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Maria Etre Mar 17
It felt weird
when my heart
left its type
and fell
for a whole
new font
that read
Ken Pepiton Jan 20
Have found immediacy, empty
touching mantra enchanting
positioning paleo lingual

pings asking attention, empty
mind state, concentrating
mental energy outward,
externalities inward,

who first?

Browning - visiting
ancient Etruscan

Faesulae, conquered
by Romans.

In Roman antiquity,
the seat, we see
of a famous school
of augurs and, every year,
twelve young men
were sent there
from Rome
to study the art of divination.

"Who listened
to the Legate's talk last week,
"And just as much they used
    to say
       in France...
"At any rate 'tis easy, all of it!"

How familiar are the settings,
put forth in dramatic monologue,
feels familiar,
least among giants, seeing,
believing all available science,
in the time
of Raphael 'n'em,
who can yet recall
“Andrea del Sarto” though,
Browning gave him space,
to firm aspirations,
to make good,
be good producers,
selling life's sizzle,

most all sales trainers
   use one line, alone…
    common extension

To succeed one must believe,
verbally grasping will to sell
b to b marketing,
on the Mammonic
entrancement, please try
to grasp the nature of worth…
to a poet in the space we use,
for free
for your examined life… you knew

“Andrea del Sarto”
by Robert Browning
rates one precept,
of the anxious mind percept
whence comes
this common
inspiration, say this mountain moves. Say it in the name of Jesu
- on Earth, as it is, just so
Amen, Browning was a master…
"Speak as they please, what does the mountain care?
"Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp,
Or what's a heaven for? "
My AI knew, so I know, too, for the use of ask any search engine, teams of seeking spiders all move mountains of information to inform us for the price
we pay in attention. Right now, Tom Campbell's name came to mind.
J J Jan 2024
Pretty life goes by--
A cord wire and silence
Between you and I

May God have mercy on our souls,
Boredom is the drug with most effect,
By the time we know we're sinners we'll both be dead.

These drugs that make you think like a different person;
Whyyyy would you ever think you were worthless?
Tomorrow's only the same if we leave it that way,
And God knows just how perfect you are to me...

Now and forever
Now and forever
Nooooww and forever
Now and forever
I swear, I swear.

(Dododoo doo dododoo do)

* farewell
I only ever recorded this  accapella sadly as I never learned any instrument and any planned band fell apart, so have this here.

Written for someone who's a stranger to me now.
Her lips drew me in like flame doth the suicidal moth.
GaryFairy May 2022
He was the type of guy that would let you know if he didn't agree with something you said or did

I liked that about him.

So I said and did things that he didn't agree with

Now he wants to **** me.
xavier thomas Mar 2022
Don’t do me, don’t play me
Don’t use me, mentally abuse me
Just admit you’re not for me
Don’t lie & say you gave me your love

Say anything & everything, just having your way over here
It’s the fake love for me that won’t keep me here
If you ghost me but play like you love me publicly,
Then are we really together?
There’s no happy ending in this fairytale called- “forever”

Never felt,
Never felt love where you stood
Never felt,
Never felt love where you stood
xavier thomas Mar 2022
Pretty face, it’s about you isn’t it?
Pretty lies staring at me in those eyes,
I see the dark clouds over your heart
You’re wrong yet you like it, huh???
Crazy to see what kind of woman you are

Say anything & everything, just having your way over here
It’s the fake love for me that won’t keep me here
If you ghost me but play like you love me publicly,
Then are we really together?
There’s no happy ending in this fairytale called- “forever”

Never felt,
Never felt love where you stood
Never felt,
Never felt love where you stood
Zoe Mae Jan 2022
It's snowing sideways
Let's play horizontal too
Love that side of you
Zoe Mae Dec 2021
I still cling for life
To what died by my own hands
Dreams reduced to sand
Zoe Mae Dec 2021
Shivering maples
Paint the heavens shades of grim
Wistful is the wind
Zoe Mae Dec 2021
Brick nudges the clouds
Pink hues rain down like starlight
Suits dash without sight
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