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Meg B Apr 2014

it need not mean
to not physically be seen,
for eyes look on,
taking in the
I don;

crowds and rooms
bursting loud with tunes,
faces happily grimacing,
I am grimacing back,
revelry I am feigning,
as on spins the DJ track;

professional smile-maker,
the most experienced faker,
regarded by passerbyers,
they know nothing of my
insides                     on fire;

room crowded
and still alone,
optimism shrouded
by apathetic groan;


Meg B Oct 2015
very much alone
on a makeshift bench
out of an old log,
my coffee balanced in
a knot in the wood I've
made into a cup holder,
my feet planted into the
soggy leaf-covered dirt.
I gaze outward onto
the wooden bridge
that aids the passerbyers
of persons and canines to
overstep the pebble-laden
The air is brisk,
the sun sneaking only
occasional glances at my
behind a screen of
scattered trees,
tall and thin,
buried in leaves slowly
transitioning from green to
I ponder on how
brave everyone has
said I am,
that they could never do
what I'm doing,
like I'm some sort
of war hero.
I laugh slightly to myself,
for, I wonder, how much
moxy does it really take
to sit on an
abandoned stump in the
woods, fighting off
tears of loneliness and
Aren't those who are
brave not so
chock full of doubt,
not clinging to a pen
and a notebook in
hopes of dispelling
waves of woes?
The wind blows by me
once more as if to
reassure me that
my newfound spot of
singularity is exactly
where I am supposed to
be, so I go back to
watching the passerbyers, or,
the lack thereof,
sipping my coffee
and soaking in my new
Trung Duong Jun 2013
for the farmers*

The soft, barn red
bricks took away your childhood;
thus giving you a manhood.

Passerbyers rush with business

through the concrete paved
flowing streets.
Once in a while, they pass you
in their slick, metallic paint-coated

Still, you will continue to grow
no matter how fast people
build their cities.
Alexis Aug 2015
The stagnant watch of passerbyers
Penetrated with a needing of closure and a surrounding of homeliness
Words laced together in an order not distinguished
Without a sense of security and faith
It shatters and the phrase is broken
Just like everything else in the world and everything else that is just
But nothing is just
Nothing is certain
Burning. Molding. Changing
Life is not certain but it is meaningful
Only to those who can find meaning
In the pieces left behind by those before them
Who have created havoc
Who have created *******
Who have created falseness
Who are damaged
Who are wanting
Faith has created life
Faith has destroyed life
But get on your knees
Pray. Worship. Lie.
Nothing to save you
Nothing to save you
A bunch of fuckery
Myths all tied together
None is real
Suffering is imminent
Life is imminent
The passerbyer walks
With disappointment
Elena Feb 2019
I miss you every second I’m away from you
My heart can’t help but fill up with envy
For the people who get to rejoice in your presence
Every second of every day
Passerbyers who get a second glance
Of your beautiful golden locks twirling around with every step you take

I start to envy inanimate objects
That serve your every need
Napkins that wipe your bottom lip from the stickiness of lipstick
Mirrors that reflect every one of your perfect stances
The water that hydrates and gives you life

I obsess over you maybe too much
Maybe I just have too much time to think
But even in my busiest moments
Your image replays in my mind again and again
You’re a flash flood that takes ownership of everything it touches
for my gf
Jonny Angel Feb 2014
Hand in hand
we strode along the Camino
oblivious to the surrounding world.
Passerbyers could not restrain
their sentiments,
greetings & farewells
escaped lips,
while ours created magic,
locked together,
swirling our tongues,
we tasted soul.

It was our last walk together
and we both knew it.
We had counted stars,
tormented iquanas,
scissored each other
to make goosebumps
& lose sleep.

All of those memories
have stayed intact,
they do not haunt me,
save one.
I remember
watching you wave
from the backseat of the bus
as it drove away,
back into the jungle.

I wished we could
have stayed there
forever, but now,
I keep you with me,
just a crumpled photograph
of your star feet.
Bill murray Feb 2016
Take a ticket
Click it or ticket
Yet meanwhile, back in police land
They chuckle

Knowing neither one of them
Wear a seatbelt. Haha they say
We can write tickets
Everyday. We could steal
The passerbyers drugs to.
Hey maybe give em a jails stay,
Haha haha
We blue men say!
frankie Dec 2017
sprinting hand in hand down narrow streets
running around unsuspecting bystanders and passerbyers
laughs echoing off the skyscrapers, louder than all the taxi cabs and mixed up conversations of the city
chasing the pink sunset that reflects in golden hues off of the concrete jungle

walking hand in hand around the edges of the lakes in central park
dancing on subway platforms to street performers unique melodies
falling into attraction in between musty lps in dimly lit record shops hidden away in greenwich
falling in love in vacant coffee shops or on apartment building rooftops

the city is where nostalgia takes a form of reality and where chaos disguises itself as a form of surreal serenity
1797 the town of Griswold, London
in back of the banks lived a wizard who wanted the world better
he delighted in a decorated orb which his fashioned around his neck
the shadows of light perfumed its hidden ambiance
away from the passerbyers exposed through the trees
there it lied a hidden city with tiny hobbits and a haunting
a bat with vicious fangs that bite hanging down
the wizard had his friends for he was never alone
until that day a great storm took the hobbits away
this much he prayed for the willingness to go on with song
London was hit ******* that fallen day where creatures left
eyes with holes having spots hearts to unfold its vigil
buried beneath the city was led wth thirst to create a common attack

there was a warlock by the wizard with a crystal ball lead to discover
the hobbits were still alive just left in a world caught between space & time
He who gave the lordship unto man, over the earth
Declared that man must rule the earth with Love.
But man has sold his consciousness of what's right
And soon forgot about the boundlessness of Love.
Now man could see naught, but to gratify the self,
Which brought about dominance over all the earth.
Enchained the earth, including self, in shackles bright,
Then sing our songs of freedom; songs without Love
phie Feb 2020
sitting by the window, i am a witness to many things
the spirit of the wind rustling the leaves,
then disappearing into the sky,
the sky, so immense and ever changing
always remains in sight
above the heads of passerby pedestrians
they pay no mind
to the beauties of this world
as they walk by.
these passerbyers have their own life,
they are fueled by what appears from their own eyes
they can't see the one
who is fueled by the sight
by the window seat

— The End —