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A Watoot Jul 2015
Kneeling with
Teared eyes:

An insincere hug
Hold hand
Drops of water from the sky

Burnt clothes
Wet sweat shirt
Moments flew: Gone.

Be patient.
I'm never giving up on you.
A Watoot Jun 2015
Bring in the storm;
I have stood in the middle of the worst.
Bring in the thunder;
I have slept peacefully through the loudest.
Bring in the flood;
I have walked in many.  It's nothing.

Bring it in.
Bring it on.
You think I'll scamper and fall?

Bring it in.  Bring it all in.
I'll face it head on.

Bring it on if all you can do is shoot.
I tell you.  I never fall.  
I bend your bullets with my thumb.

Bring it on if that's all you have.
You do make me stronger.

Is that all you have?
Is that?

**Bring it on.
Is that all you have-
words that you said are bullets?
You fail us just because?
Is that the best you can do?
Is that the worst you can give?
haha you make me laugh
Just bring it on.
'Cause soon enough, I know I'll grow stronger with every bullet I bend.
A Watoot Jun 2015
Some people find ******* pleasure in looking down on everyone.
gah. people.
or worst
your prof.
A Watoot Jun 2015
Everyday, we wake up,
Walk to the mirror,
Look at the face,
A routine
Eat breakfast,
Then, go out.

Put on the facade-
Our very own personalities
That we built based on how the society works.
And we emulate it
Without effort.

Some are stoic.
Some are strong.
Some are weak.
Some are jolly.
Some are...

*But at the end of the day, all of us are just vulnerable human beings.
We emulate our personalities without effort.

Inspired y my GREATWK prof.
A Watoot Jun 2015
A man stands by a bus stop
Wearing a suit and a black hat.
He remains standing still, while
The bus passes by.

Birds chirp and fly away.

He walks to places .
How will I know where?

I watch by the window and see that black hat.
The black hat which he has already brought to so many places.
The black hat which I never know when I'll get to see again.

Only he knows where.
Only he knows.
Only he can.

But I remain calm and stoic despite seeing the black hat shoved in my throat; gagging me up tears welling in my eyes.

I refuse to take the black hat.
*I refuse.
Inspired by "What Mr.Biswas Saw"

I am tired.
I am lost.
But I know I will find myself.
Not later but soon.
A Watoot Jun 2015
I already freed myself.
I poured it out.
I poured it all out to the vast oceans
because species eat in cycles.

Species eat species.

I. There is only an I.
No.  There's none of you that belongs in I.
I am alone- completely in control of myself.

I have forgotten and unforged memories of glee and warmth;
Have untook the steps of friendship;
Kinship is now a gray area.

I poured it out.
It's too late to bring things back.

Too late, too early.

because I'm a self proclaimed **I
A long break
A long pause
Too much things happening
I'm tired of hearing ****
A Watoot Jun 2015
I've been putting up with so many people since day one;
and I...

No.  Stop writing.

I don't understand the mix of my emotions lately.  
I just want to leave some people behind and push them out of my life.
They are toxic to me- unwanted in my system.

I'm tired.
I'm just tired.
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