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neth jones Dec 2024
abrupt and business
              this winters day
perhaps it's apt
              that i keep   what i have to say
cold and short ?
winter solstice 2024
Jack Groundhog Dec 2024
The bleak sable night:
Leaden blanket drapes the world —
Supernova hope
Jack Groundhog Dec 2024
Many points of light
shine through blue streaks of hoarfrost —
One star leads the way
Jack Groundhog Dec 2024
Tangy, pungent, sweet
tastes and smells fill frosty air —
The solstice scented
Lawrence Hall Dec 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                        The O Antiphons, the Star, and Us

Solstice is not a time when the sun stands still
But rather a season when the sun stands aside
That we may better know the mysteries of deep night
In darkness just before deep Light returns

Out in the cold, and warmly wrapped in hope
We pray the O antiphons as we scan the sky
For the prophetic Star we long to see
The Star that guides us in our wanderings

Solstice is that season when the sun stands aside
So that eternal Dawn may then abide
O Antiphons, Winter Solstice
Emery Feine Sep 2024
It was a hot summer day
And I asked what your favorite season was
You said it was winter, you loved the snow
And that if there was a blizzard, we'd both go

So we came up with a plan
When the winter solstice took place
We'd go out into the snow
And we'd talk in the flurries and so

I waited for the winter solstice
And when it came, a blizzard did too
And I ran into a snow-covered field alone
The cold wind chilling me to the bone

I waited for you to come
And I waited for hours on end
And while my teeth chattered, and my hands turned blue
My heart warmed just thinking about you

And I waited until the disappearance of the sun
When I finally realized you weren't gonna come
But it was too late, the cold had touched my heart
And it stopped and would never again start
this is my 71st poem, written on 12/21/23.
Ander Stone Jan 2024
I went down those stairs,
And through that door,
Between the ancient columns
Of old and forgotten stone.

The air was made of crystals.

Hope danced above,
And around,
Flickering golden and silver
In the cold winter lights.

The air was made of crystals.

I could feel again,
As if the numbness thawed
In that single moment
Spent by the fireplace
Of someone willing to

The air was made of crystals.

And I went down those stairs,
And through that iron door,
And past those frost covered columns.

And the air was made of crystals.
neth jones Dec 2022
a glint
then, in love
a grenade of sunlight
the morning is sharply taken
bathing off of shots    from the reflective snow
17/11/21 - 1st version
Zywa Dec 2021
Please, Santa Claus, come

to me in Salvador, come --

on your camel-sledge.
"Santa in Savanna" (2019, Jesse Sambulo Nyakurwa Mhlanga)

Collection "SoulSenseSun"
Mark Toney Dec 2021
winter solstice comes
bare trees, long hibernation
~ don’t risk bleeding lips

gardens lie fallow
field mice attempting entry
~ long dark frigid nights

Mark Toney © 2021
Poetry form: Haiku (for you) - Winter solstice—Tuesday, December 21, 2021
The December solstice marks the start of winter, when the South Pole is tilted closest to the Sun, and the Sun’s rays are directly overhead at the Tropic of Capricorn. (The seasons are reversed in the Southern Hemisphere.) The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year.
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