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I knew she was like water, she'd probably wish to be compared to a sea but she was more like a lake. Still, calm, never moving without an outside force.

But still I loved her. Her calming waters soothed my wounds and her reflective surface forced me to see myself the way I am. But still she never moved. I could ripple her surface, make her waters splash upon new sides of her shores, but in doing so I watched in somber wonder as she washed the people in her shallows up upon her banks, sore and bruised down to their hearts, and neither would reach for the other, trapped in the curse of stillness.

She assured me she loved me, she assured me I'd always stay in the deepest depth of her heart. And yet slowly, what was once a depth so warm and vast, I found my toes grazing the bottom, and every time I did I tried to swim back, back to where the water was endless, bottomless, yet never could I stay there long. Other people were causing wakes, and fighting against them was becoming difficult, for I am not the strongest swimmer.

I began to wonder whether I was still welcome, for her silences were getting longer, her ripples I could cause we're so much smaller, and in my self doubt those wakes moved me ever closer to the shore, and with each step I could take full footed along the bottom I began to sob.

I tried curling myself into a ball in those shallows, tried to allow the water to cover my head and tell myself I still mattered. But the water here was so frigid, my lips began to turn blue and my lungs burned. I'd return to the surface and take long breaths and use them to scream silently.

From where I stood, the water only knee deep I saw the figure of a man at her center, and as he raised his arms my scream became caught in my throat, and as his arms slammed upon her surface I saw the wave come rushing toward me, the longer it moved the more it grew and I said silently to myself "this is the end."

In those surreal seconds I remembered the others, and was reminded of her stillness, and in those horrible moments I knew I was nothing anymore, just another piece of useless trash to be lying upon her shore.
Every song ends
And some fade out too soon
Is that any reason
Not to sing another tune

Every poem ends
For better or for worse
Is that any reason
To not chance another verse

Every book ends,
When the final chapter is done
Is that any reason
Not to start another one

Every romance ends,
a hard truth to discover
But no reason my friend
To think there'll be no other

Every heavy heart breaks,
But they're not beyond repair
Sometimes all it takes
*Is to know there's love out there
There will always be
Something to admire
In the poetic gracefulness
Of horizontal desire
With love, kelsey
a tree house let's build
tucked amid the leaves

where no will is unfulfilled
for the soul to ever grieve.

up away from madding noise
create a cave of peace

where tears flow of pure joys
nothing feels amiss.

far from the rush of town
high on windy space

where blissful hearts without frown
pure love harness.

let's make that home on tree
out of reach of race

for the mind to bloom carefree
in forever happiness.
You are the pour of a hot cup of tea on an autumn morning 

You are every poetic verse poured onto one single sheet

You are the cool pouring rain on a warm summer night
Stone cold eyes once joined
Light in crowd to flame was forged
Touchstone in mid air
: something that is used to make judgments about the quality of other things
Full Definition
1  : a black siliceous stone related to flint and formerly used to testthe purity of gold and silver by the streak left on the stone whenrubbed by the metal
2  : a test or criterion for determining the quality or genuineness of a thing
Under a tree,
Await rain to stop.

See a flower
Defy rain,
Struck by drops,
Liable to die.

When I hesitate,
She falls, beheaded,
So beautifully, in
So ominous rain.
Even while falling,
She never yields.

Now, leaves fall
Above my head.

I regret.
Should’ve helped.
Here remains only
This wet, cowardly flesh.

See this bud
Defy rain
Even when dead.
you fooled me with your eyes
you snuck into my dreams
ensuring my demise
poisoning my mind

and now I can't look away
from eyes that won't see me
I'm left paralyzed
by a ghost who won't see my eyes

my thoughts are poison veins
your memory is my pain
you've never even seen me
though you haunt my every move

and now I can't look away
from eyes that won't see me
I'm left paralyzed
by a ghost who won't see my eyes

I'm left paralyzed
ensuring my demise
you snuck into my dreams
and fooled me with your eyes
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