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Amanda Kay Burke Sep 2018
I cannot ever fight my demons
Each cell in my body has given up already
Now I'm stuck with no ambition
I cried so much I'm unsteady

I should have listened to your words
Worried warnings gone to waste
Although I appreciate the love
Let tears teach lessons on my face
Nothing quite like the sting of tears to remind you that you ****** up
Eleanor Sinclair Sep 2018
I feel the sunlight on my face
And it reminds me of your warm embrace
The one for which I long
When I’m weak it makes me strong
It was sad to watch you walk away
But I know we’ll make it back together some day
You don’t believe my words
How many times have I said it? Is it the second? Or the twenty-third?
I love you without earthly notion
You fill me with a variety of emotion
And I will always feel love for you and us
Love far deeper than lust
Imagine our island in the sky
On a single cloud floating by

We will make it there,
I swear
Sven Nissen Sep 2018
What do you think?
What do you feel?
Impossible to know.
What do you think of me?
Am I just a hollow noise that holds no meaning, or am I a harp bringing peace to your ears?
I do not know.
Are my intentions clear?
Do you see my man, or my beast?
Pleasure can quickly turn to agony.
Have I become agonizing?
Like water drops on the forehead, do I torture you with constant utterances that wear you down to nothing?
What do you think of me?
What do you feel?
Eleanor Sinclair Sep 2018
You were my cause of death
You ripped from me my very last breath
Yet still I professed my love
I told you how I don't believe in a God above
Because he took you away
Not from this world but from my day to day
There is nothing for me to believe in
I suppose my life has been plagued with sin
Is that why He has forsaken me?
Cursed me and my progeny?
Let's be real, I won't have any.
I'll die alone before He'll have the chance
I'll one-step two with death as in "Hell" we dance
Eleanor Sinclair Aug 2018
I miss my beam of sunshine tonight
My tears on the pillow reflect penetrating moonlight
Howling and wailing like a rabid creature
How did everything happen to break away so I could no longer reach for you
O’ my sunshine where did you go
My plagued dreams are now full of woe
I miss you more than the winter snow misses the land
The same way I miss the smooth touch of your hand
My days are dark without you around
I still wail to the moon like a lonesome hound
I fell for you harder than I should have allowed
Now instead it’s reversed and at your feet I have bowed
I miss you too much and I’m in so much pain
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