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 Aug 2020 Paola Bodano
 Aug 2020 Paola Bodano
Was it chemistry or nuclear physics?

I’d rather be heard and not seen.

It’s a dream
It’s a dream
It’s a dream
It’s a dream I have not seen.
Where am I and where were you?
I learned guitar
just for the perfect moment
when i find me and my future
perfectly in tune
ready to play the melody
that is life
 Jan 2019 Paola Bodano
David Crow
If I had a strong oppinion,
If I ever got my way,
If I ever said I'm sorry..
nevermind these things I say
'cause all these thoughts - they
make me go around the block
inside my head,
the truth I like to swallow up,
never see the light of day,
Symmetry and structure I don't
have to aid me in my life
so maybe when I open up
just shut the door and
throw the key.
people in their wholeness
can only be understood.

not explained.
 Jan 2019 Paola Bodano
 Jan 2019 Paola Bodano
I called out to the sun
And it burned me
It's damaged my skin

I called out to the sunset
And it soothed my
Scarred skin
But not before reopening
Old wounds

I called out to the moon
And it moistened
My scabby skin
Laying groundwork
For healing

I called out to the sunrise
And it kissed my
Patchy skin
And apologised
For what was about to happen
 Jan 2019 Paola Bodano
only the good die young
the wretched stretch and fold
gray then mold
all the sinners inevitably grow old
if this is truly so,
then afterlife’s keeper must be
cruel and cold
treating life as a commodity only
while it sweats gold
of such saying, I’ve been told
and retold
life for the good runs so quickly
it slips your hold

if all good things must come to an end
I shall live forever.

I intentionally failed to wish you
a happy birthday this year,
though I know significant dates,
hours, moments, people,
by heart.
I still search for you in boys
I mistake for bandages,
the ones with eyes almost
the same shade of your hazels,
lips resounding your laughter,
resembling a wisp of your smile,
But they aren't you.


Sometimes I pretend you're dead,
because it's less painful
to stop reaching out into voids.


My mom still blames you
for everything that preceded that year.
Though you probably had no idea what happened
when we stopped talking altogether.
Can you believe it's almost been three years?


My dad wonders who was my 'one that got away'
Though, I'm pretty sure he knows
it's you.


Remember how I mentioned Sylvia Plath?
How most everything she wrote
brimmed with melancholy?
How I loved every single word?
Especially that piece
where she talked about expectations
and disappointments.
You'll never know that
up to this day I still think
people are selfish enough to
always, eventually turn into the latter.
Even you.


It's sad I never got the chance
to tell you about Ted.
How she loved him so much,
she just had to dive headfirst
into the flames-- burning herself,
what was left of her--
after she found out
he never really loved her
the same way
she loved him
in the first place.


truth is,
some of us
never learn to accept
the love we think we deserve.


I don't know if you still read my poems
or if you still think about me,
about us, sometimes.
Every time you fall asleep past eleven,
a part of me hopes you do.
because I always remember you--
in birthday candles, red ribbons,
off-tune voice records, golden arches,
concrete sidewalks, pedestrian lanes,
the last flickers of city lights
softly fading out of the blue.
I remember you
in everything, in everywhere,
in everyone.
It's useless, no matter how much I try to forget.
No matter how much I just want to forget.
I want to forget.

But, how could I?

When forgetting means forsaking
the very memory of you.
 Dec 2018 Paola Bodano
 Dec 2018 Paola Bodano
When I was a child,
I was taught poetry wasn't mild,
It was deep as the sea,
And it seemed truly unachievable for me.
I was taught poetry had to rhyme,
Every single line, every single time.
So poetry seemed out of my reach,
Like chasing a seagull down a beach,
Jumping ever so slightly away,
Or soaring into the sunny day.

So I never thrived for what I thought would,
No, Could
Never be.

I guess now I'm fixing the mistakes of past me.
so i've said earlier that i wanted to put together a book and i've finished it but i wanna print out some copies to give to my friends and family. but it turns out that it's actually pretty expensive lol, so if it's too much to ask for, even a dollar would help!

thank you,
I am haunted:
Not by poltergeist,
but by my unlived lives.
Parallel universes
won't ever speak,
they took an oath
to keep from me.
I have words and voices
humming in my head
that will never be met
outside of my bed.
I have to accept
I cannot have it all,
I have to accept
knowing nothing at all.
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