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Yesterday I wrote nothing
I didn't read a thing.

Yesterday I had almost a perfect day
Which I spent with mine
And we laughed, we played, we flirted with the mundane.

Even though I was oblivious to the world and nothing could touch me,
That bittersweet image of you was bold enough to invade my mind
And remind me of my broken heart.
 Oct 2014 L S Tesler
 Oct 2014 L S Tesler
it hurts
to know
   that you    
                          will never
                             look at me
                           the way
                                i look at
 Oct 2014 L S Tesler
truth ?
 Oct 2014 L S Tesler
was it your true intentions
to play me like a game
giving me hints and making your moves
walking 'round my walls
making me surrender a little more
with every sweet word

did you really just have the same intentions
as everyone else?
 Sep 2014 L S Tesler
 Sep 2014 L S Tesler
It hurts my head to miss you
It hurts my heart to kiss you
I just can't seem to win.
jeg faldt (for dig)
en aften i december
lige ned i dine arme, faldt jeg
og luften føltes ikke længere
helt så kold.
vi så hinanden i øjnene
lidt for længe til at vi to
bare kunne være venner,
og jeg vidste
at du var den jeg skulle drikke
sød kaffe og plukke solsikker med.
men nu er jeg faldet over min kærlighed
og over mig selv og mit
sikkerhedsnet af dig er borte
jeg forstår ikke hvad det var
der var så forkert ved det jeg gjorde
så jeg er holdt op med at spørge
og renser desperat mit hjerte i sprit
for at det ikke skal blive betændt
men i mit indre brænder dog
et håb om at vi vil mødes igen
en aften i december
og vi vil se hinanden i øjnene
lidt for længe til det kan være forbi
og du vil falde (for mig) på ny
i wanted to write about you
like my skin was on fire,
but i don't think that a boy like you belong in poems
you taste like black champagne,
and said i smelled like hot honey and wet leaves
you promised me the red morning sky,
but you aways slept to the early afternoon
you told me that i was everything you ever wished for,
but nothing you ever needed
when you touched me i knew the difference
between breathing and living
***** fingernails, morning coffee  and peaches
reminds me of you
i've never seen such blue eyes before
I woke up this morning

And realized I'm in love

And I cried and cried

There's no turning back now.
 Aug 2014 L S Tesler
gabby dial
I wont be your cigarette
you wont have me and be done
but I will be your sack of ****
get you higher than the sun

I wont be that **** you flick away and run
but I will be that line that gets you by
and you will do me twice just for fun

I will have you sweating
I will have you begging
you can call me molly
then we will have our wedding

garage, sundress , open bottles I can confess
broken smiles, sad sleeps, I will be your worst dream
you wont puff puff and be done
you wont pass because you will want me till there is none
I will be your sweet addiction
I will be your lovely conviction

I will be the reason your prescription gets written
The last taste on your lips
the sun will forget
but I wont be your cigarette.
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