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basil Jul 2020
you said
'i love you'

before you said
'i trust you'
how did we miss it, blue eyes?

Afreen Quadri Jul 2020
When your heart is scared and you want to hold someone tight,
Know that we fight our hardest battles in the night.
It could be sheer presence of monsters inside us
Or the nightmares that fright us.
Know that you are a warrior,
And you have to cross this barrier!
The one which is holding you back ,
The one which disturbs your cardiacs.
Do know that your soul is trapped ,
Without it, you are just handicapped.
Oh Warrior! Make your mind the sword ,
And the your heart the shield ,
Cause in this battle you are fighting against yourself,
And it’s difficult to **** the evil inside you, without hurting oneself.
Brawl as much as you can ,
Because you never know this war could last for a short period or for your entire lifespan.
Do remember that at the end of this quest ,
Your soul would no longer be oppressed.
For you would’ve triumphed it from the malicious,
And then you can finally be propitious.
~ Freeniii
Hennessy 5260 Jul 2020
Light me up with new memories
Make me forget the old and gone
Burn into me
Passion and love

Treat me like glass
Make me forget I was broken before
Hold me tight in your embrace
And let me feel safe in your arms

Let's rewrite history
Like it was never before
And paint the grey sky.
In brilliant colours.
John McCafferty Jul 2020
Harmonic vibes from past tribes
Come together to realign
Our voice as one is magnified
Raise your level from inside
Trust in part with what can't be seen
Feel supreme in alternating tones
Eyes often closed to open minds
Reap beliefs to form your own
No words are needed to succeed
Moving true free and deeply
Yet synchronised numbers rhyme in kind
(@PoeticTetra - Instagram/twitter)
Simon Jul 2020
I became myself when no one else knew who I truly was. Why...?
Why couldn't anyone simply figure me out (ahead of time) when I could entirely (beforehand) figure myself out since even when I was first brought into this very world...? Well isn't it obvious...? A voice said, tempting me to gaze upon the very fixed position at which the voice came from. But when trying to focus on it harder... I seemed to have become both aware of and realized towards it's actual radius from how far it truly covered my very thought process. It became a rarity which seemed to last (somehow) for an entire lifetime. Because what this actually tells me, is that the radius came from everywhere! (How's such a thing even possible? I'd never know, truly!) No circumventing around any such corners or bends. No swerving out of alignment just so it could have a quick pit stop just to say something else that (could or could not have been just as important to what they simply just said right and now). I was entirely speechless...! I didn't know what too think, except for what they said. Now sounding as if reverberating a soundless beat. Something that had used up ALL it's amplified power of sound to come to a now soothing calm beat. Something sounding too distant not to be fake. As it happened without any of my senses whereabouts from actually knowing. Because if my senses even knew where it was essentially coming from...they'd swear to know it was coming from deep within themselves. B-but that's a complete mistake...! It just had too be! There is NO came from them.... Or else then, everything's not truly what it seems in one's very mind, right...? So in this very hour of need. This very desiring minute of youthfulness. These very repeating seconds that reveal totality in it's best remarks. Mind. Body. Soul. It's not what it seems to be. I've figured out my very self before anyone else could advance towards my literal cause. Because when I actually appeared before that very now still distant voice that simply gave off a very reverberating tension... I spoke back to it as if in the form of a single swaying of my gaze from the inside out. And do you ALL know what I saw...? NOTHING!!! I saw...NOTHING!!! That's *******! I thought too myself for a quick brief silence between (me, myself and I). There may be essentially nothing there... But I can see straight on through that nothingness as the horrors that await my true self. I know now why NO ONE else could figure me out or knew who I even was...before figuring myself out firstly. Because that's how it works... My true self is the horrors that await me past the horizon of that now still very distant reverberating sound. A message that speaks volumes against those outside myself to stay wary of who I truly am. (Or what I truly always was...without simply giving the very recognition it ever deserved.) I see ALL! Because I know ALL! It happened everywhere! Because it was everywhere! I surpassed my entire limits long ago without anyone seeing why that was. Only my own waking state, conscious mind keeping me rooted in regular reality long enough to keep being my still same sane and neutral self I've ALWAYS been!
When you've essentially figured out your entire self (before even growing up throughout different phases of lives very lessons)... You come to appreciate the horrors of what those very implications have in store when seeing everything else as a merely pale imitation trying to restore some resemblance back into just ("not knowing ahead of time")! When it's really the very creepy impression of ("beforehand") you should really watch out for...!
Ordeezy Jul 2020
What if God was a man, like mortal beings
He would be a man feared by kings
He would awe the world by doing unspeakable things,
The world will know of his name
Atheist would try but science can’t explain.

If God was a man,
He would seat on the throne of dilemma
Trying to answer the prayers of every man
The common man who prays for good health
For business sake, the coffin maker prays for death,
The common man who prays for peace in his place
The lawyer who prays for his case.

If God was a man,
One that I can touch this close
If man propose, how dare he dispose!
Isn’t he human like us?
Why does he find joy in our loss?

If God was a man,
Would he also fall in love?
Would that explain the birth of his son?
When he dies where will he go?
Would he tell us world secrets no one knows?

If God was a man,
Would we see him as God?
Would you believe if he performed miracles as God?
Or if he spoke in a heavenly voice?
Would you rather think
he is just a man seeking fame by force
mace Jul 2020
What happened with me and poetry?
I haven't written in so long.
I feel a little dead inside let's say,
when I have to be opening up.

Do I have trust issues?
I do sometimes trust and have faith.

It's the intimate thoughts and emotions that I'm scared to uncover.


I talk a lot about it, yet I don't have any.

So I strive to carry it out on myself.
It's not such a terrible thing in my eyes.
But to others,
I'm a ticking time bomb, primed to explode.

Although I don't have that explosive self-hatred gunpowder anymore.

Everybody's a critic.
And I guess I'm just scared of the judgment?

And I do to an extent!

I leave for one year and come back,
Completely different in all body and mind.

To be fair, it might be a little overwhelming
but. Why should I care?

and pick up the pieces for those who have fragile incentives?

It isn't my problem.
This is who I am, albeit being primed to destroy.

nobody can fix me but myself.
Written on July 13, 2018, at 8:56 PM
Simon Jul 2020
I rhyme to stay in touch with my own inner child!
Only enough before I realize I'm already too old to admit I've been wrong about why I've always thought I'd been rhyming...when it wasn't to begin with.
With that I've forsaken my own trust about who I am...till the very end!
Rhyme as you must... It's nothing to truly be taken seriously, unless it's an option to help you simply cope!
LKavanaugh Jul 2020
He, he who wears the crown of ivy
Wore me once as a shield
I was left, right and centre.
Rising my weary legs from beneath me
When my name was called.
Torn like old sheets to rags
Strips of myself were used to clean messes that were not my own.
He, he lost touch
Dove into my fountain
Stole what I had like handfuls of penny’s.
Each individual wish stuffed into his shallow pockets, grimly smiled
A thief of my livelyhood broke into
my soul
Past lovers dusted for finger prints and had only ever found yours.
I will always remember being lead me to the shadow of myself.
He, he was a reason.
Lifting my own foolishness I was taught that my witts need to be carried with me at all times.
In case I take a short cut through an alley.
Women like us don’t ask to be mugged when our mind is travelling
After the sun leaves
But men like him wait for us in the Darkness.
He, he wore a crown surrounded by ivy
And my god it looked so much like love.
LKavanaugh Jul 2020
Tanned Skin
I lost my tongue
Probably somewhere in your bedroom where we explored every last inch of each other
For the final time.
You see in my memory
Our bodys were maps
Indiana Jones couldn’t measure our wanderlust.
I forgot my integrity
I think I dropped in between the seat of your car
When you first picked me up last spring.
Like all of those lighters
It slipped gently and quietly between the leather
I misplaced my independence.
It might be in a disguarded box
Maybe it happened when I helped you pack moved from that apartment you loved so much on Queen.
I imagine it somewhere forgotten
Behind the patio furniture in your moms garage.
I let go of my muse
Reaching into my stomach I tore out the last remaining butterflies
Opened my palms
And watched them fly away
Just as mesmerizing and bright as I recall when they arrived.
I remember now that I lost my tongue.
You did always adore the silence.
It was not body's we explored that day.
We discovered the end.
The unfair truth.
Every last inch of you.
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