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Your love hanged me high
       And watched me sway
              A puppet with a master placed in a play
    *What if you go
      What if you stay?
         What does it matter to you anyway?

                          It's all written down and the stage is set
     The drama ensues and my lines are said
    As I choke
                 You pulled the string tight and cut all my ties but your rope never broke and those puppy dog eyes made me forget

             You feel so real this must be free will
              Your hand on mine is no more a guide than a dot is a line fingers long and divine purchase grip on my spine and I really start to shine a star with a mind all its own
    Super nova behind my closed eyes
     Your love is asphyxiation and gets me so high I can't breathe without it
               I'll never kick the habit
                    **I'm addicted to an addict
 Feb 2016 Mia Wallace
So it starts again
Into my head

Slowly devouring
Any sanity left
Amongst the mush
I dare call a brain

Obsession creeps
Down every inch
Of my lonesome body
From a lonesome heart

It has become me
The parasite inside
And its been there
My entire life

Why does it
Keep me alive
I used a black sharpie to write a love poem on your arm
Hoping the ink would sink into depths causing little to no harm
That the rough words may permeate through your tough skin
And the permanence may prove that forever starts from within
That the black is dark enough to hide all your scars from being used
And that my words are evidence and proof of my love for you

So let that ink sink as deep as it might
My words peirce your soul without a fight
My sharpie art fill you with awe and an imaginative spark
Be inspired by my loving words and the permanent scar they leave on your heart
You may forget my face, you may forget my name but **never forget where my love made its mark
Embracing the power of thoughts,
Believing in the power of dreams,
Having ink as a way of release,
Yearning to put all feelings on paper,
Getting satisfaction from your written words,
And excited by new words.
Writing it all without fear of being "judged",
Writing because you can,
Writing because you should,
Writing because you must.
Its more than a hobby,its more of a lifestyle.
 Jan 2016 Mia Wallace
Emily B
I was a mythical creature once.

I lived in a small picturesque town
next to a little hole of blue water.

I sang the sweetest songs.

Mortal man never heard the like before.
They wandered by to listen very often.

They say my feathers fairly sparkled
and if the sun lived closer he might outshine me.

There was darkness that the feathers covered.
No one could tell what destruction lurked beneath.

But I lived to sing that song.
Morning, noon and night. I put my heart in it.
I never faltered, but once

and I looked in the placid lake to see my own reflection.
The monster that looked back at me grinned
at my surprise.
The darkness laughed out loud.

And I did nothing but climb that tall live oak.
As close as I could get to the sun
and I built my nest with twigs.

I lined it with bits of color, silken scraps
to echo my plumage.
And I lined it with sweet-smelling spices
cinnamon and lavender and myrrh.

And then I sang my best last song
'til the suns rays came too, too close.

I kept singing til my last breath was ash
until the day that I will begin again.
 Dec 2015 Mia Wallace
leading might they be.
Cause I simply don’t experience things
in the limited time of what we call moments.

The same way I dislike fireworks,
nights not followed by days and days not followed by nights;
the same way I dislike non gravitational wonders  

I am not the one diverting
I am the one accepting the role of sequence
and all its consequences.

Still given it all,
I don’t understand,
how I ignored the non sequence,
how I let it wonder somewhere without the where,
just because I couldn’t not contradict myself
and accept
the entropy in your expression
 Dec 2015 Mia Wallace
Ethan Moon
colour green honest vanity
tree blades grass evergreen
withers generations comes
ancestral amnesia senescence  
countless forms rising dying next
imitation of eternity
nature always fading
comes and goes
flowers greater than solomon
than regal blood honest to God
brilliant transient beautiful melt
undulating ocean of grim gripping
grappling godless colour
green and honest vanity
Life's not laundry.
Don't separate
The colours
From the whites.
A Canadian's advice to Donald T.
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