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am i ee Sep 2015
dear lovely lady or kind sir,

my family has just come in to extreme, monumental good fortune, the likes of which amze the pope himeslrf and lama dolly too.

poor creidt have i thru sad mismanagement of funs, now big banks an capital cfompanies venturees, fail to reply to wll intentioned requestes for baluabel fund.s needed.

however, telegram did jyst arrive, my faimly na me so very very happy.
the sum is 100,000,000,000 dollars US with half more in pounds sterling...
currency calculator on blink... but we think this much scratch.

plesae be soknid if you will ,  i send you MY band account informaiton, then when funds come through you share with me?  you help us please?

Miss A I r Head
this is based upon actual events.. the young woman was telling a true story, but no one replied.  so she and her hansome Manly Cowboy, with whom she had been happily reunited after a very long separation, whereby he too did strike it rich all on his own, returning home with only his devoted horse Randall and a little secret number tucked under his hat.

Oh yeah, he called her from his far off travels and gave her his bank account number to complete the deal, seeing as how he too was one broke bloke.

but that dear sweet loyal readers, it a story for another day...
enjoy yours, this one, right now, today!
Brent Kincaid Jun 2015
Rap is crap
Can be written while napping
By simply slapping words like zapping
Up alongside trapping and wrapping
And suddenly you’re a rap star
Driving an expensive car
And before your coffee is cold
You are draped with gold
Maximum bling
But it doesn’t mean a thing
Other than money because honey
If your ‘song’ lyrics are still known.
When ten years are blown by
And you are no longer a famous guy
Whose words are forgotten
It is because they are misbegotten
And liked by the current batch of airheads
Who think this is music when instead
It’s a beat they can feel in their feet
And if they don’t read the words
Printed in the album, what is heard
Is a lot of screaming and percussion
Not worth discussion in Billboard.

Someone could cut the microphone cord
And all anyone could hear would be drums
And the audience spilling their beer,
And nothing worth humming;
Lyrics for the dumbing down of the race,
A major entertainment disgrace
That destroys the ears and means nothing
That will ever be revered like Sinatra
Elvis or The Beatles have done.
It may be number one today
But when time passes away
It will be nothing but the shouts
Of a bunch of untalented louts
To an audience one has to fear
Was born with a tin ear.

Brent Kincaid
RILEY Nov 2013
Everyone is fighting for something, and the people that listen most to the music of the universe can feel the agonies of our nature and rescue something of our earth before it’s too late… he can smell the soil he left in his drawer next to his immigration papers, he can envision the cold breeze of a summer night in one compartment of his soul and one area of his land, he forgot the keys in a back pocket of some Armani suit or some other pretentious outfit he had to put on for him to fit in the lifestyle of a multinational uprising genius. His wife feels the floors are just the same, she can read between the tiles the little lines their feet drew as they neglected their steps towards oblivion, little sentences of regret they left behind the trails along with burnt gas and crude oil. Their child always belonged, their child always belonged. The moon gazes on its universe, it sparks thoughts upon dreamers and induces muses upon reflecting sons and daughters that are willing to fight and are willing to belong at the same time. The moon looks at the misplaced societies, the Armenians within the orientalists, the Africans within the airheads, the leftists within the empty minded pocketless, the empty minded pocketless within the land that took his freedom and replaced it by liberalization and stole his freedom of thought and gave him freedom of speech no more, no less. My tips write on a keyboard that lost its touch, it was supposed to be made for those who fight for a cause, not for those lost between the many causes, it was made for those who change societies, not for those who think of that as an understatement, it was made for those willing to calculate their losses and their profits, not for those who have no capital except the pens and papers they keep aside their beds, and no revenue except the little comments they get on artistic nights in the underground. I write not in my mother language, I write not with my mother, blasphemy is not a tool for me to be heard nor a sound for me to use. I write not with my mother language,  I write not with words, I write not with grammar, I write not with language, I write with my feelings and my thoughts and my falling doubts. Falling. His head was falling as he laid it on the ground, for the gunshots are too loud for his ears, and the bullets are too hot for his face, and the missiles are too striking for his vision, and the care packages that never come may not be needed when his final rest place could be achieved by falling. His head was falling as he laid it on the ground, thanking God for his graciousness, for allowing him to leave the country, praying to God that it all ends soon, knowing it won’t, fighting. The women were fighting, over their children’s corpse, over their enemies swords, over their broken houses, over their husband’s illness, over the broken rocks they used to lure the enemy out. Fighting. The women were fighting over dresses, over the last pair of shoes, over their grandiose wedding cakes, they always belonged, they always belonged. Belong. A child belongs to a family, a child belongs to a house, a child belongs to his innocence, a child belongs to his laughter, a child belongs to a holy land, a child belongs to the smiles. Belong. A child does not belong to ******, a child does not belong to blood, a child does not belong to hunger, a child does not belong, a child does not belong in the holy land. Everyone is fighting for something, but not everyone belongs…everyone is fighting for something but not everyone belongs.
I Don't Care Jun 2013
Today I walked into Barnes and Noble to buy my summer reading book which just so happens to be super thick and its boring (**** me now!) Anyways, while we're there, out of curiosity, I asked if they had any John Green books (because everywhere else, they're either sold out or on hold) and they did. The lady brought me to a table. A few of my friends had recommended his works. Scanning the table of books, unsure of what to chose, a guy walks up to me. He looks about my age, maybe a year or so older. He's pretty cute, which is quite the pleasant surprise because usually guys don't talk to me. He says, pointing to The Fault in Our Stars, "I couldn't help but kind of overhear you talking, but I read this and it was amazing." He points at Looking for Alaska. "My girlfriend read this... said it was pretty good." So I say thanks and something awkward like 'I'll have to check it out,' and get The Fault in Our Stars. This small gesture has restored my hope in our generation. The guys in my school are mostly arrogant airheads with no taste in music, in my opinion, anyway. In addition to this experience with a stranger, today, while at a shopping center, I saw a girl wearing a 5 Seconds of Summer shirt, as I had mine on, too. I complimented her and she smiled and said, "Thanks, you too." This small gesture has also restored my hope in our generation. Today I learned that not everyone ***** and that makes me really happy. I guess that if you put yourself out there, ever so slightly, in the right places, you might learn things or make new friends.  What if I'd talked to the girl about 5SOS? Or asked the guy about other books he's read? There are so many opportunities every single day to improve the quality of our lives and we pass them up, because they're things that are thought of as small, but can have huge impacts. I believe that if each and everyone of us tried, just a little bit, to talk to  strangers, the world would be a better place. Not everyone wants to hurt you. I'm not saying to invite some random person  into your house, but to talk to people with common interests, or compliment someone on their shirt. Little things like that, as they did to me, can make someone's day. I walk to my mom with a pile of books. She turns to me and says, "Since when did cute boys talk to you at bookstores?"
I don't know where I was going with this, but I wanted to share it. In addition, I apologize if you like boring books, but I myself cannot fully appreciate it.
Colin E Havard Mar 2014
Being right
Is of little consolation
If your being in hospital;
And no consolation at all
If your Being ceases to be!
I'm a predator
Searching out for a mate:
Scrutinising all prey that crosses my path.
I'll eat **** and take what comes,
Or starve if need be - self-satiated -
While I patiently await
That dainty, succulent morsel;
That indelibly edible delicacy
Which my heart so desires.
Airheads to the left of me;
Airheads to the right of me;
Airheads in front of me;
Cackled and blundered!
Their's was not to reason why;
Their's was but to buy or die.
And I...
I just shook my head and wondered...
The Missing Link - Gaia's Boy Toy
Robin Carretti May 2018
What happens
_ to space_
between us
This is the
human race
Ah, Vey?
Just pray

Overly smitten
But not seeing
  clearly picture-prey
He or she runs!!
Little darlings
here comes the sun

The lime doing the time
Falling trees of coconut
Feeling- overloved
Deviant artist
splat coconut milk

No Security Cat
comfort box
So out of recession
Killer fox__

Chocolatey coconut
Cleanse my mind detox
Almond Joy concession
Rise up Face Botox

He cannot
read you
Haywire always
wired up his words
Hurried Hazelnut
coffee if you mind
Increased brain
functions bitter rinds
So commercialized
The Cocoa Puffs
Going bananas
monkey ***
Lexie Vamp Vex

Mr. Ed overload
of Oz colors baboon
Going up Air Balloon
So many airheads
The  Rainforest
GQ  he's gone IQ
((Quarterly Neck of the woods))
Not orderly Outback

No shortcut
The nervous system
The fast have a drink
Cracking a coconut
Her Safe__
6-6-6 combinations
Could crack her
Coconut oil neck her
City Girl call her

Intellectual brain
Gene Kelly
Raining coconuts

(On Overload)
Strawberry Fields
This will be short
Yeah right forever
shortcake, not any sort

The trend of
Nearer because
of you I am
She was the
Brazilian Nut
With her
blind gut

((Coconut Houdini))
Island of Bali
Beauty of Judy
Somewhere so over it

King Kong
Hairy chest banging
coconut drink slurping
Of girl talk
Strong New Jersey

***** of Venezuela
Overload of
Prima, Donna's
Instant Karma
going to get them
Knocked them off
there feet
Where is my
John Lennon
He has the best beat
You will be tasting my coconut drinks every line your on to read
So take this trip please don't ask him for a sip you have the best drinks
with men of GQ what divine coconut  winks
Classy J Oct 2016
Classy J going array, with such sassy display to you’re overbearing dismay. Blasting off today, I’m as cool as sorbet, but yet as hot as soufflé. Everlasting eternities as the cycle goes on for humanity, where some live for the moment and others search for divinity. ****** prey wanting me on their tray, the only thing I’ll give you is the direction to the doorway. Rick Ashley stray’s, I’ll throw yawl back out in the alleyway. Future class, never ever low on gas, if you mess with me, I’ll shatter you like glass. I’ll use a computer bypass, to shove a virus up your ***, not to be played with, bro don’t you know that I’m bats. I don’t butcher the masses, or overburden you like taxes, I’m just your average Joe trying to make good of all this blackness.

Not a sore loser, nor a party pooper dear querying lass, I stand my ground; yeah you bet I got ***** of brass. While some of yawl puff the grass, this creature is trying to cure the world’s tumor created by us jack assess. Don’t run on flats, tackling my demons to the mat, yeah I have gotten through life by crawling down its crevasse! Don’t listen to rumors, some call me a trooper, you have to learn how to maneuver all haters and accusers. Living life by focusing on the hourglass, I’m not one to sit idle peeping out the looking glass. But forget all of that because life is nuts, and I’m just an outlet that slams the hard truth to your guts. Enough with your meaningless chitchat, I’m done with all yawl fretting and *******, time to buck up pussycats. Your listening to a lyrical architect, don’t have time for rats or insects, this is just apart of the classy effect.

I don’t make threats, don’t you forget I make promises that will eventually be met. I’m just a twisted afflicted un-constricted gifted individual who tries his best not to be too cynical. It’s so inconceivable but yet so believable, not your typical rapper, yeah I got principal. I am always original, I am a mystical miracle; yeah I’ll be making sure you know I’m no longer going to be invisible. Beat the odds, unlike all these frauds, I know my place, I’m definitely not a God. Heated rods of critics who keep on trying to burn me, but it just feels like a thorn to me. Street with needs to meet, used to the odds, so don’t think we’ll grovel at your feet. We are not mincemeat, we are not just going to take a backseat, we stubborn as concrete, yeah we are not going to retreat.

Privileged trying to turn us neat and tidy, without them they say we incomplete, that even though we coloured we should strive to be just another ignorant whitey. Don’t you know it’s all about image? We are savages, yet they are the one’s who diseased and burned down our villages. No I don’t seek forgiveness from wily coyotes, we are not a showpiece, like some kind of conquest trophy. No I’m not finished, is there something wrong with your psyche, naughty sly feisty vermin that itch like poison ivy. I politely tell you to ****, love the irony of your fear and hate of aliens, when you yourselves came to this land from a ship, which to us was a UFO. Anyways like I said, I may go off on different tangents or phases, because there are places one needs to tread. I like to educate airheads, I like to make em red; yeah I don’t leave things unsaid.
I want to unthread this sideways planet, if you’re looking for someone who doesn’t mince words; well I’m your prime candidate.

E-town is what I represent, legacy I will cement, rap game I came to resurrect. Let’s rundown the extent of these frequent fallacious formalities, those auto-tuned drugged up wangsters that are the definition of distasteful unoriginality. I frown upon the dissent of where rap ended up, it sure need a classy clean up. I know music is subjective that it is all in perspective, but to me this garbage kids listen to is far from impressive. I find trap music ineffective and unreflective, I don’t respect something so obstructive. That’s just my two cents, and though to me it makes no sense, others may not agree and still listen to that senseless content. What I’m trying say is opinions are like *******, everyone got one, but that’s what makes us unique souls. This is just a part of the classy effect, can’t wait for what happens next, can’t wait for changes to manifest.
Larry Schug Oct 2016
The would-be King is angry,
adamant that his silk suit trumps
all the other suits and pantsuits
vying for the throne.
His head is in his ace hole.
He thinks all the Queens are airheads,
gropes them as if they are ******
to be replaced when one gets old
and a prettier one comes along.
He shuffles his Jacks,
mere minions, all interchangeable,
discards them, sluffs them off.
His would-be subjects
are treated like deuces and tres;
the cards that do the hard work
of making a winning hand,
mostly with spades,
are clubbed into submission.
Though he values diamonds,
his deck contains no hearts,
they bleed too liberally for his ilk.
With his hair pulled over his eyes
like a dealer’s shade,
he deals from a stacked deck,
under the table, cards hidden up his sleeve.
He can’t see himself for what he is,
the fifty-third card in the deck,
the joker.
Emma Amme Jul 2014
The problem is
People only see as far as the last sentence in the newspaper article.
They see that my best friend stabbed his father.
They see that he was planning it.
They see that he failed in his attempt to **** him.
They see that at 1:30 am he was arrested at the scene.
They see he will be tried as an adult for premeditated attempted ******.
They don't see anything else.

At our little brothers baseball games we would search for quarters to get airheads.
On the bus we would share stories about our latest failures.
He was trying to get sober.
He had failed to **** himself twice.
He had serious mental problems that everyone underestimated
He needed help.
He didn't get it.

He's alone in a juvenile detention center, isolated.
Mentally unstable and yet again without a support system.
Doomed for the rest of his life.

So excuse me when i tell you to shove it up your ***
When you say that i should stay away in fear of being remembered
Because all he'll do is remember you forgot him when he needed you most.
To all those who can't see past the headline
Yenson Aug 2019
And so it took the peasants from the town of Muppetsomia
them air-heads, fools, buffoons, dopes, manics and lumps
two scores and a ten years to grasp the concept of subtlety
but alas too late, as all they do is always so lame and *******

Please pardon them for all they know are fellow Muppettians
in trailer trash community where idiocy is inherent in everyone
and by Jove, they do get riled and agitated when they see strangers
for they can never understand that others do not think like them

The Muppettians shout scream all day saying ******* they only know
they say they are planting seeds to grow in Muppettians minds
because they were brought up on dud seeds planted from birth
and the idea of anybody having a mind of their own is meaningless

And so it took the peasants from the town of Muppetsomia
them air-heads, fools, buffoons, dopes, manics and lumps
two scores and a ten years to grasp the concept of subtlety
but alas too late, as all they do is always so lame and *******
What does it take to be infinite? What is it that we all have, yet still lack? What is above all governments and airheads? What makes crack heads and drugs addicts stronger and more infinite than the world's strongest men? What makes the Earth and all co-existing matter a ball and chain and rules all? What bites at metals and makes kings and destroys ruins and buries temples? What is above the highest point yet is below the heavens and hell? Time.  God is time. It takes time, to know God. With God, you can bite through the metal that chains you, you can  become king, you can bury temples. You can move mountains. You must find God-dom within yourself for that is where higher Self comes from - from within. From listening to the *within
Classy J Feb 2018
Minority Report
Causing heinous acts with these verbal attacks, the future of class bringing the heat to this **** because it's ******* wack. Living dangerous ******* infamous, and I got thoughts so dark deep and callous. Heart filled with malice because thats what I gotta do to achieve my dream of living in a classy palace. Writing **** so obscene, sometimes I don't even know what the **** I mean you know what I mean? Head believes itself to be in atlas even when in reality it's sleeping on a **** soaked mattress. What do I gotta do to garner a buzz, do I got I gotta rap about drugs, *******, shiny cars and make sure you know how much I hate the ******* fuzz? Underground mindset vs mainstream *******, but rap needs purpose again so you'll bet I'll defend it. All lot of yawl get to easily offended, and those folk are a bunch of self righteous pompous entitled airheads. I got to fake myself which degrades myself, so maybe that's why I can't stand myself. We're all just hypocrites and parasites draining happiness outta life, and we're all idiots that lack insight of how we're the ones really responsible with how we view and treat life. Maybe I swear too much because I actually care too much, and I think one way we get common sense back is if we give ourselves a quick slap or punch. Maybe it's too late, maybe we waited too long and now there's no longer an escape. Is it all just fate and are we no more than bait? Maybe this world is one big joke and we're the punchline, and it's only a matter of time before we run out of time. The world is a cavity maybe that's why the truth aches, and truth is such a tooth ache and we can pretend it's not there but there's no mistake. Oh **** what a ******, we are just puppets to corporations and media and religion man this **** is a bother. Freedom will never take place, and each politician is basically the same because power corrupts no matter the race. Face it we are mice in a maze, and most countries run on the consumerism craze. Oh geez oh my, I think Karl Marx would probably cry. No such thing as equality, but we're all equally ****** undoubtedly. Majority of crimes being young white males yet minority's are the majority in jails, man that's a ****** ordeal. Colour coded mindsets where black is evil and gloomy and white is pure and beautiful. Why is that and why do we still use it like why hasn't anyone changed that? Creatures of habit, creatures so savage, creatures that need to be managed or branded. All apart of categories, and it sickens me that this is reality and not some twilight zone story. Before people can get to know the real me they negatively view me, for I'm just a primitive Cretan that bums lighters, smokes, alcohol, and their wives but that is such a fallacy.  I'm demeaned a criminal the day I came out coloured, society put out a minority report out for me and nothing I could say or do would've mattered. Over-generalizing my being, and it's pretty ironic that some call me an illegal alien.
Adrienne Mar 2016
A notch on the car seat is digging into my bare back. We never had *** in a car, in all the two years that we dated. This was our first time, which is funny, so much is over with. It is unoriginally steamy, but this makes the moon look even more muted, and I think about myself as the moon, and you as the sun, as we have always been and always will be in my head. I am intensely serene. I have just given the world’s greatest *******, and you are still kind of panting excitedly next to me. Your *** is still in my mouth. My *** has stained the seats. I am lying a little lower than you, due to the previous positioning of head to *****, and in this moment I am completely unconcerned with you at all. I am having a very silent and extremely imperative one-on-one dialogue with the moon.

And it is very strange, in one second I am looking up and the next I am looking down, it is years and years later, I am looking down at a table, I bought the table off Craigslist from some old lady in Vancouver who promised the leg only rattled occasionally. It didn’t. It rattled all the time.

I am looking down and some guy is standing above me, leaning against the wall. I remember choosing the paint of that wall, it is a light taupe. I remember feeling like my mom. I remember thinking that only a mom would look at the fascinatingly bright rainbow world of Home Depot paint swatches, and choose taupe. I had bought the table because I thought it matched the wall but I was somehow just now realizing that the colors didn't really go together at all.

He leans against the wall, and he looks familiar although I am simultaneously making him up. He has a little mustache, a shade of a beard. His hair is long, and just the right amount of messy, he is exactly what people would call ‘just that kind of guy.’ He is wearing a nice shirt, like he had just come home from work at a job that would pay enough for my parents to be happy. He has tired eyes. He has a kind smile. He looks like he would be a good father. He leans against the wall and I have an intense desire for him to sit down beside me.

I am about to ask him to when he makes this abrupt little laugh-chuckle sound that people in movies make when they’re about to give a particularly awful scripted line. “God, I dated some real airheads in high school.” He really does say the word ‘airhead,’ in my mind. He is that kind of guy. “What about you, babe?” he asks. He rubs his nose with his hand. “Did you have any hot high school lovers?”

And I am back in the car filled with provocative moonlight and innocent, angelic love that drips with that honeyed smell of ***. You have stopped panting. You have scooted your body down beside me so that it fits in a special space that over time has come to feel like an extension of my own body, where it had always been for so many sweet, pivotal, intimate moments of my life. I have a wider mouth now, and bigger eyes, but you still recognize me. I have a little extra skin around my waist too, but you don't seem to mind. Your hand rests humbly on my hip, and you look up at the moon with me. We are quiet for a while, and I cannot help but think that if the guy in the taupe room with the rattling table were there instead of you, he would have said something stupid.

I cannot thank you enough for letting us be simply who we were, in that unambitious and unassuming moment of time. And for bringing yourself to me when I wanted you to but didn't know how to ask, for never trying to be like the movies, and for not using stupid words like ‘airhead,’ for being both transient and infinite, equally and honestly, and for being the hottest ******* high school lover I could have ever asked for.
emily Jan 2017
the bright, tacky red lipstick I bought you is on your teeth
I swallowed the stick of peachy chapstick you wore the night we kissed
you have a polaroid of my tonsils hanging on your wall
and I have your camera that I stole from your bedroom

I still feel the heat of the summer nights when we were wasted on airheads and milk duds and orange creme soda
I remember what I dreamt the first night we fell asleep next to each other on dead grass

Children laughing as abrasions appeared on their knees
Scratched corneas
Bruising purple as we hit the statues of our ancestors
I'd stare at one mockingly
How do people consider it art
     What is art?

Your body was lifeless next to me when the sun decided to wake me up
Up and down and up - your breathing was irregular

     Now it's your heartbeat
     I feel your pulse through your hand
     Your fingers wrapped in hello-kitty bandaids feel like a barrier
     I need to feel your skin

I brushed my thumb across your lips
     Red's not your color
Constantine May 2018
Need a break from airheads
empty people with empty words
nothingness to fill the void
Melodramatic emotion pumped teenagers
latching onto anything
i hope they find themselves soon enough
Big Virge Jan 2020
Ya Know You'd Be SURPRISED ... !!!
By What You FIND Resides Inside Some Peoples' Minds ... !!!!
In Some It's CLEAR Their Thought Waves Steer ...  
To Fallacies Hypocrisy Thoughts of GREED or Cash Money ....  
Others Choose Conservative Views ...  
About The World And How It Turns ...  
I Guess In Truth Some Minds Are Primed ...  
To DISMISS Clues That Give CLEAR Proof About What's TRUE ...  
But TRUTH These Days ...
Has Been Mislaid In MANY Brains ... !!!  
Now CLEARLY DRAINED of .... Common SENSE .... !!!!  
AIRHEADS Now STRESSED or YES BrainDEAD ... !!!!!  
If That Sounds ...... HARSH ...... !!?!!  
I Guess My Words ...  
Have Marked The Cards of Minds That Work ...  
FAR FROM The Heart ...  
of Rational Thought In Souls NOT Bought ... !!!!!  
SURPRISES For Them Are NOW In Store ... !!!!!  
IGNORANT Heads Who Choose To Absorb ...  
Ideals of War And ... Divisive Talk ...    
Wars With A Cause To Keep The Poor ...  
CONTROLLED By Fraud And Crews That HOARD ...  
EVERYTHING EXCEPT ...  " The Monopoly Board ! " ...  
Cash And Land Property That's GRAND ... !!!  
And LUXURIES ... BEYOND Their NEEDS ... !!!!!  
You'd Be SURPRISED By What You'd Find ...  
These People THINK THEY NEED To Live ... !!!!!  
They'd Probably Say ... " It's relative ! " ...  
... " Relative To WHAT ? " ...  
Paid Displays of IGNORANT Ways Because They're RICH ... ?!?  
Well Take This IN And THINK About THIS ... !!!!!  
If You're ATTACKED Because of CASH ...  
You Choose To FLASH ... By A NOT HAVE ... !!!  
What Will You Do ... Act Uncouth ... !!!  
Or Pull A TOOL And Start To SHOOT ...
To Protect YOUR LOOT ... ?!?  
The Poverty Gap Is ... W I D E N I N G  Man ... !!!!!  
And Is A TRAP That May Catch ... YOU ... !!!!!  
If You're NOT Shrewd And Chase Gold Like FOOLS ... !!!  
How Much CASH Can One Man Use ... ?!?  
When Other People LACK Basic Things Like FOOD ... !!!!!!!  
Thousands ... Millions ... Billions ... Trillions ... !!!!!!!?!!!!!!!  
THINK It Through ..................  
If You Have THAT MUCH ... !!!  
While Others Have ... NONE ... !!!!!!!  
How Much Freedom Will Your Cash Give YOU ... ?!!!?  
A HUGE Estate ... Behind LOCKED GATES ... !!!!!  
With Cameras Placed ... ALL OVER The Place ... !!!?!!!  
" Okay, that's great ! "  
" Don't think so mate !!! "  
BIG Cash Nice PAD But What Do You Have ... ?!!!?  
A Load of Rooms You ... BARELY Use ... ?!!!?  
And Then There's ... BILLS ... !!!  
You Gonna NEED Those Mills ... !!!    
If You LUST For A Life of MILLIONAIRE Types ...  
You May Just Find Yourself SURPRISED ...  
By What It's Like To ... Be Like MIKE ... !!!!!  
So Many Minds Are Now Inclined ...  
To Think of Things Like ... Being Rich ... !!!!!  
That Cash Now DRIVES Their Thoughts On LIFE ... !???!  
But Then Of Course ...  
Some Minds Aren't Fraught With GREED FILLED Thoughts ...  
Some Minds Are Lined With ... SO MUCH MORE ... !!!!!  
Minds Like MINE Are FILLED With Rhymes ...  
Designed And Primed To Spread Insight ....    
About Our Lives Through Words We Write ...  
Others Choose Creative Moves of Different Types ...  
To Shed Some Light On Things Some Hide From Public Sight ... !!!  
While Some Heads THINK About DEEP Things ... !!!  
But You'd Only Know If You Get CLOSE ... !!!  
And OPEN Doors That Allow For Talk RESISTING Jokes ... !!!  
These Days I Find Myself Surprised ....  
By What's INSIDE Some Peoples' Minds ... !!!  
Old And Young Now Leave Me STUNNED ... !!!!!!  
By How They Think About ... How We Live ...  
DEEP THINKERS Tend To Have Faced TOUGH TESTS ...    
That Have Led To STRESS FILLING Up Their Heads ... !!!!    
And Are Usually Seen As Being ... UNIQUE ...  
Cos' of How They Speak And Seem To BE ...  
Thought Waves TOO DEEP For Sheep Filled Cliques ...  
Whose Minds RETREAT From Being ..... " FREE  " ...... !!!  
Some Are FEARED And Seen As WEIRD ... !?!  
Because of Thoughts ...  
That Prove The FORCE Is STRONG WITH THEM ...  
Because of Depth That FUELS Their STRENGTH ... !!!  
Like Yoda And His Jedi Friends ... !!!  
People Like THESE Are Who I Seek ... !!!  
Flavas' SWEET But STRONG Like Beats ...  
That FILL The Streets Like SYMPHONIES ... !!!!!  
I'm A Jedi Knight of A DIFFERENT Type ... !!!!!  
The Type Who Writes ...  
What's In My Heart And In My Mind ...  
My Views Are STARK Like REALITY'S BITE ... !!!!!  
But Now I'm Back To The Very Start ... !!!!!  
If You Take The Time You May Just Find ...    
That What Resides In Peoples' Minds ...  
May Well Leave You ....  
........ TRULY ........  
.... " SURPRISED " .... !!!!!
People are indeed, full of surprises !!!
Ruby Nemo Jan 2018
in the middle of a crowded floor
surrounded by conformists and airheads
alone but better than not.
trying not to look at you
hiding in the bathroom
heart beats harder than before
is it real life?
can't keep me away from this
I'll always find a way to come back
chaos in a simple place
composure seems a foreign state
confused within my own brain
debating my moves as you sing
have I built it up to be more than it's worth?
worse than I ever imagined
I will never leave
I can't be made to
nervous thoughts take over until time is unreal
someday it will be as I hoped
and nothing shall be suspected
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2022
irksome as i watch you: labouring under the weight
of sacrilege of your own choosing:
that none shall bow before a grave image:
you: your toil upon the crucifix:
a late arrival on the Altar of Moloch:
the slaughter of Innocents before Herod's cravings...
you! crux: death-head and the chimney sweep
of affairs of Auschwitz!
mind you... that's what you get when you
convert barbarians of the north
into gentiles of some mythical: supposed south!
Jew or Hebrew... at least the Muslim man
kept his distance:
our tenements: your streets...
that's the motto the Jews in Poland arrived
at, prior to the second world war...
burn *******, burn!
i'm starting to dislike the Hebrews:
i think i'm going to align myself with the Arabs...
why? dunno... why wouldn't you?
Jews are unruly folk...
you throw pearls before their feet...
it won't matter: copper! coin! copper!
           a ******* insolent lot... no wonder:
chosen by (a) god... Lucifer qua Prometheus...
         i was never questioned about
being an anti-Semite:
Arab or Hebrew: both are ******* Semites...
the Goths and the Vandals were: Semites...
what the **** is everyone even on about?
i need to try that drug... i need it!
i want as much ******* of delusional
thinking as these people are on!
give me! give me! give give give give me!

i'm just tired of hearing this same old *******!
Holocaust this Holocaust that...
and why do you, "think"?
you are crude lot of people:
why did God "choose" you?
yeah: like "he" had a "choice":
he only chose you because he thought:
of ****: these insolent lot!
the same goes for circumcision and pork...
god: creator: perfect creature of
genius abundance: creates the PIG...
then... who said?

says: oh... wait wait... that's terrible!
i made an oops with the pork!
what?! still can't fathom the idiocy of man:
the genius of man i can fathom,
i have a stomach... but the idiocy of man?
no chance...
i'm talking to ******* earthworms
and tapeworms...
that's what i just said: ******* Semites:
sheep can survive in rocky cliffs...
it's not **** you ******* imbecile SEMITE...
you ******* COUSIN-******!

so in this "almighty's" creation of perfection:
the sole imperfection is pork / pig?!
seriously?! no wonder you women don
the niqab: with your ******* blitzkireg mode
of thinking: they better do!
***** are not a problem?
tapeworms are not a problem?
rats?! hmm! no problem?
just pork? you, *******, IMBECILES!
YOU ******* RETARDS!

a ******* mollusk has more brains than you
******* TWISTED ***** OF SPAZ...
no... seriously! SERIOUSLY!
these people are allocated the prophecy
of Herr Spastic Fantastic!
they ought to be MINCED!
i don't need these people for either
company... or... work... what else?
would i eat with these people?
nope! i'd sooner eat them than eat with them...

******* AIRHEADS... lost souls:
disembodied bodies:
too much cousin-*******! for, ****'s sake!
to hell with keeping this world alive...
this world was hostile towards me:
i'll be hostile towards it...
it said: *******...
i'll reply: ******* too...
then... oh then... the pang in my chest...
i think i just felt a heart in my chest...
i did...
it doesn't matter...
it's only a pebble: there's a mountain to look
after... or at:

i used to love the Hebrews once upon a time:
times change: they built up a falsifying Dementia
confusing Polacks with Germans and Russians...
******* with you: to the Arabs cess-pit you:
yo-yo: go!
as much as i love the Qabbalah:
i hate the the Hebrews...

why? they're a proud people that: shouldn't
be so proud: "chosen": yeah: for slavery:
for slaughter!
air-heads... it goes back to
when Abraham's concubines founded
Islam... didn't she run 7 times backwards
and forwards between two mountains?
the mother of Isaac...

unlike you Semites: us Gentiles erase our
history: i guess: it's because of the cold
and the night...
there's nothing worth remembering
if it's not alive... breathing...
savvy?! SEMITES... roaming fools that only
roamed in the PINEAPPLE regions
of the world: didn't make it so far north,
have they?
******* circumcised "bald" barons!...

they are BALD: more ***** than *****!
any circumcised man is a **** to me...
he's not a ****... he's a ******* ****!
Airheads finna get a blow out watch me show out
Aint no cops out on my team gun supreme
Smooth as Hakeem shakes ya dream on a theme
Boxing wits poisonous as a clown fish makea wish
To ya foundation cremation change the stations
We purple hazin' Amazin' guns stay grazin'
phasin' out of my ol way soul display oles
Got mi killaz chillin' on MLK blacks to eses
Blast the Wesley now you chillin' in hells belly
*** sitting wealthy my tongue sprung the sirens
Admiring silence the voice natural man poise
Suckas barking up noise spittin' Debuois
PhD street scholars mystery who can it be
Legacy standing on roman collars dollars
Are often spent on ******* screaming from pulpits
Bulls in pit charging the circumvent went
Ghost once i caught a glimpse of ya face
Erase now back to this paper chase scrape
Off the last scripts of kemet still mourning emits
Til that aint payed for the blood spill night chills
To every ***** that was drugged on the will
Guilty conscious showing souls overflowing
Glowing hot pink a ghost busters cluster
I'm pounced like the sphinx with the Cuban links
Cruise cigars in my sixty eight jaguar aqua
running flows cop those stick like a thorn
From a rose as I resurrect the rap game back to
its original pose
Tom Shields Oct 2020
Marriage is an institution, am I right gentlemen?
You make a vow and live half your lives to appease your wives, and what then?
Your better half takes half of your heart and life, and half and half again for your children
Until there is not enough left to call yourself a man, it’s such a depressing notion
That we cannot have it all and enjoy it, that we must keep our promises of devotion
That love is a challenge, a partnership, and the ebb and flow of dedication
Is strived for and beautiful, no, we are shrewd and lazy, but clever
I propose a ring of secrecy, the perfect marriage, a happy wife and a happy life, forever

Perhaps it begins in a den of testosterone and proving, rites of male bonding
She finds herself oddly alone, unable to fit into the grooving, her peers are not responding
Rejecting the environment, in reaction the likeminded come together
Joanna, Bobbie, and Charmaine, meet for women’s liberation
All they hear is talk of cleanser, vacuums and brooms, airheads infatuated, dusters with feathers
Chauvinism is rampant in the men’s association
Whatever could be the cause, the encapsulation of the nineteen-fifties idyllic magazine maid?
Who waits on her husband with no mind of her own, subservient, cooking and cleaning in a floral print dress,
Is there something in the water to explain the behavior the women in the neighborhood have displayed?
Charmaine goes away with her husband for a weekend, the water, perhaps yes,
She returns more trophy than wife, fires the help and tears down her court, despite the love of all the tennis she played

Now we’re scared, we were three, what’s happened to her? Is it going to happen to me?
I’m going to move, go far away, I’ve just won a lucrative contract, there’s no reason to stay
I have to tell Bobbie the good news, first, but she’s not there anymore, I can’t stand it! The loss hurts!
You have to see you are human like me! Do you bleed Bobbie! Do you bleed like me?
I cut myself open to show her, this is the last I can stand
And she only looks at me, distant and vague, parroting “Look at your hand.”
In a moment of boiled frustration, blind and exhausted with fury I snap
I stab Bobbie, no blood, she stutters and repeats until everything she says overlaps
I do not believe this, I will not, I cannot, in horror, disgust and shock, my best friend was replaced by a fembot!

Now she waylays her husband and demands he tell her where their children are
They are at the men’s association, he says, not far
And how could he do this, be party to this robbery of a woman’s will and her rights?
When he is the father of their two daughters, that is the worst evil of all
For they will grow, and will they be replaced on their wedding nights?
Would these broken old cowards rather **** humanity than risk a woman’s interest in them would fall?
There in the mansion, Joanna comes face to face with that very doll
Her counterpart, soulless eyes that are meant to replace the vibrance
Of a photographer, mother, wife and real woman
The machine strangles her to death with a nylon stocking
Her daughters revealed to be in Charmaine’s care
She dies in front of that awful stare

Once alive, now a mere marionette,
On the strings of violation, broken promises and control
A woman with bright eyes, less than human, more than a pet
A walking broken vow, until death do they part, a machine, service is her role
Down grocery aisles with her glamorous clothes and smiles, her and the wives all stroll
Picked up by her husband like a new appliance out front, placid and mundane, the very image of a depleted soul
Taken home with the family, her husband content with his shortcomings, smiling ear to ear, achieved his goal.
please read and enjoy
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2019
Have you noticed, # Me Too
has faded away somewhat.

Replaced by the latest fad,
which the airheads took to.

Global Warming has a new
logo, let's call it Ash Me Too.
Yenson Nov 2020
The ghosts and the carcasses
put on their transparent dramas
in the dreamland of pointless mirages
hollering voiceless choruses from airheads
puking limbless chorography of the dead deads'
in puerile imaginings celebrating emptiness of plasmas  

From my origins comes a saying
deriding an obvious attempt at subterfuge
it states even the drooling fool knows that trick
where you put tasty food in mouth and it disappears
much as our indulgent ghosts and carcasses treading boards
saying they're haunting a  staged love story much ado about nothing

Real senses swing far from the maddening crowd
as those underground can only think dirges and eulogies
in betterment holy ghosts are blessed with glories in paradise
as mad restless ghosts in the repertoires of the ****** damaged
revisiting the festering rages of the wailing servants in dead end toils
mourning that unattainable to them and hating the brilliant rays that
shames and illuminates their cloying darkness
Ryan O'Leary May 8
Dumb Eye Cons

Pre historic man scratched
emotional images on walls.

Braille punctuated them
Morse dashed them
Banksy added the colour.

But despite our evolution
Americanised airheads who
are unable to converse with
words, retort with Emojis.

Bet the majority don't even
know what the words means.


If you need to check up, then
you are asa I dais, a thick ****.

— The End —