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Nicole Aug 2021
The young girl had so many letters, words, sentences, and paragraphs that she pondered
but every time she opened her mouth
the scratchy invisible barrier, that was dug and buried deep inside of her halted her
Zack Ripley Aug 2021
I dare you.
I dare you to breathe.
I dare you to think.
Think about yourself.
Do something for yourself.
Because you have the rest of your life
to do things for everyone else.
Elizabethanne Aug 2021
I loved him
and was thorough washing out every dark hurt of his
Twisting him into stained glass
so he would burn colours when the sun hit him
I needed people to see his beauty just as I did
turning him into a place of worship I allowed him power-
with my utter reverence
Leaving when I was done
He burdened me by saying
"he yearned for someone who shinned just as bright"
My broken heart was beating with disbelief
after spending all my love trying to fix him
Leaving myself
full of broken down doors and water logged ceilings
I think I took it too far and I have nothing-
left to gain from holding onto you
Now creating my very own stained glass body
I'll paint in the lessons of this love
for the next person who comes in
I will not make you into something larger than legend
I will not lose myself to love you
was I reckless to love you so much you became art
David Adamson Aug 2021
Fiery light from a dying star
Cools against your mocha thigh.
Desire formed like fingers
Rustles your hair’s dark light.

Body to body and breath to breath,
We are here and nowhere else.
Unposted selves,
Love without likes,
Hands without keyboards,
Voices in air,
The absence of absence.
RQ Jul 2021
i see you in my dreams
i see you in my visions
although you are not mine
i think about you all the time
no one compares to you
you make me happy
you bring me joy
you may not know it yet
i pray someday you will
time will come to pass
because i like you a lot
i really do
all i ever think about is you
i like you a lot
Elizabethanne Jul 2021
Forgive this Father
I hear those angels speaking of providence
A weight on my shoulders reminding me I could be holy
This is all my mothers ever wanted for me
Bear witness Father
They whisper fire is the only way to cleanse
Ashes to ashes/ dust to dust
The trail of bodies left in the flames wake
Belong to no-one other then me
Hear this now Father
These sunset red lips are paradise to anyone
Who wishes to kiss them
The angels tell me I can use that to ease a sick soul
Trust in this father
I’m told I am only doing Gods work
Mark Wanless Jul 2021
the wonders of the
universe abound look at
them first then we think
BlackWhite Jul 2021
To be treated with dignty and respect.

To be told the Truth.

To be listened to and be heard

A sincere and meaningful acceptance, that I was misunderstood.

That is all I expected, still expect and will always do.

Rest all doesn't matter, never did, neither will.

That's how simple life is, Why to complicate it?
life is simple and precious, why oreburden it?
Life only give us one chance, for second we must make an effort
Brett Jul 2021
Everybody passes the buck. We pass it to politicians
They pass it to private owners
Who pass it right on down back to us.
We’re too lazy, nobody wants to work.
Flippin’ burgers at McDonald’s isn’t worth
More than a couple bucks. Give us your life
Give us your labor
We’ll give you death; once we finish
Using you up.
Condemned in the womb of your windowless room.
Attached at the brain, phone chargers like chains
Keeping you lame.
Double click for your fame, lay to sleep all the sane
As they point fingers of blame away from their face.
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