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One Andean Sky Apr 2022
My darling, will you marry me?
Years of hints
I decided to ask
Is it wrong for a woman to ask first?

His reaction
His breath heavy and heaving
Fidgeting in his chair

My face, sallow in its seriousness
Cast a cold shadow on his bones
His body turning away
The back of his head

In my veins moved oxygen pure
My breath calm and subdued
Knowing the answer before it was asked
Confirmation from his lips due

What does one do after many years?
Is it ok to force one into marriage?
Am I giving myself up?
Am I giving in?

My darling. Will you marry me?
You are the love of my life.
Will you marry me?
No, he said.
2.4k · Oct 2022
Pounding The Surf
One Andean Sky Oct 2022
I am a decrepit old man
On the brink of sacred flesh
Don’t know what I’m searching for
Just pounding it out

I dreamed of perfection
I’m hoping this is my resurrection
The pound of young flesh on my screen
Just whacking it out

Give me wings to flee from this hell
Give me the time wasted before I get old
One thing that I learnt in this long endless life
Is deceit and lies and to cover it all up

When I was a young fella I was a walking *******
Now in my late years, it seems nothin has changed
It was great for a while there and it was all going great
The siren call from my laptop just too much to take

Give me wings to flee from this hell
Give me the time wasted before I get old
One thing that I learnt in this long endless life
Is deceit and lies and to cover it all up

Car tyres are flat and rego run out
Sittin like a pig in mud with no shower in sight
I had it all… daughters…. And a faithful wife
How did we live our best years and have nothin’ to share?

Give me wings to flee from this hell
Give me the time wasted before I get old
One thing that I learnt in this long endless life
Is deceit and lies and to cover it all up

Alone with screen and my hand
Thrashing the cold sheets in my unmade bed
Surfing the net is just a band aid I can’t tear off
Pounding the surf trying to stay afloat

Give me wings to flee from this hell
Give me time wasted before I get old
If I could rise from this wave that I am on
No more deceit or lies when I am alone
1.2k · Nov 2021
Eden NSW
One Andean Sky Nov 2021
Sea gulls calling
Small waves lapping on the sandy beach
Quarantine Bay
Sleepy as the dawn breaks
Yesterday was wind, ice and cold
Today, a gentle sea breeze
The waves are whispering
Silver ribbons kiss the sand
A Sulphur Crested Cockatoo squawks
He praises the warm sun
It is lovely here
Hearts melt all over the bay
The big thaw
New beginning is long overdue
Quarantine Bay Eden NSW
995 · Aug 2021
Where am I?
One Andean Sky Aug 2021
By Marcela Guajardo     August 2021

The future is in my eyes
The past is in my footprints
The present is here in my own hands
740 · Nov 2021
A Kick in The Head
One Andean Sky Nov 2021
A promise of a kiss
I do, was said
A romp in the bed
A kick in the head
Was once a heart of tenderness
In its'place a cold stone compressed
Thrown into the bottom of a river
Laying on the bottom I shiver
626 · Feb 2023
You Give Me Diabetes
One Andean Sky Feb 2023
Hey baby, give me your sweet lovin’, hey
A bucket of sugar in my latte
Hey sugar, give me your sweet candy kiss
Your mustachioed lip **** Fizz

Your sweetness hits me high
A baked cheesecake ricotta pie
The more you give, the more I crave
But diabetes? I don’t wanna have

Hey darlin’, your lips are sweet candy
The first hit and I am Ghandi
You always leave me wanting more
But all this lovin’ drops me to the floor

Hey baby, shoot me your jellybeans
Pants bursting their seams
A sip of coke, a swig of soda
Caramel fudge and a Sambuca chaser

Hey sugar, I kinda need a hit
But so much sweetness, my jeans don’t fit
Lets eat our sherbet pops aloud
Dipping dots with amplified sound

Smokin’ high on chocolate cigars
Spill crumbs on coffee stained guitars
My appetite for the sweet stuff grows
Will diabetes take me? Who knows.
One Andean Sky Aug 2021
Boy blue and lonely girl
Warm glow, two hearts unfurl
Tide ebbs, colour sways, it sings to them ‘run away’

They found their own way
They found their own way
The dawning of a new day
At suns first Ray

Wings grow, boy flies, his big hands, gently guides
Girl lifts into the sky
Now it’s their time, their time to fly

Ride their dreams, atop the silver moon
Liquid skies, a humble tune
Hands feeling soft skin
Still lips, hearts in a spin

They found their own way
They found their own way
At suns first Ray
The lights on the bay

Hearts explode, under watchful eyes,
A fire wheel, fills the skies
The echo ends, the afterglow,
Holding tight, never letting go

They found their own way
They found their own way
Under the warmth of suns Rays
The grey fades, the colours stay
572 · Aug 2021
Dear Covid 19 On The Blink
One Andean Sky Aug 2021
At first, a tremor beneath the souls of my feet
Blink, a story millions of heartbeats away
Dark clouds over a field as acidic purge falls over us
Venomous mist seeps, humanity weeps
Blink, 18 stars bent and watching
Emitting rays pointing their random strikes

Blink, glorious earth temperate in her rotation
Marble folds on her maternal veil drapes us
Close to her breast, we heave in time with each breath
Blink, sustaining life in the chambers of her deepest ocean
Breathing air across the tall granite mountains
Distressed, and yet still here

Blink, ancient footprints track our journey
Not what we envisioned but “the enlightened ones” foresaw.
The need for understanding,
The need to cause conflict and agitate,
Blink, the need to protect,
The need to heal and mend.

Blink, you are here now, in your full extravagance
Delighting in fracking and disruption
Sleight of hand, our blindness is your reward
Blink, remorseless as you divide us
Along the fault line, we fall

Blink, with loved ones snatched
We turn on one another tossing
Handfuls of poison into the wind
Blink, triggered fingers pointed
Volcanic anger flares
A fist on a horses face
Lawlessness a momentary lapse

Blink, where will you strike next?
We suppress you
We support you
Following the artificial sun through the cracks
You rise again
As we turn on one another
The elusive phantom, a master chameleon
Spawning and stretching into an unknown vastness

Blink, yes, you are here to stay
You can’t be killed
You can’t be destroyed
Blink, neither can we
You will be tamed into submission
You will be a mere quiver beneath the souls of my feet
Blink, vitals diminish and you crawl away
Powerless and a mere symptom as you look out from a rock
Eye blinking.
Covid 19. Delta Variant. Sydney, Australia. Freedom Rally Riot 2021
564 · Sep 2021
One Andean Sky Sep 2021
(September 2021)

Where were you?
When we were apart?
Did you think of me?
Was I in your heart?

In a surreal dream
Our souls met
A whorl of hues
Our future was set

Were you just a dream?
Rushing in my head
Were you just a dream?
Burning in my bed

In the deep sleep of rem
I yearned for you
Did you find me in the mayhem?
Or did I find you?

Your hand in mine
Knowing you were the one
That one moment in time
I whispered, “Who are you? My love?”

Were you just a dream?
An offer from beyond
Were you just a dream?
A love I deeply want

Your warm hand
From first hold
I recognised you
A familiar soul
I met him in a dream. I held his hand and it felt warm, familiar and full of love. After my marriage ended, I met him. When he held my hand, I knew it was him. It feels as if I had been waiting to meet him.
519 · Nov 2021
I Am The Afterglow
One Andean Sky Nov 2021
I am the afterglow
Was once strength and beauty
Was once a time of hope and grace
Was a time of confidence and health
Now in its'place
A dried up cerebellum
Legs like sawed timber
Ataxia effecting a wide gait
A freak
No longer beautiful
No longer skinny and toned
Fat and immobile
Lazy and fatalistic
Let death take me quickly
and smudge away my tracks
Erase all memory of me
I have gone
Overwhelming times during illness
489 · Nov 2021
Diamond Rays
One Andean Sky Nov 2021
As the rock falls away
The diamond sparkles in the suns Rays.
For Ray,  the love of my life.
483 · Sep 2022
I Do, I Will
One Andean Sky Sep 2022
I do was forever
I do is for never

I will, for a life to fulfil
I will, for the blood spill
447 · May 2021
Half Circle
One Andean Sky May 2021
The sharp point of a geometric compass
Stabs the page to position the beginning of a circle.
We met, came together
This was the beginning of us.

The arc was progressing at a constant radius
The direction was clear and apparent
Succumbing to its pull
Riding and shifting to keep its natural path

After a half life, the compass stopped  
The compass point came loose and as it clawed the page
Blobs of blood emerged from the scratches
Bleeding with wounds wide open

Task too large to shift and correct its position
Task too large for us to fix.
So much history and a life built together
In midway, stalled.

Best to close the circle
Seal it to minimise the bleed
Seal you in with our lifes work
Close me out to keep distance and end the bleed

Many years later, I see with clarity
2 lives continued separately
You needed the security and form, a half circle.
A protractor of sorts to help you navigate

With no rules or formulas to navigate
Disappointment and failure abounded
Colour and shape, I found
A pathway to solace, a place I could heal

Semicircle is a form, worthy of its own definition.
A meeting point and a point where we ended.
New forms emerge and they shift as life reveals itself.
No regrets, no malice and in the place remains a sense of gratitude.

Gratitude for the experiences
The life lessons we had to learn
For the legacy of the wonderful lives we created
For sharing THE experience, the most important one.

I am now the shape shifter
Bouncing around trying to find form
Maybe I am not meant to be one shape
Maybe this is what a creative does
426 · Mar 2021
One Andean Sky Mar 2021
One love
One, love
A wan love
A won love

To love
Two love
To do love
To give love

******* love
Three time love
Three times a day love
Three way love

For me love
For you love
For undying love
Forget me love

A five year love
A five year plan love
A five star love
A high five love

Written by Marcela Guajardo 2nd March, 2021
One Andean Sky Jul 2021
Cervical Thoracic Lumbar

The natural curve
Supports all that life gives.
It withstands gravity
Wears and erodes with time

Dignity and poise when life is light
But heaviness of life burdens and bends
Life humps drag and pushes down
The spine fights the forces

Fighting the creep weighs dead
Muster muscles and thought
Natures law wins
One Andean Sky Mar 2021
The girl asks the boy, "Do you love me?"
The  boy says, "I said that I do. Do you not listen?"
The girl says, "I listen and hear but I do not see."

Written by Marcela Guajardo 14th February, 2021.
310 · Aug 2021
Intensity Of A Minds Burden
One Andean Sky Aug 2021
By Marcela Guajardo      August 2021

Ease your mind
Take away the weight
Our shoulders carry the weight of our thoughts
Our hearts carry the weight of our emotions
Our arms carry the weight of our work
Challenge weighs true

Let me help you
Tell me what is wrong?
Why do you cry?
Why do you laugh and then cry?
Is this madness?
Not madness

Inner voice yelling
Then whispering
Singing sweetly
Screaming at the sky
Chatting with effervescent nerve
Silent like an old granite cliff
Mind racing in top gear
Stuck behind the pack in last
Open like a flower in full bloom
A dried-up seed pod unable to open

Many places to be
Nowhere to go
195 · Mar 2021
Blue Flamin'
One Andean Sky Mar 2021
REFERENCE: A blue flame colour means complete combustion. This indicates that the gas is being burned efficiently without any unburned and wasted gas.
A red or yellow flame is a flame being starved of oxygen, creating incomplete combustion.

You came to me in a slow burnin’ way
Parched and left to decay
A starved of oxygen kind of soul
Across the floor, through the door
Your face came into view
All alone in a ghostly hue
An ignition of interest
An unexpected spark
A small yellow flame
Slow and steady from first mark
Catching and burning
Tender in motion and rising high
More air, you burned fast
Yellow flamin’ up to the sky
There for a while.
Glimpses of the blue flame
A phantom in fright

Written by Marcela Guajardo 6th March, 2021
One Andean Sky May 2024
Outside, cars drive by
Revving their engines
Tyres heaving and sighing
Cicadas chirping a rhythmic tick in the park
Crickets nearby, abuzz, filling the sound
The Botanical Gardens lures the suntanned and glistened
It is humid! So I’m told
I sit at my desk. The helm of this wonderful building
Residents drift in and out past me
Offering sweet smiles and gestures
Ibis visit, picking out the bugs of the terracotta façade
Two Indian Myna Birds build a nest in the canopy
I am mesmerised
A rainbow light streams in across a beautiful artwork
Did Mr Piano know that that this light beam would cut across the lobby for me to see?
The keys are in order and checks done. Mr Reed got his paper.
The building sits solid as the seasons pass.
Breathing calmly as it’s heart beats for a very long time.
Capturing the beautiful rythms of an iconic building in Sydney, Australia. Designed by Renzo Piano   Macquarie Apartments Sydney

— The End —