The golden baby
In the last slice of Mardigras cake
A half dollar
Well after they stopped being printed
A rare right sided conch
When most others are left
Are the rare treasures I find buried underneath
The glass bird
Dainty as can be
And the size of a nail
The miniature tea cup
A full set
Spoon and all
The Minni and Miki
Mouse holiday wear
mini collectibles
Miniature Kitty Kat
In four different colors
Are the tiny bobbles I couldn’t bear to part with
The multitudes of dice
From classic six sided
To 8 To 12
Even dice in dice
More than can be counted
Erasers by the gazillions
Stingrays, baseball gloves
Eraser pencils with missing erasers
And a baby head detached from the body
Keychains, by the plenty
Sunglasses, Weapons
Dream catchers, bird’s with bells, all sorts
Of strange and curious oddities attached to a chain
Coins, many sizes countries
Fake, real
Dinar, Rupee, Euro, dollar,
Replica of ancient yuan
Don’t even get me started
Necklaces, bracelets
Rings and earrings
Even though my ears aren’t pierced!
My hoarding tendencies coming to light in this
Curious collection of collections
Also known as
The objects in my closet
I was looking through my closet and I just had to make a poem about it.