet
Never do we pray
Pretty please to preach
It's now or never we better think to be clever no one said doing poems would be easy. But what happened to our manners Pretty please with the cherry on top
Zywa Nov 2018
Village boys drive the harvest
princesses through Mainstreet

the eels in the source swim
answers for the lovers

who seek assurances, but we
lie on the attic mattress

and repeat what should never
end, we know it for sure

in every cell of our body:
more real we cannot feel

like no one can reason away
diseases or torture, so

let us, weightlessly heavy, sink away
together in the smell of angelica
Collection "Eyes lips chest and belly"
Norbert Tasev Apr 2021
The forgotten handshake is already embarrassingly serious; as the imprint of chalk-faced faces will you be an aggressor, or perhaps a conciliator who will redeem your loved ones?! Conscious fear runs through the rails of your laid soul! The effort to get there is everywhere! A family home may not be waiting for who really deserves it! Everyone stops near the top of their careers if there is no broker or protégé behind them! Confidence can also be gained with insufficient professional qualifications!
What makes a man of shipwrecked spirits disappointing and wild is the prediction of ****! Fashionable idiocy, which, like a good thing, sticks to the human character and leaves a pimple behind as a cold! - Chirping nymphs, flirting with prostitutes as flirting prostitutes, while having a solarium pass instead of a mind! Fallen prophets, as a rigid rule, tend to flee from wolf laws; the Vibrant hits the exposed concretes of firewalls!
In the throbbing glands, the vigor arises; phlegm disguised as help Promise! A crisis that replaces ambiguity; awareness is roaring among sizzling critics! The double cordon raises an objection if you really want to know others! Kushadnia wonder why in every Age a person should be, who is average?! The child of flattening compulsions is back! In the vegetation below, everyone is scratching and flattening their own benefit and there can be no more procrastination; what kind of pathetic over-regulation binds us to the Present, in which the living is forced to bribe ?!
It is always a surprise to snag a bump! "The temporary throbbing is tired once I have the ingrained fear in me!"
eight ante meridiam

cinnamon toast in the solarium

i'm not much different than the mutt basking on a chaise opposite
James Tee Oct 2015
I like walking to see the man.

When the trees are stiff

and the clouds are glowing,

i take the high road up

to where creeks are flowing.

To where panthers sing, in

the darkest nights, to where shadows

are pythons and liken bites

when i can i see the man

i feel something inside me

bland, but beautiful,

second hand,

like a magic spell

in possum land, goannas

lizards, private lynx,

and kissen wizards

hybrid shrinks

when iv got a problem,

or my eye lid kinks

i follow the road

up to the skyward links.

Theres three roads,

once you arrive there well

theres one that will take

you up a plywood cell

and in this you scream

“take me to the dream

mr Pirolell!”

And if he hears you

in time youl smell

a clear blue gel, or feel a tear brew.

Well that is a bridge to enter your dreams.

The next road, the second, leads to

a humble abode with a pleasant

decadent essence. Inside this are

creatures that are big and

small, hairy and airy

ones, some are fairies holden

up librarians with scary guns

some are twisted toads with

bowed blisted noads

living life in a dark pit


You must confront these

creatures to reach

the immortal bays

of the Pirolell beaches.

And here you will

be taught by the teacher

of teachers.

And that is the man i

walk to see.

The third road

you must tame an

insane hawk to walk

to the magic chalk board.

The bird is wanting to

**** those that wish

to write with the sword or quill, in spite

of it guarding its lord that is still.

If you can tame the hawk

than what ever you question

on the board with chalk will speak aloud

proud monstrous way,

and will discover all that is heavenly.

And youl realise that the man is fantasy.
probably not poetic but thought id post it.
0o Nov 2023
Another log upon the fire, a conclusion I could not accept,
A hand drawn map to Nashville, and the only key I kept,
One drink for the future, three or four more for my health,
The more you tell me that you’re proud, the less I recognize myself,
Each town another faded beauty, another name I can’t recall,
Or a vision in my head that I couldn’t recognize at all,
It was always all or nothing, the only way that I knew how,
Trying to convince myself it doesn’t hurt to think about you now,
Still I held you like a rumor deep in summer’s faded sigh,
I never told you that I loved you, and you never said goodbye,
There was always one more sunrise, there was always one more spring,
I’m not sure how that helps me now that I’ve lost everything.
Norbert Tasev Feb 2021
Anyone who has become a caress and has satiated for many years now looks down on his luxury citadel: self-tanning, solarium kittens can already easily lose their basic colors! The dreamy lifestyle and the stylish jaccudzi fall apart into its parts! The prostitution of Being a ******* can no longer be traced; even at events, a stone-rich snarling shell can be witnessed by those staring at the screen!

Distinguished, twinkling accomplice-masonry smiles at wedding moments; one is barely twenty-two, while the other is already seventy-five! Between two hot quarrels, a giggling, grinning charm-grin! Prolonged myocardial fever, near infarction after promising!
They embrace each other like the newly initiated, while in the depths of their souls a superficial blush breaks their superstitious petals! The price of any phenomenal glow is real Betrayal! Why whirl if someone longs for a normal life on the side of the happiness found? Under the roof is the well-assembled dowry! Dads of large families broke out of the gate-closing panic because they longed for the adrenaline-boosting nectars of common forbidden fruits!
The warfare of Propaganda-blonde underworld bombers is already plagued by the wallet and the red carpet! Everyone circulates like an exile and everyone is eagerly surprised by a special adventurer, his career appetite: the satiated woman is always hungry even on the bed of Procrustean beds!

The joy of life of the Cassandras is already on schedule! You can make a bargain with a light heart for cooling latrines, company-wicked villains! “Imaginary hysterics imitate a deliberate nose fall in their mouthful of nail shoes so that the tabloid press can write about them for days.
Bijan Rabiee Aug 2018
Science is son of poetry
Psychology, daughter of sea
Wind is father of religion
Earth's mother, the fire engine.
Through the self-centered rhythm
Light and twilight saddle me
In the ring of solarium
Temper of seasons suckle me.
Tomorrows and yesterdays are
Torches and candles of the Time
House of here and heavens of far
But cradles in Space paradigm.
Andrew Rueter Apr 2021
I want you to know how I feel
but my words don't reach the extent necessary
to let you know what is real
that I want to be your emissary
but I act so wary
like an actuary
with a knack for staring
judging passing cherries
as cassowaries.

My frustration grinds through a mouthful of teeth
because of the fountain of heat
that lies beneath
my sword in sheath
melting through its protection
bleeding from the rejection
of your outward inflection
thwarting this coward's intentions.

I miss you but I don't even know you
I want to kiss you and hold you
but the issue to that bold move
is that I don't know if it'd go through
like Father Time's sand
passing through my hands
******* I'm an old man
from your cold canned gold jam
I'm sold bland then soul slammed
by Conan
The Barbarian
in my solarium
solitary terrarium
where nary a sum
equals more than one.
misha Jul 2020
these flowers
were not grown with love
I fed them with blood
and now they hang from the ceiling,
glistening red with dew.

the glass is scuffed.
there was a bear here, last night.
she tried to break in
but I shot her,
and she unraveled

into millions of pieces
of colourful silk.
someone created this beast.
someone gave her a name.
and I ended her life.
Norbert Tasev Apr 2021
A student crown witness can hardly be found in the field of mystery grains! As an obstacle builder, he builds massive ramparts around himself - it is almost a total inability to decipher his thinking! A knocking heel above it is a black piano keyboard mystery, while the Realm of the Soul is a eloquent but unbreakable shell! Everything can turn in the triangle of total bankruptcy in your career! Among the set badges of majesty, the stamp of the untouchables flourishes: as a bacterium, it occupies any host body, and examining selfish truth truths, the fever curve of their bold lies immediately emerges!
The opposite pair of carelessness or murderous interest thus seems to reconcile and enslave the honor that has become a pile of rubble! - Every visceral wish dies! Shadow Duty Could Be Even Retaining Morality! Simultaneously exhaust and anesthetize insidious suspicions; it is surprisingly similar to a mature routine and cannot tolerate showcase objectivity! They are always amazed at the poisonous facts of trickery who intend to showcase their exhibitionist personalities!
The silly era of ambitious contours is still going on, and even a silly summer can be all about being alerted to money-winning money by festival-goers! The deep stagnant water is already quite cloudy in gorilla brains! With the veiled moments of impotence, the bigger biceps ex-titanium boasts many times over! - This is how a certificate of poverty is issued on the facts of intrigues! The solarium artificial body of colorless fog knights is browned slowly, crumbly flame! Naked arguments can be seen in the crowded kittens melting in the muscle arms of Al-Romeo Adonis; bathed in immoderate consumption of testosterone, primate baths deliberately forget normal, human life! Who is robust is not yet sure to be the Emperor of Life too!
Friday and the sirens are wailing
when they catch them, if they catch them, they'll be getting bailed out by the do-gooders and nothing good will come of it.

I don't care
I'm not there in the spotlight
nor am I dodging the cops in
the moonlight,

subliminally insane
playing their game
and still getting
weighed off
but that's a weight off
free board
free food
colour TV
and a private room
for me,
a solarium
a gymnasium
free classes in business
of her...
His Majesty's Government
and then they wanna give me parole
*** em
they can kiss my old king cole.
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
Carat-deep heat destroys contagious; whistling in the trenches of empty playgrounds and a weedy woman Instead of cheerfully cheering, rich child-thugs, vulnerability teaches each other to survive! There is already a feeling of hostility in a state of consciousness, hidden in conscious uncertainty! We are all standing in a whirlwind lane and we are either ******* or doing enough tricks! We study grimacing faces at the edges of skulls! Today, Hon is still a caressing dream of a waiter, a seeming America, where cheap inflationary forints are also gaining power!
The limbs, which have been severely plasticized, turn into syrups with an expired warranty, and nowhere to get the words of sincere-friendly gestures! This current ***** misery is appetizing; you can't help bear no one's suffering anymore! Sunlit solarium faces glide into a melting target on the donkey ladder of envy; the rusty arrow trembles in vulnerable hearts! This current swimming pool looks like a huge, gaping pit in Kettle-Country! - Among ******* demigods and goddesses freaking in bikinis, what can skinny meatball boys do?!
The traditional feeling of life also smells of cooking oil, and you have no idea that the compromising details will remain unfaithful in themselves! An unmistakable hallmark is the scent of every busy worker! How much new oriental culture and obscene ******* will the tolerant of the party and festival ether! "Prophets can therefore cultivate on paper the traditions of standing in the wilderness!" "You can only know the original sin, but for me it is enough for a whole pathetic life!" You had plenty of time to get *****! The question is: How do you want to look cleaner again?!
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
The forgotten handshake is already embarrassingly serious; as the imprint of chalk-faced faces will you be an aggressor, or perhaps a conciliator who will redeem your loved ones?! Conscious fear runs through the rails of your laid soul! The effort to get there is everywhere! A family home may not be waiting for who really deserves it! Everyone stops near the top of their careers if there is no broker or protégé behind them! Confidence can also be gained with insufficient professional qualifications!
What makes a man of shipwrecked spirits disappointing and wild is the prediction of ****! Fashionable idiocy, which, like a good thing, sticks to the human character and leaves a pimple behind as a cold! - Chirping nymphs, flirting with prostitutes as flirting prostitutes, while having a solarium pass instead of a mind! Fallen prophets, as a rigid rule, tend to flee from wolf laws; the Vibrant hits the exposed concretes of firewalls!
In the throbbing glands, the vigor arises; phlegm disguised as help Promise! A crisis that replaces ambiguity; awareness is roaring among sizzling critics! The double cordon raises an objection if you really want to know others! Kushadnia wonder why in every Age a person should be, who is average?! The child of flattening compulsions is back! In the vegetation below, everyone is scratching and flattening their own benefit and there can be no more procrastination; what kind of pathetic over-regulation binds us to the Present, in which the living is forced to bribe ?!
It is always a surprise to snag a bump! "The temporary throbbing is tired once I have the ingrained fear in me!
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
A student crown witness can hardly be found in the field of mystery grains! As an obstacle builder, he builds massive ramparts around himself - it is almost a total inability to decipher his thinking! A knocking heel above it is a black piano keyboard mystery, while the Realm of the Soul is a eloquent but unbreakable shell! Everything can turn in the triangle of total bankruptcy in your career! Among the set badges of majesty, the stamp of the untouchables flourishes: as a bacterium, it occupies any host body, and examining selfish truth truths, the fever curve of their bold lies immediately emerges!
The opposite pair of carelessness or murderous interest thus seems to reconcile and enslave the honor that has become a pile of rubble! - Every visceral wish dies! Shadow Duty Could Be Even Retaining Morality! Simultaneously exhaust and anesthetize insidious suspicions; it is surprisingly similar to a mature routine and cannot tolerate showcase objectivity! They are always amazed at the poisonous facts of trickery who intend to showcase their exhibitionist personalities!
The silly era of ambitious contours is still going on, and even a silly summer can be all about being alerted to money-winning money by festival-goers! The deep stagnant water is already quite cloudy in gorilla brains! With the veiled moments of impotence, the bigger biceps ex-titanium boasts many times over! - This is how a certificate of poverty is issued on the facts of intrigues! The solarium artificial body of colorless fog knights is browned slowly, crumbly flame! Naked arguments can be seen in the crowded kittens melting in the muscle arms of Al-Romeo Adonis; bathed in immoderate consumption of testosterone, primate baths deliberately forget normal, human life! Who is robust is not yet sure to be the Emperor of Life too!
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
Pulp-threshed, deprived-brain gorilla brains, muscle gorillas still charm; it may not even be necessary to mix! Who started who on the *****?! With shameful, sanda promises, who could have shocked the eternally hopeful hemispheres better? Does the universe fire of our childhood still shine up there? The last advertising light of the Silver Age is just yet, but staying so hard! Vivid, solarium-stained meat masses are shouted like cult sculptures of health!
A barren search, and the researchers began digging in a disgraceful way to even save what seemed like a cheap century of time left to us! Already all cheap plays, mutual deception; as a tumor spreading as a metastasis, re-create the thunderstorm wheel of History with its own laws, only that their selfish and irrefutable lies should gain new votes! A knife knife also proved to be a small number of pumpkins worn around the necks! To adjust the arc of decline, it is still advisable in someone's bubbling, bottomless rage to always hit his denied compliment!
Repeated defeats have goosebumps on the backs of many, though they could have done so instead of trying to decipher the lack of resources! The Living is still sorting ******* crumbs! When does the actual Light leak through idiocy?! A curious heart if you really want to start exploring, so that a wise researcher can find the silly, parade-like make-up make-up under the thick, chubby layers of meat, peeling off the hearty, human layers! The circling nodes of the Spirit show everyone their individual paths as a passable threshold! All crossroads branches; happiness is always just the first projected encounter!
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
Unlimited opportunities can only be given to exceptional selections: free-thinkers need border peripheries! Their vigilance is still evidenced! The greedy, bribed world is becoming a fake Sign! Today, blind luck escapes everyone who once spoke a word and deed! More determined Celebecies always live with a guessable suspicion lawsuit! Passwords inflated over the law are also reduced to stupid legal collections! You can hardly smoke tamed ghosts today! Palm-operated, solarium sofas definitely require satisfaction! - Could it be that his stay has not yet revealed the protein of his teeth and who could not have been deceived by false prophetic words ?!
Who couldn’t legally sniff out a constantly festivaling, summer bankruptcy?! The squeaking of mice here is not yet a palace revolution! They practice silly cents for the graces of petty liars! The whole structure s Ladies grinning smile has been rotting for a long time! No trace is visible on the outside; every hairline crack looks familiar! Serve each other with big vests handles happy-unhappy! Deep in the depths of dark souls, a snarling-clicking snag swallows itself full of nets of lies!
I have nothing to do with intrusive yuckes and cheap Papagenas! They may have become accustomed to the custodians as volunteer messengers! Unofficial Colossians and kittens lick at season-ending golden galas; in the crossfire of Jupiter lanterns and dazzling spotlights spinning in a dance hall, there can rarely be an eccentric front man who would not proclaim his treadable truth! His honesty was deliberately omitted from the list of invitees.
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
An alarming and curious era of restless surprises is coming! Cultured Alpha males, pampered, solarium bomb-goddesses suffer from their self-indulgent exhibitionism and are thus already depressed and determined on the meaningless treadmill of the same existence! “Stretching, embarrassing loneliness came to us uninvited, like the exiled Stranger: human maturity could hardly tame jerks in a killer-phlegm manner!
A cultured minority was preparing for a serious speech to surprise itself: slowed down, deliberate reflections can no longer be trusted! The exploitable essence of conscious career building has kneaded a new mask from grimacing grimaces on the faces of chirping kittens! Instead of joining forces to finally get rid of the greedy longing - indifference — they let themselves be bribed to sell them out for a desire for a better life! Comfortable holding could rarely attack in indefinite states! Even the words of beauty are already circulating! and even heart-pounding lies to each other! They couldn't reach the wounded and delayed moment!
A dripping rain sparkles the offended eye as he looks into the memories of the transient! Many remain superficial on the surface with willful intent! In their tiny, tingling optic nerve, they would not be able to find the Essence and feel it with will! Chills in hibernation are also self-love and an exaggerated, deformed body image cult, which is preferred by nowadays! - You can already know from human eyes: they are cheating and they are cheating! - Our hopes are also reduced to lovely butterflies! It seems, in every matter of consideration, hyena-smiles rooted in the world, a phlegm-hatred, a killer-interest thought
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
Anyone who has become a caress and has satiated for many years now looks down on his luxury citadel: self-tanning, solarium kittens can already easily lose their basic colors! The dreamy lifestyle and the stylish jaccudzi fall apart into its parts! The prostitution of Being a ******* can no longer be traced; even at events, a stone-rich snarling shell can be witnessed by those staring at the screen! Distinguished, twinkling accomplice-masonry smiles at wedding moments; one is barely twenty-two, while the other is already seventy-five! Between two hot quarrels, a giggling, grinning charm-grin! Prolonged myocardial fever, near infarction after promising!
They embrace each other like the newly initiated, while in the depths of their souls a superficial blush breaks their superstitious petals! The price of any phenomenal glow is real Betrayal! Why whirl if someone longs for a normal life on the side of the happiness found? Under the roof is the well-assembled dowry! Dads of large families broke out of the gate-closing panic because they longed for the adrenaline-boosting nectars of common forbidden fruits!
The warfare of Propaganda-blonde underworld bombers is already plagued by the wallet and the red carpet! Everyone circulates like an exile and everyone is eagerly surprised by a special adventurer, his career appetite: the satiated woman is always hungry even on the bed of Procrustean beds! The joy of life of the Cassandras is already on schedule! You can make a bargain with a light heart for cooling latrines, company-wicked villains! “Imaginary hysterics imitate a deliberate nose fall in their mouthful of nail shoes so that the tabloid press can write about them for days.
Norbert Tasev May 2021
Carat-deep heat destroys contagious; whistling in the trenches of empty playgrounds and a weedy woman Instead of cheerfully cheering, rich child-thugs, vulnerability teaches each other to survive! There is already a feeling of hostility in a state of consciousness, hidden in conscious uncertainty! We are all standing in a whirlwind lane and we are either ******* or doing enough tricks! We study grimacing faces at the edges of skulls! Today, Hon is still a caressing dream of a waiter, a seeming America, where cheap inflationary forints are also gaining power!
The limbs, which have been severely plasticized, turn into syrups with an expired warranty, and nowhere to get the words of sincere-friendly gestures! This current ***** misery is appetizing; you can't help bear no one's suffering anymore! Sunlit solarium faces glide into a melting target on the donkey ladder of envy; the rusty arrow trembles in vulnerable hearts! This current swimming pool looks like a huge, gaping pit in Kettle-Country! - Among ******* demigods and goddesses freaking in bikinis, what can skinny meatball boys do?!
The traditional feeling of life also smells of cooking oil, and you have no idea that the compromising details will remain unfaithful in themselves! An unmistakable hallmark is the scent of every busy worker! How much new oriental culture and obscene ******* will the tolerant of the party and festival ether! "Prophets can therefore cultivate on paper the traditions of standing in the wilderness!" "You can only know the original sin, but for me it is enough for a whole pathetic life!" You had plenty of time to get *****! The question is: How do you want to look cleaner again?!

— The End —