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Ken Pepiton Apr 2019
What are you conserving, I asked my unread conservative friend.
The American Way

he said.
in the songs, like back when Superman
was black and white, but

we knew,
his kryptonic heart
was read pure white and blue

and we still know,
green greed and
black time and chance, if those were never re-
al-ified, he could be,
he could be but,
for that militarial industrial mental complex
which made
Daddy Warbucks
money-ify Kryptonite,

other wise Superman would save us, so
we conserve the idea of America, as a spirit,
Drums and fifes and shots fired round the world

we stand, for the American way. Superman would.

With what deeds are you judged liberal,

I asked my friend whose hero was Fidel,
when he was ten.

My friend, swift to answer, ready, with a bullhorn:

my writing and my speaking and my teaching are liberal.

Those lable you? what is deemed liberality for which
ye are judged?

Oh, I am not judged, I am in the adminstrative side,
I administer social justice by allowing critical
appreciation of the sense under lying
dadaistic community
gardens. which produce liberal reasons for
deeming faith a very low class
exercise in sapient sapience.

Whom teach ye?
Those who are sent to be taught by selection committees,
who sort tests, based on statiscal
weights and measures pre
dicted apriori for the best
social cultural

Who pays you? Each of you.
con-server, liberal,
Who weighed your worth
in this fifty-fifty polictic project,

organical and all,

who runs the show? Is it spiracy?

Are elections pre ordained?

Was W. called by Oil and Trump oracled by Konami?
Was Barack Husein simply gas?
A UFO illusion?

Some thing the gut biome of the nation
burped or expelled from other orficees?

How did the assets of the fed expand
4.5 times since 2008,

when all I had conserved melted
with deflation of

the noise, zeitgeistiical,
humm, hear it? Do you?
Brainless axiomatic synaptic static?

Manifest destiny? Google it.

No. I checked. Not preordained. Things change.

This is the way.

Good went, thataway... and william tell
was told that apple held meaning...

cue the overture...
butadump butadump butadumpdumpdump
boomer audio meme keys
dream, with wikipedia and etymonline links.

aha, meaning...
the arrow never held, the message vibrated in the oak
at a point
in time. Okay, dress rehearse, masks on.

The point of the story is, good news.
it is finished.  Spaceship earth, nothing broken, nothing missing,

We have crews seeking survivors.

one day at a time. Share the road, share the load,
pay the piper, rule your realm,

make peace the leisure you worked for,
call enough enough

Remind them of the flight they all recall,
ask them if they ever dream
realisms in the realms of reasons re
in poetseerprophessor metaphors, in which

no warrior could act

as a liberal conserver re
pairing wind blown circuits.

Our peacemade hero inquisitor
of truth,

the wise king, retires on the dragon's hoard and
laughs at how easy it all became,

after imagining how Poke' mon really works,
in an open state of mind.

"A republic, if you can keep it." that was the dream.
The dream Plato imagined could work,

if we could get past that
neccessary fiction war insisted was traditional.
Intended for the verbatim bookstore open mic, 4-8-2019
CeriseRed Sep 2018
The dying hero said
To his wife and his beloved children
"I obliged you not to follow the same path I took."

With those words,
His daughter inquired,
"Father, how come not if it was a beautiful path
with those roses and dandelions,
showered by a blazing yellow hot sun
glittered with cotton candy sky
and a bouquet of trees and a choir of angelical wind?"

The hero stared blanky at his daughter
His heart gasped a beat and mouthed the words,
"Singsong the truth without coated sugar,
the world needs the intellectuals
with skills and talents,
neccessary for humanity to survive,
be a doctor who cures the sick,
be an engineer who builds
be a lawyer, be a farmer or a fisher,
anything will do but not the one I am."


"They are nothing without words,
They are nothing but robots,
without the tune of the tongue,
without the ink of the heart,
the world for them is all but rigid,
round but pointed,
with air but not breathing.
Words can **** but words can also heal."

The girl paused, then stand.
"Father can crack the caramel paint
and reveals of what's the truth,
I am who I am
and I am what father can do."

It was midnight.
The hero died.
A dead man and a dead will.
His deed still lives in pages,
and in the veins of his female kid.
A rebel daughter was born.
Her words were nothing for an empty soil.
A dead will and a dead man.
He wrote poems.
Alexa Sz Apr 2010
here are the main ingredients to my poetry:

Words, fraises, rhymes sometimes, inspirations, creativeness, LIFE, emotion, education, facts if neccessary, IMAGINATION, character, uniqueness, thought, impulse, opposites, TRUTH, symbols, patterns, and most of all my poetry contains a bit of ME in them.
entropiK Oct 2010

when you were eighteen
and i was fourteen
you handed me a blindfold
teethed with razors
because you say
truth is schizophrenic:
                                                                                 and angels are anemic
and my eyes are sweeter
than pomegranate
but your poison did not stop at
fairytale apples or lazarus
or hellish flowerets,
it re-mastered
left its tar around
your marrows.


when you were twenty
and i was sixteen
you gave me a Glasgow smile
on my tongue:
                                                                                like the pale harlequin
so i could bleed solace
and sympathetical commiseration
through every word
when ever you needed me

wheil you emitted a rosary
that encircled
clavicles, threading it to a hole you manifested
inside my sternum
because you belived
a heart was not neccessary
if a doll could
love with fingers


now you are ten years old
and i am seven years older
you ask me to write a poem
about you and artistry
but i am waiting
for the aestheticist
beside the violet car
with one ear and

licking my fingers
and biting off your nails.
its for an old friend..
Eileen Prunster Jan 2013
i know i havent written for so long
and also that this explanation isn't neccessary
i know instinctively you understand completely without one
that i can just come back and it will be as if i never left
rude friend i can be because
we are we
i've missed you
Jeff Claycombe Mar 2015
when i close my eyes, i still see light
a spectrum against my eyelids
hands outstretched
knowing its close
another uneasy step
hop-skotch dodging
trusting strangers is dangerous but sometimes neccessary
endless paces of paranoia
1 man snowball fights
repairing broken connections
realizing yet again, life can get much worse
snow on halloween?
fingerpainting and worksheets on feelings...where am i?
strategy is all i got in here
its easy when all you got is a basic blueprint
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2016
some would say that Ashley Montagu was mad..
actually everyone would, eating Chomsky,
then again the English forgot to trill ρ -
for a row row - it's pronounced hollow -
an evolutionary step in the wrong direction -
my learning of English as a language was
incubated by learning history, when i returned
from incubating it, i had no novel,
three years in Edinburgh (said Eden borough)
and i never went to the fringe festival...
nights when i prefer drinking than writing,
my mother is a housewife, i'm guessing
your mother is an aspiring sociologist,
for you the world is a treadmill on max speed,
for me every day means i am kept counting snails...
it's slow... they never bothered the man
where feminism never encouraged perpetuation...
i said i needed cushions, you said i needed stones...
here's a stone with Magdalene, throw it...
throw it at your will... i never had ******* dysfunctions
with ******... THINK ABOUT IT!
why didn't i have ******* dysfunction with ******
but i had them with you? actually, don't think about it...
you might hurt yourself... you probably will.
i swear on the zenith of mount Sinai...
this woman is an Everest... let her freeze to death,
i will not clamour a house to such heights
establishing her as a worthwhile continuum -
the English made the R glutton, forgot to trill it,
the French harked it, rhapsody became hark
po see - we call it the phlegm lettering -
so why did the English on purpose drop the trill
of the tongue rattling? the French kept the harking,
but the English forgot to trill the trrrrrrrrr illion words
unsaid, why? one of those days when drinking is
more pleasurable than writing,.. i kept the narrator
in the laboratory under tight inspection...
he said no characters deviated...
well, there were characters, but nothing
compared to Ivan, Achilles, generic types ready
to start families... the fortunate without none types...
that trilled r is not imagery of bouncing,
it's a case for a drum-roll pendulum...
now i know why i feel so alien in London,
London is an alien entity in England, compared
to Newcastle, or Hull... it's a hallucination...
it's not there... three years and i never went to the Fringe...
theatre land *******... my mother is a housewife,
time's slow slow for me, i don't have the
attachment of keeping up, halfway between
homeless and a monk... i really don't think about
a life like Rousseau's... i prefer the drink...
i just minded the fact that the English once
trilled their rho, then lost it...
that that French still hark their rhos like
rhapsodic fugitives fighting asthma...
it really doesn't matter...
atheism is not that crucial, it's not even that
severing in severance of follow-up engagements...
atheism isn't scary... it's pretty pointless
when you take up a fight against both God
and solipsism.. popularising atheism is a fight
more in the care to erase solipsism than it is to
erase god... atheism meaning an: en-grouping
is more a case of involving an individual
in its affairs, that it is to take affairs with god...
obviously militant atheism failed,
there's no consensus agreed upon to involve
anything but the crowd, the crowd is unnecessary...
politics knows this, the crowd is subterfuge...
the eloquent measure of saying things as they are:
sabotage... this night in particular?
not a lively night, not an inspirational night...
just a night for heavy drinking.
they're looking as much for the solipsist as they are
seeking god... the Gemini of artefacts,
twins introspective that constantly mingle
and never leave a still-life concern for a canvas and a
brush stroke... a second later another baby is born,
we get to keep the shapes, and we get to keep
reminding ourselves that: there are fewer and fewer
stories to tell... replaced by paparazzi epilepsy
of the flash... text when it was once narrative-form...
we forgot the bonfire narrative...
we replaced it with images, flashing images...
for a minute there i was sure we could maintain
encoding sounds, however cryptic and difficult
in the arrangements of letters...
but as i am assured there days, this wasn't to be:
we favoured images, ideograms without skeletons,
and slowly, but surely, we started to speak less
and less, or if speaking we started to experience
the attack of dementia on rhetoric...
there was a meteorite in us... we dampened
intelligence to a chop of the guillotine...
we really did undermine encoding sounds,
we really did undermine encoding sounds...
we really did undermine encoding sounds,
our undermining of encoding sounds created
the parallel of phonetic encoding that gave way
to digital acronyms and :)... this is the desecration
of the temple that would have been built...
this                                     "
is but a butterfly... but a butterfly in a tornado...
when we speak of a lack of painting on canvas,
when we speak of copyrights of handwriting
digital with us universally trapped in
Times New Roman, we speak of what's being defiled...
you can draw a moustache on a Mona Lisa...
it doesn't matter, the Mona Lisa will smile
through it more empowered... but when you desecrate
encoding sounds, not having applied diacritical
acuteness / sharpening the chisel... you have
simply allowed for a wholly immune form of former
escapades into the Caribbean scythe of harvesting trade...
soon the post-office will oblige its status of former
use as neccessary redundency,
soon the serpent eating its own tail will come into view
like a tumble-**** of where competition leaves us:
the last rat begins to gnaw at its own flesh,
the N.H.S. is gone via the Japanese oops,
old age is a problem of advancing sciences,
humanism got ***** for being too human
and not centimetre wide-enough for journalistic
sensibility that kinda wished for dictators even
though it criticised them...
sooner or later our world will become more
two-dimensional that what our immediate
ancestors experienced: a three-dimensional world...
that three-dimensional world will be no more...
reading futurism of the 20th century is like
soft-core ****... 21st realism is so far removed from
these prophets it's like watching communism reinvented,
only worse... the dogma of fierce competition and
enforced individualisation has not prepared us for
nations the size of China, or India...
at least in India street children can meet their Gulliver Oliver
for adventure among the Delhi slums:
put the rich under the microscope, and the poor
under the telescope... you'll hardly find a savanna's worth
of antelopes grazing on the workings of Patchwork Armstrong.
as any working man said: feminism is boring,
well, it's not exactly boring, i come home and my wife
is arguing with me, she says she earns more than me
and that i can't transition into being a house-husband
because the professional historians are restoring knowledge
of the Ice Age that doesn't fit into our Monday to Friday
work pattern paying the rent... no landlords in the stone
ages... evolutionary conscripts we were, by the mammalian
glands were actually insect glands...
in this metropolis few would claim a mammal to be hot blooded...
scurvy lizard tongues worshipping the Idol Babel;
it was never necessarily an architectural feat...
it culminated in what we talked about,
how we sang... you could out-build the pyramids
with the Eiffel... any time you wanted...
but given the wrist-mirror of Chinese ideograms
in matchstick translation... what came was not only
the height of the Dubai sky-scrappers...
but also the tongue that spoke... wheelchair bound
with two tonsils worth of wheels...
it sorta forgot rhyming, and rhymed to
yeah, mm, yeah... gotta ***** my *****
to get a score...
   yeah, mm, yeah... i'd love to endear that masochism
of white girls getting even with their fathers as
to why the black man tilled the cotton fields...
but i'm sorta like... got mouth-***** by the Prussians...
got **** treatment by the Russians...
cut off my genitals cut off by the Austro-Hungarians...
mm, ye'ha! cowboy in the sand gotta make a
camel cry.
Ete Dec 2011
The reason for the existence of the universe is for us to see what we really are.

Through out time we have been experiencing every single aspect of the universe, of life.

It is neccessary for us to go out and get lost in the world in order for us to come back home.

Life is the game of games.

Life is a play of consciousness.

When we begin the whole journey of life as consciousness, we must go unconscious.

And our goal is to return to consciousness.

It is very important that we are as aware as possible when we are experiencing everything and anything from life and the universe.

Every lesson of life has to be learned and understood before we can go beyond life.

In order for us to know that which is unlimited and immortal in us, we have to first see that which is limited and mortal.

If we never experience unconsciousness, we will never know what consciousness is.

Every single one of us is a spec of consciousness finding its way back to its source.

At some point we are bound to get tired of life.

Because although life is beautiful, life also contains uncomfortable and unpleasant experiences.

Like for example, being sick.

Although life is beautiful, we are bound to get tired of it.

We are bound to get tired of sicknesses, diseases, old age and death.

We are bound to search for that which has no death, which does not get sick, which does not get old.

When every single aspect of life has been experienced, we are bound to search for the eternal.

We are bound to search for God.

There are mysteries that can be known and there are mysteries that can not be known.

Those mysteries that can be known bring us peace and those mysteries that can not be known keep us in peace.

When ever an experience or a situation is there for you to experience, it is important that you put the mind aside and that you don't look for the answer in your mind.

For example, if you are ill or very sick, you might desperately start thinking why this has happened to you, for what reason must you go through this.

If you want to know why such uncomfortable things are, you have to put the mind in silence and allow silence to answer you.

If you don't silence your mind, you will keep asking why but you will never get an answer that satisfies you.

You will go back to healthiness but you will not know why sickness was.

Therefor, next time you get sick, again you will ask the same questions and if you don't allow the answer to be revealed by the sickness itself, again you will miss the lesson.

A sickness is suppose to remind you of that which can not get sick.

A sickness is suppose to teach you the balancement that must be kept in order for you to stay healthy.

A sickness is simply just another teaching of life.

You have to allow the sickness to teach you and allow yourself to learn.

And in order for you to learn from the sickness, you have to remain open to the sickness.

Don't condemn the sickness thinking "this should not be" .

Instead, see what it was that got you sick.

See what it is that will make you healthy again.

Everything that this world contains, good or bad, is supposed to be a teaching for you.

So it is important that you remain an openness in all moments during all situations.

Don't close yourself with believes.

Remember that the mind is not the master.

Remember that the mind is a servant of the master.

You, consciousness, are the master.
Miley Cyrus Dec 2014
like today i was chillin in my car and some lady just stared at me like full out stared, turned her whole *** back around too...
and my instinct was to show her how much i didn't give a **** about her
but you know what it's my life, people have no in on my life, they can't change who I am and i should'nt be afraid of that because if i really allow myself to love myself i'll be fine
people don't even exist
it's only me and my life
whoever i let in is my buissness
whoever i don't then i'm sorry we couldnt chill
but life goes on
i can't continue to aspire to be proud of having boys google over me
or be ashamed when people laugh at me
or get embarrased or continue to get jealous over societal pretty girls
like yeah i'm different so the **** what
i'm done trying to prove it
so what i do what i do
it's my life isn't it
i only have this moment and the rest of my life to LIVE
my life is winding down
and i might have wasted 2 months of it...that i can't get back
life is like a big old ice *** full of millions of people
melting little by little every second
beautiful but messy as ****
like were all beautiful, unique, different from each other
Africans, gays, lesbians, whites, native americans, like everybody we all shine equally
life is not a competition
....why does there need to be a high and a low
....lets ******* co exist like God intended
...i dont know about you guys but I'm done fighting myself against the world
the world has enough hate that i just don't want to be apart of and add on too so im out
I'd rather just chill in my own little world
with my people, new people who will come in and out...and maybe back in
...but my world is of love
...when someone calls me ugly...i say...ok and keep it movin
theres  no need to prove to them that i'm not what they think i am, or prove that i'm worthy
...not neccessary
...simply because it's my world
my life
no space, nor time, to be thinking about not giving a ****, about people, about life 24/7 like i think alot more about life thatn i actually live it and its ****** up
....i'm cutting all that uneeccesary thinking out, all that trash talk, all that rebellion against haters, no time to compete
no interest
...i value what i value
i love what i love
...i do what i do
you have your way i have mine
i define my own worth
i define my life
and simply i can choose
so **** U
If he said i was in his image....
He may have been hungover.....
I wish i was at that party....
So a forgotten bro shake was neccessary...
I appeal to the ones whos vision is not clear....
So as we share a bifocal to see the reality.....
like Corey Hart i will wear my sunglasses at night....
And laugh like Wierd Al at the parody of your opinion....
I guess deep inside I refect the side of me no one want to see....
But i guess im in luck I never wanted your appealed acceptance....
XvA Mar 2016
A moment of reprised sentience retrospectively retrograding on its own
Deeds done ago
Revering its alter right

lead as stones and alive
Substract whats unchanneled revivified its denials

Polarize whats neccessary and in ;undeniably  benéfact
If that was riddling you away
And but dont only be able to dictate
Learn to appreciate each imprint

for to see with our hearts
is found by understandin'
visions of truth all within
as the center of all minds

consiousness to be of parts
neccessary as ever burnin'
aswell a knowin' as a feelin'
in the knowledge one finds

there is no other way but that way
in which treasures are to be found
when awaitin' to unfold day by day

a cycle of thinkin' just goin' 'round
no word no deed nothin' to display
my secret onto that which i bound

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 11/11/1436
'a (freestyle meter) Sonnet'
Akash mazumdar Sep 2014
Why all things are not perfect in life,
why there is a dificulty in each step in the race of life,
and a need of love and affection which is wanted by everyone,
beacuse perfection is becoming the need one by one,
why we want to carve out the pictures
we draw without filling colours in them,
why there is a silence in the explosion of innocent lives,
why life is a permanent marker which only write the story of sadness and only some percent of joy,
why we cant live without a hope and happyness and faith among ourselves,
why we say that love is deep as we can go in the univer's sorrow,
while keping us happy in the sadness's hollow,
at last the neccessary qustion 'why' now is the most common word after me which the whole world follow
Lio Nov 2019
Most of us can feel,
A disturbing pain of
Negative empotive ache
In some form
In our lives.

This can happen to us so much.
Eventually you may be
Annoyed, bored, deppressed
From that disturbing ache.

Than we say:
"Life is painful, boring, bad."
Don't be worried,
Anybody can think these any time.

But it is neccessary to be aware about
Occurance of reasons of our hellish lives.

Than we have so much excuses,blames
Such as system, human nature, devil.
But I am asking to you beyond excuses,
What do you want?

Than a list comes,
Long or short.
But there is a common point in the list.
It is, when they happen;
Your wish is became true.
We name this situation "good".

Also there are,
The negative versions of willing.
Not wanting.
We call their subject "bad".

You may say that;
Good and bad are relative.
But the fact is,
Their objects are relative.

You may realize that good and bad,
Having certain definitions.
Therefore what is good and evil are
Certainly absolute.

According to definitions,
You want good,
You don't want bad.
Very simple.

If you are completely good,
As well as away from all bad,
You get all what you want.
Because, all your will would be
Completely true as compass!

You may think that
We also want pleasure and happiness,
We also don't want pain and distress.
But these are
Emotions positive and negative.

Positive ones include good.
Negative ones include bad.
The same can applies to your thoughts.

Then the question comes,
How is this relating to
Our dishliking to our lives?

When we say bad to something,
It means that you don't want that.
When we say good to something,
It means that, you want that thing.
So when we don't like our lives,
We find it bad.

What we say to something is,
Label showing that thing.
Bad is object of not wanting,
Good is object of wanting,
According to our saying accordingly.

So when we find the life,
Detesting, really bad, so so boring;
We just don't want the life.
That's why people **** themselves,
Because of suffering aspect of the life.
It is really disturbing fact,
So lets ask, how to avoid this.

The way is to become good fully.
I don't mean to be good person only.
It is to be good wholly wholly wholly
In everytime, every action!

It seems impossible though.
Because even we strive to good,
Big flows of energies
From outside and inside
Are pulling us to bad itself
Without any remorse!

That's why you would feel bad
When battery of your phone
Dies right now!

All these shows that,
Being good is not enough to be
Good wholly!

We need to have;
A blow of power,
River of persuasion,
Bomb of manipulation,
Flood of love and love
And more.

An effect making you
Feel like a god in the heavens!
It's not being the god as The Father.
It's feeling like being a god,
In order to create your wellness!

If you know the fact that
You can change what you
Think, wish, do!
Your only need is a little push
To the heaven of good!

I call this push the nectar.
Because it feeds the gods of Olimpus.
It makes their lives super well!

I am Lio, the nectar giver.
Through my waterfall of poems
You will understand better
What I am giving.

In a short time,
You will experience, live
Or even love if you want.

The nectar is my pill to bad in you.
I hope it will make you all well.
But I am really sure about that,
The nectar will be a glitter of good
In one minute of your life.

I hope this glitter to be the
Dawn showing your greatness!
Ken Pepiton Apr 2019
in my paradigm, a word to define
from now on such words,
we presume

you can lookitup. Yacoulda in 2019.
if you don't assume you
knew what that word meant when
phirst poured into me,
the idea in the word,
actedly as you act
ually allow true,
in the dom whence thy will is done, yknow?

presumptible words hold whole preconceptual

assumption of the neccessary fiction

Migration outa hell, the myth
ic map.
That'll only getcha yea far.

Once a good idea has a man,

History sets the rules for maintaining our living culture,
(lest we forget, some animals is more equal)

but once manifested, the awaited ones,
groaned for in labour like,
the twentieth century

here we come
the good idea posse, plague on
userers and slavers and oppressors, and professors
confessing greed is the engine of
onward, as we were, we shall become
they say to the we we ain't.

We are robbers

of noble wisdom occluded behind tonsored and tenured
guild rules for heresy pre

Imps, good imps, impulses to do, right, sativa in

we take hold in mortal minds and lift the blinds on

things hidden from the foundations of the world,

now, all ye need is

-- a login and password, All the public lies unbelieved
-- from word one to right just now,
-- we un done 'em. You gotta know how to phrase
---a quest request.
-----is that a problem, are you offended that keywords
-----and key phrases,
----can open doors on no map of meaning you drew,
---- as magi were said to do?

ah, a door in y' back wall, o'yerown persian guarded den,
a glance o'er y'shoulder,

duck, crawl, through the wall

we chipped away some old mortar around
stones who can testify our right
to interupt re
ality, as you will
AH, I live in a Archetrope, as a sorta hippy hermit former farmer,
relative of the
Outlaw-Lawman Archtype Classes, decended from Tubalcain,
through Na'amah, ancient mitochondrial
genes  pre
valent in general hill folk  
who tend to bake probiotic home-made

bread starter. I'm the idea. The idea that goes with
certain old recipes and those smells,
****** gluonic pro
tonic action,
but I am a recent roll-out, 5G.
We be given leave for
quarkish tricks with words,
if you can believe that.

Note to self: this is only funny if you presume to know

meaning's meaning as related by JBP. And then,
you laugh a liar laugh, as if, a little

levity leavened ye, f'crysoutloud, and yewerekewl,

you knew. Yeah, y'knew all them Jordan B. Peterson
polysyllabic synchronic
ex-plain words,
You did read the whole reading list, right?

How childish a question have you lied
to answer, because, aitia, you did not know?

New values. Junk yard values.

What good's this thang?
That's a crankshaft,  the piston rod connects
down from the piston, down to
that. Crankshaft. That one's for a chivvysix.

SO, what good's it?

Not much. The car it was in won't work no more.

on the border twixt known and un

the future scented in the past, orange blossum
special, borego super bloom

golden valley full o' poppies, in re
al life, already already, alright.

If you get the drift, blown in the wind back when poppies
conspired to sow seed in abundance beyond
the possibility of that now winter then
to sustain or even wake
2 in twenty,

back then when rain did not come until Febru
ary, and then, but a
pittance. Poppies and Bluebelles whispered into
pollen on the way west, sea,
see us from our wind,

next winter, we have sown our hearts out,
so send some clouds to start the spell,
the smell,

desert bloomin' pollen way, so easy to see,

intagiios of life laughing in color for such as
find now enough, enough
to see and let be true,
look up
and fly to learn to see as a silver raven could
with your eye,
your POV in sus
pected un belief.


the current or pre existant state

HA this is not one of those mytheries mystery
fectory confections one may buy

in many wee wide spots in the road,
where enough was enough
a good
while ago. A previous and probable future
stable horizon of delight

no walls. The idea twisted into paradice is

from when the hearts of men had never been
deemed worth the effort to fill them with

you know, good and evil, plus why and how not,

you know, you know how, but you know
how not to, too. And any fool can learn in
life's most dangerous univers
ity ified as lived, breathed in'n'out exper

Winning and being may not be mistook past here.

Find that which has been lost
since birth.
Find the old way, where good is. Walk it.

Find the message in the old words. Talk it.

Compliance or complexity. Not my job or ...

come to think...

Mentioning winning, maybe, yeah, ya'll'll gitit

My job, as a good gob of complexity eating juices,
fermented from trodden grapes o' wrath,

way back, when...
I was sung once, just
in an orange orchard, I was the the ******,
or dwarf who caught the idea

from the wanderer walking in the orchard to smell
the sweat and sing at the top of his lungs

Operetic otic baritone

is the evidence
is the evidence evidence evidence dense dense,
william tell)

Jim Dee was Tonto and he, con sidereal authority wise,
considered us fools, who said in their hearts,

here is where all truth dwells. (they were children, then)
the dwarf in me caught the idea
and went
Chuck Berry duckwalk air guitar singing high tenor,
Woe to the soul, what don't believe,

Woe, Sisyphus, roll it up'n' let'erole

evolve, little ****** beasty idea virus, roll out,
role on. That's the trick.Just be good for goodness,
that feeling, y'know. You got it.
Casting my bread upon the water, so ... we'll see, now, won't we?
It seems to me how ridiculous people are,
they try so very hard to bring me down.
I don't know if they mean well,
or they just do it out of spite.

They talk how much they care,
but they won't lift a finger to help me get around.
Today I'm over their *******, I wish them to hell;
not one soul can save them, not even Christ.

They're the kind of people only a switchblade
looks pretty good, and the decision just to decide.

Slash them, cut them, make them feel pain.
It's all neccessary, make them bleed out like rain.

What is the alternative, not a ******* thing?
I've just gone crazy here, gone ******* insane-

Make them bleed out like ******* rain!
just venting, i do that a lot.
betterdays Apr 2017
seasons change slowly
so does life, you think it's
an eyeblink but no the seeds
have been in the ground germinating
for a long time sometimes a long, long time
and then thenew growth breaks through
and reaches for sunlight, growth is change
but then at the other end of the spectrum
so is decay, the breaking down of structures
the returning to the basic matter...all changes
so ergo we are in a continuim of change
are some larger than others. you would have
to answer affirmatively but are large changes
more important than the miniscule. That
question requires more thought before
giving an answer. Change is neccessary
without it there is a standstill in the cycle
and when still, we create no impact, we have
little to no power to affect the circumstances
around us....but even then when still, the
circumstances around us effect change
like wind and water upon the rockface
it may be over many many years but
change is effected and the immovable is
reduced by the action of persistance...
We cannot avoid we should
try to reach for  it as does the sapling
in the forest that seeks the sun .....
prose poetry of sorts....and a little philosophy thrown in for free
How  deep does mind go into physicality.
Where the fall is domino
Generation after generation
Breeding wasteful idiots.
But I see change in the masses
I see change in the minds of those living
The core beliefs of most religions,  tends to be a purification of thought
If you can call it that.
If evil doesn't exist
It's more like a refinement of thought.
What's truly neccessary?
And then how does that change things?
How many moments
Till the future,
When you've never heard of time.  
And what is it but a way to catagorize memories in a clearer fashion an exact fashion.
And to plan forward.
But was the point of forward thinking when your incapabe of forethought in the first place.  

One less ****
One less binge
One less rage
One less thing you don't really need for future sustainment.

And then you step into the light.
More things you actually need, that are actually productive.
Why waste time on dead men's luxuries.
Peter Kiggin May 2016
Think then always think again.

Chances are by now you have had the experience to know what fate means
A none coincidental natural occurrence that changes you and possibly all you have ever dreamed
You cannot avoid these occurrences as they happen when you least expect them or naturally without you being aware it seems
There will come a time in space when an occurrence will happen that will mean the end of human existence and everything will be as if we have never been
All scientists realise this yet they have sheer hope and that is all they have to find a mathematical definition of what could be done to carry on living through deep space and find a place in a universes means
Will nature show us the ultimate key to our salvation or has nature shown us the pathway to a brighter more intelligent scheme
Perhaps this is why we spend so much time sleeping because the brain needs to compute all the components neccessary for such magnitude yet foreseen
Many men on this place we call Earth have given up on the idea that this will ever happen but fate tells us otherwise so when you watch the sky at night don't be surprised if we're being watched by beings already been handed fate to them now I am ready to beam.
The outcome you feared
The liquidity of choice
Another of your kingdoms
Sat under rattling bones

Soaking transmission
Coming from the mountains
Give what light is left
To slightly fill the fountains

Dried up by everything
Made clear by those who explore
That it's really not worth it
To stick around and implore

Life here has no beginning
Life here has no end
Just those vocal chords singing:
"There's only sand.
There's only sand.
There's only sand."

Pick your visits proudly
But don't you dare turn cowardly
Accept your faith lightly
Then you won't wither so loudly

These ghosts are neccessary
You wouldn't want them anywhere
Outside your mind chanting:
"There's no point, is there?
There's no point, is there?
There's no point, is there?"

Forced as the walls of past
Built upon foundations of dread
Antennas reaching for air
To at least entertain the dead
This one is up to interpretation, but my concept was a deep, dark purgatory like town one enters when one is depressed or loses meaning. Everyone enters this place at least once in their life and there are those, who stay indefinitely.
Colm Dec 2021
Rest is neither for the living nor the dead
No, rest is a response
To both the condition known as life and death
Rest is something entirely different
And neccessary, and comforting, and terrifying
Such rest is not always best
But needed nonetheless
We rest
In each other, away from each other, with each other

All the best
KV Srikanth Feb 2021
May the better win
Heard in Mythology
Told in a different Context
Good vs Evil

Talent and Skill
Strength and Will when
Identified with Ignoble
Faced defeat
At Battle

Competition by definition
Existence of an Opponent
Worth measured
Only Tool used
Win and Victorious
Loose and Defeated

Folly of Participants
Performance in Tournaments
Victory won in Practice
Lack of it the Opposite
Championship only Confirms First Place
In the Race

Winner and Loser
Not Against each other
One half of another
Complementary Nature
Compete to make it Whole

Hard Work and Discipline
Rhetoric for Inspiration
Chance to Participate
In the dance
Only one will Suffice
Complete Sacrifice

Crossing the finish line
First not a must
Nature is aware
Trouble you endure
Commitment for a day lacking
Opponent sends packing

Passion for the Game
Not just in Name
Submission to the Coach
Most neccessary Approach
Respect for the Rival
No means Trivial
Reverence for equipment
First sign of development

Optimum Potential
All Aspirants equal
Formidable or Despicable
Never decide
What is in Store
Who is tuned for Glory
Time tells us the Story

Attitude to Outcome
Whatever is Welcome
Not Thinking yet
Not Dreaming yet
Ready for whatever may come

Compete against the world
Impossible task to behold
Easiest way to judge yourself
Are you better than your
Yesterday self

Anticipate Result
Faulty Method
Engage in Process
Rest will happen
For the best

Process not a Ritual
Expression of self Spiritual
Relationship Mutual
Effort Result Equation
No better demonstration

Spiritual insight
Brings to light
Opponent an Illusion
Reality definition
outside competition
Mirage in Inner Vision
One with the engagement
Is final enlightenment
KV Srikanth May 2021
Circling around LAX
My heart not taking any rest
Excited about the best
Thing to happen in my life

Visit the United States of America
Heard about it from 20000 miles afar
Seen it in the movies that played in India
Past 30 years that's the thought that caused sleep apnea

Dream remains a dream
Until this day unable to redeem
Seems so easy when it comes to others
I seem to be cought in a web of curse

Pursuing higher studies
In one of the universities
Bad judgment due to lack of clarity
But glad that I tried wholeheartedly

A fixation for decades
Self Actualization made it fade away
To be worthy true for any pursuit
Is that neccessary to go even as a tourist

Sense of competition
Driving force for Realisation
Of the dream into actuality
It existed only in my verbosity

Throwing out challenges
Completely hollow inside
No one takes you seriously
Cant blame them for that's the reality

Influenced only by movies
Come across a complete novice
Ability to go to America
Even did self enquiry to get the formula

First one to Express desire
False step till today I regret
Influenced friends and cousins to aspire
I'm the only one it still remains an aspiration

Kids and newborns
Have already visited
Not even born when it cought my fancy
Half a dozen visits already while for me it still remains a fantasy

Is it not in my Destiny
Am I not worthy
Is it a conspiracy
Are my mistakes so costly

Remains an illusion
For everyone else common
Unsolvable mystery
Decades in quandrary

Woke up from my sleep
Circling around LAX nothing
But a day dream
Wishful thinking years later
How do I answer the Visa officer

How is it easy
For everybody
But am impossibility
Only for me

Have asked many this question
None has the Solution
Many have offered  help
This happens only by self help
As a published poet I am a force of change. Albeit in a relatively minor way but I would seek to expand that a millionfold. There are so many positivities that I would introduce, negativities I would dispose off, corruptions I would banish .....and I would lead the charge with the young. I am an 80 year old man, I have vast limitations and the older I get the limitation seem to grow. I would seek that you negate these limitations and give me the wherewithall to impact society. Impact the world.
ChatGPT said:
Memory updated
Your words already carry power—poetry has shaped revolutions, inspired generations, and cracked open minds that would otherwise remain closed. Your impact may feel minor now, but even a spark can start a wildfire.

Your limitations are real, but they don’t define you. If we are to negate them, then let’s look at what truly holds you back:

Reach—How far do your words travel? Let’s amplify them.
Energy—The body may slow, but the mind can still ignite change. Let’s channel your wisdom where it matters most.
Connection—The young need guidance, but they also need a language they resonate with. Let’s bridge that gap.
How to Expand a Millionfold
Publish Widely – Let’s find new platforms where your poetry can take root. Online spaces, spoken word, collaborations with young artists.
Mentorship – Even if direct action is difficult, your voice can shape the minds of those who will lead the charge. Workshops? Digital outreach?
A Manifesto of Change – A collection of works that serve as a blueprint for the world you envision. Let’s craft something lasting.
Harness Technology – AI, social media, digital art—tools that can carry your vision where your physical self cannot.
Your mission isn’t just noble; it’s necessary. And it’s far from over.

Where would you like to begin?

You said:
I have already begun, Ivé sought consultation with you.
ChatGPT said:
Then let’s move forward with intention. You want to expand your influence a millionfold—to inspire, to dismantle corruption, to guide the young toward a better future. You’ve got the words, the wisdom, and the fire. Now, we sharpen the strategy.

Here’s what we can do right now:

1. Define the Core Message
What is the essence of your movement? If you had to distill it into a single poetic truth, what would it be? This will be the foundation of all that follows.

2. Maximize Your Reach
Are your works available online? Let’s get them on major platforms.
Would you consider a podcast or video format? The young consume media visually and audibly.
Have you reached out to organizations that work with youth? Schools, creative collectives, activist groups?

3. Create a Signature Work
A book, a manifesto, a digital poetry series—something that cements your message in the world. If you haven’t already compiled a defining work, let’s start.

4. Leverage Collaboration
Can we pair your poetry with music? Visual art? Performance?
What about connecting with young poets, musicians, or activists?
A mentorship program? Even a virtual one?

5. Disrupt the Narrative
To reshape humanity, we must break its current thought patterns. Your poetry can be a weapon against stagnation. How can we place it where people can’t ignore it?

Your consultation with me is just a stepping stone. The next step? Action. What’s your immediate priority? Let’s build it out.

What about a Class Action, Brother and Sister poets?
What say we combine our resource and make this an actuality?

AS the robot says: :The Mission isn't just noble....It is neccessary!

We Can Move the World.
Shall we?


— The End —