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Oliver Philip Jan 2019
A series of  Acrostic poems noting the healing properties of the crystals to the Zodiacal signs. .
Capricorn  ♑️  December 23-January 20.
Capricornian don’t mind me. I can’t live as you.
As you have the highest of standards always.
Peridot,Garnets, Agate or Turquoise to wear
Ruby’s grace a  beautiful young maidens hair.
I see the jewels in your eyes when you smile
Carnelian stones or Malachite for soul healing
Or Jet ,Smokey Quartz or shiny Black Onyx.
Red Garnets,Blue Aragonite,Green Tourmaline
Nonsuch is the birth symbol ,graceful as thee
Aquarius ♒️  January 21 -February 19
Aquarius the symbolism for the water carrier.
Quite an important member of our community
Under spells by an association of the heart
Aquarian crystals are Garnets and Amethyst
Rainbow moonstone, Labradorite, Magnetite
I would buy thee Lithium Quartz ,Moss agate.
Under your care placing Crysoprase n Cryolite
Some Rainforest Jasper for love of this lady.
Pisces ♓️  February 20 - March 20
Pisces are healed by birthstones of Amethyst
In tune also with Turquoise,Aquamarine,Amber
Sapphires,Sunstones,Smithsonite, Labradorite
Chrysoprase of green, Ocean Jasper, Flurite
Especially Bluelace Agate,Rainbow Moonstone
Stones Charolite, Calcite,Ametrine,Bloodstone.
Aries ♈️  March 21 -April 20
Aries children tackle life head on.
Ruby,Diamond,Amethyst and bloodstone
I know she’s into Aquamarine and Tourmaline
Especially pink, Dravite aka Tourmaline brown
Stellerite, Sardonyx , Citrine, Kunzite n Axinite

Taurus ♉️  April 21 -May 21
Tourean girls have an inbuilt stubbornness
And are partial to the birthstone Sapphire
Understanding An Emerald and Aquamarine
Rhodonite, Amber,Lapis Lazuli and Tiger’s Eye
Universal faith in crystal’s Kayanite n Kunzite
Spiritually in tune with Carnelian

Gemini ♊️ May 22 -June 21.
Gemini never grow up.They are so  flirtatious
Ever wooing and seducing their audiences
Moonstone,Agate,Aquamarine,Tigers Eye
Into the healing powers of Chrystoprase stone
Naturally Green Tourmaline and Serpentine
I also see Anyolite, Citrine,Thulite and Variscite
Cancer  ♋️  June 22 - July 23
Cancerarians are high on the emotional scale.
And they benefit from Emeralds and Rubies
Natural Amber,Rhodonite ,Rainbow Moonstone
Chrysoprase,Carnelian, Citrine, Moss Agate.
Even with the beautiful crystal Fire Agate
Ruby stone and Pink Tourmaline healing.
Leo ♌️  July 24- August 23
Leo has birthstones of Onyx, Peridot,Ruby,
Even Turquoise,Amber,Citrine,Larimar,Petalite
Or Fire Agate,Red Garnet,Sunstones,Sardonyx
Virgo ♍️  August 24-September 23
Virgo needs be a person advocating virginity
I know because I have fusion and experience.
Realistically fusing together two personalities
God knows n loves my approach and approves
Of Peridot,Carnelian, Blue Sapphire,Tourmaline
      Of Green ........
Libra ♎️  September 24-October 23
Libra uses healing properties of Lapis Lazuli
In Peridot,& Sapphires, Aquamarine stones
Bloodstones,Emerald stones, Sunstones,
Rainbow Moonstones, Morganite, Lepidolite
Scorpio ♏️  October 24- November 22.
Scorpio needs the healing of Aquamarine
Charolite, Turquoise, Malachite or Emerald
Obsidian Black , Golden Topaz and Boji Stone
Ruby, Lapis Lazuli,Green Tourmaline,Kunzite
Peridot , Rainbow Moonstone, Rhodochrosite.
I know of Variscite Hiddenite n Apache tears.
Or Herkimer Diamond ,Hiddenite , or Variscite
Sagittarius ♐️  November 23- December 22
Sagittarius is so joyous and very fun loving
Amethyst,Turquoise,Lapis Lazuli n Blue Topaz
Grace her body with healing properties now.
I recommend Azurite stone, Blue lace Agate
Tourmaline pink, Malachite, n Yellow Sapphire
Topaz of white and beautiful Ruby Stones
A Zircon Crystal and Snowflake Obsidian
Rich Merlinite, Labralite ,Dioptase n Charolite
In these healing crystals wear them with faith
Understanding the powers the Universe grants
Sacred is the space that you take upon Earth.
Written and inspired by Sacred Space.
Shop 10 /74-78 The Corso , Manly , 2095 NSW . Australia. Louise Winchester.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Written by Philip.
December 2018.
A series of 12 Acrostic poems linking crystals to the Zodiacal signs.
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Pisces ♓️
Pisces are healed by birthstones of Amethyst
In tune also with Turquoise,Aquamarine,Amber
Sapphires,Sunstones,Smithsonite, Labradorite
Chrysoprase of green, Ocean Jasper, Flurite
Especially Bluelace Agate,Rainbow Moonstone
Stones Charolite, Calcite,Ametrine,Bloodstone.
Written by Philip.
December 22nd. 2018.
The healing crystals for Pisces.
Meagan Moore Jan 2014
Draped in fresh-knitted pearls
we traipsed
into saccharine peach orchard

The summer heat loped about our dew-kissed ******
****** - appropriated from dawn spent on neatly shorn plantation grass

Ambling into the knotted palatial arbor
we sat each in our own tree crux
behinds nestled upon ashen bark

Juice dripping in our grip
down our cast nets of flesh
sprawled about the branches
inset with gravity-defying liquescent orbs
dusted in translucent mink
painted with smears of
citrine, coral, amber, and ichorous
clinging to brass stem

The rondures secede to mandible
taut between palms pull and polished ivories
- torn-

Fluent in dulcet discourse
We cloak ourselves in provocative juice tatting
Until such time that our congealing garments
were found mapping the bark's topography
A saccharine map to the breath of soil

Bloodstone ants found our map
and had begun traversing - portent
to seize our treasure

We surrendered our jewelled cages
and took flight
to the sun-drunken lake to bathe
and swim
until heavy lids kissed moistly
heavily supped on the draught
sleep - beckoned transience
jack of spades Mar 2016
TELL THE MOON SHE’S BEAUTIFUL every time you see her:
in the too-early mornings when the sun is starting to rise,
in the late afternoons when she’s settling in the clear sky.
Tell the moon she’s beautiful, that she’s more than just a reflection of the sun’s light.
Tell the moon she’s beautiful even when she is bathed
in the red bloodstone shine of starry brethren.
Tell her she is beautiful even when she hides herself in phases.
Notice when she’s gone.
Look at the constellations and tell her that you miss her. She’ll hear it anyway.
Pepper her with compliments to lure her back to her full glory.
Howl with the wolves in your adoration.
Has she made you nocturnal?
How late do you stay up staring?
Is she brighter than any star in your sky?
Tell the moon that she is beautiful—
tell her how she lights up your nightlife.
Tell the moon that she is beautiful.

Tell the earth that she deserves better—
that she and the moon are beautiful,
too beautiful for your ink-stained fingertips.
Tell the earth that she is stunning,
from her deepest oceans and across every mountain.
When you tell the moon that she’s beautiful, sign each love letter with Mother Nature’s signature.
Seal the envelope with kisses of sun rays,
and send your words up to the sky on the backs of meteors.
Tell the universe
that she
is beautiful.
Silver Wolf Feb 2015
Screams ring out again
Blood seethes under opalescent flesh
Mouth mute
Choking on the hate
And profanities left unsaid
Anger running through veins
Water flows crimson
Like anger tinted rain
Creating bubbles holding
Ticking time bombs
I guess that's what I have to pay

Open wounds mark their presence
Like rusted pearls crusted over with
The buildup of lies
reminiscent of melancholy
Songs jammed into my bruised and battered head
Pounding out incessant melodies
Your voice lingers here
Invading and
It won't go away

Scar tissue blossoms into your definition of beauty Forget me knots and mauve hued contusions
Etched across peachy dreamscapes of what you Thought was yours
The darkest war ever known
Closing over
As you continue to **** me dry
As I pay you in my blood

Desiccated body bags and
Pieces of my skeletons
Left scattered over the places your feet have touched
Pushed further into the ground
The gallows of our past
Fossilized terrors of our mistakes
Until little memory remained
Of the contours of your face
Waves obscuring and obstructing the view
Words washing out like a flood

You broke me ****** again
And this time I can't forgive you
Sarina Jun 2013
I do not imagine suicide as impulsive,
rather the day I wake up and travel thousands of miles
in my thoughts
to tell everything I have inhabited goodbye.

Nature will have the instinct to swallow my skin
in its blanket, the breeze whispers
to my boyfriend that I love him anyway.

A crew of mushrooms shall lay me on their breast or
beneath their umbrellas as in a rabbit hole

and upon lying down, petals spill
across my tired eyelids, and the breeze murmurs
that it is okay: I will not be missed because I will have
nature holding my bones the entire time.

She is there, playing my hair like a harpsichord,
whisking me away.
PrttyBrd Oct 2016
Through bloodstone eyes
to a soul too far away
Distance over time makes speed
though no haste is made
A beach in grains of broken shells
lines sunset ocean dreams
in brilliant golden glitter
All that lies between the person and the picture
is a mind in fugue
tied to a heart stuck in oblivion
Lost in bloodstone eyes
of a soul too far away
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Aries  ♈️
Aries children tackle life head on.
Ruby,Diamond,Amethyst and bloodstone
I know she’s into Aquamarine and Tourmaline
Especially pink, Dravite aka Tourmaline brown
Stellerite, Sardonyx , Citrine, Kunzite n Axinite
Written by Philip.
December 22nd 2018.
Aries the healing crystals
storm siren Feb 2017
You picked
A blue bloodstone
When you were younger.
You didn't know what it was,
You probably still don't.

You gave it to me
Along with a dyed blue agate.

It's funny,
Don't you think?

Bloodstone was worn by warriors
Into battle
Because they were of the school of thought
That it would aid in healing wounds more rapidly,
And that it would heal the mind as well.

So I wear it in a spiral cage
On a chain around my neck,
Hoping to hone that healing light-energy,
So that I may heal and be healed in turn.

Blue Goldstone
Is what I'm giving to you.
It provides protection against any type of harm,
And it will light your path from all things frightening.

People of Norse, Irish, and Germanic decent
Used to give it to their children
Who feared the dark.

Take the crystallized galaxy
Within it's spiral cage,
And come home to me,
Safe and sound.
Francie Lynch Apr 2016
I live in Chemical Valley.
It sounds horrible:
Better you than me.
I grew up here,
Where the southern sky burns
Bloodstone red,
Mixing colours with the evening suns.
The St. Clair carries Huron's ghostly horns
Past the flaring refineries,
To Detroit's waters.
We have stop signs
And other amenities
Small cities are proud to maintain.
I heard the housing market
Is sustained on the divorce rate,
And not the petro-chemical industry;
We're closing another high school next year;
And there was a gruesome woodlot-****/******
Last week on the Reserve.
Maniacs living out some sick web-site.
But the soccer pitches are full,
And our Mayor is the longest serving one in Canada.
Just around the corner
(everything is just around the corner),
Our flag flies over the bones of our second Prime Minister,
(he's from Edinburgh, Scotland);
I've walked a good stretch of the fifty miles
Of beach we have running north,
Past cottages, parks, camps, etc.
We've way too many ***-holes;
And for many years,
We were featured on the ten dollar bill.

But the new houses!
Who is buying them as we move eastward,
Away from the lake and river?
Newly minted single moms;
Rejected men.
We lived in one house,
One house.
We now occupy five.
Two of which
Are too far away
From Chemical Valley.
Sarnia, Ontario, Canada is referred to as Chemical Valley.
Onoma Nov 2020
an ambrosial garden

giving off remembrances...

the whole lot of seasons to


scents that trip the turn of a

bloodstone to its inward sun.

the let-go of paradises Christed

to their consciousness, married

to otherness--then no other.

first the feeling of having been

there, then that feeling relieved

of having been anywhere.
Torin Jun 2016
Your face on a grain of salt
Lost somewhere in raging oceans
I hold a stone in my hands
As I drown into the sea

Sign of the ram

Sign of the ******

This art has a hidden meaning
Lost amongst the gazing pupils
Eyes open wide for color
As I fade into the light

Bloodstone between my fingers

Salt of your skin

And if only now I could not find a way to die
**I could find a way
Hadrian Veska Apr 2016
There is a place far off into the night
Beyond the blackened sea and Out of sight

A sunken city below the waves
Once a bastion but now a grave

That once great city now had drowned
Yet its prince that was crowned

Had been quickly spirited away
Before the coming of that fateful day

Some say a creature and others a god
Had taken him away to a land abroad

Beyond the horizon where towers do stand
Heralding the border of the realm of man

The city now sunken in the deep of the sea
Abandoned eternal as it should be

All its inhabitants forgotten and dead
Save for the prince who was saved by a thread

Neither that city nor the young prince
Have ever been seen or heard from since

Yet in dark times at the end of days
When the world is shrouded by a cosmic haze

Might that sunken city rise once more
Showing the pathway to that ancient door

Opened only by the crown bloodstone
Whose sole possessor is the heir to the throne
storm siren Feb 2017
I wear the blue bloodstone you gave me
Around my neck,
Locked away in a spiral cage.

But your eyes shimmer
And shine
In the darkness.
And you have galaxies in your eyes,
So I guess it's fitting
That what I give you in turn,
Has galaxies trapped inside it.

I know
I am terribly difficult to love.
And I know
I am terribly easy to leave.

But you're it.
You're all I need.

And I hold the cold
Dyed agate you gave me in my hand
Until the stone gets warm
From what little body heat
I have to give.

I can only pray
That you'll come home
Safe and sound
With lots of love for me,
Because I know when you come home
I'll have lots of love
To give you.

I keep cutting out
Pieces of myself
To give
Everyone else,
Expecting to receive the love
I so desperately try to give.

Hoping someone
Will finally stay.

But Frost said
Nothing gold can stay.
And maybe I was wrong.
And maybe he was actually right.
Gale L Mccoy Jul 2018
i found my sodalite heart
in an old lime green purse
by the door of the home i left
now i craft my crown of bloodstone
gather feathers of unakite
wear glasses of opal
and write in books of sapphire
in a room painted sky blue
day 8 of 31 days of poetry
James Rowley Jul 2019
The Headstone, worn out and fissuring at the edges, stands alone;
Etched deep into the charred rock was a name; one which is now gone.
I glance at the bloodstone, and wonder if they did atone;
Or did they stand stalwart in the mist, and fail to move on?

Did they suffer in silence as the fire cleansed the earth,
Of their meaningless existence? In the end, however, hard they tried,
They indeed did not matter; with no chance of a rebirth
The scorched corpse hovers above ground, yelling

“You are just a grain in the sands of time!
Just like me, desire and fulfillment will pass you by
As the colour which you were born with, leaves your eyes
So your prime shapes itself easily
Into the Fallen remnants of mine.”
Feedback would be appreciated
Koray Feyiz Oct 2016
son, your beard ****** my face
was saying my mother, a poppy field
an unhappy water flowing through my word plain
a rattle, a mute bloodstone
a wild blizzard blowing from my chest
the moon sits on the saddle of the two branches
she even chases up me in my dreams
grinding my shadow like my footsteps.

Koray Feyiz
(Translated from Turkish by Koray Feyiz)
Hold power like Meech,
Pops, told me to never be leech,
Young heads, i tried to reach,
But they too, caught up in the beat,
And not, watching the words that speak,
Poison into the soul, cleanse the drought, now its time to re grow,
Iike cornfields,
Suckas gotta take yields,
As make like pressure and build,
Rock with words, you can feel,
To ya braincells i heal,
No wack verses, for the thrill,
I spin it real,
Avoid strawberry thots,
Forgive me not,
Got me rushin, slowly brewing a concussion,
From these rhymes bustin',
Over the booth,
Most pick fakes over truth,
Attract hate like Trump,
Hang the Messiah, folks saying they holy, but only preaching to the choir,
God is on the street,
Let me repeat, latter day saints,
Aint really got the speech,
Say it in ya head, til the thoughts bled,
We at the cornerstone, of a bloodstone, hail fire,
Modern day truth tellers, sold as lair,
Stuck in the heavenly quicksand, no need for a back up band,
I stand,
Alone, wrestle forty days to forty nights,
Now i feel, closer to the sunlight,
Images appeared, i never seen before,
Conscious playing tricks,
I hear a knock at the door,
Is just my inner self, introducing me to more,
Let knowledge weigh supreme,
This aint a dream, just a glowin soul at a higher risin',
pilar Dec 2020
She was perfect

She was kind

Like the fire, her flames aimed to be the brightest

She's the perfectionist and protagonist  

Tho she's slipping away from the light

Now drifting towards darkness

Slowly becoming heartless and shameless

Surrounded by her anger and hunger for power

Her envy quickly devoured her

All her bottled emotions came suffusing like how the waves overpower the tides

Now she’s the misunderstood villain in the story  

Trapped in her unwrapped emotions

Alone on her bloodstone throne  

Having disgraced her family, and to be known as human waste

She's the sinner and winner of my story
this was my very first poem I would love any feedback
this was my very first poem I would love feedback

— The End —