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 Jul 2017 Jenn Linh
VD Lee
Wash away those tears
It’s the Start of The End
Grab some of your peers
Have some laughs and some beers

Hold your head up high
It’s the Start of The End
Keep both your cheeks dry
And get ready to fly

How could we not see our days are done?
How could we not see past
The fire?
The fire

How could we not see we haven’t won?
How could we not see past
The fire?
The fire

Wash away those tears
It’s the Start of The End
Grab some of your peers
Have some laughs and some beers

Hold your head up high
It’s the Start of The End
Keep both your cheeks dry
And get ready to fly

Honey stop crying
It’s the Start of the End
I think it’s purifying
Think it’s gratifying

Babe put on a grin
It’s the Start of the End
Even when it’s "fin"
Keep it over your chin

Why we miss the writing on the wall?
How could we not see past
The fire?
The fire

Why does the news right just now appall?
How could we not see past
The fire?
The fire

Wash away those tears
It’s the Start of The End
Grab some of your peers
Have some laughs and some beers

Hold your head up high
It’s the Start of The End
Keep both your cheeks dry
And get ready to fly

How could we not see our days are done?
How could we not see past
The fire?
The fire

How could we not see we haven’t won?
How could we not see past
The fire?
The fire

How could we all disappear?
How could the end be near?
It’s hasn’t been long enough

How could our cities just stop?
How could we all just drop?
I thought it was all a bluff

Wash away those tears
It’s the Start of The End
We're gonna meet again
We’ve gotta meet again
We’ve got to meet again
We’ve got to meet again
We’ve got to meet again
We’ve got to meet -
Aka my feelings about America
Our hearts weigh more
when they are broken,

Our minds expand
when they are awoken.

Our souls can be felt
when they are shattered,

Our hearts, minds
and souls are fragile
when they've been battered.

They can be mended
with love and care,

With strength and faith
and with some valuable prayer.

We can learn
from all of our pain,

With our lessons
we can stand tall again.

Showing ourselves
some needed compassion,
patience and love,

Seeking salvation
from God above.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
 Jul 2017 Jenn Linh
 Jul 2017 Jenn Linh
When you sleep for 12 hours
You wake like a KING
Solutions to problems
At your finger tips
Sorrow and regret, dried tears on your cheek
Evaporated and forgotten
Illness that crawled on your skin
Weak, defeated, retreated
The darkness that haunted
Cracked open to reveal the light
Senses once over exposed
Again pure, delicate, alive
Is this a dream, is this an illusion?
After the slightest of moments?
Sleepless, sleepless, sleep, sleep.
After a few months of stress and anxiety I finally had that perfect slumber
A month ago,
life was so predictable.
A never-ending routines thinking,
for how long am I going to be like this?
But then you came along,
and I finally found where I belong.

We had our own separate worlds,
but a same life where it's still dull and grey.
Felt like something was missing,
we didn't know what it was yet.
when we still didn't know what to say,
I found a lost soul like my own.

Then comes the second day,
we talked for hours straight.
Endless stories and jokes were said.
At one point you caught me off guard,
with the three special words you've said.
I love you, so random and out there.
Still made me smile nonetheless.

In a span of three days,
you already took my heart away.
Within three days,
I knew I had to meet  you one day.
For three days,
I was falling slowly every single day.
I finally called you mine on a Sunday.

A month have passed,
though it feels like only a week.
And every time you're the one I seek.
We talked, cried, argued, and laughed.
I've never felt like this, so loved.
You became my life, my love.
The best one I'll ever have.
 Jul 2017 Jenn Linh
Have you ever felt empty inside?
Have you ever felt that  feeling of nothingness in the pit of your stomach
and it just stays and lingers for a little while,
you can't tell if it's from the lack of emotions or food.
You say you have it under control when really it has control
One bite and your thighs are like balloons blowing up
Two bites and you are suddenly 10 pounds heavier.
Have you ever felt That beautiful feeling of a hot cup of tea going down your empty stomach almost as a warmth, cause it may be July but you are just so cold.
The concealers you use on your knuckles to hide the marks of when your teeth hit cause your finger
just can't empty out all the hate you have filling your stomach
this isn't a poem about getting better.
This is a poem of what it's like without the better ending
the story of the girl who starved her self with a plate before her.
How selfish she was.
 Jul 2017 Jenn Linh
Akira Chinen
She wore a dress cut from the night sky
scattered with stars and dreams
and her smile
had a mischievous curve at each end
and a hint of magic glittered
in the colors surrounding her eyes
and she spoke in a voice
that echoed with the beauty of poetry
and he was tempted to crawl away
from the shyness that lived in his bones
and he managed to make small talk
but fell short of bravery
and slunk into the night without stars
and a dream that knew only her name
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