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mamta madhavan Jan 2021
departing autumn
under the books
my lost muse
basil Dec 2020
seven (7) drafts sitting lonely
seven (7) always was a cursed number

maybe that's why i can't write anything now

maybe i'll keep this in my drafts, too
so i can make it

eight (8)
****. i can't write anything. and if i can't write, what am i even doing? that sounds soo lame. but, hey, it's honest. that's something i guess i'm doing now.
Indreamz Nov 2020

Poetry has left me 
I'm searching for  it but cannot find 
Is it locked in 
the dungeons of my mind 
Or it's right before my eyes 
but I'm blind...
Hannah Marie Nov 2020

She comes in leaps and bounds
Fits and starts
She’s here
Then she’s gone


She’s a fickle creature
Here one day
Gone the next


How do I summon thee?
How do I get the gods of writing
To bless me?
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