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Thomas Maltuin Oct 2015
through the looking glass
I see
a part of you
a part of me

Eyes that hurt
and eyes that heal
a brother in spirit
in truth

friends at first
for just a moment
not rehearsed
a reality

and hope
Trying to organize a response to a hard to answer question.
Granted, I'm probably insane.
Thomas Maltuin Mar 2015
there it is
that reminder
something is missing
though i never had it

what is it
it was a plan
i thought anyway
a task i need to do
maybe it's not important

is it real
did it exist
maybe i'm broken
is this a metaphor
is this moment my whole life
a string of useless empty thoughts

another day
another underscore
why an underscore?
your thoughts...
Thomas Maltuin Jan 2016
Another dead
another broken
another word is left

I saw you in your time of need
your sores and pus I'd often bleed
with this we'd formed a sacred creed
I'd be a friend in word and deed

time and  time again you'd  stumble
and the more my tongue would fumble
your flesh grew big I grew humble
both our minds became a jumble

Another dead
another broken
another word is left

your every life like night and day
from Hot and cold you'd often sway
whilst my nine empty  dressed in grey
grew stagnant in lukewarm decay

with every passing solid moon
for your howling ache you'd swoon
my fear would take my every boon
in angst I would await high noon

another dead
another broken
another word is left

as I watched our friendships dying
I only wished that I was crying
eyes were dry,  was my heart lying?
thought of pain,  felt only sighing

do I pervert and weakness skelp
or in my lonely sorrow yelp?
was it in heart I tried to help
or do I prey on weakened whelps

another dead
another broken
another word is left
I think I'll be back to work this one further
Thomas Maltuin Oct 2016
Would you have me
to have and to hold
just like this

Would you have me
to have you and hold you
just like this

Would you have me
to kiss and caress
to watch you undress
without judgment
only inward, smiling,  commentary

Would you have me
to hold you while crying
and commit to undying
that bleeds when it's cut

Would you have me
to kiss and caress
to help you undress
without judgment
when you need help
just to bathe

Would you have me
to have and to hold you
just like this

Would you have me
to be and to do
to forever pursue
for you
just like this
Thomas Maltuin May 2015
Filled with rusty gold
groggy restlessness burns hot
wake to fevered thirst
Thomas Maltuin May 2015
The Fringle comes
in brawly runs
inside thweem  drums
and peppanuns

In am big
You us thems
Filet see
US cows

Derivative equated
To Dis one time
Remove the s from integral
Dis integrate

Cal,  cul,  us
m,    t,      e,

The right
to remain

in silence
Couldn't think if how to write what was on my mind,  so here is some

Your welcome
Thomas Maltuin Aug 2015
Everyone is wrong,
even me
there is only one
right,  he's three

In a world
full of falsehoods
ignoring the double edged

Instead of masking
my shortcomings
I'd rather bleed
as I read

Grant me Courage
Love,  and Understanding
Thomas Maltuin May 2015
pop pull rumble twist
nothing else matters right now
time to fill the void
random haiku about how i'm feeling
Thomas Maltuin May 2015
Yugen pick your friends
Yugen try to please the world
Yugen never fail
Yugen be who you wanna be
Yugen contradict
Yugen be happy
Yugen steal my words

Yugen, you are
   On your own
Yugen read this poem
Thomas Maltuin May 2015
Alone  for a time
Aforetime isolated
A reflective dot
Thomas Maltuin Jun 2015
Growing tension
Ever threatening
To take the life
That bore its creation
To take the life
That engineered its existence

Proof,  I say
Proof the sharpened wisp is
Self destructive in all its ways
Evidently masochistic,
The snarling horror
Edifies it's stature
Sharpening its teeth
On his own malice

Builds himself up
To tear himself down
At the foundation
Thomas Maltuin Feb 2016
What is a name
that which defiles
an idea
a rustic title
for the facade

What's in a name
a few letters
a meaning perhaps
false interpretation
belief in someone real

What is my name
but a way for you to call me
a sound I remember
a curse of things I can't escape
a tag I can't remove and hide behind

an experiment
Thomas Maltuin Jun 2015
Can I say nothing
(what is the word?)
to happiness bring
(meaning obscured)?

Can I say nothing
(nothing at all?)
and let silence ring
(to peace enthrall)?

Can I say nothing
(is it so wrong?)
for hatred's muting
(deafening song)?

Can I say nothing
(what is this plight?)
can I say nothing
(say nothing right)?

— The End —