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 Feb 2015 Winter Silk
 Feb 2015 Winter Silk
"What did I tell you?"
"You also like someone else."
"And that's the problem."
Light sparkles in the clover,
Yellow and blurr of bees
Are honeyed in the sun
And robins have come,
Yanking in the gasses,
So green is the moisten
Of the painting of the dew
And all is lolling in petrichor,
The soils running with slow
Time so shortly experienced,
Oils of wood permeate the air,
Lapping brooks bream into light,
The loft kestrel swirls in meadow
And chipmunks scuttle at base of tree,
Even the wind does freshly quiet, crisply,
There as a hug waiting for body and spirit,
Patches of white are disappearing, they know—
That one day we must all return, after winter snows.
A free mind.
Worried about the bee buzzing near your lower back but that's it.
Slightly concerned about the sun in your eye.
Unbuttoning your courds, shamelessly.
A tad unnerved that you can't name the trees
or the songs of the birds but
promising that youll work on it.
 Feb 2015 Winter Silk
kevin give
it is not the last day to be happy

or the last chance to experience joy

though a part has been taken away from you by fate

forget everything you can't have

live with everything that is there for you

strive to achieve happiness
 Feb 2015 Winter Silk
 Feb 2015 Winter Silk
I like to think I'm nice
but I don't think other people think so
I really do try... sometimes...
but I always manage to not be
Laugh it off,
pretend it's not a big deal,
pretend it doesn't hurt,
pretend you don't feel.
It's a shadow in your mind,
whispering in your ear,
that you'll never be nice enough
good enough
that everyone hates you
when they really don't

I've always told myself that noone cares
just leave myself alone in the corner
and they'll leave you alone
but apparently, that makes you stuck up
you think you're better than everyone else.
but honestly?
it's the opposite.
You just don't want to talk.
perhaps you're too scared or shy
socially awkward
maybe have social anxiety
maybe you just simply like being alone,
no one will ever know,
and it shouldn't matter
it shouldn't be made fun of
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