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 Apr 2014 Paige
Danielle Barlow
 Apr 2014 Paige
Danielle Barlow
Do you feel anything at all for me?
Or is this just a plot for me to hurt?
It must just not be meant to be,
but either way I feel like dirt.
 Apr 2014 Paige
Ever Punk Goddess
Forget his name
Forget his face
Forget his kiss
His warm embrace
Forget the love that you once knew
Remember that he has someone new
Forget him when they played your song
Remember him when you cry all night long
Forget how close you once were
Remember its someone else he perfers
Forget how you memerized his walk
Forget how you love to hear him talk
Forget the things he use to say
Remember that he has gone away
Forget his laugh
Forget his smile
Forget that he stayed awhile
Forget the way he held you tight
Remember that hes not alone tonight
Forget the time he loved you still
Forget he said he always will
Forget he said he'll leave you never
Remember the fact, hes gone forever
 Apr 2014 Paige
 Apr 2014 Paige
She was so generous
that she left me with innumerable sorrows.

I was so selfish
that I couldn't give her anything but Love.

El egoísmo    

Ella era tan generosa
Que me dejó con incontables penas.  

Yo era tan egoísta  
Que no le pude dar nada excepto amor.
I just came up with the translation in español
 Mar 2014 Paige
Andrew Durst
There's something
About listening
To the rain
Fall on the streets
While looking
Out from the
Third story
That I find
So peaceful.

As I hit my
The last few times
Before dying it out,
Like everything I've
Ever dreamt about,
I stop to wonder
Where my life
May go.
I could live to see the
Age of twenty-five,
But I guess time
Only knows.
 Mar 2014 Paige
Morrissey Smith
The earth is slowly dying
To save it we have to try,
We need a solution to
Deal with polution
But it's too big a problem
We sigh,
So if we all join together
Everyone woman,  child and man
Recycle our tins
In green wheelie bins
And we'll save the world
Yes we can.
 Mar 2014 Paige
Yhama ButterFly
Saw you in the distance I begin to sigh.

Fears of outbursts and screams held inside.

I'm still affected by you after all this time, why?

Vaguely I see, traces of your residue left on me.

Your touch on my face,

Your gentle embrace,

How your finger rubs against my ear,

Who knew that spot existed?

A simple touch sparks electricity within me,
how I miss it!

I’m thinking of you,

You don’t have a clue.

I guess...
You are to me,
what I am to you,

Mere 'Traces of Residue.'

~Butterfly εїз   2011©
The builders of Stonehenge
Were pelvicly challenged
So they erected a monument
In such a way
That it could be interpreted
As a displacement activity.

And the rest as they say
Is pre-history.
You're a postive,
with bright eyes.
You have the most amazing smile,
I've ever seen.
And you say all these pretty things,
that isn't meant for people like me.

I'm a depressed,
with empty eyes.
I don't have a nice smile,
and I don't deserve all those pretty things,
you say to me.

 Mar 2014 Paige
Meenu Syriac
 Mar 2014 Paige
Meenu Syriac
Paint the sky red
Won't you stop dreaming?
They've only hurt
Every single one of them.

Right underneath the starry sky
Dreams, untamed, they fly.
Nothing sane they intend,
Burns right through your heart instead

Keeps hope burning bright
At the end of the day
Just a dreamer
Wishing on a star at night
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