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Jul 2020 · 164
Ode To Covid-19
Timothy Ward Jul 2020
Quiet silent
Masked n senseless
Covid marches
On relentless

Matters not
We’re friend or foe
Destroyed are all
Of “Jericho”

Six-fifty thousand
Dead to date
And yet no sign
This will abate

To mask - or not
Is grounds to fight?
When Covid kills
All weak n slight

We’re dying today
At one-a-minute
Desperate for a
Silver bullet

Perhaps we are
But chimpanzees
Just a tad less
Fancy free!
Back after a looong hiatus:))
Oct 2017 · 156
The Freeze
Timothy Ward Oct 2017
i cannot
stay stuck
when time froze
at 7:07
as my world
came crashing
down and
tear-filled icicles
pierced this
Oct 2017 · 141
How Much More ....
Timothy Ward Oct 2017
how much more
will these eyes tear
how much more
will this heart fear
how much more
will this voice quiver
how much more
will these hands shiver
how much more
can one child grieve

much more it is
to find reprieve
This started off as a re-edit of a previous poem to put myself in a more positive mindset. I am truly fatigued from the grieving and want to come UNSTUCK. I know that words matter - they move armies and people and hearts and minds - and they can move states of minds too! I hope I am able to help myself thanks to the support of all of you - I am still stunned each day that life is so different now. I am an ADULT in every sense of the word - there is no safety net now! I must accept the reality and move forward gently
Oct 2017 · 108
Timothy Ward Oct 2017
stop the tears
quell the fears
hope capsized
dreams realized
the feuds erased
a son embraced
requiescat in pace
A friend shared with me today that even as I grieve I must find a way to see the gratitude in the time that we had together. The last days for mom were tough and the decisions I had to make difficult, but I was lucky to have the time to be there with her. It wasn’t catastrophic where she got hit by a car or some other catastrophe!

Not much consolation but some perspective nonetheless.
Oct 2017 · 218
Diwali- Haiku
Timothy Ward Oct 2017
our battle...over
come, celebrate my dear friends
let’s light a candle
Happy Diwali to all my wonderful Hindu friends from India and the Indian diaspora on HP. Thank you for your kindness n support but also for sharing your creativity and brilliance. I went to the local Indian store in town and bought some Jalabees and Rasgoolas and Samosas that I’m going to sit down and eat for dinner as I think of all of you, Indian Temple architecture and visiting India someday. Happy Diwali!
Oct 2017 · 138
A Mother’s Love Story
Timothy Ward Oct 2017
a score
and two years
of love and
conflict and
rejection and
illness and
acceptance and
all over again
reduced to
.... and memories
We had a tense and rocky relationship as I came of age as a young gay teenager in a Christian household! We ever saw eye to eye and she thought It was her fault I was gay and she had to rectify the error - me! But she softened as only a mother can - and just as we began mending fences and I too started growing up and being less recalcitrant she fell ill. It brought us closer faster, but not close enough, nor fast enough nor LONG enough before she was snatched away. I’m left with ragged bittersweet memories as I try to make sense of the shifting sands beneath my feet and I miss her and regret so deeply the years I truly wasted in trying to establish an “identity” that in death is meaningless!!
Oct 2017 · 161
Autumnal Sunrise - Haiku
Timothy Ward Oct 2017
cool morning sunshine
a maple leaf is falling
windswept graves lay clean
I found myself alone - a lonely wanderer by the graves this week. People are too busy with the living to commune with their past I guess...I shouldn’t judge. Just exacerbates my sense of disconnectedness. I don’t know where this is all taking me or if there is a journey or a destination in all this grief. I wish I could talk to you...
Oct 2017 · 63
Unanswered Prayers- Haiku
Timothy Ward Oct 2017
the porridge is hot
a young man prays...quietly
the porridge is cold
Many a family in dire circumstances have skipped meals or left them to go icy cold outside an ICU ante room as we prayed fervently for a divine intervention that never arrived. I’m left fatigued at being so selfishly prayerful and equally angry at the hollowness of the rationale provided in the aftermath of my mother’s demise. I have no answers and fewer questions- reaching ambivalence I guess.
Oct 2017 · 293
Silent Vigil - Haiku
Timothy Ward Oct 2017
A child is weeping
An urn is filled with ashes
The sea gulls silent
Oct 2017 · 111
Letter to Mom
Timothy Ward Oct 2017
Another day, another night
Acrid air, acerbic sight
MRI’s, CT scans, RT feeds
Oh please forgive me

22 pills, twice a day
Pulverized, force-fed toxic buffet
Eight “feeds” a day... “vitality”?!
Oh please forgive me

Heart rates spiked, fevers rose
The medical team... yet a new prognose!
“Now she needs to breathe you see!”
Oh please forgive me

Seizures broke, bedsores grew
I didn’t know what to do...
Your silent stares, a deafening plea
Oh please forgive me

Six weeks in - comatose
I held you in my arms...reposed
All I wanted was to flee
Oh please forgive me

And then that fateful day arrived
They said you were now past revive
I sat benumbed…just you and me,
Please forgive, I set you free…
I hope somehow through the “ether” she reads this so she knows what transpired during her last few hellish weeks. It was a new set of spiraling circumstances everyday and I truly did the best I could do to keep her alive, and when that seemed futile her comfort was paramount. And when her comfort was compromised, my god... that’s why I write this to you mom - in the hope that you understand. I so desperately wish I could have talked to you just once about this all. You stared at me penetratingly but not a word slipped through - I only saw you wince in pain. Lord alone knows how much you endured, how much you suffered - at the end - it is NOT about me but about YOU! I hope as a son - no matter what, I did right by you.
Oct 2017 · 203
Diving Beyond
Timothy Ward Oct 2017
diving deep
deep beyond
one cold
autumn night
i found
and love
and tenderness
and forgiveness
Oct 2017 · 129
Autumnal Cremation - haiku
Timothy Ward Oct 2017
the monarchs migrate
a forest is cremated  
dark autumn skies
This year has been a difficult one for me personally and for others too! And nature’s wrath it seems is unabated...but it seems to me that the annual migration of my favorite butterflies- the giant Monarchs this year has been bittersweet. They carry with them the weight of my grief on their delicate wings, and as they waft away on currenets of air, i’m reminded of the fragility of life and to live every moment to its fullest! Meanwhile the forest fires consume and I don’t know what tomorrow will bring...

I know one isn’t supposed to explain their haikus but ***** tradition...! The butterflies represent ppl around me who are moving on with life and in time!!! The forest ...are my parents and the lives we lived...our memories and experiences- and the autumn skies is the unknown future I am ****** into each day - even as I am stuck in a blaze that has passed me by!

Wish I could make sense of it!
Sep 2017 · 268
In Memoriam - Haiku
Timothy Ward Sep 2017
The cold morning air
Buffeting off the tombstones
Stinging...tearing eyes
Finally mustered up the courage to visit the grave and place some flowers. Enough said. :((
Sep 2017 · 323
Set Me Free...
Timothy Ward Sep 2017
I dread each eve so filled with grief
A heart benumbed in disbelief
I rant, I rave, I cry, I pray
Why does my angel so betray?

In bed I stare awake all night
Frigid fear, orphaned plight
I pinch and zoom and try to clutch
To reconnect - one last touch!

I'm haunted by that blessed call
When you hit the dreaded "wall"
I pray you're on the other side
Free of pain, strength in stride

Another morn, another fright
Sleep escapes, emotional blight
O Mom, I hope you hear my plea
From my demons set me free!
6 months after my moms passing what continues to haunt me is the decision I had to make to stop the meds when mom slipped beyond the point of no return. No child - of any age - should have to make that decision. The docs force family to decide WHEN. And I had to sign off. I am haunted by signing off on my moms final departure!!! I ask her forgiveness- she was too weak for us to discuss it prior to this happening- she declined very very quickly. It's terrible and I talk to her every day but all I get is silence. I hope she understands n I hope I did right by her.
Sep 2017 · 903
Haiku - The Empty Nest
Timothy Ward Sep 2017
a flutter of wings
there is a chill in the air
the nest is empty
While at first read this may appear to be about parents confronting children growing up, this is a tribute to the passing of my mom. She passed away in Feb at age 46 quite unexpectedly after a brief illness. I got to spend the last 6 months with her - especially the last 6 weeks at the hospital bed (our NEST). She is gone now, and my nest is empty...and I am as much at a loss as a parent who has lost a child - if that makes any sense!
Sep 2017 · 145
After the rain
Timothy Ward Sep 2017
After the rain...
While the grass
Is still wet
And the trees
Are still dripping
And the earth
Is still absorbing
Our tears

I will pause

And think of you
And feel refreshed

...after the rain
Sep 2017 · 142
The Poet's Pen
Timothy Ward Sep 2017
Oh for the skill of the poet's pen
That I might stir the souls of men
If only to an introspection
Pensive moments of reflection
For in such moments man is real
He can allow himself to feel
To listen, love, to shed a tear
To cry aloud, though all may hear

Pray why is it then
That men, "true men"
May never share
Their love, their sorrow, their despair
Is this the world thus juxtaposed
Where love and sorrow are so loathed
Or might have earth 'tween night and day
Begun to spin the other way?

No fates, nor stars are there to blame
Nor must man's fate remain the same
Pray heed the word the poet tells
In lofty verse he shall reveal
To all who have but ears to hear
To all who would but shed a tear
Oh for the skill of a poet's pen
That I might stir the souls of men...
Co-writing this with my friend abe who is not a member of HP yet. I'm helping with some additional lines and tightening it up - it started as blank verse with some a/a rhyme scheme I'm places. It's a work in progress. Abe is a singer so he sees this as a folk song - he's from Hawaii- so it's Hawaiian island music in his head! :)
Sep 2017 · 615
Timothy Ward Sep 2017
Louis Brown Jan 2011

The Old Magnolia Tree

Beneath the old magnolia tree
I used to hold you close to me
And there I carved upon that tree
That I loved you and you loved me

Beneath the white magnolia blooms
You cast a spell with your perfume
I believed those wooden words were true
Ingrained in hearts of me and you

But time wears out what boys engrave
Nothing's left of the love you gave
Except that old magnolia scar....
I wish our love had come so far

Yeah, I wish those words were still on track
Cause every spring I dream me back
To tender lips and sweet perfume
Beneath the white magnolia blooms

But time wears out what boys engrave
Nothing's left of the love you gave
Except that old magnolia tree
Reminding me.....reminding me......
Copyright Louis Brown

This was a poem I wrote to honor Mr Brown whom I sadly never got to know but was a brilliant poet on HP!
Miss his verse...

Ode To Mr. Louis Brown

We wish we knew you Mr Brown

The lights glow dim in Poetry Town

We stand beside Magnolia trees

And pray your soul is fancy free

I read your verse with teary eyes

And hope that I can be as wise

You were a gentle soul of song

The joy you brought is just as strong 

I'm glad your verse you did not brave
Upon Magnolias to engrave

Your words of wit are safe with me

For Poetry Town is your tree!

Unlike that old Magnolia tree

Poetry Town is full of spree

She was a fool to lose your crown

But we'll always love you Mr. Brown!
Mr Louis Brown has a phenomenal body of work on HP and plz visit his collection if you're searching for poets to read. He has great meter verse and rhyme in his poetry given that he was an accomplished songwriter as well.
Sep 2017 · 138
Missing Beauty
Timothy Ward Sep 2017
I miss the beauty
of a verse
lost in clouds
of heady prose
laced with numbers
mind in throes
I miss the beauty
of a verse
I'll take poetry over prose any day of the week!!!
Sep 2017 · 151
Cast A Glance So I May Know
Timothy Ward Sep 2017
my quills I aim
right at your soul
were I to bear
fair Cupid's bow

I quiver, tremble
lose control
o cast a glance
so I may know!
Sep 2017 · 113
Your Touch
Timothy Ward Sep 2017
hands graze
shuddering jolt
my heart skips

sensual fingers
tracing moisture
quivering lips

heated breaths
sinuous twists
enjoining hips
Sep 2017 · 122
A Covenant
Timothy Ward Sep 2017
An open door
Never a score
Don't use me

Open wounds
Still marooned
Don't abuse me

Crystalline heart
Ethereal parts
Don't break me


You love me true
I'll love you too
Never to leave you
Perhaps someday someone will be deserving and brave enough to share this sacred covenant of two souls searching and wanting to connect in time and space albeit briefly but in a very special way!
Sep 2017 · 105
The Mirror
Timothy Ward Sep 2017
and as i
look deep
into your eyes
i see cruel
expanses of
emptiness and
insecurity and
i see
Sep 2017 · 776
The Parting
Timothy Ward Sep 2017
On Pismo Beach
Beside the sea
That autumn eve
You held me free
Etched in my heart
The lovers plea
That I love you
And you love me.

Redwoods lurch
Our seagulls sigh
We kick at waves
Throats run dry
In vain I search
Into your eyes
The tide recedes...
We say goodbye
Sep 2017 · 180
Timothy Ward Sep 2017
moths at my window
craving for a connection
the sun is rising
Aug 2017 · 113
The Pearl
Timothy Ward Aug 2017
The loss of you
Is a grain of sharp sand
Embedded in my heart
It hurts with every move
Every tortured breath
But I know
That if I can only hold up
Long enough
The time
And the pain
And the living
That flows over it
Will form a thin,
Smooth, gleaming layer
Around this tiny fragment
And then
It will not hurt
Quite so much.

More time
More friends
More living  and
Less thinking  
Will add coat
After coat
After coat,
And one day
Some day
It will form
Into a pearl.

And then
I'll hardly feel it at all!

That little
... grain of sand.
Aug 2017 · 243
Another Tomorrow?
Timothy Ward Aug 2017
The sun is up
And hope returns
For another

I fell asleep praying
For exile
From bedlam

But life
Is cruel
Prayers but guttural  
Of quiet

My nightly vigils
A blood curdling respite
From sun-baked
Why do I endure this
This caricature
Of ritualistic

Why must anything matter
This lonely
This battle of
I am
But "an army of one"

Atrocities establish
Crowding out
Feeble counterattacks
Demanding of meager
From a soul so utterly

And yet I wake
And yet I eat
And yet I sleep
And yet I hope
For another
I am needless to say struggling to keep head above water. Personal tragedy has hit home again - not complaining! But just sometimes there's only so much one can shoulder. I'm simply putting one foot in front of the other - numb to the world around. Not as strong as I think I am.
Aug 2017 · 127
Musings on shrooming...
Timothy Ward Aug 2017
jolly rogers
cloaked in
blue peters
waving and
in turbulent
seas of
what would it be like to do LSD or psychedelic mushrooms? I wandered lonely as a cloud ... haha.. always wondered about Wordsworth???
Aug 2017 · 45
Timothy Ward Aug 2017
a flutter of wings
the long goodbye is over
we are at peace now
The last day when mum finally passed on and I saw a white pigeon fly away from the hospital window. 12 hours later she was gone. It was the first and last time I saw a white pigeon in the crowded city.
Oct 2016 · 942
Sagrada Familia
Timothy Ward Oct 2016
Dysfunctional families
Gather together
In crises
Like fallen leaves
At the base
Of the family tree
In a hurricane
The constant churning
Keeping up appearances
Precious resources
Cast to the
As Hurricane Matthew barrels down on Florida I was thinking of how some of us will come together while others ...
Oct 2016 · 433
Antipode Familia
Timothy Ward Oct 2016
Honest souls
Dishonest lives
Gracious hearts
Calculating minds
Fractured families
Love unwinds
When you find yourself at polar opposites on almost every issue that bifurcates the family it is time to question belongingness. Especially when you find yourself on the wrong side of bigotry, intolerance, prejudice, pettiness and conditional affection. Time to move on.
Oct 2016 · 394
The Arboretum (haiku)
Timothy Ward Oct 2016
A poet struggles
While mockingbirds entertain
The forest echoes
Man v Nature The struggle continues unabated.
Oct 2016 · 397
The Embrace
Timothy Ward Oct 2016
You embrace
But shun
Your gay son

You embrace
But not
My "lifestyle"

You embrace
But loathe
Me privately

I embrace
Your ignorance
But spurn
Your rejection
Coming out is a mixed bag for everyone. My parents were jerks about it to put it mildly. I'm over them and the process and hope others see that life is too **** short to worry about eyes, skin, weight, height or sexuality. Only the judgementally religious, deeply insecure and the salaciosly gossipy seem preoccupied with the sexuality of others! Get over yourselves! ;)
Oct 2016 · 216
Timothy Ward Oct 2016
a scribe without a story
a ship without a sea
a love without a lover
an "us" without a "me"
Oct 2016 · 448
Not Exactly
Timothy Ward Oct 2016
i now love
the way you loved
when i loved
so stop asking
if i love
in the same way
you love
it's not exactly
the same
He had his chance/s and he blew it. When I wanted him he had eyes for others and when I gave up on him he came scurrying- a day late and a dollar short. I've moved on but he still annoyingly persists. Some people don't understand Integrity or boundaries.
Oct 2016 · 472
The Enchanters
Timothy Ward Oct 2016
shallow people
seemingly unaware
reviled most
by themselves
deceitful reflectors
loathsome lonesome
in their own
devouring affection
utterly incapable
of reciprocity
Every now and then I bump into this type who charm the pants off me - well not quite! - and I have to ask myself to slow the f down Timmy! These are the "shape shifters" who seem to have an uncanny ability to find my tender spots and tap them to their own advantage- if only for the sake of stoking their ego or whatever bizarre agenda they might have. I don't try to figure them out - but time exposes them if they are genuine or not.
Oct 2016 · 1.0k
Homo Sapien Ignoramus
Timothy Ward Oct 2016
anger unabated
as sinful "humanity"
karmic seeds
of self destruction
the future
in the present
Man - a glorified chimp on steroids after 200,000 years of evolution is none the wiser than his simian cousin on the plains of Africa. Yes we can build rockets with the 1% genetic delta but we can also blow up all life on earth.
Oct 2016 · 402
Why Couldn't I...?
Timothy Ward Oct 2016
why couldn't
you see
what i saw
in you...
the eyes of
or perhaps
i was choosing
to see what
i wanted
- nay -
and you were
but a reflection
casting a
Sometimes we dive into relationships more out of needs and wants. This was the case of my last tryst. He and I both came wanting something rather than wanting to share something of ourselves- big diff! Turns out we both fell flat on our cute *****! :D
Oct 2016 · 358
Urban Jungle (haiku)
Timothy Ward Oct 2016
No one seems to care
Ambulance for our neighbor
We are ill - at ease
I live in an apartment complex close to campus. An ambulance had arrived but beyond the curious gawkers no one gave a **** about the person or his next of kin. Have we really become such disconnected shells obsessed with "selfie" image? Social Media is NOT community!
Oct 2016 · 373
Thoughtless Thoughts
Timothy Ward Oct 2016
Choose your memories
Bestill your thoughts
Quiet your mind
From thoughtless thoughts
Been reading up on a great 20th century Indo American philosopher J Krishnamurthy from just down the road in Ojai California. Brilliant mind and simple man who was touching on neuro-biology and habit pattern formation as a theoretical construct in the 50's-70's before fMRI's could decipher this stuff! Check him out on YouTube - to my friends from India ... you have a hidden treasure!
Oct 2016 · 607
May I
Timothy Ward Oct 2016
may i
hold your hand
and walk
with you
in the quiet
of a silent
My most romantic moments are silent walks at Pismo Beach where you can often find me surfin in summer. A lover on my hand with nary a word spoken save the sound of surf and the incessant sea gulls and shore life is joyous to me at least.
Oct 2016 · 735
Radicals (haiku)
Timothy Ward Oct 2016
fear not radicals
as we break bread together
we hunger as one
It is difficult to spill the blood of someone you have shared a meal
Oct 2016 · 552
Adonistic Beliefs
Timothy Ward Oct 2016
My mind
The creator
Of unachievable
Adonistic beliefs
Goes hammer and tongs
As an angry blacksmith
Fragmenting further
What was once
Humility is such a rare element. The campus and surfer communities are so full of chest pounding ego pumping Neanderthals I often wonder if they ever started innocent too?!! Of course they did!
Oct 2016 · 396
Note To Self
Timothy Ward Oct 2016
in pain
in frailty
in fear
in loss
in grief
in acceptance
All too often I find myself looking outside for strength validation and support when a little self reflection can be a lot more sustainable. This poem is a reminder to myself to keep it simple.
Oct 2016 · 378
Sweetest Of Memories
Timothy Ward Oct 2016
I am
For the gifts
We shared
Of ourselves
With each other
I shall
To remember
The sweetest
Of memories
...and I begin the painful process of closing a chapter on someone who walked out on me then wanted to walk back in again. I was angry briefly but now I'm just disappointed- clearly age does not equal maturity for some!
Sep 2016 · 315
A Winter Storm (haiku)
Timothy Ward Sep 2016
stormy waves pound shores
rocky beaches lay barren
hermit ***** scurry
The art of haiku is to use the prism of detail to magnify and vice versa - without too much explaining. I hope I've done better on this one.
Sep 2016 · 1.3k
Learning To Smile Again
Timothy Ward Sep 2016
and then
one day
my sky
really did fall
and life carried on
but eventually
i was helped up
dusted myself off
and i even learned
to smile
Life hangs by the thinnest of threads and relationships by the most brittle tendrils of trust. The most I can ask of myself is resilience
Sep 2016 · 244
Weeping For Peace
Timothy Ward Sep 2016
Lay down
Your weapons
Swords and pens
...and weep
Weep for yourselves
Weep for each other
Weep for your enemy
Weep selfishly
For peace
As you absolve
The sinner
The sinned
In a deluge
Of your tears.
Sep 2016 · 276
Will I Ever...?
Timothy Ward Sep 2016
will i ever
be able
to take you  
into my arms
once more
and hold you
and look
into your eyes
and find
my trust
Writing haikus is teaching me to keep it simple. My ex boyfriend left and now wants back and I'm not sure if I'm ready willing or able - he doesn't seem to understand
Sep 2016 · 683
Ode to Friendship
Timothy Ward Sep 2016
Let's hold hands
Weep with me
Share with me
Your pain
Our friendship
Is sweet duty
To wash away
The stains
Some friends transcend family and are better than medication and therapists combined! I'm lucky to have a couple of great souls in my life.
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