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I drown in sadness
I don't let go
It's my curse
The curse of strings
Tied so tightly they choke me
I can't break the bonds
No matter how I try
I am caught in a web
Of memories
Of hope
Of dreams
Of the past
Cut short
By me
I am a knife
A knife that can't cut myself loose
Only scare away
I threaten, I menace
Yet I remain bonded

I suppose even the sharpest blades have their limits
For the guy who introduced me to anime, the guy who sat across from me for the first time two years ago, the guy who made me feel awful about myself, the guy that made me feel stupid, the guy that made me feel better, the guy who let me take him to see an awful and cliche christian film, the guy who wore number seven, the guy I really ******* up with, the guy who opened up to me in December in a google doc when we were supposed to be doing a history project but ending up having a six or so hour conversation, the guy with the most incredible and captivating eyes (blue or other wise) I've seen to date...

Please forgive me for being lonely and stupid and dumb and inconsiderate and pushy and emotional and rude and sick. I'm tired of one of us being mad at the other, can we just be friends? I haven't been able to stop thinking about how I keep ******* everything up with you.

Please give me another chance.
What day is today?
I haven't done much sleeping.
          I can't guess that look on your face...
     I pass right through you --
       Or you through me.
                                      ...The feeling is the same,
                                No matter the details.

          "The invisible hand,"
                                They say it guides us all.
            That, in combination
                                                  With your well measured affection,
                                           Is perhaps why I feel
                                                    so small.
I promise, I'm trying to stop, I swear, really, believe me, or is this another game
the bends and curves were my favorite
you let me cover you
smother you
my favorite form
this expression
black bleeding over you
on top of you
into you
kiss me one more time
with the petals on your tattoo
I just found the picture.
More to come about this.
 Jul 2015 Thomas Davies
People are monsters
but with  beautiful faces

People are humans
but sometimes with no feelings
Marching, hopping, running, waddling
down the street, people with working feet
oblivious to the stares of the woman
in a chair.

Why would they see her?
She's not even their height!
They are just people plodding and
plotting, lives rotting slowly away.

But, back to the woman in the chair
Snooping on the crowd
Watching the mothers tug at toddlers reins.
Rowing teens shouting "bruv" a lot!

She's mocking the crowd in her own way
She has become them, just invisible.
She likes it like that, knowing of you
Yet them not knowing of her.

Her awareness is acute, sees the businessman
in his suit. The homeless man in his home
called box, the elderly matrons
moaning about bingo.

The drunk with his bottle clutched as tight
as the baby clutches her bear.
The smokers all congregated at the altar of tar
The shopkeeper eyeing the kids, missing the thief

The security guard, guarding the pretty
Little things, no, not the jewellery the
teenage girls! Oh, his eyes are popping!
His legs are twitching. His fingers itching to touch!

Along with the sights are the sounds,
shouting, laughing, heckling and coughing
Smell,also plays a part in people watching
fast food, sweat, the great unwashed.

All plodding along, flocking like birds
clogging the street, swapping gossip,
unaware as always of the
young woman in a wheelchair.
Kuebiko (see earlier poem) In Japanese mythology a scarecrow who cannot walk but has comprehensive awareness.
People are opinionated.
People are selfish.
People are obstinate.
People are argumentative.
People are lazy.
People are destructive.
People are creative.
People are beautiful.
People are determined.
People are complex.
People are unique.
People are amazing.
Something we see everyday
One of my biggest fears
I shake and tremble
As they approach
I tell myself
Don't get close
They're unpredictable
Watch your step
For these creatures will do anything to step all over you
It comes closer as my fingers shake
My entire arm becomes numb
I hold my hand trying to calm down
Yet this creature stands before me
And I receive flashbacks
Of playing on the playground
The swings my saving grace
For I could push it all by myself
But then I saw them
They ran towards me in a herd
Drowning out my cries with their footsteps
And then ...
The color of my timid soul
The color of my heart

And everyday creature.
My biggest fear.
My worst nightmare.
More of a slam poetry piece and it's short but whatever  :P
 Jul 2015 Thomas Davies
they are never satisfied
but I gave them my all,

It was all I had.

they are never satisfied
but I gave them my all,

I always tried.

long gone,
and they still are not satisfied.

even after they killed me
even after I died.

these **** humans are never satisfied.
Love them,

Accept them,

Don't judge them,

Laugh and joke with them,

Respect them and build their worth
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