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My dear summers dream was to the taste cream
Pass me the triple beam the microphone fiend
Back on the scene simplicity is your complexity
So amazingly like grace I be rockin' the place
Like we Studio 54 shut down the doors
Once the bubbly pours and the **** adores
Ya mental **** ya sentimentals and these new aged millennials
They too satirical I make miracles flow potholes
Creatin' mass mayhem your an inconvenience
Cuz of ya hesitance my presence is known
Without even being shown paragraphs of stone
Hard to crack waxing tracks like a shark attack
Felonious acts we never back down
Til my soul drown in the core of the earth
Royalties since birth new my worth they tried to mirth
At my pain tryna change the game cuz all these cowards
Saying the same thang got dang got dang
Time to chess box like Wu Tang leavin' a stain
On ya reign no tears though I'll be on solo
Rippin' up instrumentals ya know how we do so...yeahhh

From the Sunny to bees that make the honey
Sticky icky like my spliffs be call me smokey
Puttin' fire to mother natures forests check the creases I
Rap game mafiaso so so better back back
Or else get dropped lika Domino so here we go!
Here we go!
With the ghetto jams love girls with the derriere's of Pam
Got **** once again it's time to slam
Mics harder than Shawn Kemp ya flows shrimp
That's why ya girl calls me Mr **** no limp
Slick as Rick hello young world tilt and a whirl
Catch the swirl of Qatar Pearls on the neck of ya girl
Suckas better know I'm coming with a blow
Harder than Bowe combined with a super glow
black Saiyan raps slayin' turntables layin'
So I can get wicked lyrics Pickett
like Wilson
Flows in unison formation
of words
Herds a violent surge
feel the purge
We high rising no disguisin'
knockin' out Suckas who jivin' ain't none survivin' ?
Jeremy Betts May 2022
(too long version)

Life indeed pushed me to the edge of the cliffs end but the jump was my decision, no one there could ever be bothered to care enough to even explore the simplest question much less begin thinkin' about askin' what I was thinkin' when I settled on the option I ultimately, on more than one occasion, failed at miserably while attemptin', like the byproduct of rabbits ******' my faults are multiplyin' as my spark goes dark at the same time my shine went dim, not worth restorin' this vessel that sits as decoration in a white trash front lawn deterioratin', startin' from the back end then devourin' the engine

One step forward, two giant leaps back pedalin', that was the general motion of regression, lookin' like I'm plagiarizin' Michael Jackson when he's on stage performin', masterin' that classic moon walkin' he's known for doin', never as smooth as him but you get the picture I'm paintin', losing track of my destination as it began droppin' out of sight behind the horizon, followin' the trail the sun was blazin'

Can't see the forest for the trees and vegetation, could have heard the pre-lumber fallin' if you would only humor me and at least pretend to listen, but that there is somethin' you have zero interest in which is interestin' cause if the past has taught me anythin' about what you find pleasure in it's that you're lovin', above everythin', the chance to keep pointin' out and highlightin' how I'm a terrible human bein', a garbage person but not a man and no CDL license, I'm not pickin' up the trash I'm metaphorically dwellin' in only then to have it pile back up again times ten, ultimately creatin' my own land fill location within, wilfully lettin' recycled misfortune to continue hittin' me on the chin, it's due to inadequate trainin', not for the lack of tryin' to defend

No direction just a lie practiced to perfection too keep 'em from noticin' my state of depression, leave 'em guessin'. But to keep the honesty rollin' in I have a confession, I'd loan you the money to pay attention but you'd never take that good for nothin' offerin' and I ain't even placin' blame, just sayin', I know my position, I'm fully aware I'm on the losin' end of this game of tug-a-war life and I are playin', though I think it's cheatin', countin' cards to ensure a win, gamblin' that I'll give in and fold before noticin' I'm the mark bein' taken, the journey of life is a rigged expedition

What am I doin' besides losin'? Why am I here became the daily question, how do I get out this mess of confusion that's drownin' me to the point of extinction? It's an impossible equation even for a mathematician with years of education, so you know for certain I'm lyin' when, for no good reason, I have a go at answerin'. The slipknot is workin' just as I was expectin', slippin', goin' taunt, slidin' into its final position

I should mention, if you're thinkin' this has taken place solely for attention you're sorely mistaken, you never come to that realization, dodgin' conversation in an attempt to avoid confrontation, leavin' me noticin' there's no one standin' by and extendin' a hand to help and lookin' back there's never been. No one attendin' my lonely execution by decapitation in an effort to stop the spreadin' of harmful misfortune I feed myself, bad for my mental health, a deadly addiction that's become somewhat of a tradition through repetition, turnin' a weapon on myself, worsenin' my condition, that's a fact based observation not an opinion

No resolution in the hard hitting revelation that there's no salvation for someone who's gone and done what I've done and gone on livin' in a web of fear that I first spun for protection but couldn't stop the infestation from gainin' the traction it was needin' for the completion of my complete elimination

Cravin' anythin' real to place my faith in, I'm bein' told the hate and pain I'm bathin' in is of my own creation, I can see the connection as I sit broken down in the intersection of real life and fiction, I've lost control again and once again there's no mulligan. Am I seein' the glass half full or half empty or maybe it's all an illusion regardless of perception? Lost my vision, can't see through the pollution and corruption runnin' rampant with no solution comin', I'm a simpleton so this ***** gettin' confusin', a complete brain malfunction

I've awoken the beast within and just as I was predictin' we instantly began battlin' to the death, fightin' for position and a quicker end to the situation I'm always findin' myself in then findin' out for myself that it's always been my own reflection startin' back in my direction, the ugly inside is finally outwardly projectin', can't even pretend to be my own friend, enough is enough, I'm saying when

Its lurkin' just under the skin, waitin' for the moment to strike and beat me down to nothin'. When will it end? Never I'm guessin'. I'm gonna have to try to put an end to it all myself again, tirin' of the repetition to the point I usually take no action, sometimes due to exhaustion but still just lettin' it all happen like that's what I was plannin' from the beginnin' but that makes about as much sense as quittin' ****** right after the needles insertion or waitin' till after overdosin'

Frustration givin' way to aggravation and aggression leavin' little satisfaction even if I could squeak out a win, but I'm no longer wastin' time waitin' for that to happen so I'll probably most likely be caught sleepin', dreamin' about what could've been had I listened to my gut feelin' and put in the same amount of stock I place in what my treasonous mind and heart are always sayin'
and not let doubt creep in and claim top billin' as it's permanent position, knocking out compassion and reason, replacin' both with the hate and weight of a nation

It's a fools mission, I WILL be beaten' into submission, the last thing I'll hear as my energy gives up on existin' is the mortician statin' then time stampin' my expiration, that and the body bag zippin', family left pickin' out a coffin from the bargain bin, not worth payin' a fortune, only payin' little respect to the fallen then quickly forgotten at the drop of a pin

You're sayin' I have a purpose but I'm witnessin' me wastin' every minute of the earths rotation and never reachin' the conclusion that I was slackin', far to laxed in the preparation for a home invasion of this mental prison I'm caged in where I'm servin' a life sentence and I'm mentally and emotionally starvin' while my vision of any kind of future begins to darken

No open invitation, but that's not stoppin' my personal demon from just walkin' right in and startin' the killin' spree up once again, focusin' first on positive motivation just for existin', of course that's just my imagination, but could you imagine? A horrible vision to the average pedestrian, I know, but I still crack a grin at the thought of it happenin', the devil on my shoulder is at it again

My light fractured through a prism and some went missin' and I never got around to lookin' so no chance of gettin' it back into my possession, there's no raignin' it in, goin' from a fools errand to a search and rescue mission seemingly overnight but for what reason, just to teach me a lesson? I don't test well, I won't make it to graduation

Choices made out of desperation got me lookin' and feelin' like a felon, to survive I had to become the villain of the biography I'm narratin', this isn't livin', at best it's just barely holdin' on for dear life and weakenin', a measly attempt at survivin', forced into an intimate relation with the unforgivable, each of the sinful deadly seven

The line not to cross was paper thin, walked it like a drunk person in front of a couple corrupt police men, heathens but feelin' better than, lost control long ago, before I fell off the wagon, I ain't talkin' about drinkin', it started way back when with prescription medication, ones that were suppose to be helpin' but then used for wreckreation and that's when it began draggin' me down to an underground parkin' garage elevation

I didn't have a break down, like I said, it was a break in home invasion with the assumption there was somethin' worth takin' to begin with but everythin' inside is broken and you can see the corrosion of the foundation built on sand, makin' this temple worth nothin', even self worth is fadin'

Graspin' at the air and yet again findin' nothin', grapplin' with the notion I'm nothin', prayin' my emergency flotation device will suffice cause the water is ragin', feelin' the undertow currant strengthen in it's concentration, I think it's attackin' and there's no escapin' so I began blinkin' SOS in old fashion morse code hopin' you don't need help with the translation, if that's the case then I'm done for, why bother debatin', I'll take myself out of the equation, preparin' my soul for the comin' evacuation

You begin lyin' just to raise my spirits but I ain't buyin' into what you're sellin', counterfeit concern bein' spoken with no emotion or conviction, after the extensive evaluation I see it's no garden of Eden I'm livin' in, again, someone's been lyin', I'd be wakin' right into the den of a rabid lion shrouded in original sin, I ate the fruit knowin' full well it was forbidden, straight up poison but zero ***** were given, so this was bound to happen, the writin' was on the wall, who am I kiddin'?

You have my permission to begin the process so let's just go ahead then and get this over with so I can silence the voices within, I've eliminated every complication, layin' on the tracks at the crazy train boarding station, awaitin' the unavoidable, provin' I was correct in the assumption that this is the right time to initiate my endin', a personal Armageddon...oh, well hello, you must be that Satan guy I've been hearin' so much about from everyone preachin' directly in my ear then going out the other, it's still hard not to listen, I'm just tyin' up a loose end or two then I'm yours for the takin'

...alright, thanks for waitin', now then, let the journey to my endin' begin shall we? I'm takin' the lead on this one cause I know where we're goin' and I'm no good at followin' direction...obviously, it goes without sayin'

Brycical Mar 2014
Makin' creatin' a lightspeed igniting conversation, one star nation takes patience to see the people slowly wakin' n' bakin' up like an S.O.S is morse code from herb tokes in the late midnight.

Indigo third eye aliens sailin' in wailin' blues like the sinnerman nina simone and tracy chapman entrapped and entwined like a serpentine mind warp in time like kaleidoscope bhavacakra.

We be inside a cocoon of warmth, while sunsets high atop begets a period of gratitude n' news of ancient wizards of the earth burning sacred stories in sky paintings of clouds in the Canadian north spring equinox.

Fox spirits and raccoon  split spliffs from peace pipes at night. Families are reuniting. Trojan horse tricks lift spirits hearin' our kicks and screams howlin' and wowlin' at the moonlight while kali dragons claw away time 'till its an infinite mush of mashed sweet potato pie,
but in order to make one from scratch we must first create the universe.

how is it possible to close my eyes
when all that is is just passin' by
how on earth should i cover up my ears
when there is nothin' much nor else to hear

i say we truly forgot how to feel
we continue to deny to be real
'n' within those **** lies we be livin'
them unhidden plays 'n' acts we're givin'

ye'd say: 'i do feel 'n' know it all'
by thy many a 'truth' still standin' tall
now would it be no understandin' shall
'n' shall never be when we make it fall

for when we stop our minds elevatin'
then be which story we'd be creatin'

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 17/10/1437

'a (pentameter / freestyle rhymescheme) Sonnet'
Brandi Clark Jan 2015
Im drunk
And ******
And speedin
And cleanin
And im seein
All of your feelings,
Out of the corner
Of my eye.

Where's the dope?
Cause I cant cope
With all our inside jokes
Displayed for the world to see,
Your heart is to much for me.

So get to your point
Before I light up this joint
Cause once the buzzins in my brain
I cant deal with the pain,
That you're trying to project on me,
Why cant you let yourself be happy?
Creatin these problems in your head
Then you're carrying them to bed.

Our sheets are drenched in your nightmares,
Your demons attack me in the night,
And with your burdens on my back,
Im too weak to fight.

So im reachin for the bottle just to give my brain a break,
Packin up a bowl,
Cause its more than I can take.
So I pop just one more pill,
Smooth the edges and just chill,
But I cant, not just yet
Cause this house is such a wreck.

So now im drunk
And ******
And speedin
And cleanin
And im seein
You dissapear
Right before
My eyes.
jeffrey robin Mar 2013
I'm ---------At Peace
So,  just where are you?


Sittin under the tree peace
N there's
Walkin thru the wars without bein affected peace
The hardest peace is bein at peace with those who say they's in peace
When you know **** well's they's greedy ***** ******* into some kinda **** with your mind sorta peace
--ya see---
Bein at peace is sorta the same as creatin peace which is sorta like
goin to war for peace but in a certain peaceful way
---ya know what I mean?---
are you at peace with that?

Peace is t not let anyone or anything mess with your HUMANNESS!

Ya face it anyway ya can
Sometimes ya gotta just find yourself a tree
Sometimes ya gotta kick some *** with a smile on your face
Ya know what I mean?
all i can do is just smile
as a problem child
now im a grown man
cant get a job for ****
n politics claim its taxes n ****
but thats *******
headed for depression
everybody plottin against me
seem like they whole world
out to get me
but i keep a knife and guns
with me
just incase of confrontation
i rep that black nation
dont get it twisted
haters on my biscuit
like im ****** em
but they get nuttin left overs
get rolled over
kiss the caskets
to all those *******
mad cuz im makin' gs
smoke with t h u g s
and lil homies
hold ya head up
dont forget ya here on earth
as a set up
eve ry day a brother wake up
i gotta worry if im gonna get killed? by the police steel?
n the shield
the evidence
claim a brother was in hesitant
link one bad brother to every brother
then they got the nerve to say it aint about color?
but all i see is white imagery
painted around me?
**** that **** i know im a prince waitin to be a king
dawned with queen
close eyes bitche picture me
creatin' my pipe dreams
so you hyprocrites cant deny
as i rise
retain power to the day i die
dont cry
when they bury meeee a aa g

and you can hate me if ya want too
violence is coming through
back to hit ya where i should of killed ya
but i got mercy on my souls
naw im just lying
my brains fryin'
soo many of us dyin'
black on black stop that
snitchin is bad for the hood?
but when the cops do it
its all good?
like dominos so here we go
with this same scenario
in the barrio
cant i get some love
im just reppin' what i feel
o so real
homies to homettes
grab yo steel
cuz they out to destroy n ****
the black man understand
destiny lays in ya hands
n young mothers
dont hold out on the black prince
i sense
alot debauchery and treachery
from white supremeacy
mad ccuz a brother clockin'
every ***** and slangin'
d o p e's what about eazy?
i miss em much
cuz he exposed that ****** *** ***** Dre
and **** what they say
just waitin for Judgement Day
once again diggin' through ya soul again
im moved by the djinn
breakin' Hells sin
cursed for worse tryna find glee
but when i die ****** bury me ahhh G
from top to to bottom i drop
mad flows wear baggy clothes
im ol school sip sryyyup n cisco
blaze blunts slow
blow smoke out the nose
i suppose
haters get a new job
cuz i aint hirin' firin
the whoe commission
we got ammunition
me n boyz neva played with toys
just gats bats to loot quick to shoot
any muthafucka thats moves
dont disturb this groove
we in ya system
"eradicate" the "fake" jews so listen up black folks pay attention
this is ya final warning scorning
every nation no hesitation
as I roll in my big cadillac
with two dope homiez in the back
while spittin' facts
eatin' ******* jacks
yea they quick too gat
so watch ya chit chat
cuz we all that
we tighter than gorilla glue
leave critics stuck open like clue
take a guess we neva stress
we oenophile from being problem child
super flagrant that means im foul
growl always on the prowl
these fools spit
mad constapited
haters embrace the caskets
puttin' terror in the new era
old school in my bones
i keep yall tracked
like military drones uh

cooler than an orangutan
eating a tangerine
naw sloppy me yall just miss me
with bull
pull heat out of my wool
that hair for you dumb dumbs
dump *** **** on a girls mouth
make her go numb
this aint a mystery or a conundrum
sound the drum um
coming with a crazy style flow
funky cut with that hyrdo i blow
skunks forever how can ya endeavor anyting i say is clever
never say never
beat my foes with meat cleaver none could sever
me and rhymes like starsky
and hutch i clutch
this world in my palms
this just one of my pslam
got homie name beanie
no kin to Islam
sound the alarm
yosef causin fire even in the water slaughter
the best who ever test me on the mic dont get next
i used to flex the hardest
up in cheap apartments where freestyles was spent
ninety minutes of tape sessions
the black clark kent
superman these hoes flows
leave ya expose
****** from the tip of ya nose
my lyricism grows and grows
while ******* start hatin'
im creatin'
money in the bundles
chillin' in the hut smoke that good Jamaican what
d'lexus phillips Apr 2014
I've realized that sometimes I dont seem to see who I am to be. Which caused frictions physically and mentally. At times I can be my own worst enemy. And when I rest my solid body, the process of life becomes a hobby. Where in its mirror I see a reflection of light. Whether within me or without I see art. Alot of times I fall apart in its cycle controlling my emotions. Often creatin erosion of fear askin why am I still here. And when I see myself cry I see my tears. In the mirror I cant help to see not only me but my flaws and morals in me.
#mirror #inspiration

but when lovers unite
there's no day no night
'n' when doves do fly
nothin' comes nearby

the sun, moon 'n' star
all just eagerly ignite
for ever to be in sight
shinin' bright 'n' afar

a rain creatin' bows
colours be for shows
to see variaties light
gettin' rid the plight

oh indeed, love unites
passionatin' into heights

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 08/03/1437
'a (freestyle meter) Sonnet'
Yo im off the dome
Like JFK snipped by the CIA
Serenade the streets with AKs
Day by day i prey the prey
Im the predator
I keep my styles mixed up
Like  a news editor
So **** a critic and a creditor
The source can **** my ****
Til the nuts shown
From the microphone  
I hold ya know the storys being told
The true about me replica of the old hip hop
This ******* got to stop
Nigguhs rhymin' no meanin'
Everyday im.schemin' load the triple beams and
Aim it at the radio station this is **** nation
No hesitation
Give up the endz and the ******* with the flawless skin
And big ***** smoke L's til the filter ashes
Im rougher than babies rashes
I leave a **** bigger than car crash
The means my rhymes is collision
Ya need a new vision im your envision
Ya wish you could be next to me
Or that BiG
Rap phenom droppin bars like a bombs
Come get it if you want some??
Only to my carnage the merciless
Got my enemies prayin' more than a Holy Mosque  
Your fadin' and hatin' only creatin'
A bigger ground for my stage persona
Tote Marijuana got a stash of cash in Tijuana
MEXICO and if you come close to the cheese
Burn you nigguhs hotter than a sauna
The black iguana
Camouflage with my fatigue up my stakes
Now im the major leagues
Hittin' this fools harder than Joe Louis  
Who could do this??
Hits better than we
Bow ya heads and send a prayer for thee
Pray that i dont catch you slippin'
Put a mute to a lippin'
Ill empty more LA clips than Blake Griffin' 
Poulami Kar Mar 2016

Always remain unseen for they fade away in their ow(n)ess.


Always remain unheard for they listen to their echo creatin(g)iggles.


Always remain unchanted for they get burnt midway of their birt(h)earth.


Always remain unnoticed for it gets hidden in its own uglines(s)ofar.

Silent wars

Always remain ignored for it is to be kept a secret for fear'(s)ake.


Sometimes remain unsaid for that's how you insisted to for(m)emories.
jeffrey robin Sep 2013
You still a'comin in

Still a'goin on

Still dreamin of a home

Like its gotta be
Gotta be
Free man song

Ain't for
Runnin away

The ladies are in the field

The children are a'waiting


Righteous anger
Yielding purest strength

We strive for innocence
(And grace)
And to see eachother

(At last!)

Face to face


You still a'comin in

Still a'goin on

Creatin the new home

That's gotta be
Gotta be
Just gotta be
Lookin' in the mirror
I see pain and depression
Take another sip of the Hennessey
Glance at my Smith n Wesson
Wonder why so many of us stressin'
Brain locked and shocked
With so much aggression
Society so quietly fallin'
Too many women and men
On social media flexin' like ballin'
Deep in the game it's a crime shame
Wish we could all go back to tame
But these younger members of society to brainwashed mayne
Might as well take a snort of *******
Rush out of reality I'm feelin' sane
Or better take tokes of the Mary jane
Lovin' her hairy strains
Things ain't the same so many in a rush
With no where to go so just slow your role
Take it easy cuz the world will live tomorrow
Tried to embrace a chase of love
But it's hard to follow
Many hands reaching cuz they wanna borrow
Your time and pay but they don't know that your souls filled with sorrow
So to make a move you gotta pull ya head together try to endeavor
Ya life but it's stuck in a stormy weather
Boarded my brain cuz society struck
Feelin' like **** soon to be flushed
Hard to survive cuz the world is so **** korrupt

Too much ****** going on cuz of heavily sinnin'
I see the demons entering the earth deeply grinnin'
Stuck at a race cuz of a paper chase
You thought you was safe until they raided your place
No secrecy or privacy so don't get mad
at me when they expose you you'll see
Open up ya third eye so you can better flee
From a world in such captivity
Brains at a mental a capacity none could shatter me
Cuz I keep my mind free from
All the blood rushin' from my nerves creatin'
Travel of thoughts so I can keep on makin'
Poetic so Deep that should be crimed in fined
I'm tryna to dig in your mind
But you silence as a mime
These dudes chasin hoes that barely amount to a dime
Now we got an agenda pushin a confused gender
Men turning women and men turning women
Tryna turn us straigh men femine
And the woman masculine
But then again
We have none to step up in fight
For All of the wickedness that's takin flight
Nobody wanna pull there index finger on the trigger
Even if I tell the truth they'll look at me as ******
Still feelin' bigger
Every time I testify magnify all the lies
Head to the sky so why even lie
To myself gotta watch my health
Move in stealth
Cuz it's hard to past the struggle
Couldn't see what I see even if you had a Hubble society's in trouble
Livin' in the land of the loss
Where all the souls is lost and tossed
Out morals and values and how you
Embraced by a world that belittles you
But still
They stuck in a love crush treat it as must
Self destruct uncut cuz the world is korrupt
Yo doodiemac gimme some of that
Bars of arsenal flows mesmerize like the strokes of a piano
Sounds of melodies give me the go
Strikes of a bellow black as Othello
Let the lyrical gun massage the temples
Of the people the rappin' pharoah
Let my mental flow
Out pours nothing but reign
Floodin' the atmosphere it'll take years to drain
Straight to the grain spit it like butane flame
Til emcees turn into a sand crystal grain
Some try to get with this
Leave no witness microphone murderer givin' the business
No gps or map could locate
Settin' the dynamite rhymes soon to detonate
Emcees demised at an alarming rate
from the rhymes I create ferocious seal their fate
And they ask how did em
I let rhythm hit em

Yo fools love to say I'm wack
But be the first punks tryin' to slide me a track
Yo Whats up with that? I'm not your average brother fresh with the  batch
Another emcee just waiting to hatch only to catch
Nothing but heat from me
Embrace my empire full of epitome
Enemies flea once I place my rhymes on a beat
Got ya moving your feet so there's no room to compete
I stiff em like a photo freeze
Entice much atrocities
As the rhythm breaks you down instantly
Elephant herd stamina beats down I'm handin' ya
Don't ya know I'm the punisher
Tropic thunder makes critics wonder
How does he do it rhymes so hot ya can't cool it
Rippin' through ozones creatin' black holes
So force full even the speed of light couldn't go flow
Pass my mastery wizardry deadly to rivals known to be
The born God of the century
So hurry up and step up
Suckas runnin' up to get a taste of the directors cut
Body unedited yeah I said it
Remarkable stello so you'll regret it
If you try to step to me
On the mic I challenge thee
Duel em like Cosby who can top me ? Better Choose Wisely ?
Bars dark and lovely none could shove me emcees
Claim they killlin' but too **** sloppy
So I envision em like rods
Then I bend em
Sick em with the vicious venom
Cuz of my unforgettable rhythm
Yeah all for the bond
The only way I'll die is by the gun
Cuz I live by it die by it
Revolutionist at heart
Been destined for this since the start
Of my birth while demons catchin' mirth
Hell continues on earth
Got po' folks robbin' po' folks
Got a bunch of hoodlums
Toting glocks gun smoke
Ya for a ten piece of rock
Got **** too much drama
No help from uncle Sam slam the hood is like a jail cell
Institutionalized can't live well
Lite my hydro so ya can get a whiff and smell
Reality Its hard to rehabilitate
From a damaged mentality
The principality  taking over
Soon to be rolled over
If don't take back our rights
I ain't going out without a fight
I'm an outlast outlaw
Raw don't give a **** if I last
And if the gun blast
me with my shot gun
With triple stars on my grave
I'll die a violent hero
Gotta be brave

Hell yeah i was nothing
creatin' from nothing
struck out the atmosphere in the drop of a tear
then came fear eyes open cryin'
soaked in blood folks above
bright head lights smiles of mad joy
doctors said its a boy 
then turned grimace they seen a early menace
im misbehavin' since i got esoteric messages from the maven
back again its return of the panther
stick enemies with my rugers flex harder than luger
who want it? bullets i flaunt it?
likes its my bad ***** hot stitch switch
then back to reality back to life
stickin' deep into intellects like a butcher knife
bleed ya with thorough knowledge
know the ledge get it? got ammo under the bed
so when the feds
come all they get is a peace of my flames instead
burn souls bodies start to quiver
stuck in the eternal dark hell starts to shiver
o yea im the brother that the government warn about
seekin' my where about?
i stay concealed like Waldo ya know
but i may see my doomsday
may get hit like Don Vito  gaspin' for breath
news headlines sayin' im dead but don't know i just fled
machievelli principles im livin' too many sinnin'
earth full of malice soon to perish
and im still battlin' sables puttin'
friction on haters that cause major sparks
from Texas to the upper eastern coast of New yorK!!
Since we was teens I had a dream us moving upstreams things then didn't really seems like we was a team
But then I gotta gleam thoughts steam wishin' you was my Queen
Our souls interwoven got my phallus swollen cuz I'm bowlin'
For your love I'll knock all ya pins when you hit a back bend let the souls ascend no pretend reaching for destiny through univeral energy my black synergy kills all enemies that try top my positivity no negativity can't stop us any rate shake the fake great like frosted flakes quakes get ate
From my nine millimeter that's loves to shine smokin' on pine creating pipe designs
Huh feel my heartbeats tuned to the nature sweet
Soulful sounds animals creatin' vibrations all around bound
By unlimited boundaries pass ordinary til we touch the obituary and buried in the cemetery know my love will never grow lenient and weary

Deepen' emotions life is constant commotions
Deepen' emotions feel my energy connections
Though pain will rise dry your eyes and aim ya head towards the sky x1

Now that I've got you trapped feel magical dap as I slap you with nothing but ******* strokes above peaceful as a dove though we shove
Through many problems I'll never budge or hold a grudge with your beautiful fudge
Light brown complexion don't get me Flexin' cuz my nines'll be testing ****** heart rate don't make a date
With the devil usually mellow black as Othello say hello to the new life bump out my old wife widowed death carefully watch the steps uppin' reps as adventures prepped Im dreamin' like Williams aimmin' for billions not talkin' money talkin' about the energies that atomed me into what I am today you my Queen will always have my say ???

Deepen' emotions life is constant commotions
Deepen' emotions feel my energy connections
Though pain will rise dry your eyes and aim ya head towards the sky x1
People stop fallin' snooze to the news blues and new crews showin' bad valuables only to loose
Deep in this deadly game it's a crime shame people don't even know the origins of their own name ??you could be a Queen or King sibling but too many dribbling on thoughts drained from a quart of blood going to the brain ya slow stroking it hard to get ahead when all you think about is bread many heads deads in fear of the feds cuz they ain't takin' their meds feel the reign purple thunder we creatin' wonders
With my Hendrix spells it ain't hard to tell as my brain cells sail the spiritual ocean still coastin' and toastin'
Those who ain't floatin' on cloud nine rain bullets from my nine til enemies flat on their spine I'm one of a kind paragon makin' thinking marathons that no one can sustain I'm shattering things from the bling of my pinky rings kin to Solomon controlling wicked demons leechin' in breathin'
In the realms of heaven and hell from the smell
Running all of earth since my birth knew this worlds was cursed
Leaning on a axis the fact is I'm sick of the bids tryna live everyday a struggle to see a new muscle and toggle how many sick of the troubles
Nation's put us through only a few see what I view politicians sticking us without a word to trust but say believe in us but wars involved see the cannon smokes another joke being told on us for shore too ******* been ready to die only for my energy to multiply shadow the universe and blow away the skies
Including the sun and moon sittin' as a spiritual heirloom as I consume the star dust becoming an antimatter custome
Check out my tactics laid like schematics your body ******* from my automatic
Flow words acrobatic principles dogmatic
Thoughts dark as an attic cuasin' panic
To the whole nation static the station
Invoke the demons of Satan while fools hesitatin'
Time wastin' on a ****** spree like Jason
Thirteen days to let the led spray Yosef doomsday
Enemies pray while my bullets prey
On the wicked insane and sadistic simplistic
Truly gifted and twisted naturally mystic
Show ya wrist and watch me slit and split
Ya skin let the air enter in burning begins
Once the white cells start forming trends
Come again I let the ****** ascend
Now you makin' earthly amends death's ya new friend
Suckas tend to be my friend once the hear the guns clickin'
*** the clocks tickin' still pickin'
Out the baddest flows snort cane through my nose
Reachin' pass the spiritual doors walkin' through the corridors
Rhymes pour til ya nerves sore
Zoomin' like the Commodores
Takin' ya to a higher side ******' with these htown soldiers its suicide

Went from being a broke poet to sippin' moet
Hustled many so I'm a street vet so carefully watch ya step
Or else I'll branish my tech leavin' you wet
Ripped from ya neck to ya peck put em check
An Ultimate threat close em out like Vegas bets
Lyrical terrorist known to be a menace
Breakin' records pass Guinness in it for business
From start to finish suckas don't get too replenish
Once the mic touches their hands begins oxidation
Rust and metal infestation from my rhymes creatin' and makin'
The coldest flows rippin' up shows like an f five torpedo
Death and destruction causing a spiritual concussion
Who rushin' me deadly biology flow ology
Breakin' all catergories critics get buried
By the dozen Underground's my cousins
Thought you real til.i found out you wasn't
My guns sizzlin' heads like fajitas swift as a cheetah
Bring heaters **** playin' fair we gritty cheaters
Smooth as Anita smoke another cedar
Wood blazin' that pine my rhymes coincide
Through each and everyline
******' with killaz embracin' suicide
Ya only wake up at death
Once ya take ya last breath
Ya see the sun and the moon align
Wickedly created design braille from the asinine
Across ya mind messages sublime looking for the lime
Light but it's in you Ill chop into
Many pieces of the puzzle as knowledge increases
It's many diseases man made playin' us like charades
I'll just be in a breeze a wind parade as the music serenades
My heartbeat in the streets I see the constant repeat
Of punishment in form of enjoyment
This Earth ain't my home
As close a chapter to my tome
Riding my pain alone
In a dark room feeled with gloom I meditate
Then let the spirits consume
Mind body and soul
As I grow through the chakras hold
Scold the strains that unfold slow ya role
If you don't ya bound to roll into the creases that fold
Stuck in a predicament no satisfaction from the government but
Ain't no faking it
This is nothing but a slave planet...

Got folks in a listen over universal rhythm
Born in wisdom then some try to overcome
The atrocities laid by the everlasting in pain society quietly
I annotate my death date make the earth shakes
Once the rhymes mate birth of a nation
Flows creatin' a space time continuum in ya cranium some
Try to come to **** clever however I'll still endeavor
Most Of the necessities mathematics is my psychology
An ology no **** apology sensor sensitivity
Words aggressive carefully selected weapons
Mentally hinder 'em I'm poisonous even without venom
Tough as denhim I'm back on Earth because of a curse
I spiritually ***** like Muhammed thoughts flow faster than a
So I'm lit no **** kin to the Egyptian hieroglyphics
Land of Kemet in it to win it ain't no stoppin' this mystics
Try to attack but I've been strong since I was in a *******

Yo this is a slave planet....
Check my worth my flows gettin' mucho networth
Similiar to new birth creatin' girth yo who's worse
Than these chuckie cheese emcees talkin' like they
Killin' the industry but they under me
Like they sneaky keep killers and rukas with me
**** a street credibility I even seen a homeless man catch a body
In Little Italy another tally tossed in the alley now he walkin' in the valley
In the Shadow of death holdin'  my clips I bust til.its nothing left
Then reload if I gotta got more magic than Harry Potter
Burn you with my lyrical lava meltin' all seven of ya chakras
Fools swear they Hollywood like Chaka
Khan this one's for big pun puttin' holes in one
Like a swing from golf club linked with a holy cherub
Rollin' herbs to calm my nerves so my rhymes can reserve
The beat down comin' next to the MC that tries to serve
Me with the weak bars I'll leave em with stars
Wreck em like a car collision see my visions
They lock up mentally into a prison
From my rhymin' aligorithm

Not from Nueva York I be an iron man like Tony Sparks
Suckas scared of the light cuz I got the Dark
Forces around me nothing but energy
Suckas magnetized by my mental Infantry
Gunnin' with grande ammo never wear camo
Knockin' out Uncle Tom's to ***** I be the true culo
By nature hate fakers
and ******* who ain't nothing but **** shakers
Picture takers flashing ya death soon to see the undertaker
Now ya back to creator
Lyrics bashing ya puttin' fear in ya heart
None could part I'll gassed you like a ****
Body stinky rule the world like Brain and Pinky
The rights a genuis and left is insane
Comin' with divine bars that soak like polyurethane
Got the strength of ten Banes simple and plane
Get my flow through puffin' that spiritual cane
Angels knocked on the doors of my mental out pours
Nothing but bars from Galaxy afar
Look up see me naw
It's a bird a plane naw it's Yosef with words that gain
No losses boss of the bosses fools hangin' on rhymes
Like tree mosses
jeffrey robin Oct 2014
(                                                                ­                                  
•                             ­                                       
)                        ­                  


                                                           ­                  ^^

The streets are empty
                                Like the town is              Deserted

Only thing movin


Signifying                                            ­



We was here

No-one was here




                            ­  ///


A ****** WASTE !!

A MOTHER - ******

WASTE !!!!


Gentle is my song

Humility and grace


rain a fallin down              



Will I see you tonight ?

We shall feed the moon

Pure flesh dreams and

Our most sacred



The story

The blood of

Dripping down

::        ::

We may be

A New Seed




Huh my status legendary
Once I touch a cemtery
Say hail mary and I'll come back with hail mary
I'm talkin' at least in trinity
Queens around me
See my monarchy shoot rhymes
Like an archery
Who's barks louder than me
I'm the biggest dog in the yard
You fools is too fraud
Flappin' jaws gets you a silent applause
Rip though skins from the bullets
Comin' techs is hummin'
No sin can't keep me bounded with in
A state of darkness my flows be the darkest
But I bring light at the same time
Through each and every line
I write til definitive only took a few diminutive
A bunch of rhymes making crimes and dimes
We runnin' up **** like city fines
Oh yeah we don't care
About the haters to spectators
Congratulate us subliminally
So much irony
Ain't no mistaken all is takin'
Is some **** and guns
And I'm makin'
big stakes and bring much punishment
Lock ya down like confinement
You ain't **** I got house on the Island Malaysian
Got women portrayin' men but then again
They ******* at the end of the day
So pay attention to the rhymes that lay

yo **** being lost
like everybody
i rather see a dead body
from the elite delete
sighs of another ****** lies
in the eyes
of wicked straight sadistic
how i kick it
beat these execs til they autistic lets be realistic critics
will show hate once i drop a demo
not for studio
but for fun this ones for big pun
bringing capitol punishment
and big guns
with ammuntions
secret meetings with the commission
only few allowed in admission
dont be hatin
cuz im not debatin im creatin
a style that ya vibe too
makes haters become see through like casper the villian master taster
any beat i eat it up slowed or sped up
i dont need ketchup
to down for gritty from the city
htown shows no pity
we stay guarded like pits
bull grew out my ****** wools
fools think im slacking
i keep piece known as packing
skull crackin'
to the elites i got disciples backin'
me up keep henny in the cup
blunts is ready time to light up
and ill blow up
like tnt bombin with flows
cease all these penedejos they say cono ???
so we do hide behind our ignorance
'n' remain pretendin' to be naive
so easy to think of them to deceive
'tis just that we behave that itinerant

thinkin' ourselves to be that superior
excuses we alone do believe in
those **** thoughts of lies we be livin'
that very thing to poison our interior

there is no truth in these tiles we're layin'
if ever there's a time of honesty
we'd still be clingin' onto policies
that we ourselves 'ave been creatin'

no.., we won't repent 'n' won't start prayin'
but our own faith we shall keep on slayin' always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 10/09/1440
Travis Green Jun 2019
I live inside your maze of creations,
slowly smokin’ blunts one after the
other, trying to block you out my mind.
Still, I can see your hypnotizing flame
igniting contradictory conjunctions
within my soul, splittin’ light and truth
from my inner invention.  This **** makes
no sense.  I’m sick of embracing the seas
that have no rhythm, no beating drums,
no harmonizing horizons.  My bloodshot
eyes are high off your intoxicating dimension,
lost in those harboring galaxies that keep
reeling me inside your mugshot world.
I can feel massive earthquakes swirling
and swirling deep in my guts, burnin’
sensations on overload, ******’ with
my foundation, diminishin’ the equations
of my kingdom.  And as I sip on this Patron,
the fiery liquor flaming my insides, remindin’
me that I have sunken inside your ship,
remindin’ me that no matter how far
I run, your swelling drug will always
be inside my system, steady creatin’
sporadic thoughts and confusion,
spinning my somber world into shattered
Yo this beat so go gutter, it makes me wanna stutter,
Lay the harmony, like hot butter,
Over the toast, smoke the most,
The freshest emcee to host,
And none come close, when i make the most,
I turn ghost, when i get a scent of a roast, sweet mary,
Kind of scary, when ya senses talking senseless, what is this?,
Descendant of Enoch, and we got,
The game on lock,
No combination, i stay in rotation, like its money to be makin,
The temptations, got me creatin,
A space for my mansion haven,
Hoes misbehavin, tryna get a staple in, but peeld it off,
Downsized, play broke, but still living in an exquisite loft,

Yo its do or die, keep my eyes tight,
From the fry,
So why lie, im tryna get the same pies, that was told by the same lies,
Say we the people, see the evil that bleed through,
Say they need you, only when you,
Down on ya last buck,
And when ya broke, they dipped out, quick to cop out,
So i switched up my route, cuz instincts, stay creepin' out,
I let my melanin reveal, still tryna survive, the seven golden hills,
Say its fake, but this **** is real,
Let the hidden knowledge heal,
All those, who aint down to frill ya skill,
I potlucked it, i say **** it, wrote my own checks, system i bucked it,
Now they markin' me, like the Kennedys, or the Jackson family,
And my real thinkers, understanding me!!

— The End —