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I want to swim
In a ocean
That tastes
Like him.
 Jan 16 Bebe
i hate the world
for still going on,
like it has
completely forgotten
about what happened to us.

Like it has
completely forgotten  
about people like us.
 Jan 16 Bebe
xavier thomas
My hands were never created to be put on a woman.
Unless I was ready to make love to you

My mouth is not made to lash out,
Simply uplift you from depression. You matter

My eyes are not to wander.
Just to see you in my life

My ears must not hear evil.
But to hear you sing lullabies at night

My actions are not meant to plant seeds in
every woman I see.
Only in your garden, my seeds will grow in strong soil, you’ll see.

My mind is not designed for manipulation.
Seek wisdom so that we become closer because knowledge is power

My soul is not corrupt.
It serves a purpose that will inspire you
I serve a purpose
 Jan 16 Bebe
 Jan 16 Bebe
I can resist Anything
For you But not you
I can lose everything
For you But not you
I just Wana create stories
With you and
Tell them when I am old
Together with you
 Jan 16 Bebe
To you
 Jan 16 Bebe
I saw you at you worst
I know all your worst sides
But I still think you are the best
So please stay with me forever
At my worst till I become
 Apr 2023 Bebe
Mitch Prax
 Apr 2023 Bebe
Mitch Prax
You want me to stay silent,
but how can I?
I cannot do it anymore.
There are emotions,
there is blood,
there is love
that cannot be silenced
and one day she will understand.
There we were
sitting on a chair
because we only had one,
later on
when we got richer
we bought a picture
to put on the wall,

as I said to her,
it'll give us something
to talk about.
 Dec 2022 Bebe
Mitch Prax
Kiss Me
 Dec 2022 Bebe
Mitch Prax
There are demons behind these lips.
Kiss me and let them feel loved.
 Nov 2022 Bebe
 Nov 2022 Bebe
I never wipe my face when I cry

I let each salt water stream warm my cheek

Burn every tied connection between you and me

I let my tears pour over the bruised heartstrings

As if they were saline solution to a cut

I let my tears cleanse me of you

I let them blurry your image and memories we shared

Until I can’t recognize your false promises

I let my tears heat me like a furnace  

When tonight’s loneliness is too cold to bare

With these tears I can stop empty dreaming

And give you back all of your unkept “forever’s”

So tomorrow’s happiness is rewarding

Like a fresh bloom after aprils showers

I will never wipe away my tears..

And I will heal with no bandage
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