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Stephen E Yocum Jan 2017
She comes to me with
seductive expectation
in her alluring grey eyes,
Bewitchingly she crawls
onto my lap, my chest.
Our mutual desire for closeness
quickening the mood
She puts her arms around my neck,
Our eyes locked in an intimate dance.
I take her beautiful face in my hands
stroking it's soft contours, as she
closes her eyes pleasurably succumbing
to the gentleness of my touch.
She begins to softly purr.  

We both understand these brief
loving moments can never last,
owing to my damnable allergy to cats,
Thus, soon back outside she must ****.
As my shadow of a jealous dog herds
her out like she was an interloping stray lamb.
Part of my goal here was to tell a descriptive
story poem,with a beginning, a middle and
an ending in less than 100 words. Brevity being
the key.
Jovanni Oct 2018
Unexplained rivals and verbal confrontations
first contact as opponents and second as curious strangers
exchanging smiles and bewitchingly smitten by the lock of our eyes.

Equally being matched as conversations proceed
Are you friend or foe?

Tell me, how shall I judge you? Or shall I not judge at all?

Many mistakes were made by judgements and lessons learned,
Life would be so simple if we forgive and forget,
Yet many don't do as we do
Vie Flamingo Feb 2016
I allow myself the luxury, to stare unabashedly
Your eyes tantalise me, not crudely, but bewitchingly
Were I able to touch, the texture would be burnished brown velvet
Oh to explore this rapturous richness, warmth in abundance
Evermore curious I basque in the golden, autumnal flecks
Shimmering depths cast new dyes of invigoration
Beguiled, I thank you for a moment of beauty
Mie Juul Jan 2015
There's been planted hope in my heart.
Just a little seed.
It's cold, oh it's ever so dark.
I can't see,
I don't know if you will sprout.

Oh little seed are you all alone,
Oh tiny seed are you all by yourself.
Isn't there anyone to take care of you.
To help you grow and see your struggle with spreading your alluringly, bewitchingly, weighed petals.
I don't know,
I can't see in the dark.

If I should ever wander off and get lost,
I beg that I will stumble upon you.
And see your wild eternal hope take root.
Lay myself down beside you and become the mold which you consume.
To be the the one who made you see the lucent light.
Your own dangerous light.*

MJR. 17/01-15
To find hope can at times be very hard, but when you find it, you'll know it was worth it. Hope holds the same power as love, you give yourself into it and at the same time you give it the possibility to destroy you.
Chrissy Feb 2019
she couldn't dance like the rest
she didn't want to let herself go enough to fall and be caught in his open embrace
her pace was unchoreographed and timid
scared of being replaced in the dance which she called
by a newer, more beautiful dancer that isn't afraid of prewetting into the arms of her lover  

but all and all her dance was bewitchingly unique
and he loved that
love can be compared to a dance either you and your partners paces match or they don't
Pixievic Feb 2016
Unfinished words bewitchingly buzz
Swarming through my head like clusters of noise I can't ignore
As their mutter quickens the more I become aware I need to fulfill their purpose*

(C) Pixievic 2016
This is what happens in my head!
Within the common (all purpose room)
     at highland manor apartments aye
daily encounter, one bewitchingly dreaded
     fiendishly horrible, jeeringly loopy,

     nap noopy, pugnaciously ravenous, talon
     viciously wizened, xenophobic yeti, zapping
     zeroing zillion zippers,
     zoned Zuckerman alley bye

barred doors fate helplessly jury-rigged
     sealed with with plaintive cry
no escape known to this man caught
     in a deadly voodoo clutch,

     thus doomed to die
ugly cannibalistic, frightful,
     heathen rumors myopic eyes espy
alarmed at feeling trapped

     akin to a wingless fly
tapping reserves of scape goat
     coping techniques ingenuity,
     which earned me moniker "fall guy"

where accursed cruel destined exit
     from getting husked, issued
     jagged lance like mandibles "hi
there unknown weekly reader", I

pray for super leftist
     write hand man/woman to extricate
     (via whipping up literary poetic fabrication),
     then joining me to sing jai

(let victory prevail against killer odds)
     perhaps summoning division
     of British shiver rights phalanx,
     hood reply with Hackneyed "oh kai"

springing surprise rescue,
     sans swooping inside
     this hermetically faux prison,
     where Matthew Scott Harris doth lie,

yet realistic to accept my
demise without putting up
     a good fight well nigh
but... if luck finds

     thee plucking this bard
     (out maws of death) be treated to custom
     ye will be rewarded with pie
ala mode enjoying a Quai
yet moment...yeah...fading hope...sigh!
Sean Pope Jan 2013
The strangest synapses are joined
When love is involved.
Lately it feels though my heart won't beat
Without conjuring another thought of you.
You're giving me a heart attack.

Now I see those precious eyes, conjuring scenes of dark, calm woods in their mahogany depths. The smell fills my aromatic soul with earthy comfort, sketches of wooden homes carved from dense forests and thick soil. This is how our primal lives began. We should never have left.

Now the voice that silences divine choirs for shame and humble respect. Angelic is the word, though angels jealously refuse to admit such harmonic richness could ever come from less than a deity. Even they could never match the emotions you raise with just a breathy hello. Heaven is a song in your voice.

How could I forget that face: the smooth, elegant features bathed in that dark, enticing skin, flawless in every aspect. Perhaps you think me wrong in this, your bewitchingly humble nature refusing the notion, but I see in you only beauty. Beauty without comparison.

Those eyes again. Like pearls of glass, the fire of their mould still burning bright in intense passion, yet never to intimidate. The energy is matched only in the comfort they portray. I see such calm in your eyes.

Oh how that warmth permeates my every living compunction, my every dream and hope only a vessel for that intoxicating touch to visit once again. To hold you is purely bliss, as every fascinating curve of your body fills me with the warmth only love can claim.

You do have such a way with children. The motherly instinct is as natural to you as breathing. Something so defiantly attractive glows from you, like a newborn star reaching out to every heaving cosmic consciousness to signal its life-giving crucible is in full operation. I don't even like children, yet this captures me.

I have spoken clearly and directly of complicated mathematical theorems and psychological identities in front of innumerable people who's every purpose it is to judge me, and yet I can barely summon a nervous hello around you. How do you do this to me?

Every aspect of your culture fascinates me, like a child first seeing their reflection. The music, the history, the cuisine, the languages, and most intrinsically the way you internalised them all while existing in this culture. When the smallest details poke out, I am enamoured with the ramifications, and I crave to share that moment with you.

I crave to share all my moments with you, day and night, good and bad, painful and comforting, strange and familiar. Every significant event that occurs, my first thought is to share it with you - not to show off, nor for sympathy, but just to have it with you in some small way. Just to be the smallest amount closer to you.

Are there words beyond love, because it does not appear to mean the right thing for me. Desire is out, require too demanding, need is disturbing, want not enough, yet none are so inaccurate as to lose favour. I know many languages, even a little of your own, yet I am without solace.

That smile could make the dead smile back. It makes me understand why artists must draw, painters must paint, poets must painfully sketch their rawest emotions. If even the crudest mimic of that achingly beautiful smile could be recreated, there would be no need for war. Poverty would resolve, greed would abate, nations would shake hands to see that gorgeous shimmer in your happiness. I devote my being to making you smile whenever I possibly can.

I wish you understood what you meant to me. You are my world, my motivation, my thoughts, my sincerest hope and dream, my reason to regain consciousness every day I find I must. You are so much better than my dreams, I choose to leave them, just for the chance of seeing you once more.

I shall spare the EKG for now.
The point is no clearer than it was
With every other sore pulse
Of this infernal timekeeper.
You won't leave my heart or mind
Alone for even an instant.

For heaven's sake angel,
I love you.
Sean Briere Feb 12
This ship is sinking.
Your sea, violent.
Lightening flashes through my mind.
There are so many words I have for you.
They try to make their way past my lips, but they are krill trapped in a baleen maw.
Instead they take a pill, fall asleep inside my head. These watery words rise above me.
They travel down my throat and into my lungs.
I thought I took enough air before I went under. How wrong I was.
I'm wriggling now.
My eyes frantically searching.
The abyss stares back.
There’s a weight in my chest.
An anchor pins me to your ocean floor.
Waves have swallowed me whole.
Jetsam tumbling through like driftwood on high seas.
I set my eyes on two green jewels glittering bewitchingly.
I'm locked on them.
Two lighthouses guiding me through this storm.
I should swim away from them.
Instead they draw me near, beckoning to me.
I dive down.
I am under their thrall.
I swim hard, I swim fast.
My chest compresses.
I’m out of breath.
My body thrashes and then surrenders.
I never had a chance.
Tiny bubbles make their way upward like small galaxies holding the last of me.
Cuz buzzards circle o'er me
eyeing these lovely bones prithee
id est Roy L. T. Canard, Si
hence impossible mission
to be lovey dove vee.

Vague remembrances of dream  
which recurred with frequency
transfixed by Sir Real majesty
shows me and the misssus evicted.

Hum habitually hiccuping
in tandem feeling woozy
virtually celebrating monarchism
with British Royal Family,
and about eager and ready
to take a snoozy
so please pardon this poet
exhibiting being a lil oozy,
nevertheless yours truly
birthed the following verse
a reasonable rhyme and doozy
considering yours truly tipsy and *****.

Now this raggedy man
whilst deep in sleep
this past night
what felt like galactic body
fell upon ma slumbering heap
affecting immediate fear
lest worst nightmare
viz management boot us
into emotional inferno

felt steel tipped kickstarter,
would crush with might
but lo… heavy weighted body
just zee spouse
plunked herself into zzz land
immediately within unconsciousness deep
that's the husband unable
to recaptcha pleasant dreams
well nigh past midnight.

Unable to shake away drunken stupor
nor defeat insomnia
reliving sinister tête-à-tête
so...rather than emit shrieks
like some angry bird
idea arose to resume completing poem
expressing discombobulated state,
whereby sixty shades
of grey matter feels
similar to thick whey curds
palliative sans restorative power
per rest hopefully clear muddled pate

plagued with grogginess
and marauding herds
of mailer daemons worse
than unsuitable mate
or a world wide web filled with nerds,
thus lethargy purged
via catharsis forming swords
follow rhyming pattern
to convey drowsy tipsy mood,
a synonym for my words.

Noah respite despite eliminating kinks
courtesy arched back from cat nap
as ginned tonic, nor lion here
feline groovy getting high temporarily
spells relief and serve as balm
with pillowed temptress ever near
beckons softly inviting calm
before this human
goes awry and berserk on manic tear
being revisited from haunts
inside head of this wordsmith
caught by men in white coats
coming to take me away
**-**, hee-hee, ha-ha,

to the funny farm
straitjacketing this maniac
wrought with weariness
dark ringed circles around eyes  
showing Adonis long since didst veer
Judas Priest or  
if you prefer heavens to murgatroyd
can't stomach bulge
spills o'er tattered underwear,
whose ***** by the way
once upon a time
about the size of average palm pilot,
yet taut for witnessing
three score plus three mortal year.

This ole goat intoxicated,
plus forcibly locked within
fas paux blinding darkness,
the pitch black common
all purpose room
in disarray after Skyping English fete
at fictional Knock Less Apartments aye
daily encounter, one bewitchingly

hair raising dreaded locked
rooted tension doth amplify
fiendishly horrible, jeeringly loopy,
nippy nap noopy,
pugnaciously ravenous, talon
viciously wizened, xenophobic yeti, zapping
zeroing zillion zippers,
zoned alley bye

barred doors fate helplessly jury-rigged
sealed with plaintive cry;
no escape known to this man caught
in a deadly voodoo clutch,
thus doomed to die
ugly cannibalistic, frightful,
heathen rumors myopic eyes espy
alarmed at feeling trapped

akin to a wingless fly
tapping reserves of scapegoat
coping techniques ingenuity,
which earned me moniker "fall guy,"
where accursed cruel fate destined exit
from getting husked, issued
jagged lance like mandibles "hi
there unknown weekly reader,” I

pray for super leftist
write hand man/woman to extricate
(via whipping up literary poetic fabrication),
then joining me to sing jai
(let victory prevail against killer odds)
perhaps summoning division
of British shiver rights phalanx,
hood reply with Hackneyed "oh kai"

springing surprise rescue,
sans swooping inside
mine hermetically faux invisible prison,
where this troubadour doth reside,
yet realistic to accept my
demise without putting up
a good fight well nigh
against inevitable mortality

(out maws of death)
gleefully depriving grim reaper
death his domain and
eventual unavoidable claim,
but if such kind unaccustomed soul
can cushion the blow of penury...
vis a vis philanthropic treatment
manifested as deliverance  

courtesy anonymous altruistic benefactor
plucking one bard
off downward slippery
precipice of homelessness,
ye will be rewarded with apple pie
ala mode enjoying a Quai,
yet moment with
Holden Caulfield doppelganger
made famous qua Catcher in the Rye.
Travis Green Mar 2023
Tell me why I dig his indescribably intriguing slickness
More than anything in the world, why do I look deep
Into his ardent avocado eyes and pine for his entireness
To entwine with mine, to kiss his appealingly pink lips

Lick his intensely brown and handsome beard
To feel his bewitchingly attentive and sensitive ears
Why have I got such a helluva crush on his flawless ****** robustness
Coveting to touch his fabulously magical and strapping shoulders

Rest my head against his wonderfully long and rock-solid arms
Feel his heavy-duty groovy pecs, nuzzle his muscles
With my lovable hands, craving to swim deep into his enchantingly
Extravagant and flabbergasting masculinity

To bask in every fraction of his splashy smashing staggeringness
Tell me why do I got a thing for his striking spiked hair
Why do his assertiveness and masterfulness appeal to me
Why do I wanna be with him so **** bad and share our worlds

Relax my palms against his sleek, sculptured abs
His bright, tight, and unrivaled V-line, slide my tantalizers
All around his legit slurpable stick, swirl the tip of my tongue
On his monstrous scrumptious plums, service him unreservedly

Unearth every compelling element of his dreamy flexing splendor
Clap hands on his bare bite-worthy backside
Slap his sexually attractive *** cheeks, finger his mad hunky man hole
While he takes my rad stacked rack by force

Glory in his lurid Explorable gorgeosity, tell me why I am so soft
On his toxic top-drawer masculinity, why do I wanna venture
His fully rigid dimension resplendent with prize-winning supremeness
Why do I feel like I can float in the sky when I peep at his flashy smile

Why do I feel so feverish and weak in my physique
When I linger on him licking my keen warm ears
Trail his spectacular muscular grabbers all around
My inveigling and scintillating creation

Tell me why I am addicted to a snazzy swagged-out bad boy
Why he got me in my feelings, wishing to kick it with him
For months on end, sink into everything that shines within him
Let him be my bread and butter, my lover boy to enjoy forever
Travis Green Dec 2022
I can’t help myself, I am so obsessed with your sexing savage snake
The way you play with it, console, and stroke it
Talk nasty ****, bite your bottom lip, smile, and ****
So ******* lit with it, so bewitchingly blitzed
I don’t wanna miss a beat; I wanna take it all in, gaze at

The way you shake it amazes me; the way you moan
And stand tall, oozing smooth, blooming seduction
That ******* **** slays my gayness, makes me ache
To feel it flow down my throat, coalesce with my tongue
Arrest and caress my jaws, enchant my senses
Melts my sexiness, to watch you get all into it

Your mouth opens wide, your eyes locked on your prize
My mind is going insane, so lost in the way you beat your meat
Rub the tip with highly overpowering and engrossing passion
You turn me on more and more when you ****** it
In different angles, make every ounce of it bounce
Leave me confounded, bound to your insurmountableness

You bend over, showcase your red-hot chocolate cake
Spread your *** cheeks, make me so bowled over by
Your dope *******, your desirable danging rocks
Speak your flaming fiery slang with your cocky and ****** voice
Got me fantasizing about your hunky young crunkness
Your vitality and virility, your vigorously thrilling electricity

You send me into a thousand banging trances
Your romance my noteworthy flowery heartland
With your undauntable chocolate machoness
The way your rub your broad, strong pecs
Flex your slick black abs, flaunt your hot taut sauce

Make me so ******* high and stupefied
Constantly thinking about your fineness
With your lickable long legs spread wide
Slicking your thick magic stick
So incomparably masculine and radtastic as ****

You got me drifting into your delectable mesmeric depths
Got me lapsing into your automatic enrapturing splashiness
Your hypnotic melodic enthrallment
Make me wanna rap with your immense and luminous majesty
Your compelling man-cellent supremeness

Feel you crank up your game
Enliven your flame, mesmerize my domain
Get wild with it; make me feel your fire vibe
Check you out while my heartbeat rise
While you shine your ponderous turgid pole
And fire off the hottest milkiest sauce all over the place
Bekah Halle Feb 2020
I am bewitchingly beautiful.
My mind overflows with pearls by the mouthful,
Healing dawns in the crisp new morn,
But by noon I am worn ragged by the duel.

Noticing, I stop and rest,
And try to conjure truth: I am blessed.
Releasing all that stands contrary,
Reminding myself; I am hesed, crowned with righteousness.
In this busy world, saturated with messages of unworthiness, we need to stop and remind ourselves of the truth: we are loved and adored; fearfully and wonderfully made.
Travis Green Nov 2022
The taste of your bold and robust dopeness
Makes me mega pumped-up
Hung up on your flamboyantly entrancing masculinity
Tall, dark-haired, and bearded hot boy
Bewitchingly brilliant and venerable perfectness
Vibrant, handsome, and tattooed truthfulness

Immaculate crackerjack thirst-trapper
Your hairy dapper superbity immerses me
Your spectacular and singular world devours me
Makes my temperature surge
When I traverse your dazzlingly impassioned
And enrapturing path to an incalculable and magical paradise

Bask in your addictive wicked litness
Draw me into your prominent pulling power
Guide me between the limits of time and space
Play with my gayness, manipulate my sensations
Make me dazed and stimulated
As I slip into your slickness

Slither on your silky **** skin
Wrap me around your profoundness
Bewtich every eminent inch of my existence
Linger in your endless fervent labyrinth
Of handsome and magnificent mantasticness
Leave me feenin’ for your steaming keen immensity
Travis Green Apr 2023
I wanna be deep into his infinite sensual ocean
Admire his irresistible physical prowess
Tethered to his incredibleness
His wild ****** machoness
Such intensely strong and astonishing hotness
That sweeps me off my feet

Stays with me in my sleep
Makes me dream of thee
Treasure thee for days on end
He leaves me breathless
With his smooth, swift freshness

The attention-grabbing scent
Of his dramatically enrapturing masculineness
Knocks me sideways
The way he finesses my gayness
Dominate my mind, body, and soul

He makes me so doped up and over the moon
So gung-** about his glowing
And smoking poetry in motion
I embrace his flavorful sensational amazingness
Fall into his dapperness and rareness

Let him color my structure
With his artistically appealing hands
Get lost in his inviting and shining paradise
Take me away into the bright, electrifying night
Where I lie on his bewitchingly vivid and powerful playground

So undeniably alive and out of sight
Caught up in the ardent red-hot flames
Of his devouring delightsomeness
I burn with passion for feeling him take me down
Engulf my singularly spectacular beauteousness

Feed me his hella thunderous crunkness
Suffuse my sleek sweet-scented skin
With dreamy shimmering moonbeams
****** me, groove with me
Let his brutal triumphant love cruise through me

I inhale his top-shelf aggressive sexiness
So mentally enchanted in the arms
Of his phenomenally enthralling charmingness
Give me an utter sugar rush
With his unfathomable astronomical splashiness
Make me so enamored by his sweet electric delight
Travis Green Apr 2023
Indescribably bright and easy on the eye
Hot off the fire out of sight delight
Dreamy slinky prince
Gaudy starry hottie
Macho saucy hotshot

Sensual gleaming gem
Delicious big-city brick
His demeanor and splendor are top-tier
His sparklingness and suaveness is
Everything that I need in my life

His assertive worthy immersivity is
The hottest hypnotic ****
That keeps me crazy lit
So blitzed and very taken
With his incredible top-level finesse

I melt into his hella electric flex
Requiring a bounteous serving
Of his fervent immersing rareness
I marvel at his debonairness and tallness
Take in his brilliantness and manliness

Wishing to be with him in our own world
Make unforgettably vivid and magical memories together
Love on him extra harder
Treasure his mad radical swagger
As my senses shudder with compellingly strong

Thoughts of him entering the softest parts of me
Make me burst like a gigantic crimson red balloon in his nearness
Make me thirst for him more, drool over him
I can’t keep my cool when I am with him
I am lost without him in my life

Grooving on his lewdness and smoothness is
Like a one-way first-class trip to infinite poetic ecstasy
With seamless mingling limbs and luscious crunk tongues
My hot hunky number, the spectacular curves
Of his bewitchingly built structure enrapture me deeply

When I linger on the bareness of his splashiness
I am utterly moonstruck, struck up, caught up
In his aesthetically appealing realm
Of mystically blissful and wicked paradise
Digest his exquisiteness and realness

Let my feelers crawl all over his manly entrancing torso
So engrossed in the deep iridescence
Of his rugged exuberant heavenliness
His swirl of superb shimmering superlativeness
Rarin’ to go, so bowled over by his uncontrollable dope flow
Travis Green Feb 2024
I knew I was dickmatized
The moment he pulled out
His long, astonishing pipe
How he looked at me
Hooked me, how he shook it

Made me covet to peruse it
And before I knew it
I was down on my knees
Surrendering to him completely
I deepthroated it

Worshiped it, ****** his fat head
Played with his massive saggy *******
As he stuffed his magic stick
Deep down my throat
Slapped it on my face

Plunged it into my mouth
Made me feel his hardness
On my jaws and tongue
Had me so strung out on his manly love
Lost in the virile power
Of his spectacular girth

The man of my dreams
My succulent superman
He gave me crazy hot highs
Had me walking on sunshine
So lovestruck by his love muscle
As he nutted all over
My bewitchingly stunning face
Travis Green Oct 2022
You are my infatuating
And scintillating smasher
My top-quality ardent star turn
I long for your unstoppable
Enthralling hotness in my heart
In breezy, wintry December

On a cheery and magical Christmas night
I wanna lay with ya
By the shockingly gaudy fireplace
Marvel at the snowy and picturesque scene
Outside our massive glassy window

Such an elegant and classic attraction
To behold, to be engrossed in
As I stroke your impressive, silky beard
Run my fingertips across your bewitchingly
Vivid and vigorous lips

Imbue your soft sweet cheeks
With the biggest, juiciest kisses
Linger in your intensely intimate dimension
Sheathed in static splashy slathers
Of your immaculate impassioned magnetism
Travis Green Aug 2022
When I am with you
It feels like everything, in reality, turns silent
Your harmonically-rich hotness hypnotizes me
Makes my charming heartland throb
In the incomprehensible tenderness of your touch

Your lingering superheated breath
Traveling the soft, attractive path
Of my heavenly jaunty body
I caress your deftly delectable chest
Venerate the superlatively picturesque details

Your rock-hard razor-sharp abs
Mellow yellow gold Casanova
**** honey candied eyes
Shimmering in the relentless spinning sunlight
Moon-shaped magnetic majesticness

You possess me so effortlessly
Bewitchingly built biceps
Ardent head-turning hot boy
Perfectly formed contours
Visually gripping irresistibleness
Your desirable harmonious frame
Inflames my senses
Your red-hot ranging slanguage
Lights up my life force

You got me ******, bounded by
Your resounding gangsterness
Your gaudiness is an unstoppable body
Of marvelous wonder, a far-famed flame
With flawless glorious game
Travis Green Oct 2022
The moment you rip your shirt
To exhibit your bewitchingly badass ***
Enormously smooth and sinewy chest
Gaudy, glossy, and showstopping abs
How you kiss your killer ripped guns
Flex your monster sun-kissed buns

Steady feeling yourself
Talk red-hot ****** language
That entices me more
My lurid allurer and artful joy
My creative and playful fantasy
How you whip out your indomitable
And enthralling enlarger

Stroke it nice and right
Swing it back and forth
Make it bounce up and down
Swirl it around
Slap it savagely
Make my head spin

Make me succumb to your hung monster trombone
The more I behold your stone-cold growth
The more I drool over your rude lubed-up tube
Your booming musical hoodness
Salivate for your engagingly
Unadulterated and sensational enchantment

Powerfully built pristine Papi
The way you tease me
With your steel slithering heat
Apply maximum electrifying pressure
Make me wanna worship your devouring
And high-powered divineness

Let your largeness dine in my mouth
Suffuse my tongue with your fun-loving
And stunning hunkiness
And as you **** faster
Moan madly, talk nastier, delectable legs spread
You shoot ripe and juicy **** everywhere
Travis Green Aug 2022
My sensations are shaking within
Inebriated, greatly spacey, under your sway
The way you play with your aggressive and monstrous snake
Dangerous untamed meat, smooth, slithery, and southern
The meanest wicked litness that has me twisted
In its bewitchingly blissful and delicious dreams
Dark chocolate rod, maple brown sugar oatmeal slickness

You taunt my homoness with your dauntless unsurmountable game
Swing your smoking macho yo-yo, make me gasp
And pash for your splashiness
Crash into your indescribable moonlighted flame
Indulge in your lecherously heavenly impeccableness
How you immerse me in your overwhelmingly masculine thunder

Make me want to get crunk and jump
With your young, irresistibly untouched hunkiness
How you slap your marvelously thick sausage
Stretch your astonishingly gaudy ball bag
Flick your flamingo pink tongue
Flash your dark wine brown eyes
How you stand with your ***** manly legs spread out

You stroke over and over again
Make my mouth water, fill me with red-hot unrestrained thoughts
The way your bright, vigorous veins shine
Killer kissable *******, I gawk at your hot rocking charmingness
As you moan wild sublime clouds imbued
With boundless devouring desires
Spout thick, white, and virile delight
How I desire so deeply to swallow your wholeness
Travis Green May 2021
Your dark brown deliciousness
Melts on my breast
Guides me into a feverish flight
You tempt me with your desirableness
Look at me so bewitchingly
Send me into a dreamy haze
Let me traverse upstream
To the opulent gateways
Of your rare radiancy
Such satiation in my throat
Brightly scented poetry
Living on the surface
Enmeshing me in the heart
Of your eternal harbor
Travis Green Jul 2021
I float in the limitless
Reverent oceans
Of your splendidness
Stretching my arms out
To reach for you
To feel your slick, silken skin
Your bewitchingly thick lips
Your delightfully bright eyes
Your wavy blonde hair
Your sweet-enchanted beard
My one true world
That creates paradise in my life
Travis Green Oct 2022
Your shining game-changing divineness
Cranks up my enormously exciting domain
Your rare crashing magicalness
Makes me long to crack a beer
And drink excessively with ardently
Blossoming and evocative thoughts
Of your energizing and striking love

Become sexually aroused and crackbrained
Hold your hotness tight to my heart
Curl up with your helluva hunk of lovingness
Devote my life to your machoness
Lay by the sheer, joyous shore
Let my homosexualness run wild
While I take a heart-stopping joy ride
In my mind into your electrifying and spellbinding time

Drown into bewitchingly bright and inviting
Moonlit nights where your irresistibleness comes alive
Under the shining summer sky
Where the grand and handsome trees
Sway in the refreshing velvety breeze
Kissing and chilling with your litness
Having a smashing and splashing staycation
In your enrapturing and mantastic man cave
Travis Green Dec 2023
I am transfixed by his
Bewitchingly appealing dreaminess
Like delightfully picturesque flowers
His admirable virileness
His desirable entireness

His dopeness is like
An ocean of magic potion
Flowing in my heart and soul
A composed poetic masterpiece
That provokes deep feelings within me

A source of enormous enjoyment
Such seamless splendor to adore
I wanna explore his extraordinary manliness
Enter his temple of sensual passion
Bask in the brightness of his delightsomeness

A smooth cruise of a lifetime
That captures and enraptures me
Drown in his splashiness
Feel his attractive hands on my bare skin
Slay every inch of me

My mystical, sizzling riveter
My handsomely robust studmuffin
I crave to feel his fingers
Like a long, gorgeous paintbrush all over
The canvas of my creation

Fill my silken surface
With superb strokes of tender love
Immersed in emotion
Share my world
Cherish me endlessly
Travis Green Jan 2024
I can’t explain it
But I was so addicted
To his bewitchingly exquisite masculineness
His flabbergasting splashiness
My hot, tasty lover man
My dreamy, gleaming king

He was so clean and supreme
So attractive and passionate
I was so hot on his chocolate rod
Gawking at it, loving it
Drunk on it; so much man meat
To make me wet as ****

I was in ecstasy
Obsessed with his incredibly
Infectious impressiveness
Bewitched by his beefed-up physique
He had me in paradise
With how he pulverized my passion pit

He finessed my vessel
****** the **** out of me
With his big magic stick
Gripped my massive *****
Told me how ******* good
My man ***** was to him

I was in heaven
Reveling in his perfection
He choked me, stroked me
Regulated and renovated
My velvet creamy chamber

He spoiled my core
With his enormous Excalibur
Opened my **** up
Broke my **** down
Murdered it to the max
Made me drool as her smothered
My guts in his fresh, delicious *****
Travis Green Sep 2023
He enraptures my pierced heart
With his dreamy ****** symmetry
His immaculate, mantastic beard
His splendid, gleaming eyes
His distinguished eyebrows

I yearn to kiss his soft, inviting lips
For his eternal presence
To reside in his shining paradise sanctuary
Bask in his fantastical cologne
Feel his arousing breath on my flesh
His sensual hands on my appetizing melons

Squeeze my taut *******
Speak to me with his silky voice
Make me feel the burning beat
Of his bewitchingly handsome exquisiteness
So addicted to his sensuous fuel
His ardent, domineering kisses

He swallows me wholly
He is my entire existence
The air I breathe for eternity
Takes over my world
Draw me nearer
To his gorgeously appealing perfection
Like the brilliance of the morning

Put his warm arms around me
Make me feel the inexorable force
Of his mouthwatering machoness
Taste me like caramel-dripped apple pops
Like a chocolate coconut pecan pie

Traverse on an inner earth adventure
Within the depths of my gay world
Take him into my system
Like a clever refreshment
Like ***** tonic with lime

I got the hottest crush on him
He has me feeling the heat
Drenched in sweat
Brimming with happiness
Like a radiantly captivating flower
Travis Green Nov 2020
I will make you mine,
strum my song upon your flesh,
press the keys to your existence
like a piano, hum so caringly
to your hypnotic body, your wholeness
like a vivacious violin, indulging
in your nakedness, in the passionate
innocence of your instrument.

I will hold you like a prized painting,
admiring your bewitchingly iridescent hues
of pink, orange, and yellow, your mellow
voice so meticulously orchestrated,
your radiance like the sweet rays
of the sun, projecting its light
inside my creation.
Travis Green Sep 2021
His enticingness excites
My nervous system
The way he bewitchingly
Bites his bottom lip
Perfectly peering at me
With his dark smoky brown eyes

His celestial complexion
Carries me into his
Ardent department of hotness
Dreaming of holding him

My hands drift
Over his smooth bareness
His satin-sensual chest
The sumptuousness of his abs
Aromal armpits, ***** licks
Gliding down his shoulders
Biceps, forearms, and palms
Greatly reverencing his emotive scenery
Travis Green Sep 2023
His crash-hot rock-solid abs
Attract my attention
His bulging arms are
So astonishing to watch
His colossal chest
Makes me wanna
Rest my head on the surface

Become besotted interminably
By his delicious, chiseled build
He has so brain-dead
When I check out
His vast, impassioned splashiness

I wanna hold on to him
Escape into his man cave
Bursting with grand passion
Share ******, torrid kisses together
Lick his edgy, elegant tattoos

Get a bang out of his insanely
Mind-blowing arousingness
Get high on his top-notch olive-toned macho man
My slick, ripped brick
My spectacular, domineering badass
My majestic, energetic bruiser

The vibrant taste of his manliness
Makes me float
I am so lovesick for his bewitchingly stunning hunkiness
His entrancingly lovely face
His seductive chestnut beard
Heavenly lips I could caress
For a week of Sundays

Smell him like amber-colored blossoms
Get lost in his comely honey-brown eyes
How I hanker for hard-hitting homosexual ******* with him
Bang me, inflame me, tame me
Cling his hands to my succulent, towering twins

Hold me down
Regulate my shapely cakes
Make me feel the dynamic ******
Of his big thick snake
Sliding in and out of my ***** pit

Allure my blissful point
Work me, lover boy
Give me more pleasure
Splatter his hot creamy ****
All over my appealing, curvy rear
Travis Green Jan 2024
Dreaming of him is
The only thing I love to do
Lay up with him
Feel his manly touch
All over my ****, soft body

Press his vigorous hands
On my irresistible, squeezable *******
Hold me in his potent arms
Rule me, enthuse me, peruse me
Caress my mesmerizing derriere
Kiss me with his succulent lips

Keep me in his closeness
Make me float in his dopeness
Marvel at his appealing charm
His spellbinding eyes
His bewitchingly stunning face

His splashiness attracts my attention
His swagger is so **** badass
I bask in his passionate masculineness
I wanna experience every ****** emotion
That there is with him

Get lit and blissed out entirely
Become powerless in the presence
Of his delectable perfection
Lick my lips the more I picture
His thick Excalibur in my fervor chasm

Enrapture me with his come-hither look
Make me surrender to his insuperable pulchritude
Treasure me forever, *** me so deeply
Leave me hooked on his pulling power
His assertive energy, his immersive world

— The End —