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 Jul 2015 Winter Silk
 Jul 2015 Winter Silk
He wants the stars in the night sky,
but you are the sun.
He is yours, and you are his,
*when everything comes undone.
inspired by a poem of Sachinee Seneviratne
 Jul 2015 Winter Silk
The corn leaves sways with the wind.
So does my heart
Your coming and going is like that of a sparrow
A few years in length.

The raindrops are falling on my head, forever drenching me
I was with you in the forest, and I watched you as you grinned.
Though those days are a silhouette, no longer in my possession
The rain is still here, I don't know what will follow

Your dark eyes, hazel, if you look too close, betrayed me
I gave you my collections, but you tore them apart,
I wish I had never listened.
I wonder if I will fly again, I wonder what will give me strength.

I don't even know if I'm going to end this foolishness in making you see,
That you had become the subject of my depression.

But I'm not letting go.
I'm not letting go just yet.

Here I am, in the company of myself.
Perhaps I should have never gathered the bread.
something I wrote last year xD
too depressing for a twelve year old...
 Jul 2015 Winter Silk
We refuse to look into the lens of reality,
Never looking up from our books.
Unmoving when the rain pours down,
We wade through muddy brooks

We drink from cups and drain them to the dregs,
Only smiling when we see each other's disconsolate faces
Awakened from the dark depths,
Cast into the most uncharted places

Our broken fingers count the drops
Of each snowflake at the edge of autumn,
Blazing wildfires to destroy mistletoes,
Beating the rhythm of someone else's heart-drum

Our lips sing overtures to the spring grass,
Bringing forth the onset of the sunrise,
Dreaming that the fallen world,
Is actually what the angels sing of on high.
written in The Garden of Dreams, Kathmandu, September 7.
 Jul 2015 Winter Silk
I still listen to music with words
When I am writing words

Sunlight streams through the window
Trees sway outside, with branches scratching the glass window
I smell fresh coffee beans
Starbucks, from the Philippines

A piece of paper flutters down
I look at it with a frown.
And one thing I suddenly recall,
It gives me an idea, a reason to stall

From what I am doing, (hummingbird mind, my friend.)
And I went into an imaginary glen.

With only my pen and my notes
For company, then my mind began to float.

He wrote in the most perfect handwriting
Compared to my scatterbrained black scribbling

He strummed a chord on my heartstrings
Without him even knowing

His name sounded like
the gold-tipped wings
of angels.
While mine sat on the
brown earth,
dreaming to the skies.

Though, once we'd meet once a week
And I would smile in the hallways
looking like a freak

There was always something idiotic
the way his teeth stuck out like a bunny's
He reminded me of Ishaan from
Taare Zameen Par
A dyslexic student, great artist, had a smile so sunny.

I'm playing Owl City on my mp3
That's our secret anthem

Tears were there
The melody from the speakers
I wished I could've sat beside you
When your fingers waltzed over the black-and-white keys
Now I'm sitting all alone by myself
Tapping on black-and-white letters on the Mac

Even though I play the violin
I can't accompany you
My bow screeching against the strings
Just doesn't do your mesmerising piano justice

What I can only do is write
And draw with a cheap ballpen from a meeting hall
I will draw your eyes and your crooked grin.
And my dreams of you that remain unfulfilled.

I finish the poem
Rip the page out of my notebook
And tape it to the wall with my other works
and newspaper clippings, oh just look.

Tomorrow I take it down again
Slip it into an envelope
Wonder if I should buy a stamp.
Maybe mail it overseas with forlorn hope.

A month passes by,
The envelope gathers dust under my bed.
Oh my darling, oh my darling
The chances with you are hanging by a thread

We're going to fly back home once more
So I decide to get you a keepsake from here.
A wooden owl, carved by hand
I slip the poem inside, thinking what you'd think when it appears…
Winter Silk. You may somehow get this.
 Jul 2015 Winter Silk
God is like a puppeteer,
That He should fashion invisible strings

To move about the dancing stars in the expanse of the midnight sky;
To bathe the Earth with light and wild colours from a new Sun;

To clothe the lofty mountains in snow;
To raise and lower the ocean tides through the pull of the Moon;

To cause foundations to tremble before His earthquakes;
To split the dark horizon with His lightning;

To give the breeze the voice of a gentle whisper;
To embrace the valleys with sweet-smelling grass and fragrant lilies;

To provide song and flight to many birds;
To shake the boughs of a mighty tree and let fall richly delicious fruit…

      So that all these things might call our attention,
Gather us all to sit down before them, watch, and fall silent.

And see
  And listen
   And feel
    And smell
     And taste

The wonders of the glorious show of His love.
 Jul 2015 Winter Silk
Rickety shoulders and rickety bones,
No longer is my resolve as stubborn as stone.

For the stifling heat and heart-drum-beats
Have drained it all out of me -

Not a single drop left to drink,
And my fate’s been written in ink.
From the ink of a pen flows a story
A story about failure or glory
You never scrutinize its true meaning
You're always stuck with the lie
You're always stuck believing

You always scratch the surface
You never delve into the core
You never see that there's so much more
Than pixies or fairies, or happily ever afters

You grew up to believe
Tat love will just come knocking at your door
But it turns out,
You might end up weeping on the floor

But truly,
You have to pick yourself up
And walk out that door
Go look for someone
Who'll love you move than before

You grew up to believe
That looks really matter
That she has to be a beautiful girl with flowing locks
And he has to be knight in shining armor

You grew up to believe
That beauty is only ever skin deep,
That it's only what's outside that matters,
That you have to have perfect features,
But no

It's all a lie
None of it is true
All that really matters is that you should

We easily forget
That flaws can be perfections,
Limits can be strengths,
And that a knight in shining armor
Is a man who's never had his metal truly tested

We easily forget
That a stroke of victory
Starts with a hint of regret,
That a loser can make a winner,
And that a professional starts from being a beginner

We easily forget
that we are princesses and princes
Not because of marrying royalty

But because our father is
The King of Kings,
Lord of Lords,
The Almighty God,
The Creator,
Our Savior

Lost child!
Why don't you see the truth in these lies?
Why don't you see the truth
through God's eyes?

It's true that life ain't perfect
Like it is in the movies
But that's how it's supposed to be

It's true that you have to climb mountains,
Climb hills,
Jump across cliffs
And drive on rocky roads,

But the Lord is also true
He is the way,
The truth,
And the life

You lost soul,
Let the Lord take the wheel
Let him be your ruler
It's only through him
That the truth will be clearer

It's only through him
That you will open your eyes
It's only through him
That you will see the truth in these lies
Some men trek the marathon with grace
and finish gently.
Some men catch their second wind and roll
their way on empty.
Between icy snows
And harlequin trees,
The flowers colour
Our Spring;
Summer's ripening sun
And shade
Fades like
September tans.
Then December sets in.

I'm so tired of Winter,
I'm afraid of Spring.
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