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S R Mats Mar 2015
When Dona died
The spring grasses yellowed,
Our cheeks ashen.  Her hair became a little redder
In our minds.  The boy and the man strained

Under the constraints
Of communication.  What was the sign
For "everything will be alright"?  "Fine,"
Yes, you should say, "Fine."  That is better.

Better than just, "okay".
judy smith Apr 2016
London fashion designer ­Carmina De Young is bringing her first ready-to-wear collection to market with the support of two local fashion mavens, wardrobe and image consultant Susan Jacobs, and business mentor Gloria Dona.

De Young’s Spring/Summer 2016 collection is now available by appointment at the Pop with Purpose studio,

The studio recently held an informal fashion show featuring De Young’s collection.

De Young was born and raised in Puebla, Mexico and discovered her passion as a young child, taking inspiration from her mother’s creative flair for fashion and design.

A graduate of Fanshawe College’s Fashion Design program, De Young’s clothing has been showcased locally and on national platforms, including at Vancouver Fashion Week and at the Caisa Fashion Show at Western University.

De Young started her own label in 2012 and now has a 25-piece ready-to-wear collection ranging from office to casual activities to a night on the town.

Each piece is available in size XS to XL with prices ranging from $79 to $259.

Instead of trying to break into the notoriously-difficult retail market, Dona and Jacobs offered to bring the De Young collection directly to London women through the Pop with Purpose studio.

“We love that we can offer women locally designed and manufactured clothing where they know the designer and know that they are helping make dreams come true,” says Jacobs. “There’s power in that. It’s incredible.”

Topspin scoops award

London-based Topspin Technologies Ltd., has been awarded the Synapse Life Sciences award for innovation in health. Their product, the Topspin360, beat out more than 60 invited applicants for products that demonstrate an innovation in health in Ontario.

This award follows the London-based Techalliance “Techcellence” award the company won earlier this year.

The Topspin360 is the first patented training device that helps improve neck muscles to reduce concussion risk.

Theo Versteegh, who earned his PhD in physiotherapy from Western University in 2016, developed the device after watching the Sidney Crosby hit in 2011 that caused his concussion.

Versteegh found that many sports concussions are the result of the whiplash effect.

The Topspin can be used in all sports, especially those at high risk for concussion, and also in military applications.

Northerner joins Fortune

David Ramsay, a former cabinet minister in the government of the Northwest Territories, has joined the board of directors of London-based Fortune Minerals .

Ramsay has more than 20 years of elected public office experience in the Northwest Territories. His cabinet portfolios included industry, justice, transportation and public utilities.

Fortune is working with three levels of government on infrastructure projects important to the success of the company’s NICO gold-cobalt-bismuth-copper project in the Northwest Territories.

One project is a 94-kilometre all-season highway to the community of Whati, northwest of Yellowknife.

The road is supported by the Tlicho Government, a Dene First nation and would reduce the cost of living and improve the quality of life in the outlying Tlicho communities and promote economic activity. Fortune has already received environmental assessment approval to build a spur road from Whati to the NICO mine.

Delta hosts bridal show

The London Wedding Professionals will hold their second Bridal Showcase at the Delta London Armouries on April 30.

The event offers a smaller, more intimate experience for brides to meet local wedding industry experts, ask questions, and get inspired for their wedding day.

The show features products and services from professionals including gowns, photography, florists, venues, DJs, hair and makeup and wedding planners.

The showcase also puts a focus on inspiring brides with Vignettes throughout the space showcasing different themes or colour palettes.

The show runs from 11 a.m-3 p.m. and admission is free.

Student makes his pitch

Sean Cornelius from St. André Bessette Catholic secondary school in London is one of 20 teenage entrepreneurs heading to Toronto May 8–10 to compete in this year’s edition of the Young Entrepreneurs, Make Your Pitch competition

Selected from the 204 two-minute video pitches entered, Cornelius earned the right to participate in a Dragon’s Den-style pitch contest at Discovery, Ontario Centres of Excellence’s annual innovation-to-commercialization conference, to be held on May 9 at Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

Hamilton Road looks ahead

Business people in the Hamilton Road will hold an information meeting Wednesday about the creation of the Community Improvement Plan that could lead to the creation of the Hamilton Road Business Improvement Area. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. at the BMO Sports Centre on Rectory St. and guest speakers include Mayor Matt Brown and MPP Teresa Armstrong.Read more****-formal-dresses |
¡Oh, Señor! Dios de los ejércitos,
eterno Padre, eterno Rey,
por este mundo que creaste
con la virtud de tu poder;
porque dijiste: la luz sea,
y a tu palabra la luz fue;
porque coexistes con el Verbo,
porque contigo el Verbo es
desde los siglos de los siglos
y sin mañana y sin ayer,
requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine,
el lux perpetua luceat eis!
¡Oh Jesucristo, por el frío
de tu pesebre de Belem,
por tus angustias en el Huerto,
por el vinagre y por la hiel,
por las espinas y las varas
con que tus carnes desgarré,
y por la cruz en que borraste
todas las culpas de Israel;
Hijo del Hombre, desolado,
trágico Dios, tremendo Juez:
requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine,
el lux perpetua luceat eis!
¡Divino Espíritu, Paráclito,
aspiración del gran Iaveh,
que unes al Padre con el Hijo,
y siendo el Uno sois los Tres;
por la paloma de alas níveas,
por la inviolada doncellez
de aquella Virgen que en su vientre
llevó al Mesías Emmanuel;
por las ardientes lenguas rojas
con que inspiraste ciencia y fe
a los discípulos amados
de Jesucristo, nuestro bien:
requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine,
el lux perpetua luceat eis!
qui tollis peccata mundi, dona eis requiem*

Bejesus we walked so far!
It was beautiful country, mind,
feet dappling through hedgerows
that led from the city, in silence,
to rest where all flesh shall come.

I remember how it started,
walled in with the others.
Lord you could dance!
How were they to comprehend
that the kink in my arm
and your off-beat jive
could lead us unguided
to narrow pathways forcing single file?

                    By a river we sat together—
amid long words and fingerprints
your skin bled dark with guilt
and for my part I saw coracles
sprout upon your breath.
We weighed down these little craft
with the chains of our sins
and tied fast the bones of our future
as payment for the ferryman.

One day perhaps, the river will dissolve to ash,
revealing our two disciples
discarded as the chance to heal,
                    there will be love
                    like a great and gentle pulse
mingling with cold stones
and memories our
downcast eyes, cheekbones to the fore.
Ellis Reyes Dec 2011
Smile, Dear Child, smile
Our tears will be gone -
In a while.

Dieu a appelé ton nom
Et les anges t'apportent au Ciel
Ton étoile brillera toujours
Il donne espoir aux rêveurs,
Il nous rappel de ton amour.

Requiem eternam dona ei
Et lux perpetua luceat ei
We will always, always love you,
our dear, sweet Carrie.
Dedicated to Carrie who left us far too soon.
Careta era o cavalo
A quem o sal dado
Em mim sangrava.

Tinka, um dos 2 cachorros –
Meu predileto era o Leão.
Brigavam como cães e gatos.

I Think era como o chamava -
ao primeiro dos cães
o americano missionário.

Shibiu, ou será Chibiu?
– era o cachorro de dona Modesta
Nossa mãe adotada: sempre atenta
A que nenhum bicho nos agarrasse.

Lembro-me também do Bito
Aquele disgramado, culpado duas
Vezes por esta cicatriz que trago
No meio das costelas e no fardo
Pessoal que carregamos vida afora.

Bito não era bode expiatório
– mas cabrito imolado tampouco.
Acho que era o diabo tocando viola.

Eu alimentava os porcos
Sem expulsar ninguém
Morro abaixo...
From Cadernos de Sizenando

Ce petit bonhomme bleu
Qu'un souffle apporte et remporte,
Qui, dès que tu dors un peu,
Gratte de l'ongle à ta porte,

C'est mon rêve. Plein d'effroi,
Jusqu'à ton seuil il se glisse.
Il voudrait entrer chez toi
En qualité de caprice.

Si tu désires avoir
Un caprice aimable, leste,
Et prenant un air céleste
Sous les étoiles du soir,

Mon rêve, ô belle des belles,
Te convient ; arrangeons-nous.
Il a ton nom sur ses ailes
Et mon nom sur ses genoux.

Il est doux, ***, point morose,
Tendre, frais, d'azur baigné.
Quant à son ongle, il est rose,
Et j'en suis égratigné.


Prends-le donc à ton service.
C'est un pauvre rêve fou ;
Mais pauvreté n'est pas vice.
Nul coeur ne ferme au verrou ;

Ton coeur, pas plus que mon âme,
N'est clos et barricadé.
Ouvre donc, ouvrez, madame,
A mon doux songe évadé.

Les heures pour moi sont lentes,
Car je souffre éperdument ;
Il vient sur ton front charmant
Poser ses ailes tremblantes.

T'obéir sera son voeu ;
Il dorlotera ton âme ;
Il fera chez toi du feu,
Et, s'il le peut, de la flamme.

Il fera ce qui te plaît ;
Prompt à voir tes désirs naître ;
Belle, il sera ton valet,
Jusqu'à ce qu'il soit ton maître.
Lewis Bosworth Sep 2016
The second amendment might
As well be the sixty-ninth, for all
The life-long days it saves by
The transparent and glossy shields
Adorning blue-skied uniforms.

The strike zone is limited to the
Mobility-enhanced limbs, out of
Reach of the cardiac plateau, in
A line guarded by “I heart NYC”
Leftover campaign buttons.

Crowds question the timeless yet
Disintegrating rhetoric, and they
Sing along with misspelled threats
To sanguine attempts at love and
War, while grade schoolers watch.

What’s missing from this libretto
Is a slogan like “if they go low, we
Go high” and the money to borrow
It, or the right to use the copyright,
As long as it doesn’t get ******.

“Now hear this,” bellows the man in
The crow’s nest, stepping in front
Of his stepson who brandishes a
BB gun proudly in his arms, “the
Curfew starts at midnight!”

Dona nobis pacem, a canon of
Faith, is hummed by the last ranks
Of veterans in camouflage, hoping
To initiate a temporary calm among
The bleak and ****** crew.

A clown-faced poet attempts to draw
A smile, as she calls for an absentee
Ballot, a circuitous frontage road
Away from destiny, some think,
And a short breath of recess.

“Take away their weapons,” hollers
A very pregnant woman, who goes
Into labor, blaming the guns for her
Untimely reward, and for a moment,
Just minutes, the midwifery begins.

All this while a small coterie of men
Gathers, silently taking in the show,
Unnoticed in their pretense, but
Sporting the heritage caps of the
NRA, stars and stripes in their lapels.

The disingenuous players in this sad
Drama are about to fold their tents,
To chicken out, to return to tacos
And beer, when stillness breaks,
So much so that crickets rule.

A small boy crosses the street, his
Smile contagious, his gait strong
As he approaches the men and
Says “I am you before now, be
Of peace and good cheer.

“My commandments have no
Amendments, no magic exceptions,
No golden calves, no wicked step-
Mothers, only a heart and soul,
I am the moral of your story.”  

© Lewis Bosworth, 2016
Santiago Jan 2015
Todo lo ves rifando uno tres
Un padre entre el desmadre
El varrio de los pobres
Nunca tuvimos dinero
El meromero ser primero
Siempre seguir adelante
Controlando el bolante
No caer para ver mi progreso
Tambien aumentar el ingreso
No soy un pinchi menso
Porque que cres no me venso
Alcontrario con la mente yo pienso
Me voy recio miro hacia enfrente
Combirtiendome en el presidente
No son simple mentiras
Puro polvo es lo que respiras
Esclavitud es todo lo que tu miras
No lo cres en la noche sal y talves
Del mes ya despues de las tres
Muchos mueren otros pierden
La vida sigue rolando altanto
En las calles caminando
Soy commando con el mando
Con patadas te mando volando
A putasos y zintadazos
Te dejo tirado pisado a un lado
Carajo no sabias yo nunca me rajo
Te rompo las berijas y los labios
Te tumbo las orejas y manos
Pa que veas te quebro los dientes
No seas culo para que no mientas
Me aseguro que todo lo sientas
Te llene la frente de sangre roja
Y los ojos morados bien cortados
Hinchados como un pinchichango
Mi despedida sera mi ultima salida
Te lleno de plumas como gallina
Un maricon dejandote en el rincon
Llorando como la grand vieja
Te llamaran dona siega la ballunca
Que no se te cruze en mente nunca
O sant'asinità, sant'ignoranza,
santa stoltezza e pia devozione,
qual sola puoi far l'anime si buone
che umano ingegno e studio non l'avanza.
Non giunge faticosa vigilanza
d'arte qualunque sia o invenzione,
né dei sapienti contemplazione,
al ciel dove ti edifichi la stanza.
Che vi val (curiosi) lo studiare,
voler sapere quel che fa la natura,
se gli astri son pur terra, fuoco e mare?
La santa asinità di ciò non cura,
ma con man giunte e in ginocchio vuol stare
aspettando da Dio la sua ventura.
Nessuna cosa dura
eccetto il frutto dell'eterna requie,
la qual ci dona Dio dopo le esequie.
Mariah Tulli Jun 2014
O dona coruja,
Me ensina a ser como você
Tão bela e destemida
Sai à procura de comida
Nesta noite desprovida de amor
Onde só existem ódio e dor.
Olhos tão abertos
Onde sempre enxergam
Nessa imensa escuridão
Um pobre cristão
Que será sua próxima refeição.
Olhos que parecem vigiar até o cego
Mas de um encanto fenomenal
Olho espectral
Onde é essencial
Para cairmos na real.
Es una intensísima corriente
un relámpago ser de lecho
una dona mórbida ola
un reflujo zumbo de anestesia
una rompiente ente florescente
una voraz contráctil prensil corola entreabierta
y su rocío afrodisíaco
y su carnalesencia
alveolo beodo de violo
es la sed de ella ella y sus vertientes lentas entremuertes que
estrellan y disgregan
aunque Dios sea su vientre
pero también es la crisálida de una inalada larva de la nada
una libélula de médula
una oruga lúbrica desnuda sólo nutrida de frotes
un chupochupo súcubo molusco
que gota a gota agota boca a boca
la mucho mucho gozo
la muy total sofoco
la toda ¡shock! tras ¡shock!
la íntegra colapso
es un hermoso síncope con foso
un ¡cross! de amor pantera al plexo trópico
un ¡knock out! técnico dichoso
si no un compuesto terrestre de líbido edén infierno
el sedimento aglutinante de un precipitado de labios
el obsesivo residuo de una solución insoluble
un mecanismo radioanímico
un terno bípedo bullente
un ¡robot! hembra electroerótico con su emisora de delirio
y espasmos lírico-dramáticos
aunque tal vez sea un espejismo
un paradigma
un eromito
una apariencia de la ausencia
una entelequia inexistente
las trenzas náyades de Ofelia
o sólo un trozo ultraporoso de realidad indubitable
una despótica materia
el paraíso hecho carne
una perdiz a la crema.
Lewis Bosworth Sep 2016
The second amendment might
As well be the sixty-ninth, for all
The life-long days it saves by
The transparent and glossy shields
Adorning blue-skied uniforms.

The strike zone is limited to the
Mobility-enhanced limbs, out of
Reach of the cardiac plateau, in
A line guarded by “I heart NYC”
Leftover campaign buttons.

Crowds question the timeless yet
Disintegrating rhetoric, and they
Sing along with misspelled threats
To sanguine attempts at love and
War, while grade schoolers watch.

What’s missing from this libretto
Is a slogan like “if they go low, we
Go high” and the money to borrow
It, or the right to use the copyright,
As long as it doesn’t get ******.

“Now hear this,” bellows the man in
The crow’s nest, stepping in front
Of his stepson who brandishes a
BB gun proudly in his arms, “the
Curfew starts at midnight!”

Dona nobis pacem, a canon of
Faith, is hummed by the last ranks
Of veterans in camouflage, hoping
To initiate a temporary calm among
The bleak and ****** crew.

A clown-faced poet attempts to draw
A smile, as she calls for an absentee
Ballot, a circuitous frontage road
Away from destiny, some think,
And a short breath of recess.

“Take away their weapons,” hollers
A very pregnant woman, who goes
Into labor, blaming the guns for her
Untimely reward, and for a moment,
Just minutes, the midwifery begins.

All this while a small coterie of men
Gathers, silently taking in the show,
Unnoticed in their pretense, but
Sporting the heritage caps of the
NRA, stars and stripes in their lapels.

The disingenuous players in this sad
Drama are about to fold their tents,
To chicken out, to return to tacos
And beer, when stillness breaks,
So much so that crickets rule.

A small boy crosses the street, his
Smile contagious, his gait strong
As he approaches the men and
Says “I am you before now, be
Of peace and good cheer.

“My commandments have no
Amendments, no magic exceptions,
No golden calves, no wicked step-
Mothers, only a heart and soul,
I am the moral of your story.”  

© Lewis Bosworth, 2016
Chris Jan 2019
I tried to assemble
The pieces of Osiris
But all the stars aligned so
That i should fail again

I tried to revive the
Body of Lazarus
but the tomb had swallowed
The words of the messiah.

Long rang the bell
My soul had come to bitter end
Desperate chants
blood does glimmer on their hands
Hammers dance on nails
They urge the dead to stay contained
Slayer eats the slain
Til the end of time til last of days

I struggle to awaken
I'm morally brain dead
But all the ****** effort
sticks me to the ground

The burden of Atlas
Lays on my two shoulders
if I drop my sky
will anyone notice

Long live the king
The reaper hand in hand with me
choir commence to sing
heaven weeps for apathy
Hades take away
All the strife and all the pain
Pie Jesu Domine
dona eis requiem
Pie Jesu Domine, dona eis requiem- Merciful Lord Jesus grant them eternal rest
-This one is about futile attempts to right the wrongs and getting crushed in the process.
*Osiris- Egyptian god of the dead/underworld
*Lazarus-The dude revived by Jesus
*Hades-Greek god of the underworld
*Atlas- Titan cursed to carry the heavens on his shoulders lest they fall down
À Mérante.

Au printemps, quand les nuits sont claires,
Quand on voit, vagues tourbillons,
Voler sur les fronts les chimères
Et dans les fleurs les papillons,

Pendant la floraison des fèves,
Quand l'amant devient l'amoureux,
Quand les hommes, en proie aux rêves,
Ont toutes ces mouches sur eux,

J'estime qu'il est digne et sage
De ne point prendre un air vainqueur,
Et d'accepter ce doux passage
De la saison sur notre coeur.

A quoi bon résister aux femmes,
Qui ne résistent pas du tout ?
Toutes les roses sont en flammes ;
Une guimpe est de mauvais goût.

Trop heureux ceux à qui les belles
Font la violence d'aimer !
A quoi sert-il d'avoir des ailes,
Sinon pour les laisser plumer ?

Ô Mérante, il n'est rien qui vaille
Ces purs attraits, tendres tyrans,
Un sourire qui dit : Bataille !
Un soupir qui dit : Je me rends !

Et je donnerais la Castille
Et ses plaines en amadou
Pour deux yeux sous une mantille,
Fiers, et venant on ne sait d'où.
Keanu, salvum fac pópulum tuum.
     et benedic hæreditati tuæ;
     Dona ad victoriam imperator,
     super hostes eorum.
     et ex quo imperium tuum,
     habitationem tuam substravisti.
ENGLISH: "Save, o Keanu, Thy Folk / and bless Thy Heritage. / Grant victory to the Emperor / over his adversaries / and by command of Thy Lordship / extend Thy Dominion."
Dayanne Mendes Sep 2018
Quando eu era pequena, eu via a morte, com uma capa preta e uma foice, e uma expressão melancólica no rosto, sombria por vezes, de quem já havia levado muitas vidas.
O peso, em suas vestes, das almas corrompidas, que não queriam partir, o sangue da sua foice, onde também haviam lágrimas de quem ficava.
Com o tempo, eu passei a ter medo dela.
A vi como má.
“Como pôde Dona Morte, levar aqueles que eu amava?” Eu perguntava.
Mas a morte é só uma passagem.
Eu demorei a entender.
A aceitar.
É como se a Dona Morte fosse uma guia turística, que vem nos buscar rumo às nossas férias eternas.
Ela vem, nos despimos de qualquer bagagem, a passagem, é a nossa vida. Esse é o preço.
E então embarcamos no trem.
Rumo ao desconhecido.
Mas ao eterno.
No con altos ejemplos se modela
la perfección del alma, ni el tesoro
de un buen libro nos dona el del decoro
que a las bajas acciones se rebela.

La enseñanza no es feudo de la escuela,
que es la necesidad lección de oro,
y por impulso nato rompe en lloro
el niño, nada el pez y el ave vuela.

Nace la previsión, de lo imprevisto,
pero no la virtud con ir al templo,
ni término el saber da a nuestras dudas;

y, si de algo valiera el buen ejemplo,
¿se explica que el discípulo de un Cristo
Maestro de maestros, fuera un Judas?
fiachra breac May 2018
anois, anois,
it's not that bad

níl sé a lan dona,
ach gearr mé fhein
The Phoenician explained the contents of the letter
Rose through the sand, should have brought sophisticated research
Castles near Alexandria breathed through the Rafael among many a patrons' painting
Icarus falls leisurely on my mind, except the wings look like hot wax
Measured by affluence, wandered the battlefield
Nevermind the clothes, and the shelter was in abundance
In my mind, it would probably be romantic and precarious
Closer to my eyes, the labyrinth unfolded
Brushing past crowds serenaded in my broken memory
Daedalus, I need you to heed my tears right now
Wipe the ink from the blood and sweat of invention
Miserable in your powerful intellect, Minos' knights bring death
Icarus never appalled me, paled in comparison to the living
An old rhyme followed the time in memoriam of my brother Icarus
Timeo danaos et dona ferentes
Break the statue, and find your favoritism in Apollo
Melt like the ephemeral wind
The dedication of his Ephemeris for 1620 consists of a letter to Napier dated the 28th of July 1619, and he there congratulates him warmly on his invention and on the benefit he has conferred upon astronomy generally and upon Kepler's own Rudolphine tables.
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2018
if it ever wasn't despicable, poetry with conversational overtones, and yet all the more dear, than that rigid suit, matching socks, clean underware and even a popish demure... of yet another seance in the dead tongue classroom of: rules, rhymes and calibrated perversities worthy of a pedantic despot. if ever a chance to beautify language from the mud-stained dross of daily services, a thousandth 'thank you' from that mosquito-sting itch of the proverbial, formal toot-p-toot: citizens in cohort stringing pirouettes of lardy ballerinas.*

thus in ars díēs (the art of days),
   how not fill the mind with
darting footsteps when standing
immersed in scorthed & crackling
clay of pater tempus?
  a day-to-day epic?
  no affairs with a trojan war
to claim for one's own repertoire,
or thereby the warring eyes
  with magnolian scythe swoons
or that sabotage of mortal frame
whether a penitent man,
  or a patient man,
  the old woman still feigns
that a clock is the heart of a home:
to me its an annoying insistence
to imagine a phlegmatic
take on a carousel:
  + or -, depending on whether
you can fathom the near impossibility
of yawning when nearing
      lull and gaping nox.

but still no 30 years, no show
of cunning, courage or loneliness,
no adventurous scoops or a bargain
of lies, as notably a seemingly routine
banality from the annals of what
others scatter on menus of:
scollops, sand, frolicking,
  alternatively: holiday reading
  in unbearable frying dunes,
   while watching blinding diamond
pinches on the azure -
but to phrase it better,
even with that, twelve dwarfs
an arching temptation for
necromancy, a gypsy love for
ragabond set scenes,
  and all those desires man delves
into from behind a respectable
ordination toward an inconsequential
defeat, with no kiss nor
  tease nor joke aside from
teasing death - thus in patriarchal shroud,
with a mere laurel wreath and
a respectable salvo,
  there's still the endearing compulsion
to riddle and be riddle with
the banalities as if a giggling sparrow,
light-headed commands...

...the chance of phrase,
    the lottery of words,
    against beyond all horror of
imagining orc or jinn or shatter jaw
of wolves...
- not all thus said could ever strip
  the horror everyday,
  in pairs and in tiers,
     past the naked inferno
         and yucky gingerbread kneading
of body against body,
   escapism in bypassing courting,
friendship, toward the casual
  burning of bridges and dissociation
from artefact to artefact,
  from the shackles of
   both formality and informality,
a chance to confiscate a brief
   irreversible- opening,
      as said: the world is your oyster,
make sure you only keep it briefly.

alternatively even the monologue,
or one's idealism folds quacking,
  if it ever wasn't worth admiring
  a creaking floorboard or a chair,
as if to say that: worn shoes
                 and a cushioned lair,
  encouraging the slang throng give
up its slavish inclusiveness mantra:
  dictum vogue.


in that no-man's land
    or rather: upon the misnomer
savannah -
            a lion claims sight
  of a juicy blank,
  that instrumental pivot of
eye with no tongue narrative -
pristine sheen of two icebergs,
of what is two-thirds acid
   serpentine guts and vigor,
while only a third Pavlov,
pounce and squirming bellydancers
  of the lashes...

   again, on the misnomer savannah,
an image or a metaphor when
I compare the fresh effort
  and the breathing canvas meat,
and these as incision and tear marks?

am I not to say that:
   a. true virtue is not afraid of critique
      (supported by reason)
    with an exempli gratia,
         b. critics do not pass
              citation a., which is to say
   c. critics are like hyenas in
  the once breathing meat,
its gushing burgundy
    croaking bones, mussle sinew
  and the remaining assortment of
pâté crevices emptied,
  akin thus, with the satiated bulk
of a lion's share deserved,
  scavenging the carcass,
  less a feeding while more a looting,
are critics truly the thinkers
for the people who would
rather others think for them?
  perhaps poor wording forced
that sort of question,
    yet it still remains, stalled
and waiting,
             by the time i've made my final
  incision, the once pristine alba
      will become a carcass catatomb
  filled with hyenas' smirks and snobbery,
  of those lesser kind journalists - the time I mawl my final gnash,
   there will never be a case
  for a critic's in situ case, comparable
     to an "uncomfortable matress",
prima dona in heaven's name theatrics!
yes, the pervasive argument,
counter: contra carcass.
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2019
i never write "anything"...
i'm claustrophobic when its comes to
exploring cognizance...

'wow! what a fancy word!'

i hardly beg to differ...
i hear of people fathoming the novel...
i'm a monolith monstrosity...
some bourbon, some german:

ich bin gut zu gehen: ja!

spucke bourbon au zu mein gesicht!

i will never write a novel,
i deal with butchering an animal
for: ein stück von fleisch...

"a novel" und barockarchitektur:
sounds similar?

oh but it's a freel available tattoo
in the anglophonic frame of ref....
Hastings, 1066...
hard to come by when the tattoo reads...

Tannenberg, 1410...
Vienna, 1683...

clear-cut... almost safe-net catch-em
while you can...
the Hastings folk were pagans...
don't you know?
don't you know that only white
people can be racist?

pst... ask the russians "about that"...
see what you come back with...
i will have to...
S'****** at the reply...
no... honestly: "because" it's forbidden for
us former iron curtain "roma" folk...
**** dastardly's dog: muttley... S'*******...
giggles in...
we former folk from the eisenvorhang...
coming across the californian:
where are we... polacks...
hunagarians... czechs... estonians...
lithuanians... ukranians...
yugolz... at?!
we don't fit the narrative... do we?

it's the 27th of december...
and i'm "thinking"... it's mighty fine...
to celebrate something with the aestigermani!

the children of ***** sought a father...
the children of gomorrah were akin...
i do not know whether i am
a father figure or whether:
there's that pointless safety question
to mind: did i wear a ******?
i was assured! i was assured there were
contraceptive pills involved!

i'm tired on the usual steaming-heap
pile of warm ******* and ****
to give a psychoanalyst his rhetoric
elevated status of disinhibition...

cocktail! madonna's papa don't preach...
dusty springfield: son of a preacher man...
and any other formidable calypso
study of salsa... should this sugar baby
this sugar baby be my baby
and if i would never become a sugar daddy...

and because i was only ever looking
for the six oops-stones of womanhood...
infinity: eh... bag 'em one weekend...
forget 'em the next...

god... let me this one type of racist...
Jefferson keeping "green things" akin
to Zoe Saldana in some variation
of a "basement"...
i'm good with green...
use enough cumin, coriander or
cinnamon powder in your cooking...
you'll ask: what's wrong with green?
i'd **** green! i'd **** green sitting down
i'd **** green of the sort sleeping!
i'd peacock myself in many variations
of drunk to stage:
that one sober sort of **** with her
and... it's no samantha 38g and...
classics come to mind...
homer, horace... and plump models
of: extra cushions!

ha ha... i make myself laugh:
i make myself laugh because:
there's about zeo chance of me...
conjuring up a novel ambition...
me and a novel...
a "supposed" schizoid and a novel...
ha ha! Noel! Noel!

there was a time where i grew a beard for a reason:
i.e. exercise less..
grow a beard, hide the pride of a walrus
minus the harem...
double chin and the...
Zoe Saldana in green skin...
octopus fucky-fucky or what?

- never mind -

grow a beard... hide the shar pei...
i figured over time...
my beard became a giza pyramid
focus of my eyes...
it took some persuasion...
namely 4 years and my grandmother
finally pointing out:
oh look how thick it is...
she wanted to play g.i. joe with...
prior to: my hair...
like some thor meets barbier universe
dolls extravaganza...
a hard-on waiting...
with an ava lauren limp twist...


now the beard is all about...
being 34 years old... while donning
the *** leftover skivvy look
inflating the organic body for a media
frenzy to "compenstate" it to be aged:
ha ha...
i keep forgetting why i'm in such a good mood!
today is today! and i'm...
and i'm not allowing myself to succumb
to an anglophonic seriousness
of staging an elvis costello seriousness
of: everyday writing the novel...

pst: sounds better than that obvious...
"nook 'n' cranny"...

my alternatives!
minnesang - neidhart:
meie din liechter schin!

weihnachten ist erledigt!
weihnachten ist erledigt!
weihnachten ist erledigt!
weihnachten ist erledigt:
lassen uns singen!
lassen uns geben loben!
lassen uns männer verlassen
der mutterleib!

ensemble für frühe musik augsburg -
mayenzeit one neidt...

jetzt kommen der lieder:
zu gesungen! für alle das jahr!

i guess i grew a beard to hide a shar pei...
then again:
perhaps i grew a beard to pretend to
fiddle with a throng of violins?
perhaps i found growing my hair long...
i had to compensate!
i had to exfoliate in the downward
spiral and exchange...
oi! baldy! baldy!
i can juggle! i can juggle!
i can grow long hair and a beard!

but never the two at the same time!
germany and the nazis...
i just can't stiop thinking about
the lucky... those frivolous drunks
of the holy roman empire...
esp. when peering via their folk songs...
i call it: having to succumb to
english prune and pristine pressures...
even these days...
being wholy saxon is to be:
most unwholesome when it comes
to the german federation...

it's called cheating:
eatin saxon white soy
and not... riddling oneself
with Bavarian rye!

i'm drunk! it's the 27th of december!
the little ******* is born!
now i can celebrate!
chevalier, mult estes guariz!
on the 27th of december i can sing
german, and french crusader songs!

on the 27th of december i can celebrate!
nothing has to be left so innocent
and passive! so coddled!
and if they weren't singing byzantine
chants... prior to this day?!
let them sing no more!
i have found my happiness! once more!

Ö dies freude!
jetzt ich können: singen!
einst die kinder und engel...
ar legen zu bett!

if i am to be the integrated kind...
now i rejoice!
for i have all the reasons to rejoice!
i do no have to pander
to a babe!
i do not have to force myself
into elevated expectations with
a pre- litany of the omni- suitor...

now i can champion the romance
of the crusade...
i am... freed from the utopia...
that only one heart is allowed
to feel... and its feeling is to be contested...
solely by the sacrifice of a crucifixion...
not by iron maiden outlets "etc."...

now muttererde...
ihr liebhaber: wind - seine unterschrift!
weihnachten ist erledigt!
weihnachten ist erledigt!

it's the 27th of december and i can finally
celebrate with songs...
that... celebrate the sort of christianity
i am accustomed to...
french crusader songs...
german folk...
that i can stomach...
not this... pandering...
expecting the nuns to not...
somehow, not, become...
the ****** of the christ-harem!
a nun is a nun is a nun is a nun...
is a nun...
but i very much like...
being considered...
for... the better part of the feminine whim,
outside the realm of:
the usual rejection tactics of:
the aborted... i like my exercise of yielding:
DAS WORTE... ooh... chisel that
with a base goosebump strut to be worth
being added!

em... it's almost like that...
time-travel question of:
why not travel back in time...
and **** the baby adolf ******...
dunno... no point doing that with a jesus...
since... m'eh... his cross is our
genuflexion... yes: kind sir...
yes mr. greek and mrs. hebrew...
esp. in this script...
esp. when its alive and "we" debate...
the pronunciation of:

nil admirari prope res est una, Numici,
solaque, quae possit facere et servare beatum...
hunc solem et stellas et decedentia certis
tempora momentis sunt qui formidine nulla
inbuti spectent: quid censes munera terrae,
quid maris extremos arabas ditantis et indos
ludicra, quid plausus et amici dona quiritis,
quo spectanda modo, quo sensu credis et ore?

there's nothing to be surprised by, Numicious,
in this life's mainstay, peace of soul and happiness;
others, onto the sun, the stars, azure bodies...
on the round year of orbital changes, look with
a calm... and you would, upon the gifts of earth,
pearls of the sea, what of the distant Arabs,
Indians beyond the Arabs,
on the Kwiritow (googlewhack...)
Quiritus' honours, questionable plaudit: peer
raptured in awe without measure?

a very ******* bad a very ******* terrible
translation... as you do...
as you do... sinking into bourbon...
thinking about... maritza mendez...
sylvia loret... samantha 38G...
and all those lost plump classics of *****...

i would have sunk the Potemkin!
drunk... i wouldn't even require
a sober catch / scrutiny of "character"...
because now i am yet to translate
some latin, use this... ahem...
pseudo-cuneiform text:

perhaps that's mis-translated as:
qua: i.e. "as being"...
perhaps MIT... some runic...
or glagolitic... we AWAIT: the revival!
of the grand h'american protestant church
of apocalyptic wonder!
maybe, perhaps... "then"!

but it's the 27th of december...
the... "messiah" is born!
now we can reroute and go back to our...
current year... ***** and gomorrah type
of *******...
the cosmopolitan whoop-t'd'ah is 'ere!
come easter, come spring....
come the crucifixion! come the resurrection!
Aryan Sam Aug 2018
ik gal te dass mainu
Jo zehan ch hai mere
Ohne mattha chumeya pehlaan
Yaa hath chumme tere

tere bullan di tareef pakka
Keeti honi ae
Tere jisam te nishani koi
Ditti honi ae
Haaye kujh taan hoya ae
Dona de dassde chehre
Ohne mattha chumeya pehlan
Yaa hath chumme tere

** mainu supne aunde rehnde aa
Ohde te tere ni
Ohnu seene te sulaavein
Tu har raat-henere ni
Mera chehra nai ghummda
Tere ohdon char chufere
Ohne mattha chumeya pehlan
Yaa hath chumme tere

Preet waangu pyar oss ton
Zaahir nahin hona
Paise wala taan hona ae
Par shaayar nahin hona

Ohde naal lai layi tu
Main maut naal lai loon phere
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2019
Orléans, the maid Jean (Żąn of Arc)...

i have made peace with the paganism revival
in the medium realm of music,
i once entertained the idea...
but upon watching Floki crawl into the heart
of the mountain
  (vikings t.v. series)...
and seeing a cross at its base,
                   rather than a hammer of a dwarven
master smithy...
  breaking down and crying...
          and then recounting his ambitions?
for a people to adopt an approach of a people
to do not consider revenge?
          him screaming, from the mountain's heart,
which resulted in a volvanic eruption...
what god was he seeking,
to begin with?
             i moved from pop, rock, alt., punk
etc. into pagan revival music,
but i also transitioned from pagan revival
music into the realm of the templar chants,
byzantine chants, the gregorian...
and it was so soothing,
         my faith, my heart lies with the music
that appeases me, my angers and my doubts...
it's not the most spectacular of examples,
but its the only honesty i can ever give,
i cry at beauty...
   when i spent the whole night
watching the indian sea pillage and ****
  the kenyan coast...
when i first heard ola gjeilo's ubi caritas,
when i first heard
vaughan william's fantasia on a theme
by thomas tallis...
            it is so hard to cry when presented
with beauty...

     i side with the christian chants...
akin to the gregorian: libera me domine...

  after all... the post-roman scripts are
not pretty, esp. the english language
pretending to know the existence of orthography...
which it doesn't: given it has no diacritical
marker applicability...
             hardly a diacritical marking system
if...   ȷust so, as ι saιd... and also... they disappear
upon the CAPITAL STATED...

               but at least the post-roman
latιn remaιns allow, more for a language to be
sung... than could ever be saιd...
hardly to claιm... ι, I, L, l...
   (after all... what of the asiatic people?
they have a complex phonetic encoding
   last time i checked...
      they drew beautifully...
     but when it came to singing?
                  i find crows to croack
more beautifully than their peoples singing;
i guess you really need a castrato harem
of choir boys to reach the sort of pop
established by 20th century artists...
     how almost wonderful...
             castratos ascribed the governance
of song, rather than disgruntled harem ******)...
now... please excuse me, whιle ι translate
the lyrιcs of lιbera me domιne
   (in pig latin)...

     libera me domine
                      de mortem aeterna
           in die illa tremenda
     caeli movendi sunt et terra
        dum veneris
                   judicare saeculum per ignem
     tremens factus sum ego et timeo
        dum discussio venerit
      atque ventura ira
                 quando caeli vendi sunt et terra
dies illes dies irae
    calamatis et miseriae
         dies magna et amara valde
dum veneris
                 judicare saeculum per ignem
    requiem aeternam dona eis domine
  et lux per petua luceat eis
  liber me domine
                  de morte aeterna...
in die illa tremenda...

    free me lord
              from death's eternity
into your godliness that's awe inspiring
  (as also terrible)
heaven moves both sun and earth
while love judges heathenism
    by fire
    rest from the eternal gifts as
does the lord...
   and the light from its "petulance"
to continue to shine...

   will gregorian chants be censored?
templar chants? byzantine chants?
                   i tired of pop songs,
of 20th century "innovations"...

                 in english... the word implies:
     et lux per petua luceat eis
   and from seeking advice from the light
that shines!
so much for: petulance...

what a contradictory song...
                                what's next,
they ban gregorian chants,
   and fall flat praising and clapping
the next adhan?!
O sant'asinità, sant'ignoranza,
santa stoltezza e pia devozione,
qual sola puoi far l'anime si buone
che umano ingegno e studio non l'avanza.
Non giunge faticosa vigilanza
d'arte qualunque sia o invenzione,
né dei sapienti contemplazione,
al ciel dove ti edifichi la stanza.
Che vi val (curiosi) lo studiare,
voler sapere quel che fa la natura,
se gli astri son pur terra, fuoco e mare?
La santa asinità di ciò non cura,
ma con man giunte e in ginocchio vuol stare
aspettando da Dio la sua ventura.
Nessuna cosa dura
eccetto il frutto dell'eterna requie,
la qual ci dona Dio dopo le esequie.
O sant'asinità, sant'ignoranza,
santa stoltezza e pia devozione,
qual sola puoi far l'anime si buone
che umano ingegno e studio non l'avanza.
Non giunge faticosa vigilanza
d'arte qualunque sia o invenzione,
né dei sapienti contemplazione,
al ciel dove ti edifichi la stanza.
Che vi val (curiosi) lo studiare,
voler sapere quel che fa la natura,
se gli astri son pur terra, fuoco e mare?
La santa asinità di ciò non cura,
ma con man giunte e in ginocchio vuol stare
aspettando da Dio la sua ventura.
Nessuna cosa dura
eccetto il frutto dell'eterna requie,
la qual ci dona Dio dopo le esequie.
Dayanne Mendes Apr 2020
Tanta coisa me apavora
E eu já não sei que tanto
Não sei se caibo em mim

Não mais
Não me sirvo
E a quem eu venho servindo por todo esse tempo?

Se não as lástimas que me assolam?
E eu me julgava tão dona de mim,
E me perdi

No meu próprio labirinto.
Eu queria a luz, quando estava escuro
Mal sabia que ela me cegaria, e a dor que traria ao revelar quem sou eu.

E quem sou?

O nada.
A perdição.
Um abismo.
Throughout our lives we all have many streets by where we live.

We may call them my street or our street or the street I live on.

In my case they have had many names including: Slaterville Road, Mitchell Street, Rua Dona Verdiana, Ellis, Luverne to name a few.

Our streets may just contain residences or may be a mixture of both shops and homes. Some may be older while some are quite new.

Some are tree lined or have flowers and others are quite bare and pristine looking. Almost empty.

My new street is over 70 years old and hosts a cafe right by where I am, with hotels and interesting shops nearby.

It is also decorated with large trees, including orange trees, which offer a lovely bright green canopy from the sun.

Streets host our lives and witness our daily activities. They are a center point for us.

On any given day I can sit at the cafe, sip my coffee and quietly watch the world go by.

Streets ground us to where we are.
Jessica Apr 2020
Cuando las aguas me susurran
Y el viento me empuja
Busco a la luna
A ver si un socorro me dona

Cuando miro hacia dentro
Registro si hay algo cierto
O si esta construcción
Es fraudulenta
Y me he traicionado
A mi propio ser

Tantas veces afirmé
Y muchas otras erré
Que será de todos después
Cuando ya ni su reflejo
En los charcos ven
Cedric McClester Jan 2020
By: Cedric McClester

Your  job is to defend him I guess
Though you don’t brief the press
You prefer to be a Fox News guest
And regularly attack all the rest
It’s easy enough to read the tea
Cuz the whole wide world can see
He’s a liar and that is key
He chopped down the cherry tree

Now that his impeachment is alive
The question for Number 45
Is whether or not he’ll survive?
And continue to seemingly thrive
What do you hope to prove
That the President can’t be removed
Even though it is behooved
And the waters willl never be smoothed

Given all of this, you say nevertheless
You have to do your very best
To account for him I guess
And you seem to be passing the test
So you present your alternate facts
And provide what the story lacks
Like before you so did countless hacks
Who proudly call themselves flacks

You csn’t stand up to the give and take
Cuz you would be exposed as a fake
Or someone clearly on the make
So you won’t give the press a break
We’ll see you on the campaign stump
Out there shilling for Dona;d Trump
Who’ll play you for a chump
Before you land in the trash dump

Cedric McClester,Copyright © 2020.  All rights reserved.

— The End —