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Noma Osburn Sep 2020
Enlightenment came into the world
with Jesus from above
His teachings brought understanding
His purpose to teach love

But man loves the darkness
In the darkness he can hide
His lust and hunger for the flesh
sins molded into shame abides

He shows his fear of exposure
Of who he really is
It breaks his composure
which light doesn’t miss

So step from the darkness into light
Do not tremble afraid of smite
For he sees your troubled heart
No matter what you do

For he has the power to forgive
And wash away sins too
So in the light man can live
No matter the dark
No matter who
Erik Luo Sep 2020
We are on a road
Towards eternal bliss
It takes infinite awareness
And endless patience

We are always in it
It has no beginning or end
It can be infinitely long
or endlessly short

Like falling down forever
without ever hitting the ground
you might feel painfully afraid
or extremely blessed

We are conditioned
To believe it is long
That we need to run for a while
To be able to see love comes on

The concept of happiness
Is learned without questioning
For why does it need a cause
Or requires something in exchange

The road to bliss is right here
You can feel it in your heart
To know what you desire
keeps you running forever

Unconditional happiness
Is experienced through awareness
Of the infinite brilliance of creation
And the endless beauty of existence

Have you ever thought about
The chances of your existence?
Of all the things you see around you?
Of the infinite causation
it took for all of this to happen?

The existence of heaven is right here
You only need a little gratitude to hear
To finally see everything with love
and never take it for granted for lack

And you get to decide how long you'll walk
To see and feel the love in your heart
And breathe it deep in
through the bliss in the air

What will you choose?
You decide
Because in the end
It's just you walking
Just you dreaming
Just you loving
Just you...
Breathe in that sweet bliss
Sanjali Sep 2020
Whisper me the story
Of a man walking through woods
His bare feet on warm earth
And his ragged face in a hood.

Sing to me his thoughts
The life of his green eyes
The mirth of his fingers
And the peace in his smile.

Mumble to me the language
That he spoke to old trees
The sweet embraces he left
To fragrant petals in the breeze.

Tell me a story
Of the man of the woods
Who slept under starry nights
And woke up to the truth.
Erik Luo Sep 2020
The sound of your being
Echoed in that faint refrain
Where we were true and free
Until we learn to hide and escape

The great love of existence
Decided to help us learn our own essence
So we were born into the fear
of being our self without tears

To bring balance into this self-knowing
We had to learn to be who we are not
In order to see
that we are who we choose to be

There is a deep and pure state
Where we are free and full of grace
As we acted without fears
We learn to love all that we are

Being in this unity
of all the selves that exist
inside of you from all your dreams
You learned the truth of love and pain

And as you lived,
and loved,
and suffered
You became
This beautiful thing
You became
Who you are meant to be
A simple one, I hope you can be who you truly are
Bryce Sep 2020
Been through a path of darkness
My candles flame was erased
****** foundations and worldly beliefs eviscerated
That's what despair does to a man
But the body is a cauldron,
Constantly being refined by life's tribulations
Spirit, soul and heart are the source fire
At the end of the darkness
A new man is reborn
Shedding the guild, self-hate, demons in his mind
Misfortune is a knife used by time
Engraving the legacy of ones pain onto walls
Eventually the heart recovers
Rebuilding a man from an empty husk
Connected once more, the candles flame rekindled
Three years of suppression
Turns into an expression of undying will
"Once a Warrior will always remain as a Warrior."
It is strange how the words of another can invoke the slumbering depths of ones being. Thank you Yang, The body is undying as long a steadfast mentality backs it up.
Chad Young Sep 2020
O diver, crush this body of union, to possess
a greater diamond.
Alas, all earthly joy is crushed by the wet
All spirituality seems to turn back to the
Spiritual images, though seen, are not felt.
Spirit only reaches out, but finds just another
human, some invisible princess to grasp with its
Should I pray, meditate, study, practice, smoke, or do nothing.
Erik Luo Sep 2020
I shall speak to you about that gold
That you held deep inside without being told
It is there since you were born
And it grows every day through your hurt

What really matters
Is not what you have
But what you are
What you choose to be

It takes great awareness
Often through deep pain and sadness
To have the amount of self-knowledge
To be able to love existence

It is a beautiful paradox
That which makes you the most whole
Are all the scars that you have gone through
It defines your essence and completes your soul

I see myself in you
It is so beautiful
And I love you
For your existence

What determines our worthiness
Is nothing but the choice
Of great love and acceptance
Of the beauty in your existence

For that is enough
The taste of your presence
The scent of your being
And the sound of your soul

That’s all I need
You are worthy of everything
Erik Luo Sep 2020
The endless dream is once again here
To sing a song about you, dear
Of how you carried those scars
That was given to you by these tears

Like the rain, it falls
Onto you cheek and down to your heart
It holds the sadness like a hand
Seeping into the depth of your chant

Of where you reside
Ageless and innocent
And once again, it made a noise
Like a cry but without eyes

And then up the spine
Where your mind hides
It holds onto those fears
And it speaks of more tears

Like the dust, it falls down
Onto our soul without a sound
It is only in that light
That we see them materialize

Through that endless flow
we began to forget
Of what was there before
and what is still there now

I hope you can see
The you beyond your heart
The you that knows the art
of hearing the sounds of our hurt

The words that were said
It melts away like the snow
And like those tears, it will drop
Onto the color of your ego

Forgiveness is like the ocean
Through which we felt the passion
Of life and love and existence
Towards that beautiful essence

It is made out of those tears
That we had when we are apart
And as we come together here
We said to each other

“I’m sorry for hurting you.”
And then we moved,
and waved,
and merged
Into love...
I hope this makes you feel better
Lisa Ann Noe Sep 2020
Love thy Neighbor
By Lisa NoeCat

The violence is everywhere
It’s tearing me apart
In the churches, in the schools
No one follows the golden rule

Snipers randomly shooting down
Innocent citizens hitting ground
Black hates white, white hates black
Jews, Muslims, Christians they all lack

Love and compassion to join as one force
Fight our demons and set a new course
Bring together a world with no war
Stop treating earth as if it’s a *****

Be able to walk the streets day and night
Not be worried or overcome with fright
Raise your children, teach them to love
All their neighbors come push and shove

Shepherd the earth and keep it well
Only time will tell
We’ve polluted our fields and our streams
We’ve taken from God’s dream

He gave this earth as a home so pure
We’re destroying it, turning it to a sewer
Robbing coal and oil
Poisoning the soil

This world has just gone mad
Each generation has had a fad
Children no longer play
They worry each day

Will the world soon end
It’s man’s doing you can depend
He’s writing his own destiny
The outcome in his hands you see

It can be turned around
Everybody make a sound
Say stop to hate,
Try to relate

Make your little piece of earth clean
Help others sight unseen
Realize we are just one race
Humans from every place

Each one bleeds red
Listen to what I’ve said
“Love thy neighbor
As you love yourself.”

60 lines
250 words
Copyright © lisa noe | Year Posted 2020
my poem was printed in blood rout magazine, in 2019
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