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Lady, your room is lousy with flowers.
When you kick me out, that's what I'll remember,
Me, sitting here bored as a loepard
In your jungle of wine-bottle lamps,
Velvet pillows the color of blood pudding
And the white china flying fish from Italy.
I forget you, hearing the cut flowers
Sipping their liquids from assorted pots,
Pitchers and Coronation goblets
Like Monday drunkards. The milky berries
Bow down, a local constellation,
Toward their admirers in the tabletop:
Mobs of eyeballs looking up.
Are those petals of leaves you've paried with them ---
Those green-striped ovals of silver tissue?
The red geraniums I know.
Friends, friends. They stink of armpits
And the invovled maladies of autumn,
Musky as a lovebed the morning after.
My nostrils prickle with nostalgia.
Henna hags:cloth of your cloth.
They tow old water thick as fog.

The roses in the Toby jug
Gave up the ghost last night. High time.
Their yellow corsets were ready to split.
You snored, and I heard the petals unlatch,
Tapping and ticking like nervous fingers.
You should have junked them before they died.
Daybreak discovered the bureau lid
Littered with Chinese hands. Now I'm stared at
By chrysanthemums the size
Of Holofernes' head, dipped in the same
Magenta as this fubsy sofa.
In the mirror their doubles back them up.
Listen: your tenant mice
Are rattling the ******* packets. Fine flour
Muffles their bird feet: they whistle for joy.
And you doze on, nose to the wall.
This mizzle fits me like a sad jacket.
How did we make it up to your attic?
You handed me gin in a glass bud vase.
We slept like stones. Lady, what am I doing
With a lung full of dust and a tongue of wood,
Knee-deep in the cold swamped by flowers?
Nigel Morgan Mar 2013
January Colours

In the winter garden
of the Villa del Parma
by the artist’s studio
grass turns vert de terre
and the stone walls
a wet mouse’s back
grounding neutral – but calm,
soothing like calamine
in today’s mizzle,
a permanent dimpsey,
fine drenching drizzle,
almost invisible, yet
saturating skylights
with evidence of rain.

February Colours

In the kitchen’s borrowed light,
dear Grace makes bread  
on the mahogany table,
her palma gray dress
bringing the outside in.

Whilst next door, inside
Vanessa’s garden room
the French windows
firmly shut out this
season’s bitter weather.

There, in the stone jar
beside her desk,
branches of heather;
Erica for winter’s retreat,
Calluna for spring’s expectation.

Tea awaits in Duncan’s domain.
Set amongst the books and murals,
Spode’s best bone china  
turning a porcelain pink
as the hearth’s fire burns bright..

in this house
a very Bloomsbury tone,
a truly Charleston Gray.

March Colours

Not quite daffodil
Not yet spring
Lancaster Yellow
Was Nancy’s shade

For the drawing room
Walls of Kelmarsh Hall
And its high plastered ceiling
Of blue ground blue.

Playing cat’s paw
Like the monkey she was
Two drab husbands paid
For the gardens she made,
For haphazard luxuriance.

Society decorator, partner
In paper and paint,
She’d walk the grounds
Of her Palladian gem
Conjuring for the catalogue
Such ingenious labels:

Brassica and Cooking Apple
to be seen
In gardens and orchards
Grown to be greens.

April Colours

It would be churlish
to expect, a folly to believe,
that green leaves would  
cover the trees just yet.

But blossom will:
clusters of flowers,
Damson white,
Cherry red,
Middleton pink,

And at the fields’ edge
Primroses dayroom yellow,
a convalescent colour
healing the hedgerows
of winter’s afflictions.

Clouds storm Salisbury Plain,
and as a skimming stone
on water, touch, rise, touch
and fall behind horizon’s rim.
Where it goes - no one knows.

Far (far) from the Madding Crowd
Hardy’s concordant cove at Lulworth
by the cold sea, clear in the crystal air,
still taut with spring.

May Colours

A spring day
In Suffield Green,
The sky is cook’s blue,
The clouds pointing white.

In this village near Norwich
Lives Marcel Manouna
Thawbed and babouched
With lemurs and llamas,
Leopards and duck,
And more . . .

This small menagerie
Is Marcel’s only luxury
A curious curiosity
In a Norfolk village
Near to Norwich.

So, on this
Spring day
Marcel’s blue grey
Parrot James
Perched on a gate
Squawks the refrain

Sumer is icumen in
Lhude sing cuccu!
Groweþ sed and bloweþ med
And springþ þe wde nu,
Sing cuccu!


earth red
thrown off the ****
the Japanese way.
Inside hand does the work,
keeps it alive.
Outside hand holds the clay
and critically tweaks.
Touch, press, hold, release
Scooting, patting, spin!
Centering: the act
precedes all others
on the potter’s wheel.
Centering: the day
the sun climbs highest
in our hemisphere.
And then affix the glaze
in colours of summer:
Stone blue
Cabbage white
Print-room yellow
Saxon green
Rectory red

And fire!

July Colours

I see you
by the dix blue
asters in the Grey Walk
via the Pear Pond,
a circuit of surprises
past the Witches House,
the Radicchio View,
to the beautifully manicured
Orangery lawns, then the
East and West Rills of
Gertrude’s Great Plat.

And under that pea green hat
you wear, my mistress dear,
though your face may be April
there’s July in your eyes of such grace.

I see you wander at will
down the cinder rose path
‘neath the drawing-room blue sky.

August Colours

Out on the wet sand
Mark and Sarah
take their morning stroll.
He, barefoot in a blazer,
She, linen-light in a wide-brimmed straw,
Together they survey
their (very) elegant home,
Colonial British,
Classic traditional,
a retreat in Olive County, Florida:
white sandy beaches,
playful porpoises,
gentle manatees.

It’s an everfine August day
humid and hot
in the hurricane season.
But later they’ll picnic on
Brinjal Baigan Bharta
in the Chinese Blue sea-view
dining room fashioned
by doyen designer
Leta Austin Foster
who ‘loves to bring the ocean inside.
I adore the colour blue,’ she says,
‘though gray is my favourite.’


A perfect day
at the Castle of Mey
Watching the rising sun
disperse the morning mists,
the Duchess sits
by the window
in the Breakfast Room.
leaves have yet to give way
to autumn colours but the air
is seasonably cool, September fresh.

William is fishing the Warriner’s Pool,
curling casts with a Highlander fly.
She waits; dressed in Power Blue
silk, Citron tights,
a shawl of India Yellow
draped over her shoulders.
But there he is, crossing the home beat,
Lucy, her pale hound at his heels,
a dead salmon in his bag.

October Colours

At Berrington
, clear skies,
chill mornings
before the first frosts
and the apples ripe for picking
(place a cupped hand under the fruit
and gently ‘clunch’).

Henry Holland’s hall -
just ‘the perfect place to live’.
From the Picture Gallery
olent in portraits
and naval scenes,
the view looks beyond
Capability’s parkland
to Brecon’s Beacons.

At the fourteen-acre pool
trees, cane and reed
mirror in the still water
where Common Kingfishers,
blue green with fowler pink feet
vie with Grey Herons,
funereal grey,
to ruffle this autumn scene.

November Colours

In pigeon light
this damp day
settles itself
into lamp-room grey.

The trees intone
farewell farewell:
An autumnal valedictory
to reluctant leaves.

Yet a few remain
bold coloured

Porphry Pink
Fox Red
Sudbury Yellow

hanging by a thread
they turn in the stillest air.

Then fall
Then fall

December Colours*

Green smoke* from damp leaves
float from gardens’ bonfires,
rise in the silver Blackened sky.

Close by the tall railings,
fast to lichened walls
we walk cold winter streets

to the warm world of home, where
shadows thrown by the parlour fire
dance on the wainscot, flicker from the hearth.

Hanging from our welcome door
see how incarnadine the berries are
on this hollyed wreath of polished leaves.
Riley Renee Aug 2014
Ruby red slippers, rich with passionate love
for you, dear state, as I search your land,
grazing the colors, the life, and the mystery
of weeds choking gravestones, tangling the dead.
But you, dear state, yourself is so gentle.

Kansas, you stretch to ****** my curls;
to stroke my tender cheek with a
flock of sunflowers, blooming vivid gold and
a mizzle of musicality, too high, too loud for me.

Your screams of country overwhelm me.
Why you, dear state, never treat us to
tangles of concrete nor mazes of glass?

Kansas, your heaven gives me migraine.
Aparna Jun 2020
The rain fell, delicate as muslin
heavenly threads, coming undone
From pearly gates of paradise.
Weaving fluid intricacies underneath
The grainy sands, grooved with drops
And canopies laden with silken film
dewy, with crystal orbs suspended
a diamond mosaic radiant
Under the ashen clouds.
Crystalline drops clung
Onto ends of leaf blades
Forming a grand chandelier
Hundreds hung
On slender boughs
And the tree stood with
An embellished crown
Bedecked with clear dew
I want to live in the embrace
of these rain clouds so ominous so dark
and yet within them somewhere
there must be a spark
why else to they set alight such illicit pleasure

the drizzle burns upon my skin
and glistens like a diadem in my hair
petrichor teasing gently before the shower brings
a volley of dreams crashing down here
a bird within my chest sings

a mizzle is just not enough
the darkness without echoes the darkness within
I want a deluge, I want to drown
want to be borne away and lose control
want to stand in the rain and feel this sweet pain

I just want to feel – don’t want to think
- Vijayalakshmi Harish

Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
Yashika Jul 2022
Rain, rain come again...
with lots of hope in my lane...

For some rain is evokes love and excitement..
for some rain is messy and violent...
for some rain brings serenity..
for me rain is necessity....

I love drenching myself in rain
to wash my tears away...
forget what had happened...
and dance in mizzle once again..

rain has always been benediction..
as it had intensified couples passion ...
farmers find salvation...
while for me downpour is divinity...

Rain, rain ..come again
with lots of happiness on my lane...
a wonderful poem for showing love for rain....
Joseph Flores Jan 2018
Memories sweet ~
Salty dreams ~
Aqua-quixotic mind.
The last frontier ~

Girls Gone Crazy.
'In Surf I Trust.'
Beach or bust.

Abalone divers.
Seaside gusts.
Creamy skies ~
Blood-orange dusk.

Ocean perch.
Cliffside diving.
Crab claw, snap!
Child crying.

Nets ascending.
Fish school scatter.
Skipjacks dance.
Whale spray splatters.

Back bay blues ~
Cool to settle...
Boats return to quall.
Couples trek ~
Beyond the dunes.
Where love ~
Is known to fall.

Lights to glow ~
Dim to shining.
Rides and music ~
Boardwalk rising.
Dipped and Battered.
Fresh fish fryin'.

Flashing neon ~
Midway prattle.
"Step right up!"
Ring a bottle.
Toss a dime.
"Winner, winner"
Every time!

At once and sudden.
Of my glimpse.
Soft-serve skin.
Perky sized.
Corduroy curls.
Topaz eyes.

Monokini ~
Thread bare brief.
Sheer to cover ~
Her coral reef.

Of my ask ~
To my surprise.
Gently scribed.

Forelock flipped ~
Savory smile ~
Lips goodbye.
A kiss implied.

Boardwalk bevy  ~
Slow to nape.
Forth to wander ~
Foggy mist.
Lunar tide.
Surf and sand ~
All collide

Off the beaten ~
Of my stride.
Drunks and loafers '
On each side.

Late night Croaker's.
Spent syringes.
Midnight tokers.

Spiny docks  ~
Cast slanted shadows.
Tiny shanty ~
On the shallows. 

Mild fire,
Tiny dancers ~
Cheap wine fest ~
Marijuana pow-wow ~
Wasted luau ~

I've gots to go.

Back to camp.
Surfside fox-hole.
Jacques Cousteau

Sandy hollow ~
Tide in tow.
Pop tent clears ~
It's ebb and flow.

Underneath ~
A starshine drape ~
Edge of sleep.
Wide awake.
Unseen struggle.
No escape..

Dark abyss ~
Midnight still.
Blue Whale calf ~
Bloodlet trill.

Orcas make the ****

Eerie silence ~
Beyond the reef.
Mist and mizzle.
Much to sleep.
Roaring waves ~
Crash the beach.

Stretched a long ~
Sand and daft.
Dawn slowly cracks ~  
At the aft.

Pastel egg ~
In the sky.
Sunny side up ~
The morning rise.

Inspired sight ~
Dawn shine lends.
California coast ~
Never ends.

Sandy ribbons ~
Beach belt bends ~
Emerald coast ~
Santa Ana winds. ~

Wind swept sparkles ~
Main sails sway.
Catamarans ~
Balboa Bay.

Health nuts  ~
Spandex ~
Own the morn.
Cyclists. Runners.
Life reborn.

Bleach blond beatniks ~
Chap-Stick chicks.
Surfers paddle ~
Waves to pick.

Jack not nimble ~
Jack not quick.
Jack wipes-out!

Quilt-patch slum ~
Checkered lots do fill.
A teenage infested ~

Hawaiian Tropics
Silver Oxide
Pubescent hormones ~.
Flourish topside

Bohemian families ~
Converge on beach.
Along the Rocky jetty.
Mothers chase ~
Big straw hats ~
Rolling off the windy.

Lunchtime snack ~
Seagulls gather.
Gap-toothed kid.
Defends his platter.
Relentless gull wing ~
Pitter patter.

His dukes held up.
He stands to fight.
As the bird gawks aloud ~
He flees in startled flight.

Noontide high ~
Chaise lounge cozy ~
Calls my name.
On the dozy.

Sleeping. Headache.
Spittle drooling.
I wake to wonder ~
Was I dreaming?

My summer daze!

Saw a paper ~
Tossed of mine.
As unfolded read:

My summer days!
shanika yrs Jun 2021
Cloudburst cries, mizzle witness the downcast heart
drizzle may bring us the blessings
Amore! walk to me in the rain

Warm up the bed - sweat out the sheets
dance and war may content the god
l'amour touch me in the rain

Walk to me in the rain - touch me in the rain
dance in the rain, darling, make love in the rain

Cloudburst cries but mizzle and drizzle will bless
Love walk down to me with the pouring rain
© shanikayrs
There is understanding in the distance~
Space is transformed into perspective
where art can collide
between molecules of air

A spiritual canvas offers its soul
to the wings of birds
distant, but not separated
in a festive, karmic celebration

Thoughts glide in silken
synchronicity above two worlds,
as we dance inside the milky mansion
of clouds connecting us

Rainbows are birthed
as the clouds mizzle around~
nubivagant echoes soar
as we become a soaked song again

Written by Nikunj & Sara Fielder © Dec 2016
phil roberts Apr 2016
I sit here looking through my window
At the early morning mist and mizzle
My mind is still sluggish and half dreaming
Drifting through memories and images
Without purpose or reason
And from nowhere
I remember a night in the past
When I awoke crying a name
And my secret was betrayed to the moon
And the name was your's

                                               By Phil Roberts
Archita Feb 2015
You seek me in your prayers
In smiles of the faces
In the innocence of a child
And, in the maturity of the wild.

You seek me from the start
In the calm before a war
In stillness of the chaos
In music of the nature.

You look for me in the love lost
Not in loss of the lives.
All your life, you seek me
You look in the brightest places.
I dwell in the darkest of nights.

Look for me in the ashes
Of the fire that burnt down
The bridges, forests and the towns.
Look for me in the reflection
Of the face you’ve become-
The helpless devil
With charm of an angel.  

Look for me in the grounds
That kissed feet of the bravest soldiers
Look for me in the bodies that are wounded
In the war with no mourners.

Look for me, not in the mizzle.
Look for me in the storms of acid you raise
With excuse of advancements.
In greed of the greatest fate.

It will take only a moment
For the fate to be fatal
Look for me in the right places.
Find the glittering metal.
Cold blue morning. Mist and mizzle
and winter trees. A darkened bus
sits at the roadside, the police
in attendance. A small boy, maybe
six or seven, looks on, a cigarette
dangling from his lips.

"If I had a flower for every penguin
that danced," he says.
phil roberts Nov 2016
I sit here looking through my window
At the early morning mist and mizzle
My mind is still sluggish and half dreaming
Drifting through memories and images
Without purpose or reason
And from nowhere
I remember a night in the past
When I awoke crying a name
And my secret was betrayed to the moon
And the name was your's

                                               By Phil Roberts
Lawrence Hall Jul 2019

                  From an idea suggested by Pharaohnica

                              And with a tip of that cat to
                           Carl Sandburg and Robert Frost

Invisible to radar, mizzle falls
Itself making the distance invisible
Sandburg said that fog creeps in on little cat feet
But rain-fog is sometimes the entire cat

And if you walk outside into the cat
Beyond the cat, the paws, what will you find
Perhaps, like Schrodinger, the cat is not
But then again, like you, maybe it is

The mystery is lovely, dark, and deep
But we have chores to tend, and they won’t keep
Your ‘umble scrivener’s site is:
It’s not at all reactionary, tho’ it might be drivel.
Lawrence Hall’s vanity publications are available on as Kindle and on bits of dead tree:  The Road to Magdalena, Paleo-Hippies at Work and Play, Lady with a Dead Turtle, Don’t Forget Your Shoes and Grapes, Coffee and a Dead Alligator to Go, and Dispatches from the Colonial Office.
phil roberts Sep 2015
I sit here looking through my window
At the early morning mist and mizzle
My mind is still sluggish and half dreaming
Drifting through memories and images
Without purpose or reason
And from nowhere
I remember a night in the past
When I awoke crying a name
And my secret was betrayed to the moon
And the name was your's

                                               By Phil Roberts
Jared San Miguel Mar 2015
The rain wears on
your limestone skin
as umbrellas are held
off your center by granite others.

I extend a hand
as if you weren't 20 miles deep.
Advertise a cure
and deliver smoke to gasping lungs under the guise.

In this tenebrific atmosphere
I claim to be brave while clinging to my torch.
Endless succorance performed
and answers given from behind glass and across telephone lines.

I only know of the place
where the pace is kept
to the time of constant mizzle.
Perhaps I could spot it on a map, from far away.

How is one in the Fourth
to help another in the Third?
Folly to believe I could stop the bleeding.
Laughable when the scarless comment on how to suture.
Garima Thapliyal Jun 2017
Holding the umbrella
So the mizzle won't touch her
And she brags all the time that she likes rain.
Meantime ******
May be it's an escape
from the huddle
Where she doesn't want to be seen
not even by herself
to forget the consciousness of her own existence.
phil roberts Aug 2016
I sit here looking through my window
At the early morning mist and mizzle
My mind is still sluggish and half dreaming
Drifting through memories and images
Without purpose or reason
And from nowhere
I remember a night in the past
When I awoke crying a name
And my secret was betrayed to the moon
And the name was your's

                                               By Phil Roberts
Danny Dec 2019
Do you think you can riddle me this riddle
Do you think you can help me cross the river and not leave me in the middle

Do you think you can stand it if I pierced your heart with a needle
Do you think you can wait till it's over and not wriggle

Do you think our night calls can be more than the usual jingle
Though It's hard for me to dive in deep but I would if you make it simple

This frown on my face is not becoming and neither is the wrinkle
But when I'm with you like an ironed shirt I lose the crinkles

Is it possible for me to get your right  dimple
I like them and I'm wishing we can mingle

How would you like to remake the ****** *******
Can you go all night or you will fall into a deep sleep like the little

I'm bad at this and I'm pretty sure it will brickle
I want a lot, I've become so selfish that I won't even let you nibble

Touch down before take off thank goodness I'm not shiftful
Hope I won't kick it the way I was born and bred, single

I'm a thirsty soul but I keep breaking my water bottle, it's so brittle
A little desperate, would drink from a brook that has shrunk into a mere trickle

It's sure that we're going to crash if we cruise in this 2007 beetle
But dropping a stone in the pond is the only way to see the ripples

We'll never know what happens in Seattle, downpour or mizzle
If we don't tempt fate, what we think will always be fickle
If you don't start here you'll never get there
Tacenda Jan 2019
In a starless night,
When your touch gave me light..
Seldom did I think,
That you'll mizzle in a blink...
To catch one more glance,
To wake up from this trance....
I'd sell my soul,
For you made me whole..
Andrew Guzaldo c Jul 2018
“Reminisce of the warmth of your touch as it was,  
The first time you said you loved me was majestic,
The gyrating words from amid your lips of thee,
As we nurtured our love on the sandy beaches,

I trapped in here now without you as you dispense,
I love your smile as the words whorl over discourse,
Wait for you to come on another day as you digress,
Favored full of stupefy as I was happy to sit in the light,

Youth what we were together will never be for naught,
I recaptured an instance when I was your Knight in armor,
It was as if I had been pulled inundate aboard a dinghy,
I am enshrouded and closed in mizzle of misery,

It has become that I can no longer see the brilliance,
Enshrined inside unable thus far to recognize the pain,
You will take away my fears with a breath of your energy,
The sea rests before me after a gnawing surge afore,  

Churning in deep hollows ever so slowly eroding,
Marred before the tides afore me as the wind blows its sand,
Now malediction are the days that I have waited for thee,
Now the portal of the dwelling of the moor only waits for me,
Under the stars I shall devour the essence of you no longer”
  By A. Guzaldo 07/20/2018 ©
Josh Pampam Dec 2020
Date: May 12, 2020
Subject: The door.

Go and open the door.
Maybe there's
A feather, a fur
or a flesh
The charcoal sky.

Go and open the door.
The leaves'
Is whispering a word.

Go and open the door.
If there's
Soon it will stop.

Go and open the door.
Even if there are
No stamping, no squeals
       Of sirens.
         If only
The wind
Go and open the door.

At least,
There will be
Some scraps.

Graced pen ®
No matter the strength or length of the storm you facing. Think positively, look for little clues to hold for your uplifting and remember that no condition is permanent.
Don't look at the bigness of your problem!

KV Srikanth Nov 2022
Dawn wearing a mask
Made of the weather
Ante and Post dissolved
Meridian dissolved in the rain
Wind throwing caution onto itself
Spectral sounds abandoned
Silence never sounded louder
Briefly the mizzle threw a spanner
Drizzle the architect for a deluge
The wind  presses its brakes
Zephyrus the most called upon
A favour with fervour

— The End —