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You are the only star that still burns in my night sky.
 May 2016 TheBigShut
Your heart is my heart
In my body so deep
Your soul is my soul
In my heart to keep
Just a verse
2 am eyes open wide,
thinking about my life.
Silence envelopes my mind,
just me and the night sky for a while.
I wander near your angel face,
but you're sound asleep and I'm in the nights embrace.
Sometimes I wish that this would change,
but it's just me & the night for the rest of my days.
Never ceases
Hardly rests

I swallow blood
Glides through my neck
Blurry shaking

Amist black fits
Rips, twists, hits, kiss
Are you sure you want this?

Swollen, inflamed seas we call my eyes
And permanent frown lines

Obsession is an understatement
A suffocating, seductive idea
Grows to mania
Oh that mania

At least it's all mine

Romanticize trauma
I adore that folding, shrinking pain
Takes from my core, birthed from my core
Come accompany this misery, please

Your silent thoughts ****** me
*Torment me
Torment me
 May 2016 TheBigShut
Just Melz
You are the
              to my pain
  Cloudy with
            no chance of clarity
      I can see
               how far
away you are
                    Out of focus,
           still hurting me
                      *so easily
Not everything that breaks is unusable, like my heart for example.
 May 2016 TheBigShut
 May 2016 TheBigShut
It's okay to **** myself, memories will fade away.
I know why I hurt, it's because I choose to stay.
I thought that things might get better,
That you would stop hurting me.
But now I am 16 years old,
And when I look in the mirror there is no beauty that I see.
***** for 9 years and you said I was okay.
Now you are in prison forever,
and my feelings I cannot convey.
You were my cousin which makes it harder,
I have you kicked out of my family tree.
The hardest part of it all though,
is that at times I wish it were me.
Hatred becomes Love.
War becomes Peace.
Sorrow becomes Joy.
Despair becomes Hope.
Loss becomes Gain.
Death becomes Life.
For He is the One who trumps everything.
And turns it all around.
For His ways are not like the ways of man.
All that is evil.
All that is sorrow.
Is turned around for good.
When I turn to Him.
For He is the One who trumps everything.
And turns it all around.
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