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In the crowded street
Where you cant hear who talks
And you cant see who walks
I hear whispers

Whispers from the ocean
Calls for help and survival

The gentle calls
And silent screams

The man whispering
Was the one dancing
With a knife in his heart
Slowly being thorn apart

Further away
I saw a floating shadow
Whilst i turned
I saw a man hanging

Someone grabbed my hand
As I came closer to the end
He opened the doors
And fire and wind arose

The killer woke before dawn
He put his boots on
He pushed me down
And the sea claimed her forgotten son
What does it take to feel alive?

The hug of a mother? The pull of a trigger? A new high to desire?

The social networking of this world has lost its true form and art. The mouth is not for lying rather for cleansing.

Honesty is a form of quenching.

You'll never lose the people and things that truly matter, those are the artifacts and tools to feel alive. Life itself.
For every writer without a story
for every lover without lust
for every poet without a rhyme
for every actor without a stage
for every singer without a song
for ever painter without a brush
for every child without a father
for every hero without a mother
for every god without prayer
for every politician without a lie
for every artist without a muse

I salute your will to carry on
Dont look for money, company and noise
Seek silence, death and fear
Only then, will what you dont have, be gained

In order to find a muse, it must take something from you:
A dream, a lover, an accomplishment, a memory.
We march.
Unaware of our destination.

So as an act
Of bravery,
Of sadness or
Of fear.

But all we do,
Everywhere we go
We still need a purpose
We still need our motivation

To escape and live
To re start and re gain
To achieve and destroy
To become and to forget.

But till we find our destination,
We try to die,
We try to intoxicate
But lack to be remembered after death.

We march
For nothing
For the faded
For the shattered
For a forgotten cause
I'm sitting here to write these words
to say what's on my mind;
To promise you I'm changing plans,
to walk a different line.

I know I've lived so deep in sin,
as down life's road I trod;
I failed so bad in many ways
while running from my God!

It's never worked, the way I've lived,
my life from day to day;
The simple truth, I'm still amazed
you never walked away!

You've stood by me, no matter what,
the pain at times so bad;
You never once resented me
or life we should've had!

You've taught me more, though miles apart,
of what true love's about;
You broke the binds around my heart
with love to never doubt!

You're anchored firm, with roots so deep,
you've always stood so fast;
You've grounded me with Godly love,
and shown your love to last!

So now you see you're everything,
my Angel from above;
A special gift God sent to me
all packaged in your love!
Would it be alright
For you to be by my side
For you to be my bride
To be with you, till the end of time

Would it be alright
To yearn for your touch
To seek you when I'm lost
To replace what I've lost

Would it be alright
To brush the tears off your cheek
To become your light when in need
To carry you and sweep you off your feet

Would it be alright
To finally hold you in my arms
To be able to keep you out of harms
And be your shelter in the storms

Would I be alright
If this were all true
But then I wake up
And realize, it was just a ruse
 Nov 2016 Tiffany Scicluna
Turbulence in my mind
Peace I cannot find
Thoughts I cannot park
Silence screams in the dark

Demented shadow rejoices
Deafening loud noises
Exhausting persistent voices
Debating impossible choices

Don't need anyone to blame
Just Need to numb my brain
Does anyone share this pain?
Does anyone feel the same?
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