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 Jul 2017 Jenn Linh
Akira Chinen
Love is a foolish endeavor
of dreamers chasing fairy tale poems
and midnight dragons
made of moonshine and butterflies
and fire from the time before
heartache and misery
and the evil and sins
invented by better men
who know not to love
for love is a foolish endeavor
 Jul 2017 Jenn Linh
Akira Chinen
I've laughed the good laugh
and I've giggled and snorted
and I've loved and been loved
beyond fear
and beyond beauty
and I've been broken
and shattered
and lost and found a reason
to laugh the good laugh again
despite the pain and misery of life
and I've been stupid
and done stupid
and I'm not done with my own stupidity yet
and I'll laugh at the joke of my unfunny life
and I'll laugh with death
at the end of it all
and it will be a good laugh
at a good life that had been filled
with good love
and good misery
and good company
that knew how to laugh
and giggle and snort
despite the pain and suffering
of living a good life
 Jul 2017 Jenn Linh
Akira Chinen
Countless tombstones lined up
  like shark teeth
Waiting for the next generation
  to march into their graves
Helmets waiting
  for heads waiting
    for their bullet holes
Dying in the same clothes
  as their father
    and their father
      before them
Because everyone
  loves a corpse
      in uniform
   Left right left
The endless
   mobius strip
        of war
 Jul 2017 Jenn Linh
 Jul 2017 Jenn Linh
The good guys can still do bad things. It's our job to determine who we want to be and discern whether it's the whole character that's poisoned or just the faults.
Sometimes I forget that not every mistake has an alter ego. It was simply a mistake.
 Jul 2017 Jenn Linh
A Landstrom
Love flows through your body like a creek
Leaving engravings in rocks, in souls like greeks
Love causes you to fly in the air
Thinking will you have in hier
Love stings like a bee
Throwing away the key
Love can ****
By leaving a hole that has to fill
Love destroys everything
As thinking it's a king
You fell in love with me.

I just hope you jumped.
Not slipped.
 Jul 2017 Jenn Linh
Akira Chinen
Do you want to write poetry
under sheets of blue oceans
made out of waves of crushed velvet
and dreams of translucent stars
swimming beneath the pleasures of flesh
and painted whispers of lust
moaning songs to the moon
and colors of the hidden rhythm
of a heart waiting to be filled
with the beats of a never ending love
and what do we need of words
or definitions or skin
to redefine the rules of sin
in a place beyond
what our mortal minds
are chained and bound
by nothing more than
a timid fear of what
our imaginations could unleash
when we stop fearing
the illusions of prophets of yesteryear
and become the sounds and beat
to fill our hearts with a never ending love
and the song painted by moans
and whispers to a lustful moon
and we can swim amongst
translucent stars of flesh and pleasure
under waves of crushed velvet
in the ocean and seas
of unwritten poetry
 Jul 2017 Jenn Linh
Jack Jenkins
I can run
every monster in
my nightmares
I can't run from
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