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Leeann Rose Jan 2021
It’s time to let go of that pain..
Drown the sorrow ..
Find the peace that echos , at the deep end of your soul ...
Throw away those thoughts, that take over your head..
Throw away those knives that cut deep in your heart ..
Forgive those that cut you deep with words..
Control your emotions...
Pick up the pieces of your face .. trying to prove to others, your worth ..
Build a garden with beautiful roses, smell them in the morning time ..
Drink some coffee, and feel that soothing feeling..
Look in the mirror and touch your body at night ..
Love every part of you.
Let go of the pain.
Lize Jan 2021
Dear reader

There is so much in this world that we don't understand.
Like why would someone you love hurt you the most
Or why are you stuck on the highway when you could choose an open road?

My life is a mess.
The person I thought would never leave, left!
A promise I made when I was 17, now broke!
An the feeling of beloning, now gone!

But even in this unexpected situation, I still have hope
I still have believes and morals.
I still have standards.
I still have self-worth.

Because even when life is a bit messy and nothing around you make any sense. You still have a purpose. You still have your dad as your biggest supporter, and you still have your mom that makes loving someone else look so easy.

You are worth it.
You are loved and special.
You are unique.
And you are a blessing, If not to someone else then to me.

So go!
live your life without fear.
Make every moment count.
And even if you get lost sometimes (which is okay) just stand up and collect your own broken pieces.

Do not wait for that handsome prince on a broken moterbike.
Get you own and be your own hero.
Stay true to who you are.
And always remember why you started this in the first place

Lots of love.
Self-worth is a necessity to finding your true self
What you seek shows your own worth!!
Shell ✨🐚
You are what you seek
Remedy Jan 2021
It’s easy to see what others see,
Just look into a mirror.
Except when my eyes approach the glass
And a trembling hand moves hair out of a face
That belongs to a me that isn’t there,
When I feel the clench of teeth that aren’t mine
Baring a terrified, threatened smile,
The lungs of someone else threatening collapse
Like a tower of rose coloured glasses,  
A facade so beautifully crafted that upon its creation
It was given the wrong name.

I look into that mirror and only when the eyes,
The bars of the prison my soul desperately claws at,
Meet my mind do I truly see the person who is there,
The man who grew so safe in complacency
That he refused to question what it meant
To be anything other than what
His body told him.

There’s comfort in conformity,
Especially when the character is curated in such a way
Where no one's the wiser.
A costume so extravagant that even the mind gets swept away
By the splendors of dissociation because surely,
Surely this body belongs to this character
That was so painstakingly molded
By the roles and rehearsals presented to it, surely
The discomfort it feels with these mounds of flesh that hide the lungs
Is not because they shouldn’t be there, but because
They are making it so much easier to play the part
Of the one that isn’t me.

Surely I feel guilty and complicit when I speak because I am fooling everyone,
Fooling, Deceiving, Making it so incredibly easy to see
Someone who just isn’t nor has ever been there.
Even Myself, for 22 years.
For 22 years I’ve let myself take on a role rather than actually stop and think
That maybe I am not a girl who likes dolls,
Who likes dancing and dresses and lover’s confessions
And wrestling and writing and eating and lighting
Up the entire room when I laugh, No,
Maybe that was the rough draft of a character that was meant
To be played by a man.
Maybe, just maybe, it was a boy doing these things.
And when that name was crossed out and replaced
While the critics walked out and looked down with disgrace,
The boy in a dress with his chest all in lace
Finally let out the breath he was holding
For 22 years.

The mirror still lies on occasion to others,
But to me, I look and see past this body,
Past the hair and the chest and the shortness of breath
From the noose of conformity around my neck,
And I see the man that god made me.
And while I want so badly to be seen by the masses,
How I want to shatter their rose coloured glasses
So they see the waves of purple and blue that adorn me.
How I want the people who have scorned me
To say I didn’t delve from the scriptwriter’s plan,
It just took them awhile to see I was a man.

I know it will never happen.
That even as the curtain falls, no matter the costume or lack thereof,
They will only see the girl that isn’t there.
And maybe I will take this facade to my grave but as I return
To the one who truly made me,
He will say ‘welcome home, my son.
Your performance as her, it’s finally done.’
Just the struggle of being nonbinary in a vent piece.
Donna Bella Jan 2021
I bathe in my sins
I tried to become anew
Instead I came back up
Tears flowing
Tears drying
Just laying here
Fighting battles
Removing swords
Trying to become whole
Once again
Zan Jan 2021
In my room,
Mindlessly scrolling,
to my doom.
Endlessly rolling
down the hill
of depression.
Constantly feeling ill
and not worth of self expression.
My room is where i close off others and open myself.
xavier thomas May 2020
Is it finally time to start a family with the woman of my choice?
Someone with class that treat others with respect?
Who, one day, will carry my offspring.
Teaching our sons how to become Kings & our daughters to evolve into Queens?

Is it me trying to get recognized for my accomplishments?
A young black man, age 26, hustling for what's mine for the taking?
Surpassing my limits, accept new challenges, place my awards on the wall.
Prove my worth to the world.

Is it money or fame?
To be able to buy a brand new car? Or purchase a new house this year for mom?
Maybe get on TV & tell my story of how I survived.
Perhaps give wisdom or confidence to the next generation.
-Just My Thoughts-
GQ James Dec 2020
Lemme please you,
I wanna cater to you,
I'll never tease you,
What you deserve is to feel good,
I wanna please your body,
I wanna stimulate your mind,
I wanna keep your spirits up,
I wanna be in your heart.

The ones who hurt didn't see your worth,
I see your worth and I see you,
It takes a man to see you,
A boy can't understand or see you,
The things you been thru he wouldn't understand,
I don't know you yet,
But wanna learn everything about you,
I wanna know everything about you,
You deserve something good,
I can be HIM.
Delyla Nunez Dec 2020
One day I won’t have you in the back of my mind.
When I won’t wake up at 3:30-4 in the morning  hoping you’re awake.
Not having to cry when I think of all the things you said to me.
The lines you’ve crossed, never to torment me again.

I’ll be able to go and find someone who is truly worthy of me.
Someone to put as the blame wouldn’t cross their mind.
Being patient with me knowing how I am.
Someone to truly love me.
One day.
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