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DancingEnt Feb 2018
What are you going to do with me?
He asks
as if loving him is something
that I can control
It's automatic
it's easy
it's perfect
What are you going to do with me?

Love you unconditionally
I don't know if I believe in unconditional love, but I'd like to try.
Cheating is a no-no, but just because we wouldn't be together, does that mean I wouldn't still love them? I don't know.
Amanda Kay Burke Feb 2018
I love you like the
Sun loves Earth. Without needing
A thing in return.
Inspired by my very favorite quote;

Even after all this time, the sun never says to the Earth "You owe me." Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky.
Zeth Jan 2018
(co-written with a friend)

It's not in the way the sun
shines upon your face
It's not in the way the colors
paint your lips into a smile
It's how everything put your eyes
in retrospect with mine
and how they travel a million miles
just to find their way into each other's arms

It's not in the way you look
for beauty does fade
It's not in the way you move
for I'll carry you that day
When the earth shall weaken our bones
When love is all we have
When the sun won't shine anymore
And the colors starts to fade
I'm with you.

I'm with you until the stars
no longer embrace the moon
For time does not matter
as distance won't count,
I will search the world for your eyes
for your hands, and your smile
I will cross oceans that spread
from your horizon to mine
For it's you that I ache for
It has always been you,
the safe haven that I long for.

I'm with you till the worlds collide
Even when the universe is against us
When the air won't let us breathe
I'm with you till vanity
You're the only one that will matter
For a lifetime is vain
Without your arms in mine
So rest in my chest, my dear
We'll celebrate this world together
Not minding what could happen
Cause you're here with me forever.
Love is an amazing word, and a beyond-word feeling
Mister J Jan 2018
It took me just one look
Just one unexpected happenstance
To change the path I walk on
And let my heart take control of me

I was an unassuming guy
Who people would often only pass by Staying only in the background
Afraid to be exposed on the limelight

You were a sweet summer sunshine
Who makes any man look twice
Confident and beautiful, radiant as sunlight
You're a once in a lifetime jackpot, a needle in the haystack

But loneliness devours you
People took advantage of you
You're sweetly kind demeanor abused
And you were left and torn to pieces

Nevertheless I took a chance
I vowed to make you smile perpetually
Pick up the pieces and repair what's left
Shape it and make it feel something new

No matter your past iniquities
Nor your present insecurities
No matter what scarred you deeply
Nevertheless, you'll always have me

Nevertheless I'll stay honest and true
Nevertheless I'll stay madly in love with you
Nevertheless I'll try to ease the hurt and pain
Nevertheless you'll always be a precious gain

You are the one my eyes see
Not your past nor your future
Regardless of what made or broke you
I fell in love, deeply and truly with you

I'm in love with you regardless
I may never know any reason why
But I do know that my heart and soul
Body and spirit, they all belong to you
A pledge of love regardless of the past or future, only the present, only you.

Grace E Wagner Jan 2018
love the ones who gave you life,
because there is nothing
more heartbreaking
than looking at the one
who carried you beneath her heart
for the first nine months of your existence
and fearing growing too close
I have come too far
grown too strong
to crumble at the mercy
of your familiar and cruel hands.
Rythum Jan 2018
He said" Do you miss me? "
I simply said i don't...
He turned away, not saying a word...
And i just wished he knew..
Hope he knows it hurts me..
And beats inside like a second heart..
Showing me his worth and telling me that we're apart...
I lie to myself every time and pretend that it doesn't matter anymore..
But i cant keep up with this lie and i cant keep pretending..
I wanna tell him it hurts... i wanna know if it hurts him too..
Cause everyday that's passing by..makes me wonder what i'm gonna do..
But i wanna tell him that i don't miss him.. and i swear that's not a lie...
I don't miss him cause he's always here, right inside my heart.. stays with me and keeps me alive...
I think about him all the time..with every second that passes by..
i love him too much to let him go.. but why do i always stay quite..
I wanna tell him that i miss him ..i wanna make him mine...
Gage B Jan 2018
Hey, You
                                    absolutely gorgeous thing
Don't you know
                                    every guy is gonna want you?
                    That's what I think is gonna happen.

You're always right
                                      I don't know everything about you.
But sometimes I think that
                                      You might not know a lot about me

Hey, You
                                     absolutely troubled thing
Everything is gonna be just fine

Hey, You
                                      Please answer me
You're gonna be okay. It's not the end.

Hey, You... You're not gonna forget me?
                                       Even after all of the small things we did?
I know that they don't mean much to you, but
                                       it did to me

Sorry you didn't see it the same way. But, it was still nice.

Hey... You know that I'll always be there for You

                        for You
                                                                   for You

                                             For You
You will never stop loving something, even when time has brought it to an end. My love for you, Kit, is everlasting and unconditional. Never forget that.
My deepest fear
is that
I will never be able to love him,
As he has loved me.

I have a tendency to want
What I don't have
It's a terrible habit.
One that I want to ditch
I want nothing more than
To love him as unconditionally as he has loved me.

But I cannot forget the only
Real Love
I've had.
You and I met working at a summer camp your parents managed
You loved me too,
I could tell.
But we were in an open relationship

Where you were seeing
Mary Jane
and needed more than a little Liquid Courage to help.

Day tripping was your side job.

Even though you never treated me badly
I knew you would never quit.
Not for me.
Not for anyone.
But God only knew how much I loved you.

We were afraid that if we said those words
We'd scare the other away

Or maybe you didn't know what
Love felt like.
You knew you were supposed to pay for lunch,
Kiss me,
Open the door on occasion
But maybe we were just kindred spirits.

It sure as hell felt like it the night we met.
We talked nonstop for hours
A jumble of words and half begun stories
Jumping over each other
because we couldn't wait to tell the other about something.

I don't remember the next day
But I remember sneaking into the kitchen that night
to find the most disgusting hot pocket I had ever eaten
And then deciding to make chocolate chip pancakes instead

We (I) burnt them,
but we ate them anyways

I remember
I spent the whole night
waiting for you to kiss me.
Hoping I'd have the chance to taste the burnt chocolate on your lips.

The next day,
after we finished our work
We snuck down to the river while my dad was gone
And the kids were off on some activity

I don't remember how
But before we kissed
I remember being wrapped around your waist

I don't remember if I kissed you
or if you kissed me
But I remember what you said afterwards.

You said it like you saw the world in a new light
You held me
I stared at you
I had never seen eyes catch the light like your's do

I remember how when you looked at me
as the sun filtered through the trees,
My breath caught in my throat
And I saw the world in a new light

I remember how I loved you
I remember how I miss you
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