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 Mar 2019 Zara
Hannah Richburg
I thought if I could swallow the stars
I’d be as beautiful as the evening sky
I tried one night    with fireflies
They burned my throat
Their legs striking at soft flesh
But my skin did not glow
No moon crawled from my eye sockets
I was left with corpses in my stomach
I soon learned I would only ever be
A cemetery
 Feb 2019 Zara
I sea you
 Feb 2019 Zara
"I can't live without you"
said the ocean to corals

"You're fin-tastic"
cheered a fellow fish

"I whale-y love you"
expressed the biggest mammal

Love is already in the water
It does not need materialistic things!
Love is everywhere and is for everyone.

Inspired by Earth day network Valentine's day activities.
 Feb 2019 Zara
Lauren Johnson
I will spread dirt into every crevice of my broken heart and plant flowers so big and beautiful, that their roots will mend all the shattered pieces back together, and you’ll never be able to see the mess I used to be.
 Feb 2019 Zara
i'm here for a good time not for a long time
and i know that sounds like a joke
but i mean it
i'm not living forever
and i'm not growing old
my life will sizzle out
like a burnout matchstick
and so
i would like to live in moments not more
wanting more is an appetite you can't satisfy
i'll feast on moments of bliss
moments in which i don't wish, i revel in what i've been given
moments in which i don't need, i have your love
moments in which
all i know
all i want
all i need
but only for a moment
and what a moment it'll be
 Jan 2019 Zara
 Jan 2019 Zara
Do you know about the color blue?
It is in the sky and in me too.
Disguising itself as the color of calm,
in the river held back by a dam,
always in the background, in neglect,
blue hits me when I least expect.

The color of calm has a hidden side,
waiting for me to get tongue tied.
Silence is blue's favorite pastime,
tried to fight him with music and a rhyme,
blue is good in color only,
he haunts me whenever I am lonely.

A bit of advice from me to you,
advice about the demon blue.
Don't listen to the voices in your head,
don't let the color tie you to your bed,
I know it's tough to fight the blue,
I want you to know I believe in you,
don't let this story be about blue,
take it back, it's time you flew,
don't let this blue color define you,
look in the mirror and say f*ck you blue.
This poem is about depression and my fight with it. I compare it to a river waiting to burst through a dam, always lurking in the background, waiting for a chance to make me feel miserable. Music and poems have been my release from it. I end the poem by asking the reader to fight it with all their strength if he/she ever faces it, because the only way to survive this demon is by not giving into it.
 Jan 2019 Zara
Look You
 Jan 2019 Zara
Look you,
See the sunset,
Emblazoned across the sky,
In burning hues of crimson and gold,
Framed in the naval strains of infinity.

Listen you,
Hear the rain,
Dancing on the rooftops,
Singing to the celestial beat
Of the thunder.

Look around you,
See your world,
See it shatter,
See the spinning, glittering fragments,
Falling into the dust beneath your feet,
Just like the crystal ball you see this in…
This one actually has a story to it - I was walking home from the bus stop after school one day (I think I'd have been 15 at the time) and looking at the sunset, this poem just popped into my brain, and I repeated it to myself the rest of the walk home where I wrote it down as quickly as possible to avoid losing it.
 Jan 2019 Zara
Salmabanu Hatim
When you laugh,
I am the happiest.
When you are sad,
My eyes are in floods.
When you are away,
I am restless.
Try to feel the love in your heart,
Love is like that.
 Jan 2019 Zara
A dance
 Jan 2019 Zara
I crave a dance
Not a hug,
Not a kiss or a delicate touch
But a dance
A red dress and a gentleman to take my hand
On a shinning dancefloor
On a trip outside the dimensions of this world
Where flying needs no wings
Where music feels like the gentle wind
I'd swirl and swirl
With my red dress flowing like the petals of a rose
Carried by the swift breeze
Till it come back
To you
I never danced with a man, ever
Today is done
Tomorrow is to come

Life is to Live
Death is to come

Leafing through the chapters of life
Savour every Moment

Sugar and Spice
Recipe for Life
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