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Michael W Noland Dec 2012
Scooped some loops of troops with their heads offed, scoffed, at the loss with the cost from my own losses, in lawless, flawlessness accosted by pentecostal brothels hugging it out with the clout of the lord.

Oh lord! what am i talking about, as I am doubting the amount i can pile on my brow, and not break a sweat, playing my stakes to their best, and jettin, while i'm still a veteran in the scrambled lettering of my iris, spreading viruses, inside us, uniting us, to Set...

The scores straight with annihilation on my mind, and an island for them to find, my station at the shrine, to launch codes in kind, to your denied existence of the lines in time, cruxing the fluxing path of inevitability, crossing out the math of probability, clearly seeing everything that once be, bettered. Be. Been, about to be, grinning again.

Because it tickles when i'm stoopid, but im snoopin steadily through your blueprints, moving amongst your movements, and proving that you will lose this, in clueless, fluid, drizzling down the drain with your social stains, still straining the veins to my brain, trying to maintain one sane morsel of a reason not to **** you, i love you, but booooom.

Making room for my assumed solitude, in astute rudeness to the rudimentary business of idiots, stand back i got this, and when im into it, there are no limits to what my digits do, in true blinding hoops of halos bent, in unrelenting wrenching of a stint, of greed, but having everything needed, and settling for sanity.

If humanity had a hand, it may demand a stance in return for a burn that's graphed away, in firm concerns made in forgotten stays of my patience, ghost writing in payments, to my slavers, giving blood to my saviors, saving us from the lesson.

I merely choose to burn in the learning curve, that curbs my satisfaction with distractions, with past tense presentations, intending to mend in venting of the clues to the other news askew ..

In smoking away the blues to hues of happy, haphazardly, chappy in the final hour of sappy nights, of goodnightless fights in righteous might, of my mandatory story telling, of the felling of the fireworks in finale fires that burned, until the uncle died, and smirked from the casket of a bizerk card shark, barking from the starkly stripped semblance of a resistance to tyranny

Its tearing me up to think, that i care, laying bare, to the bruises, these intrusive abusers use to move this rock from its plot, and stop, a catastrophe..

But i'm mastering.

Giselle Louise Feb 2023
I’m a righter – not a fighter.

Things will end how they may
But I securely believe
That some day
You lot will leave;
Every mismatched rhyme
And unknown connection
Will have its time
Shrugging off all signs of affection
Therefore dismissing any reason
That might reside in that mind
And I will ease on
To erase all memory of your kind.

I won’t choose this as my battle
Because I know where it ends –
It’ll inevitably shatter
And these shards don’t tend
To smooth themselves out,
Nor will you take it
Upon yourself to try a differing route –
A new escape – but the same ****.

So I’m left wondering why
It’s always my job to make it right.
October 26, 2013
Caroline Apr 2013
I know you can’t look at me like that-
                                        You can’t picture my rapid ascension
But I’m telling you
                                                       I was born up there in the heavens
And through a choreographed tumble
                                                          ­   I gave all those jerks stargazing a real fright
Gyrating wildly on a hot tin roof
                                                         Shining like the sign advertising
My entrance in the marquee light
                                                           ­         And all those jerks in the theatre say “Good Heavens!”

I know you can’t look up at me that far
                                     But have you seen those angels
Posing on Sunset Boulevard
                                                  Where­ they hear phosphorescent confessions
From the morning commuters
                                            And the flow of the universe quivers
Staring into their third eyes

I wanna be that guy
                                          I want those jerks watching entertainment news
Fainting under astral projection
                                                And in time
You can be my creative director
You can be my creative director
                                         Pasting me to Tarot Cards and
Fireworking my profile in the night sky
                                            I’ll sponsor a product
  And kids will line up to
                                               Bathe in the votive hot lights of my name
It’s a sign
                               We’re so far reaching

67 miles outta town and
                                    67 million miles from the sun
I know it feels righter than night when UV rays
                                                       Penetrate your credulous face
But the spirit of the west glistens much brighter in the
                                                kinetic shrines of the stubbled L.A. Agents
What a sight the streets are in the
                                alien smog of the neon lunar deities
Give me the keys, we’re going
                                                         67 miles for your troubles
In a bubble of cogito confusion

when you clear your head space to the tune of imported incense
                                                         ­  Us pretty young things take the place of
Nirvana and since then you’ve come to your senses
                                                   I’m not so doe-eyed on the inside
                                                   I’m not so doe-eyed on the inside
When you surf TV channels
                                     And gaze through a medium’s eye
There am I
                                                 The saint of the teenybopper insurrection  
The goddess of hollywood dead resurrection
                                                    ­  On a late night program
Where I’m the last thing they see when they cry

So shake a leg to my manifesto
                                          Like those UFO cults in the rock clubs
And abandoned churches did on the night
                                                           ­   I made the city of angels starry-eyed and searching for
visions, whether in mosh pits, red carpet
                                                          ­           Events or selfish decisions,
made in the name of those wizards who run the whole operation,
                                                                ­The seances, humanoid dolls and TV dinners
The astrology impacting the target market
                                        The facetious “He is risens!"

I’m a scam on the human spirit!
                                                    And you can't blame this on youth, fame, voyeurism
Or even religion
                                        But renewed faith in seeing a
familiar face, the mystery of
                                                    luminaries­ in blacklight  space
The supernova of the pop of a flash, it takes
                                      A lot of unnatural light to keep the kids
Mystified, and the aura
                                       Oh so strong

I know you can’t find the precious time
                                                                ­             But let’s take those jerks outside looking up
to a  heaven in orbit where young stars
                                                           ­   fall from the sky
There's an entire field of math
that investigates how fast
things move, one with respect another.
From hydraulics to ballistics,
to scheduling and logistics,
to expected birth rates -
healthy babies, happy mothers.
You can model how disease
moves through a populace with ease
or with diff'culty, as coefficients vary,
how heat and energies diffuse,
or how quickly I will lose
your rapt attention, if I choose,
choose to carry,
always carry,
  carry on the way I do.
If I carry,
always carry on,
  to interest just a few.
But hey.
A passion's still a passion
no matter what you're drawn to.

And with some level of abstraction,
maybe we could find an action,
a reaction,
  an expansion
that could yield a change or two.
Piece together some firm notion,
quantify that art in motion,
brew that bubbling new potion
that can build a better view.

Because there's got to be some level
where preconceptions start to end.
Where the Bell curve starts to bevel,
where your mind begins to bend.
Where names and labels scatter free;
it doesn't matter what you do.
Where fin'lly I can just be me,
where you can just be you.

Because it all comes back to how we move,
one with respect another,
always acting as behooves
someone with our label's cover.
Father, mother.
Sister, brother.
  Pusher, shover.
   Friend and lover.
Villain, hero.
Dime or zero.
  Caesar, Nero,
or just a guy.
A ****, a bro
a ****, a **
The man who knows
every disguise.
a physician,
  a scared little boy wishin'
  on a shootin' star swishin'
long across a midnight sky.
Theatrical protagonist.
Can you start to get the jyst?
We've got so many roles to play.
Who do we want to be today?
  Just who looks back behind our eyes?

A Freedom Fighter
Wrong righter
Fire started
Broken hearter
Wallet stealer
Dope dealer
For God's sake,
let it stop.

I've got too many roles to fill.
Just can't chill.
Can't calm down,
can't come around.
I'm so tired,
I'm so wired,
  I'm so scared of gettin' fired.
So much **** piles up.
Please, Barkeep, one more in my cup.
  And crank those ******' dials up.
Make chaotic volume flood,
'til the sound of pounding blood
  in my ears becomes a mud
layered thick around the brain,
until that **** that's so insane,
  becomes labeled as mundane.
Betrayal.  ******.  War.
Ya know, I've seen it all before.
  And I'd expect we'll see some more.
But that's okay.
I can breathe.
I'm listed here as understanding.
It's expected.
Let it go.
I'm listed here as undemanding.

It was for a blessing's name
that Cain betrayed his brother.
So becomes our choice of movement,
one with respect another.
Stationary, if not stable,
names fighting to define
people willing, if not able,
to leave their names' confines.

I know it could be simple
if we put our names to rest,
but like some aggravated pimple
grows my own list to contest.
I'm still a lover unrequited.
Still the guy who's ever-slighted,
I've got my Fightin' Irish side;
got both the drinker and his pride.
I still speak my simple credo,
have a Gemini's libido.
And by chivalry's demand,
will keep on offering my hand,
  knowing full well that you will stand
without assistance,
and insistence
that you don't need help from a man.

It gets out of hand so quickly
trying to cultivate ourselves
into what we think we should be.
We wind up bring off the shelves
more than we bargained for
and in the end,
the labels wind up wrong.
While well-intended
all we ended up with
is a spoiled song.

It started out four hands together
plucking out a little tune.
Silv'ry chords you sent to heaven
on a morning come too soon.
But the motif
stolen by the thief
of our own grand delusions,
Our minds,
just as we trained them,
racing off to draw conclusions...

What was once upon a time
beautiful simplicity
became muddled by the noise
of the entire symphony.
The blowing brass and sawing strings
of complicated history
confuse the senses, turn our tune into
a blurred cacophony.

And so we quit that silly game,
'cause it could never be the same
after we banished every name
except our own.
Then we could be
free from confinement on the "who,"
the "what," the "why" of what we do.
with me just me, and you just you.

So it is shown.
I - The Proxy. (September 2010 - February 2011).

I don’t know how it began
and I don’t know how it will close.
All I recall is that of us together
in the dull rooms

with your male equivalent
and the girl who’d soon depart.
The first year is inmaterial,
the second is where

you came ablaze
like a torch in the obscurity,
intense and alive.
From blonde to brown,

but it arose.
You enticed me in,
as did the serpent to Eve.

So started more interaction,
regular, controlled,
guess I was foolhardy,
strained my luck too much,

ambiguous jargon
got me nowhere.
Blasé, shrugged them off
(but you knew didn’t you?)

and they soon stopped,
but the talking did not.
It became apparent,
she was sadly gone.

You were the substitute,
as foul as that sounds.

II - The Design. (March 2011).

Over again I thought, once more I attempt to ease into this world,
a world still hazy to me but I’d seen how it worked,
people happy, joyful, walking around with a little more happiness
on the soles of their shoes, or sad,
sad at the expiration of what before had seemed great
only to invisibly split like the skin of a bruised banana.
Me and P spoke for ages about what could be done.
What would she like? Should anything go ahead?
Three years in a row, but this one felt righter,
a genuine chance to get my feet over the threshold.
This couldn’t go the same way as the past.
Ideas were puny, rash, almost stupid,
it needed to be powerful, effective, simple instead,
I said all the time, stick to those rules, a plan will come up,
though days disappeared, notebook remained a vacant space.
But just like the first time, a night by myself in my room
an idea came.

III - The Envelope. (5th April 2011).

*You must understand that what you are reading could not be truer.

You know that I like you. A lot. I have felt this way about you for several months.

You know that I hate it when you (and I) have to leave, and that I miss you as soon as you are gone.

You know that you make me feel happier just by turning up to lessons.

You know that I think you are an amazing individual.

I know that you may not care, I know that I cannot stop you from doing what you will, and I know that I cannot force you to change. All I want is to be around you all the time, but that cannot happen.

Quite simply, if I do not tell you this now, I doubt I ever will. Even though you sometimes make me feel depressed, and sometimes make me annoyed…
Written: June 2012.
Explanation: The first three parts of this poem were written in my own time over the space of several days. It is the most personal poem I have written to date.
Part One refers to how we met.
Part Two refers to how I planned things with the aid of my friend.
Part Three refers to the plan that never was.
Holly Salvatore Mar 2012
I can hear my neighbors through the walls
And my roommate downstairs
Finding new ways to make salad unhealthy
The kitchen is filthy
Why does she do this?
Why am I here still?

260 is full of idiots
With their highschool girlfriends
258 is a broken laundry machine
And loose screens
And fake happiness for all the college kids
And fake nails
And fake ID’s

256 goes BANG! BANG!
Study harder
Get smarter
Gotta make that money
Gotta buy your own wonders
That’s what they’re all working towards

254 is on the porch
I don’t want to live here anymore
254 is cold beer
Come over here
You wanna be my baby?

I think he’s righter than I’ll ever be
Courtney O Oct 2020
And sometimes it comes my way
and I smile, I feel, I shake
You showed me your own kind of fairy tale
But I am a punk and I ripped it to death
The Sun did; I just allowed him to do his sacred deed

This is life, you know
So different from what you've been taught.
It is the best, and sometimes the worse.
Full of ecstasy and pain, and ups, and downs.
A ride to not forget, for sure.
Prettier than right, righter than law.
Law written by tyrannic mores!

This is life, not what you were told
try your best, forget about the rest
drown in it, till you're whole
most of all, have a ball
Daniel Wetter Sep 2014
He forgot how to help himself.

He forgot how to love,accept,and respect himself.

He now loves feeling his pain,
and wishing things were still the same.
Exchanging brains,
for drugs with names,
that will land him under the ground,
or inside of a cage.

It’s a crime to wait,
for life to take,
the righter path,
with a mind that hates.
At night he’ll pace
his mind will race,
yet sit in place,
designed to waste.

Why does he do it?
So self destructive.
He claims he isn’t an addict,
but isn’t above it.
The future is bleek,
so no need to recover.
A bleeding heart bruises,
and is misleading in color.
At the moment before,
the moment he snaps,
and right before he’d lose it,
*his music *oozes from the loosest of nooses.
Do something positive after reading this one.
NiTSUDD Mar 2016
I thought she'd be nicer, less tired of living
The bright spot in a daydream I don't just do when I'm bored.
I've been schooled yeah, all the righter.
But I won't stop beating upon her door.
Oh sweet child, I was born to live with
I need a little lovin, then i need a little more.
Breathing what's life, what have you to brought to begin with?
A knight in shining armor, but forgot his sword.

Days turn to nights, who have I to swim with?
I don't need no money
just you and a cord.
We leave temptation, trek high in the mountain
Wild as the children we would often scorn.
The water is rising, Alas some life to live with
The Gods will be watching, don't let them get bored.
written down

all my weathery
carousel personalities
get a spin at the roulette

pen pushing chorus
into distillation

dipping 10,000 toes
into spectrumland
while I feign motions
on the outside

paper refuge
breathing trees
play with me

out there surfing
glowstick rainbow rings
in this bizarrebeyond
custom branded atmosphere
that only I could breathe

until we dropped

and for some strange reason
felt free to be all of me
you jumped on board
not skewing my orbit

and all the members
of my lonely hearts club
ascended the stairs
to get a good look
at this kindred enigma
twin lucid in the sky

they pushed me forward
when feet fumbled

they wanna break free
architect realities over
trace-paper dreams

wordarts n' crafts
changetheworld dates

they wanna sit
next to your troupe

gaze into open
continuum siphon
where words cannot go

exhale in sync

'cause behind mâché
is already seen
Mikaila Dec 2013
I'm reading this book.
It says that little boxer puppies are never taken to their vet
When they get their ears cut.
It says "The point is, whoever cuts your ears off is the one you'll hate for the rest of your life."

Go ahead, watch me.
Watch me go down.
All Knowing One,
With your sage advice and that smirk that means you're righter
Than me.
Go ahead,
To make me quail
Try to twist the knife and force me to give up on her,
I dare you.
See what happens.
I will go up in flames
With a terrible beauty you've never seen.
I will die like a star,
Smash so completely that
You go blind from the light of my explosion.
I am a nuclear war of a person.
You want to press the red button?
Think it's a decoy?
I don't play games.
I go down
I go down hard
I see it coming miles off
And I never
Back out of it.
You want to warn me?
You couldn't wait to say it, could you?
The words you knew would rip through me like shrapnel
You couldn't wait to be right
That I will fail.
You want to drive me off,
Hurt me into giving up,
Give me the advice that saves my life?
Oh, *******,
I will burn in hell
Because it is my choice if I do.
Was it satisfying to see the coldness creep into my eyes,
My heart turn to stone in defense?
I tried to cut you off-
I knew any mention of her from your lips would be a knife edge-
But you barreled on, cruel and eager,
And it hit me like you knew it would.
Once I told you
That the mention of her name makes me shake.
Once I showed you
And maybe you're
Just stupid as hell
And you forgot,
But I think you never forget.
I think you knew.
It's not your right to rip my heart out.
It's not your power.
It's hers.
And when you steal it,
You deface me,
You defile me,
How dare you?
And this will pass, I will cool like lava into rock,
But let me tell you
Right now I
Hate you for knowing
And saying it anyhow.
Quote from Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk.
Blind skies have gleaned
their stories from the strumming of the bored,
but they do change them.
They rearrange them,
their outcomes, slightly,
and, when they retell them,
the words fall back to us lighter,
delightedly so, than they were before.

It's just us.
We've heard.
It's just us, more called,
and they shared this secret:
Those blind skies aren't blind at all.
They only pretend
not to see, as they bend
the wind to help us.

They let us think,
The movement's thanks to me,
when we tell our shortened tales
where the Lord doesn’t deliver us.
We tell them to no-one
and anyone in particular,
by pecking our thumbs with an irregular,
scratched-out beat.

It happens too when they slow us down,
and we punch-in our excuses.
I would have gotten here sooner
in fact, but the tactless crow I followed
took a crooked path.

That's when not-blind skies wink
and they lift our rhythmic letter-breaths
to become the stuff of linty pockets.

Some day, one day,
not a spare hour or minute
but the splittest second before
a glory-less death,
our stories will snow back on us.
We'll hear them
and the words will feel
familiar, though a little more gray.

Then the smallest voice
we've ever heard,
somehow both ours and theirs,
will say, *The gist is got
but the endings are not
quite right. Yet,
I admit they're also righter
than my telling's long-ago was.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Madeline Jan 2012
we watched the sun spill the sky ******
and we painted pictures in the sand.
we watched the ocean i so feared wash the shells
a different color, ruder and ruddier than before,
duller with each passing wave
like blue jeans in the wash
or hearts on a string.
you were the moon, pulling me on and pushing me back,
and i was the sun, laughing at you.
we ran barefoot over reefs and rainclouds,
never minding that we tattered the hems of our pants,
and i had to remind you that there are still stars in daytime.
we watched white-black clouds over pink-and-purple skies
and we laughed to see the birds just wheeling.
we watched the ocean i so feared wash the shells
a different color, brighter and righter than they were before,
lovelier with each passing wave,
like stars in the night,
or hearts on a string.
Ramin Ara Nov 2016
A happy wife is
A happy life
And the make it even brighter
Remember that while
You may  be right
Your wife will always be righter
Jay earnest Oct 2022
Let the professionals have their $500 vintage typewriters and Mac book pros in sunlit nooks with chirping birds and glacial water coffee and decadent street humming.

Poetry should be written with red eyes at 3:22am in a stuffy room on a cracked smart phone.
There are no rules actually, but it's how
I manage
jeffrey conyers Apr 2016
You must make up your mind to be passive or a fighter.
A complainer or a righter.

You must stand your ground when you're right.
When authorities wants you be totally silent.
By advising you how to get ahead?
By lying instead.

You must adapt to responsibility after years of none.
Regretting for that day to come.
We all have plenty things to avoid.

You must confirm to your faith.
For hopes and prayers to work.
Substances moves when they have reasons too.

You must determine to be the BEST dad, mother, father, sister, uncle, aunt or brother.
By knowing what's require of those titles?

There are a lot of must in life we must do.
But the best and the hardest but easier than we think.
Is to be you.
Kemy Oct 2018
Just Me Against The World    
A soaring Red Cardinal Bird    
Down below    
Hell, tall stacks daily blows    
People walking around without a care    
Popping pills, pulling out their hair    
Mentality diminished from the thirty-day cycle    
Bills, Rent, ask the Archangel Michael    
Systematic designed not giving the brain cells time to regenerate    
Anger, depression and an empty purse, yet, bills can’t wait, cannot even debate    

Just Me Against The World    
Ooh child, things are going to get easier    
Ooh child, things will get brighter    
No, it will be, more sleazier    
No, it will be less righter    
Think about it, it’s no surprise    
You will come to realize    
These are words from the wise    

Just Me Against The World  
No civil right shoulders or spiritual leaders to lean on    
Yet, this world continues to pray for peace in a unified worldly song    
No more, can we all just get alone    
Those lyrics are so far gone    
Inner cities, bullets keep flying    
Mothers leaning over caskets crying    
Handcuffed, no diploma, senseless crime    
Court, Sentenced, Jail Time    
Corporate stocks escalating, it’s a business on taxpayers’ dime    
Bullied, life self-taken, silently snuffed    
Political ramifications, gun agendas, immigration, no more on the up and up    

Just Me Against The World    
Peace has decreased    
Toxic air from out the mouths of spiritual leaders, released    
We put our tides in the collection plate and pray to the sky    
Explain why racial disparity is at an all-time high    
Schools, colleges, just walking by, why    
911 telephone calls, Moorish skin, all just lies    
Are we going forward or backwards as we meet    
No trust as people come to greet    
Soon, society will all see ghosts in the streets  

Just Me Against The World    
What happen to Make America Great    
That concept was just a political switch and bait    
Society does not have time to swallow its pride    
Observers with ignorant prying eyes    
Wrong mother, wrong color    
The mirror is our only true lover    
Deemed, no self-worth    
Stigmatized after birth    
The black man, sadly for them, no earthly rest    
Peace, found only after he takes his last breath    
His glory crowned only after death    
This world must do better    
My reason for writing such profound love letters    
In this day    
Uplifting words when we forget to pray    
Whispered to you, as if I would tell you, or say    
I give you my Love and Hugs    
My Kisses and Rubs
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.

Hans Christian Andersen
could it be my tummy
trying to digest all these
heavy conflicting feelings

the love and the pain
the missed and the discarded
the conjoined and the severed
the forgiveness and the blame
the righter and the wronging
the know and the dismay

or maybe
the wine and the pizza...

I'll go with
C) All of the above
Allora Nov 2017
Just because I've lied doesn't mean I'm a liar.

Just because I'm wrong doesn't make you any righter.

Scars don't make me ugly, they prove I'm a fighter.

Don't try and put me down, I'll always rise higher.
Keven May 2018
Do you even know what you really believe in or are you just convinced you're write? You ain't. I am. I am the righter and you are just one more pathetic, little, marginally talented writer.
Joshua R Wood Oct 2018
In the tipping of the eve he did deceive he did deceive
His sentiments seeking reprieve he did believe he did believe
That foible in his mind to find a fate to finally rewind to sate
His deep and inner need to never bleed to never bleed

His mortality was shorn so filled with scorn so filled with scorn
That before his death he mourned, his soul forlorn his soul forlorn
Laying in the devil's dust he wept, a soul so scarred and so bereft
The cleft could not be filled, his heart was stilled his heart was stilled

Sinister seeking drifter dealing at the devil's levels
Would whisper in his ear, hark, those words sound so sincere
But it was clear to all but he the devil's trap laid at his feet
And in he fell to his own hell where mockery was *****'s swell
Beware, dear reader, beware . . .

No flowing through the sieve would he receive would he receive
No would-be cleansing to set free, to only grieve to only grieve
Living lies with empty eyes, no levity to lift the guise, despised
His face a frowning mask, an empty cask an empty cask

If only joy his mind could bring, oh how he'd sing oh how he'd sing!
To find out death's infernal sting a trivial thing a trivial thing!
Forgetting all life's follies, finding faith forever glory binding
Guiding by love's light, the strength to fight the strength to fight!

Divine dealing seeker sealing in the Sovereign's hands
Lifted up on eagle's wing, hark, those herald angels sing!
To raise his head above the dead and from the lies he could have fled
It's not too late to shift your fate and shine the light of Heaven's gate
Open, dear reader, open . . .
Open your heart to joy and then your life will truly begin . . .
Begin to be brighter and righter than it ever was before
I implore
I implore
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2024
Yahya   Sin - Warrior

Martyr for the World

Freedom fighter and

Rev-o-lut-ion  inciter.

The Human wrongs,

Righter, the Zio-nist

and evil Gews igniter.

A day will come and

All that’s dark will be

again, all due to him,

a land much brighter.
Bo Tansky Aug 2024
Oh Poetry
You duplicitous liar
You hide behind
Your window dressing
And ire.
Seasons change the
Ever-changing view
Sometimes it’s old
Sometimes it’s new
Your model attire
Dressed to the nines
Spilt onto a blank page
Goblets of not-so-fine wine

Aries, you indomitable fighter
Throw down your gauntlet
Of wronger and righter.

Love is found
In the fire
A rising phoenix
Of unknown desire.

The old made new
The untrue true
Secrets concealed
Not just for
The privileged few.

Coming round the bend
Is this the beginning
Or the beginning of an inning
Or something
That may never end.
Mark Bell Dec 2024
The poem killer
On the prowl
Doing ***** deeds
****** most fowl,
Grammar wrong
Will erase mistakes
Post on line
As works of fake.
Smelling mistakes
Words not smelt right
Poems will  die
A fight.
The poem killer
Poets dread
That their works
Will never be red.
These doggerel rhymes
Not fit to reed
As a righter
Shall I **** seed.

— The End —