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Sam May 2018
You're stupid.
A bigot with nothing better to do
You just want to upset people
Because you got your ego crushed
You're just an
Jessica S May 2018
We drink alcohol
and smoke cigarettes
and kiss stupid boys
that don't care about us
Just to forget about
We want to feel the rush
the adrenalin
because in reality
we have that boring job
and that one stupid boy
that doesn't text back.
reality hurts
and we don't want to feel pain
Nyx May 2018
In the heat of the moment
We do things LOUD
We do things BOLD
We do things C R A Z Y

In the heat of the moment
You forget who you are
You forget who you love
You forget about the world

In the heat of the moment
You don't stop to Think
You don't stop to wonder
You don't stop to worry

In the heat of the moment
When two hearts beat as one
It is in that final moment
When you know the devil has WON
We do stupid things in the heat of the moment
Nicole May 2018
I feel so angry
And I can't bring myself
To bleed out these feelings
Across this digital landscape
Because of course I'm in love with you

I don't know if I want to be anymore
So I'll let this blood pool

It seems as though
Everyone I am in love with
Causes me the most damage
While the ones I love less
Seem to love me the most

What a disgusting dichotomy
I feel so stuck in this

I love you
I hate you
I want to die
I don't care at all
I'm crying on my porch
I don't understand what to do
I don't know what I need

I say I need space
You turn around and say
It'll make you want to leave me
I guess if it's such an easy thought
Then it doesn't matter that much

And if I leave you myself
Then this will have all been for nothing
All that hurt
And all that love
All of the struggles we pulled through
Thrown away over one night
One "mistake"
That you probably don't see as one

It's as if you don't know me at all
Broken promises cannot be forgotten
Trust and respect
Those are everything to me
My entire existence originates there
You knew I'd be angry
But you chose to continue instead
So why do I even care
If you clearly don't?
Nicole May 2018
I feel so alone
Trapped in this life
To me
Intimacy is defined by trust
And since I have issues with that
I'm simply empty
We were so good at one point
Then things changed
And now I don't trust you
I chose not to see you today
I didn't even want to talk
What's happening to me?
What's happening to us?
I feel like nothing
I am not happy
Yet I don't know what to do about it
I could stay with you
With the hopes of fighting this storm
Or I could leave
And forever question my decision
There is nothing easy about this
Loving you used to be so simple
It used to make so much sense
Now I'm not so sure
Nicole May 2018
Honesty and transparency
Sounds like ******* to me
You promise me one thing
I guess that's not what you mean
The thing I was afraid of
What you promised not to do
Then as soon as we're apart
It's all about you
I'm sick of this dumb ****
I don't even care about the specifics
It's the fact that you disrespected me
And that your word doesn't mean ****
I'm stuck in this anger
Alternating with sadness
What once was great love
Has been consumed into madness
The funniest part is
You don't even know
Because I found out from a friend
To whom your promise never showed
So what do I do?
I'm consumed in these feelings
None of its positive
And my mind won't stop reeling
Then comes tomorrow
I can already see it
If I call you out
You'll go on your own fit
Because you had a bad experience
And I should just feel bad for you
But honestly right now
I want nothing to do with you
Zack May 2018
picture an awkward scenario
as bad as the cringiest tv show
that's funny, despite being no joke
threatening to consume my world, whole

there was a girl from home I knew
from childhood, and with whom I grew
romantically ambiguous, but cool
great lifelong friend, through and through

but here in college, I have met
a kindred soul, who thus has led
a life of forced and rushed success
and, like me, is now rather depressed

and yes, I fell in love with her,
as if under a familiar curse
an emotional and unquenchable thirst
for companionship, and far, far worse

and here does the dilemma arise
a barrier guarding the sought for prize
peculiar, in where its roots do lie
one so dangerous, that I may now die

oh, of the sheer and utter shame
from the depths of which, i cannot be saved
for of the two, one I now betray
along with the other, have the same name
a dramatized version of actual events
Nyx Apr 2018

My arm's covered in scars
Well kinda just a few
But its not exactly what you think
I've got a good explanation for this

I'm not suicidal
Just stupid

That is my line now
I have to repeat it each day
Because people now think i hurt myself
And they don't quite know what to say

I was baking cookies in class
And I accidentally turned the tray
So the hot metal burnt my arm
I swear that I'm okay

Four scars now line my arm
But I'm not at all phased
I decorate and fill it with colour
And all my friends tend to praise

I'm glad I have people concerned for me
I'm glad I have people who care
But even if I am secretly hurt
I won't allow my issues to air

I'm not suicidal
Just Stupid

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