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Mar 2022 · 816
For once
I want to be heart broken by her once
Rather than being broken by her everyday

Yes !
I want  her to her hurt me forever for once
Rather than getting hurt everytime by her

She Never understand feelings of mine .
No matter efforts I make no matter my words for her.
She only adore beautiful human's
And I don't quite fit in
Jan 2022 · 829
Dawn to dusk
Whole day I kept finding you in my tomorrow
As dawn came I lost you in my today .

In the dusk I owed to be your  lover but as  night came you made me realize
I am just a toy for you
Oct 2021 · 402
Your Name
From writing your name in every last Page of Book to trying to forget your name at last.

From not spending a day without talking to you now I even don't want to listen your voice

From loving you so hard To trying harder to remove you from my life

It all just went in flash and now I know you have replaced me so leaving you your way forever but in the last you should seek within yourself and think why the boy who never hated anyone hates you so much.
Apr 2021 · 910
Quote - 13
I was a broken hearted depressed boy
You came along made me happy stitched my heart only to break it once again
Apr 2021 · 1.1k
Quote -11
I tried to find peace in your heart
I realized it's  overcrowded
Mar 2021 · 350
Sometimes I wonder if people would know that i’ve died.
I play out fake scenarios in my head.
watch as they cry as i’m lowered to something that shouldn’t be desired.
sometimes i wonder if people would know that i’ve died,
but I go about my life everyday and I observed that the  You will be criticized,abused until you speak the day you won't utter a word and your body is numb while your soul is seeking salvation
You will be termed as
Mar 2021 · 137
Quote - 11
Dear Love,
You told me
That I was exception in your life
And I guess It was my mistake that I assumed Exception meant Special .
Mar 2021 · 831
Dear Love ,
After seeing you
I have come to believe that beautiful things are beautiful
Even if we don't understand them
Especially you
Mar 2021 · 662
When James Arthur said :-

"I wanna Live with you .
Even when we're ghost
Cause you were always there for me
When I needed the most "

It reminded me of you
Mar 2021 · 245
Wounds  heals  faster  when  left  open
Feb 2021 · 614
I told her
Just say "goodbye" to most useless person in your Life

And next moment her reply came
The felling When your are ignored by your favourite person
Jan 2021 · 117
I want you to be
The Crow craving for water
I will be little water in the *** .
So you have to throw your heart inside *** to get me .
But I Guess it's opposite .
Jan 2021 · 1.2k
My cure for hiccups is
An empty bottle of beer I kiss everyday
And  I wonder if a genie come out
I'd wish
That I would have never met you
The night that I met you
The year that I gave
I said that I loved you
You shrugged off my feelings
Dec 2020 · 86
Quote - 9
Faith starts with truth
It end's with a truth
Dec 2020 · 185
Quote - 8
Conflicts in soul
smiling face in real life is the
best act in World
Dec 2020 · 113
Even if we want
We cannot develop our country,
because here
The poor don't dare to question
Middle class don't have time to question
And the Millionaires don't need to question
Dec 2020 · 105
Only If I could have bought you
I would have sold my Life for you
Alas ! Some people get Love by luck not by the price
Dec 2020 · 95
Quote - 6
Money can give you a bed
But not the sleep you want।
Money can give you food
But not the hunger you feel।
Money can give nice clothes .
But not the inner beauty

Believe me darling Money can give you everything ,
But not the peace' you need to live Life
Nov 2020 · 84
Quote - 5
Happiness brings satisfaction
and satisfaction brings happiness,
but the difference is huge.
Happiness gives satisfaction for a short time, and
satisfaction gives happiness forever
Oct 2020 · 85
Quotes - 4
We are lost in the glare of the world, and at times silent arc is digging our graves
Oct 2020 · 79
क्या यह फुसफुसाए शब्द हैं
गुप्त गलियारों में
मैं तुमसे प्यार करता हूँ

क्या उन्हें साहसपूर्वक घोषित किया गया है
छत की चोटी से
मैं तुमसे प्यार करता हूँ

या शायद प्यार
हँसी की तरह लगता है
केवल दो के बीच साझा किया जाता है

क्या होगा अगर प्यार का कोई शोर नहीं है
इसकी सुंदरता सूर्यास्त के समान है
देखा और महसूस किया
लेकिन कभी नहीं सुना
Sep 2020 · 84
We are Labourers
We are labourers
We believe we are  little different from you
Your body is made of blood and bones
Our Body is made of cement and wetlands

You are born from mother's womb
We are born from factory furnaces

It's a run of equality
No one likes to be called Self obsessed
But what can be termed for you ?

You are Tight hearted reality on  maps
We are the dream of the new world
You are just Great
We are India
What will you give us ?
Your dream of becoming a superpower in the 21st century rests on our feet

What will you give us ?

Do you have those diamonds of sorrows ?
Which is thrown by our kids at the game
Sep 2020 · 79
Quote - 3
You can't do anything when no one listens you
Love is full in the eyes but no tears should come out of it !
I break down every night
No one give a **** to it .
Is everything correct?
No one asks now
I  Will again break tonight


No one will give a **** to it
Sep 2020 · 81
Quote -2
How long will you continue to love one way
Yesterday for her you were nothing
Nothing you will be for her  tomorrow
Sep 2020 · 93
Stranger Things
Life is strange some people come in our life.
They make us happy , they make us laugh , they teaches us love
And then someday the go away somewhere .

Neither you can find them nor you can forget them.
Just the memories you have with you
You remember those beautiful moment's smile and Sighs and LIFE GOES ON...
Aug 2020 · 130
Death can also be treated
There is no cure for life !
मैं गड़गड़ाहट देखता हूं पहली बार मेरे पीछे छिपी आँखें में  एक पूर्णजीवन यात्रा की तरह छोटे साल से। मैं सो नहीं सकता इसलिए- मैं लेटा हूं और मुझे इंतजार है, या सपना गैर-पारंपरिक अर्थों में। यह जुलाई का तीसरा  दिन है लेकिन जॉन प्राइन के विपरीत मेरा अनुमान है कि आने वाला कल में  मैं आकाश के ताबूतों में हूँ!
When I start my studies you come :-

In Physics like my power

In chemistry like Oxygen

In maths like my problems solution

In Bio like my HEART

In geography you became my world

And In history you were my queen

So I close my books and Go sleep
To meet with you in my dreams
Mar 2020 · 107
To please a stone ,
I killed many flowers .
When I went temple to worship
I realised that I am killing flowers,
To please a stone .
Where I had came to wash my sin ,
I returned by addition of one more !!!!!
Jan 2020 · 115
Why I loved you ?
I don't love you in ordinary ways,
I love you :-
From the sparkle in your eye,
To the pitch of your laugh,
Even the color of your hair.

I love your every part,
From every wrinkle,
To every crinkle,
Every part of you.

World will try to  tear me down,
To make me frown,
To make me think you’re not worth it.

But darling you listen to me.
From the way you walk,
To the way you talk,
I will be mocked,
But don’t you listen.

From your weight,
To your height,
You are all wonderful to me.

Maybe one day you’ll see,
The beauty I see.
The way you were made,
So beautifully.

But until then,
Do not forget,
On how true beauty,
Comes from within.
Please like and support and please do comments in it .
And follow me if u likes it
Jan 2020 · 150
You came in my heart like a SNOW,
I am a tree which feeling very low,
And thirsty for sweet talk coz I have only listned harsh word of crow.

I loved the way you fall on me in winters,
And the way you tinker's me, I love you in every way
I may have lost all my leaves due to cold.
But your presence in me makes me  beautiful and bold
Please like and support
Dec 2019 · 150
If you can read my mind,
You would see thousand of papers,
Filled with broken poetries ,
And deadbeat proses
Full of woeful verses.
With mournful pieces ,
Of Unfinished stories .
They are yet to be written .
And failed to be spoken.

If you can read my mind ,
You would hear the bellows ,
Screeching the words :-
" I'm tired ; I'm lonely "
" I'm stupid ; I'm afraid "
You could see the depression behind smile .
You could read a novel which you never wished to touch.
You will know one's emotions.
That everyone has ignored till now
Dec 2019 · 161
Where to stand ?
Where there is need to speak
We keep quiet.
And where ther is no need
We shout.

We are busy flooding relations with whole world.
But in relations with family
There is drought.

Animal's are now teaching there cubs humanitarian
And patriyach even doesn't slap
boy's if they misbehave a girl.
Dec 2019 · 130
Need somebody
I need somebody to love,
I need somebody to heal.
Need someone to hold me tight,
When I don't feel alright.

You were the lights ,
Which are getting succumb into my nights.
Now there is no one to talk me,
Because you are going away .
You changed your direction's in middle of my way.
Nov 2019 · 262
Freinds Forever
I prayed God to take some Soil,
And make two best friend like us.

One like me and other like you,
And then break that statue.

Once again make statue with same soil,
So that some part of mine be with you,
And some part of your's be with me.

And the statue be beautiful friends,
One like me and other like you
Nov 2019 · 121
SALAD day's
In the run of life I've lost many things,
I had got something but had lost everything.
Today from the meaning of relationship,
To definition of a FAMILY everything changed.
Childhood day's which used to start with beautiful dreams,
And ends in evening with mother giving you Milkcream.
The run was not to defeat anyone but to win hearts of everyone,
But meaning of this also changed.
In the run I've lost many things,
I had got something but had lost everything.
Nov 2019 · 204
In friendship, When one speaks and other listen then they are called GOOD Friend's....

And when no one speaks and then also they understand the feelings of each other.
They are called BEST Friend's
Oct 2019 · 119
Journey of life
You enjoy the life,
Don't try to understand it.
Start weaving yours dream,
Don't try to get confused in it.

You move along with time,
But don't get folded along it.
Open your arm's and take a long breath,
Don't get suffocated within yourself.

Give a pause to the war going inside your brain,
There's no reason to fight with yourself.
Leave something to God,
Don't try to sort out everything alone.

Live the beautiful journey of life,
What's there in leaving everyone to reach your destination early.
Oct 2019 · 234
Life's Story
Nowadays every thing can be sold,
Truth can be sold ;lie can be sold.
Anyone's cry can be sold.

Even air is sold by filling in balloons,
And 75% water is there but it is sold in cartoons.

So freinds don't live like flowers,
The day you bloom you will die.
Live like rock the day you broke,
You can become GOD
Oct 2019 · 156
Pure Love
My friend asked  me - What is true Love?
I told him LOVE is nor true  neither flase,
Love is a pure form of CARE.
You can see it when a mother combs her children hair.
You can feel it when your father buys
Your favorite teddy bear.
And you can give it to your friends with
whom you enjoyed in Neath
And you can share it with your partner
with whom you will take every breath.

So, let Love be pure.
And let it be drugs for hatred cure.
Oct 2019 · 413
Why today's world has became so violent?
Stronger tries to make weak silent.
Today GODSE had became ideal,
And GANDHI had became a idle.

We have gone down to such extent,
That values of religion had became bigger,
Than a life of a man.
We need to bring the change.
And teach the values of humanity before teaching the values of a religion.
Be a man before u had any religion
Sep 2019 · 296
What is SCHOOL??
A part of heaven,
Where I started going after the age of seven.
My  schooling started with a loud cry,
And it ended with the same loud cry.

In between I had moments of  joy,
The friends with whom I can enjoy.

The history class which used to be boring,
And then comes maths very ignoring.
Chapters of science which uses to bounce,
And English which put weight on our brain equal to 1 ounce.
The love story of school that ends with a bang,
And then we could see fight between two gang.

Only temple where we go everyday,
To meet the gods who we say
Like if u too have your school life like me
Sep 2019 · 136
The day I felt the true love .
The road which I took had a great curve
I couldn't think anything but only her,
As like a honey bee only thinks of flower.

To me she was only who mattered,
And because of this my all other things tattered.
I tried everyways to get closer ,
But in the eyes of her I was only a looser.

Slowly the last day came ,
This day I was very pale and lame .
As I knew I would never see her again,
For me that day my eyes ,
Which used to be sunny had a day long rain
Sep 2019 · 146
Everyone thinks that I am always wrong,
Even if I do something strong.
I am always wrong.........
If I do good ; they seek for better.
But there is no one to make me strong,
Because I am always wrong.......

There is no one to appreciate me,
But everyone to bring me down.
I can't be anyone's hero ; but everybody's clown.
And there is no one who thinks sometimes I am right.
Because I am always wrong......

But I know the day I will leave this world
World Will be at ceremony of death.
And everyone will say
I was always right......
I was always right..........
People are deceptive
Sep 2019 · 477
Life is like A tree ,
It teaches you everything for free.
In some moments it is easy like A rhymes.
Or in other moments it punishes with time.
So don't let your life go down.
Because world will never spare a chance to make you clown
Be yourself
Sep 2019 · 511
If you commit a sin,
There is always a place to win.
God can lie about that place,
But truth will be unfolded by your within.
And you know your innerself never committed a sin.

To seek purity you can go to heaven or hell.
But only thing that is pure is your soul.
It is like diamond in the field of coal.
And the coal is your sin.
The diamond is your within.
Be yourself
Aug 2019 · 357
I may be weak in maths,
But I can count no. of days I spent with you.
I may be weak in geography ,
But I can regonise the place we 1st met.
I may be bad in history ,
But I will never forget the beautiful memories.
I may be weak in science ,
But I know how our chemistry started.
I may be weak in all subject ,
But I am pretty sure I can get 100% in true love.

— The End —