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Hello, love.
Here we are again
At the end of a page,
End of an era.
The minutes are flying by now,
Being eaten as the crow flies.
I don't want to go.
But I must.
I miss you.
I love you.
Look at all the things that should have been
But never were.
I miss you.
I love you.
Goodbye, love.
i'm standing here all alone
tears filling up my eyes
i'm just trying to forget
all of your lies

the rain falls down
washing away the pain
that i'm forced to take
again and again

i'm running away
from the demons chasing after me
they're trying to hunt me down
i'm trying to get free

the sun sets
and darkness fills the skies
a grown man stares
and a young girl cries.
but all the sad things
sound the most poetic.
Always so close
Words, I trifle
Fury, thy rise
Cut off my sense
My hands tingle
Rage in my head
Darkness, thine

Murmured words
Nothing to lose
Tongues slash
Clothes torn
His lips on mine

Want this release
I **** him just fine
Gouge his shoulders
My teeth taste skin
Legs lock his intwist
Driving my hips
Then biting his lips

Only my anger, desperate
And not me, I take his head
So different, I am
This is not me
Lust, passion
Hard, swift
Come, I twist

His face in shock
Grip, hugging him hard
He wanted this desire
I draw blood, my fire
It comes, it comes

Hatred it brings
Shame, for me
This base
Maybe love
I shake

Why can't I be like this?
Returning no lies
Just passion
I erupt again

Sweat and blood, fluids galore
Hard between thighs
Like a thief, I take
Here I am true
Here I awake
Pin, and ****
Deepest in fire

He holds but I fight
Dig in my nails
Pound him and break
Another fierce lie
Physical, unkind

Who is this?
My body, screams
My mind, in shame
Too good, not for me
Retreat, draw away
My body betrays

He takes me now
Whisper for more
His fingers play tunes
My neck, my ***
Open my thighs
**** me some more
Harder, please

My mind retreats more
What I want, again just need
He pulls me hard, deep
Almost mean
Love, not mean

Close he comes
Callapsing skin to me
He wants to take me close
I want such more
Not sainted now
Not saited; more!
Give me more!

I say no words, my mind itself
Deposit his seed
I would ask for more
But too shy, polite for need
Why doesn't he know?

I say no words, no gentle touch
He doesn't know hints
Silence, tormented friend
Why can't I speak?
Why can't I take?
Why like this?
My lids peel back slow to let another
weary day tackle me to the floor.
I push aside overbearing blankets
and shuffle down an empty hallway
into another more bare than afore.
Dragging my feet seems to require
more power than I had thought before.

Nothing but dark rooms ahead await
dully lit by open ‘fridgerators
that make monster shadows of purple,
frightening paintings that taunt Fate.
The shifting faces mock chance of late.

My reveries halt to disturbance that
a noise from somewhere below brings out.
I breathe deeply in as hope fills me-
a hope of the promise of a frozen mouth.

I think in that breath it is you I hear
rumbling and padding ‘round down the stairs
and I tell myself I am right, for it has to be you;
if it is not, no one else seemingly cares.
Morning breaks open the torment of day
like a ripped wound exposed to salty air.

I swallow back like every day the tears;
wrap myself up in old, cold sit-coms
and warm blankets to banish my fears.
Force myself to endure the hefty bombs
showered at my skull like a falsified norm.

The house lies vacant, in wait of you,
haunted by memories etched on paling skin.
Pacing remains the only thing I can do
to strain against the barrage of pins.

As always, I grin and I jump and I wave
so everyone can see just how brave
I am.
         I am.

But I can’t be anymore
and the salt-water behind my eyes
screams to exit the pores.
I can’t hold them in much longer
and I’m all out of supplies
that keep me stronger
                                      than I am.

I’ve run out of the fog
that my brain runs on, and
my heart condones.

       I have painted on a clown-smile
       and I'm quelled inside, flat.
All that is left in me now
is a crushed can of cola
shoving hard at my ribcage.

I am waiting still and know for sure
all will be as it was in times of yore.
Too many thoughts.

Too little courage to speak out.

I am lost.

I really don't know what to do.
When I'm telling you
The story
Of my hardships
I don't need
A heart
A mouth
A soul
A brain
All I need is an ear.
Note to self:

- Never love again
- Love is a limited trend
- Never be their friend
- Walk away in the end
- You’ll only get hurt
- Don’t even try to flirt
- Shutter your feelings
- Remember your heart isn't done healing
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Follow me on Twitter: @RadicalMartian :)
they said that everyone else but me could see the light
that held faith, and love, and hope
and i told them
*then consider me blind
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